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Number of visits: 94485

Monday, June 6th

09:30 - 10:50

10:50 - 11:10
Welcome Address

11:10 - 12:00
Plenary 1
Room: Amphitheatre 3
Chair: Juan José Ródenas
Model Verification through Guaranteed Upper Bounds: State of the Art and Challenges
P. Ladeveze

12:00 - 13:30

13:30 - 14:20
Plenary 2
Room: Amphitheatre 3
Chair: H. Ben Dhia
Model Reduction for Anisotropic Models Governed by Parabolic Partial Differential Equations
S. Perotto

14:30 - 15:50
Error Estimates I MoA01
Room: Amphitheatre 4
Chair: Régis Cottereau
Natural Quantities of Interest in Linear Elastodynamics for Goal Oriented Error Estimation and Adaptivity
F. Verdugo, P. Díez and F. Casadei

Control of Modeling Errors in Neutron Transport Simulations
L. Chamoin and L. Desvillettes

A posteriori Error Estimates for MITC Plate Elements
J. Niiranen, L. Beirao da Veiga and R. Stenberg

Estimates of Uncertainty Errors for a Magnetostatics Problem
I.B. Anjam, O.J. Mali, P. Neittaanmäki and S.I. Repin

Adaptive Meshing I MoA02
Room: Amphitheatre 5
Chair: Guillaume Puel
Application of Anisotropic Goal-Oriented Unsteady Mesh Adaptation to Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics
A. Belme, F. Alauzet and A. Dervieux

3D Thermo-Mechanical Simulation Coupled with Adaptive Remeshing for Metal Milling
J. Zhang, A. Cherouat and H.  Borouchaki

Mesh Adaptation for Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Industrial Studies
S. Meunier and R. Fernandes

Combined Tensor-Based Refinement Criteria for Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation in Ship Wave Simulation
J.  Wackers, G. Deng and M. Visonneau

15:50 - 16:20
Coffee Break

16:20 - 18:00
Error Estimates II MoE01
Room: Amphitheatre 4
Chair: Ludovic Chamoin
Error Estimation and Adaptivity of Diffuse-Interface Tumor-Growth Models
K.G. van der Zee, A. Hawkins-Daarud, S. Prudhomme and J.T. Oden

A Posteriori Error Estimation and Adaptivity for Optimal Steering of Mechanical Systems
H. Johansson, F. Larsson and K. Runesson

Error Estimation for the Coupling between a Deterministic Continuum Model and a Stochastic Discrete Model in the Arlequin Framework
C. Zaccardi, L. Chamoin, R.  Cottereau and H. Ben Dhia

Extension of t-Estimation to Finite Volumes Solvers
F. Fraysse, J. de Vicente and E. Valero

Adaptive Meshing II MoE02
Room: Amphitheatre 5
Chair: Fredrik Larsson
Domain Decomposition Methods with Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Convection-Reaction-Diffusion Problems
M. Simões and L. Ferragut

Adaptive Anisotropic Meshing for Incompressible Navier Stokes using a VMS solver with boundary layer
T. Coupez and E. Hachem

Multi-Fluid Buckling flows by level set and dynamic anisotropic mesh adaptation
H.C. Nguyen, H. Digonnet and T. Coupez

An Investigation of the Monotonicity Properties of BDF Schemes for Scalar Advection over Dynamic Meshes with Edge-Swapping
D. Isola, A. Guardone and G. Quaranta

Numerical Modeling of Elastic Wave Propagation by Adaptive Goal-Oriented Remeshing
B. Tie and D. Aubry

18:00 - 19:30
Cocktail ECP

Tuesday, June 7th

08:30 - 09:00
Coffee Break

09:00 - 09:50
Plenary 3
Room: Amphitheatre 3
Chair: Antonio Huerta
Certified Reduced Basis Methods for Parametrized Partial Differential Equations: From Components to Systems
A.T. Patera

09:50 - 10:40
Plenary 4
Room: Amphitheatre 3
Chair: Antonio Huerta
Adaptive Modeling and Simulation for Coupling Methods
S. Prudhomme, J.T. Oden, L. Chamoin and H. Ben Dhia

10:40 - 11:10
Coffee Break

11:10 - 12:30
Error bounds I TuM01
Room: Amphitheatre 4
Chair: Núria Parés Mariné
A Duality Based Error Estimation Approach for the Geometrically Exact Analysis of 3D Framed Structures
H.A.FA Santos and J.P. Moitinho de Almeida

A First Contribution to obtain Guaranteed Local Error Bounds in Elasto-Plasticity Problems
B. Blaysat, P. Ladevèze and E. Florentin

Effective and Strict Error Bounds on Quantities of Interest in Dynamics
J. Waeytens, L. Chamoin and P. Ladevèze

Construction of Admissible Fields and Goal-Oriented Error Estimation: Performances on Engineering Examples
F. Pled, L. Chamoin and P. Ladevèze

Adaptive Techniques I TuM02
Room: Amphitheatre 5
Chair: Philippe Bouillard
Adaptive Time Step Control for Fluid and Structure Problems
J. Rang

Control of Discretization Error and Adaptativity for Finite Element Problems Solved by Domain Decomposition
A. Parret-Fréaud, P. Gosselet and C. Rey

Numerical Experience with Transient Convection-Diffusion Problems: Adaptive Discretizations
J. de Frutos, B. García-Archilla and J. Novo

Refinement and Coarsening Least Squares Regression Criteria Applied to Laminar Unsteady Flows
D.M. Albuquerque, J.C. Pereira and J.C. Pereira

