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Invited Speakers

Prof. C. Barry Carter, Institute of Technology, University of Minnesota, USA
Topic: Critical Factors for Understanding Interfaces in Ceramics

Dr. Juan de la Figuera, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Topic: Near-surface dislocations observed by electronic and scanning surface microscopies

Dr. Sergiy Divinski, Inst. Materials Physics, U. Münster, Germany
Topic: Radiotracer investigation of diffusion, segregation and wetting phenomena in grain boundaries

Dr. Olivier Hardouin Duparc, Ecole Polytechnique, LSI, CNRS-CEA-X, France
Topic : Segregation: from atomistic calculations to experiments. A tentative overview.

Dr. Toyohiko J. Konno, Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Japan
Topic: TEM and STEM studies on the precipitation behavior of age-hardened alloys.

Prof. Ulrich Krupp, FH Osnabrück, University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Topic: Improving the resistance to intergranular cracking and corrosion by grain-boundary-engineering-type processing

Prof. Hideo Ohno, Lab. Nanoelectronics and Spintronics, Tohoku University, Japan
Topic: Materials science and physics of ferromagnetism in semiconductors

Dr. Pablo Ordejón, Institut Ciencia de Materials, CSIC, Barcelona, Spain
Topic: Studies of materials interfaces from First Principles

Dr. Steve Pennycook, Condensed Matter Sciences Division, ORNL, USA
Topic: Structure/property relations at grain boundaries through aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy

Prof. Josep A. Planell, Dpt. Mater. Sci. & Metall. Eng., UPC, Spain
Topic: Bio-implant in metallic and ceramic surfaces.
Prof. Bob Pond, Dept. of Eng.,The University of Liverpool, UK
Topic: Geometrical and Physical Models of Martensitic Transformations in Ferrous Alloys

Prof. Ian M. Robertson, Dept. Mater. Sci and Eng., University of Illinois, USA
Topic: Interactions of dislocations with interfaces.

Prof. Ekhard Salje, Dept of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, UK
Topic: Rapid transport along intra-grain boundaries

Prof. Christopher Schuh, DMSE Faculty, MIT, USA
Topic: The Microstructure-Property Relationship in Grain Boundary Engineered Materials

Dr. Roni Shneck,  Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Isreal
Topic: Phase diagram of nanoparticles: solid-liquid and solid-solid phase equilibria

Prof. Lasar, S. Shvindlerman, I. Solid State Physics Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia
Topic: Grain Boundary Junction Motion and the Evolution and  Stability of Nanomaterials

Prof. A P Sutton, Department of Physics, Imperial College London, UK
Topic: New explorations of the configurational phase spaces of interfaces

Prof. Antoni Tomsia, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Topic: Kinetics of high temperature liquid spreading

Prof. Helena Van Swygenhoven, Mater. Sci. & Simul.,  Paul Scherrer Inst., Switzerland 
Topic: Nanostructured materials

Dra Ulrike G.K. Wegst, Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab., USA
Topic: "Interfaces in biological materials"

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