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Submission of Contributions

Authors are invited to submit individual contributions to any of the Congress topics listed in the Call for Contributions. Both, registration and submission of abstracts and, once being accepted, final contribution, should be electronic clicking here

Format instructions
Full instructions for writing and submitting contributions are available here. Authors are asked to send their collaborations in .pdf format. Other formats will not be accepted.

Acknowledgement of receipt of abstract
The receipt of an abstract will be acknowledged automatically via email. The preliminary program will be posted on the Congress website few months prior to the Congress

Author Notification
As at the iib2004 in Belfast, iib2007 will be organized in plenary sessions with invited talks and few oral presentations plus extensive poster sessions with plenty of discussion time. The acceptance of the contribution either as oral presentation or poster will be notified in the acceptance letter. Acceptance / Rejection letters will be sent according to the schedule

Author Registration
Acceptance of papers for presentation is conditional to receiving the final version of the contribution and the payment of at least one author's congress registration fee during the advance period. Information available here

Abstracts will be included in the Book of Abstracts after the registration fee is paid by one of the authors. Papers will be published in Journal of Materials Science. Authors should upload the manuscripts to the journal web site.

Authors should log in The first stage of the process of entering the general information on the article to be submitted includes a pull-down menu which indicates the type of submission. One of the options will read iib2007 Special Issue.

Technical Details for Oral Presentation
All sessions have one LCD projector, one desktop PC, one laser pointer and one projection screen. Presentation files may be created in Adobe Acrobat .pdf (recommended) or Microsoft Power Point.

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain. / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 / 97 -- Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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