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12/7/2007    16:15 - 17:05
Poster Session 6 and Tea Break
Room: Polyvalent Room
Chair: Robert Pond
Chair: Wayne Kaplan
Structural Transition of [001] Symmetric Tilt Grain Boundaries in Nb-Doped SrTiO3
S.-Y Choi , N. Shibata , T. Mizoguchi , T. Yamamoto , Y. Ikuhara

Core-Shell Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
P. Guardia, X. Batlle, A. Labarta, J.M. Calderón-Moreno

Interface Controlled Active Fracture Modes in Glass-Ceramics
P. Kavouras, Th. Kehagias, Ph. Komninou, K. Chrissafis, C. Charitidis, Th. Karakostas

BiFeO3 films on steel substrate prepared by the citrate route
M. Popa, S. Preda, V. Fruth, K. Sedlácková, C. Balázsi, D. Crespo, J.M. Calderón-Moreno

First Principles Study of three-component SrTiO3/BaTiO3/PbTiO3 Ferroelectric Superlattices
S.H. Shah, P.D. Bristowe

Oxide Interface Characterization with Aberration Corrected Electron Probes
M. Varela, H.M Christen, H.N. Lee, S.J. Pennycook, W. Luo, S. Pantelides, J. Garcia-Barriocanal, C. Leon, J. Santamaria

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