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12/7/2007    11:00 - 11:50
Poster Session 5 and Coffee Break
Room: Polyvalent Room
Chair: Antoni Tomsia
Chair: Pablo Ordejon
TEM study of the structure of Au nano-particles on CeO2
T. Akita, K. Tanaka, M. Kohyama

A fast method for determining favourable crystallographic orientation relationships and interface planes: application to titanium biomaterials
E. Conforto, D. Caillard

Influence of the position of the spot welding between Al alloy and steel by FSW
I. Drouelle, T. Baudin, A. Robineau, J.C. Goussain

Interface Characterization of Nanostructured Au/TiC Catalysts by HREM and Electron Holography
S. Ichikawa, S. Takeda, T. Akita, K. Tanaka, M. Kohyama

Wear-induced Microstructure in Ni/Cu Nano-multilayers
T. Hattori, Y. Kaneko, S. Hashimoto

Microstructure and Vickers Hardness of Co/Cu Multilayers Fabricated by Electrodeposition
Y. Kaneko, H. Sakakibara, S. Hashimoto

Characterisation of interface structure of nitrided/oxided NiTi surface
J. Lelatko, T. Goryczka, P. Paczkowski, T. Wierzchoń, H. Morawiec

Microstructure, magnetic and mechanical properties of Co/α-Al2O3 nanocomposite powders cold-consolidated by high pressure torsion
E. Menéndez, J. Sort, G. Salazar-Alvarez, S. Suriñach, A.P. Zhilyaev, M.D. Baró, J. Nogués

Interfacial reactions of SiC coatings on W and W-Re substrates
J. Roger, Y. Le Petitcorps, F. Audubert

Silver Nanoparticle Coatings on Optical Glass
V. Torres, M. Popa, D. Crespo, J.M. Calderón-Moreno

The Application of Damage Interface Model to the Study of the Structural Integrity of Cement-Steel Casing
A. Vieira, S. de Barros, S. Torres, N. Barbosa

Effect of coherency on coarsening of second phase precipitates in Cu-base alloys
D. Watanabe, C. Watanabe, R. Monzen

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