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13/7/2007    11:20 - 12:20
Poster Session 7 and Coffee Break
Room: Polyvalent Room
Chair: Alex King
Chair: Philomela Komninou
Study of the Adhesion Resistance between Two Overmolded Materials Using EWF
M.V. Candal, A. Gordillo, O.O. Santana, J. Sánchez

Surface energy controlled α-γ-α transformation texture and microstructure character study in ULC steels alloyed with Mn and Al
J. Gautam, R. Petrov, L. Kestens

An AFM Study of Plasticity in Rutile TiO2(110) Surfaces
V. Navarro, O. Rodríguez de la Fuente, A. Mascaraque, J.M. Rojo

Segregation Profile Oscillations Originating from Surface-induced Bond Energy Variations
L. Rubinovich, M. Polak

Temperature dependent Surface segregation in CuPd alloys: theory and experiment confronted.
M. Schurmans, J. Luyten, C. Creemers, V. Tinkov

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