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13/7/2007    15:40 - 16:40
Poster Session 8 and Tea
Room: Polyvalent Room
Chair: Satoshi Hashimoto
Chair: Theodoros Karakostas
Silver Nanoparticles Coatings on Silica Spheres
J.C. Flores, M. Popa, D. Crespo, J.M. Calderón-Moreno

Electronic behavior of devices based on electrochemically deposited polypyrrole and polyparaphenylene composites
I. Golovtsov, A. Öpik

Interatomic potential study of (Al,In)N/GaN interfaces
J. Kioseoglou, E. Kalessaki, G.P. Dimitrakopulos, Ph. Komninou, Th. Karakostas

Polysilicon grain growth from amorphised polycrystalline thin layers
J. Kioseoglou, Ph. Komninou, G.P. Dimitrakopulos, I. Antoniades, M.K. Hatalis, Th. Karakostas

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