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Number of visits: 190869

19/6/13    08:20 - 10:00
Multiscale Modeling of Cell Mechanics and Drug Delivery
Invited Session organized by Wing-Kam Liu and Franck Vernerey
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Marino Arroyo
CoChair: Franck Vernerey

Keynote Lecturer: Marino Arroyo
Reverse engineering the motility of euglenids

M. Arroyo*, L. Heltai, D. Millán and A. DeSimone

Force-driven aggregation of specific bonds on compliant substrates
A. Sarvestani*

Simulation of 3D coupled biomembrane dynamics with phase-field in a parallel environment based on PETSc
C. Peco* and M. Arroyo

Computational simulation of osteoporosis and its treatment by denosumab based on an integrated systems biology/micromechanical approach
S. Scheiner*, P. Pivonka, D.W. Smith, C.R. Dunstan and C. Hellmich

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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