Monday, June 30th    11:30 - 12:30
Multiscale Simulations for Composite Materials and Mechanical Systems I
Minisymposium organized by Junzhi Cui, Xiu-Tian Yan, Geng Liu, Liyan Wu, Tianxiang Liu, Qin Xie and Qian Li
Room: CAS3.4
11:30 Two-Order and Two-Scale Analysis Method for the Structures of Composites with Quasi-Periodicity
Fang Su and Junzhi Cui

11:50 The Two-order and Two-scale Method in Cylindrical Coordinates for Mechanical Properties of Laminated Composite Cylindrical Structure
Fei Han, JunXhi Cui and YuFeng Nie

12:10 The Multiscale Analysis for Incompressible Flow of Maxwell Fluid
Jie Ouyang and Ling Zhang

Monday, June 30th    14:00 - 16:00
Multiscale Simulations for Composite Materials and Mechanical Systems II
Minisymposium organized by Junzhi Cui, Xiu-Tian Yan, Geng Liu, Liyan Wu, Tianxiang Liu, Qin Xie and Qian Li
Room: CAS3.4
14:00 A Quasi-Static Molecular Dynamics-Continuum Multiscale Model for Nano-Scale Contact Problems
Tianxiang Liu, Peter Wriggers and Geng Liu

14:20 An Adaptive Meshless Model for Thermal Elasto-Plastic Contact of Rough Surfaces
Geng Liu, Zheng Zhang and Tianxiang Liu

14:40 Domain Decomposition Method for Nonlinear Multiscale Analysis of Structures
Christian Rey, Julien Pebrel and Pierre Gosselet

15:00 Meshing Stiffness and Stress Analyses of Herringbone Gears
Liyan Wu, Geng Liu and Zhonghong Bu

15:20 Solution with a Domain-Decomposition Solver of a Multi-Alterated Structures Modeled in the Arlequin Framework
Nadia Elkhodja, François-Xavier Roux and Hashmi Ben Dhia

15:40 The Architecture of Collaborative Simulation Environment for Mechanical Product based on SRM
Xiaohui Yang, Geng Liu, Haiwei Wang, Zhaoxia He and Bing Han


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