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Number of visits: 190822

17/6/13    16:30 - 18:50
Unconventional Plasticity for Coupled Modelling
Invited Session organized by Koichi Hashiguchi and Valentina Salomoni
Room: R10
Chair: David R. Hayhurst

Keynote Lecturer: Vassilis Panoskaltsis
Decompositions of the stress and the rate of deformation tensors for materials undergoing phase transformations

V. Panoskaltsis*

Keynote Lecturer: David R. Hayhurst
Numerical analysis of the coupling between mechanical strain and thermal conductivity of ceramic matrix composites

D.R. Hayhurst*

Keynote Lecturer: Koichi Hashiguchi
Subloading surface model for description of general elastoplastic deformation/sliding phenomena

K. Hashiguchi* and V. Salomoni

Post-localization analysis of sands using micropolar elastoplastic models
M. Manzari* and K. Yonten

Extended subloading surface in a coupled hydro-(thermo-)mechanical formulation for geomaterials
V. Salomoni, K. Hashiguchi and R. Fincato*

Finite element analysis of terrain tire using unconventional constitutive equation for friction
S. Ozaki*, K. Hikida and W. Kondo

An unconventional plasticity approach for a coupled visco-elasto-plastic analysis for concrete
V. Salomoni*, K. Hashiguchi, G. Xotta and R. Fincato

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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