12:30 - 14:00

14:00 - 14:30
Plenary 5
Room: Amphitheatre 3
Chair: Pedro Díez
Stabilized Finite Element Methods for Reducing Dispersion and Polarization of Elastic Waves
I. Harari, R. Ganel and E. Grosu

14:40 - 16:00
Error bounds II TuA01
Room: Amphitheatre 4
Chair: Eric Florentin
Equilibrated Patch Recovery for Accurate Evaluation of Upper Error Bounds in Quantities of Interest
O.A. González-Estrada, J.J. Ródenas, E. Nadal, S.P. Bordas and P. Kerfriden

Exact Satisfaction of Boundary Equilibrium to obtain Upper Error Bounds in Energy Norm using MLS Recovery Techniques
O.A. González-Estrada, J.J. Ródenas, F.J. Fuenmayor and F. Chinesta

Meshless Methods in Dual Analysis: Theoretical and Implementation Issues
V. Ivannikov, C. Tiago, J.P. Moitinho de Almeida and P. Díez

How Bad XFEM Behaves at Estimating Fluxes close to the Interface and how to improve that Behavior
R.  Cottereau and P. Diez

Adaptive Techniques II TuA02
Room: Amphitheatre 5
Chair: Javier de Frutos
Dynamic Adaptation Method for Running Wave Problems with Nonlinear Heat Conduction
P.V. Breslavsky, A.V. Mazhukin and V.I. Mazhukin

Adjoint-Based Error Control for the Simulation of Gas and Water Supply Networks
P. Domschke, O. Kolb and J. Lang

On Adaptive Control of the Fine-Scale Accuracy in Two-Scale Finite Element Analysis
F. Larsson and K. Runesson

Model Updating in Acoustics based on Local Error Estimators
A. Progneaux, Ph. Bouillard, A. Deraemaeker and P. Ladevèze

16:00 - 16:30
Coffee Break

16:30 - 18:10
Goal-oriented I TuE01
Room: Amphitheatre 4
Chair: Pierre Ladeveze
Explicit and Implicit Residual-Type Goal-Oriented Error Estimators for XFEM in LEFM - (KEYNOTE LECTURE)
E. Stein, T. Gerasimov and M. Rüter

Robust Goal-Oriented Error Estimation in the Stochastic Framework
E. Florentin, L. Chamoin, S. Pavot and V. Visseq

Error Estimation for Hartree-Fock Computations on Bounded Domains
A. Fau and D. Aubry

Goal-Oriented Error Estimates and Adaptivity for Wave Propagation Problems
P. Díez, N. Parés, L.M. Steffens and M.K. Alves

Model reduction TuE02
Room: Amphitheatre 5
Chair: Simona Perotto
A Proper Generalized Decomposition for the Parametrized Wave Problem
D. Modesto, S. Zlotnik and A. Huerta

Energy Preserving Reduced Order Models
M. Hamdaoui, P. Breitkopf and P. Villon

A New Hierarchical Model Reduction-Reduced Basis Technique for Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Problems
M. Ohlberger and K. Smetana

Model Reduction of Parametrized Evolution Problems using the Reduced Basis Method with Adaptive Time Partitioning
M. Dihlmann, M. Drohmann and B. Haasdonk

AMR Methods in Solids Mechanics for Pellet-Cladding Interaction Modelling
L. Barbié, I. Ramière, F. Lebon and J. Sercombe

20:00 - 23:00
Conference Dinner

Wednesday, June 8th

08:30 - 09:00
Coffee Break

09:00 - 10:20
Optimisation and inverse problems WeM01
Room: Amphitheatre 4
Chair: Denis Aubry
Validation of Metamodeling Strategies for Probability Assessment in a Non-Intrusive Stochastic Finite Element Context
J. Lebon, R. Filomeno Coelho, P. Bouillard and P. Breitkopf

Bayesian Updating of Uncertanties in the Description of Heat and Moisture Transport in Heterogenous Materials
B.  Rosic, H.G. Matthies, A. Litvinenko, O. Pajonk, A. Kucerova and J.  Sykora

Spatial Field Identification using Adaptive Mesh Refinement
G. Puel and D. Aubry

CFD Inverse Problems Solved by Hybrid Mesh/Mesless Methods using EAs and Nash Games on Multi-element Airfoils in Aerodynamics
H. Wang, D.S. Lee, J. Periaux and H.Q. Chen

Numerical Methods WeM02
Room: Amphitheatre 5
Chair: Bing TIE
Modeling of Pulsed Laser Action on Metals using Dynamically Adapting Grids
V.I. Mazhukin, A.V. Mazhukin and M.M. Demin

A Meshless Method based on Taylor Series
Y. Tampango, M. Potier-Ferry and Y. Koutsawa

Illusions and Reality of an Observer at a Shrinking Planet
V.O. Groppen

Structural Shape Optimization using the Finite Element Method over Polynomial Algebra
C. Gouttebroze

10:20 - 10:50
Coffee Break

10:50 - 12:30
ATCOME session WeA01
Room: Amphitheatre 4
Chair: Jose Paulo Almeida
An Implicit Agglomeration-Based Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Compressible Flows
F. Bassi, L. Botti, A. Colombo, A. Guidoni and S. Rebay

On the Use of Meshless Methods for the Development of High-Accurate Finite Volume Schemes
L. Ramirez, X. Nogueira, S. Khelladi, J.-C Chassaing and I. Colominas

On the Advantages of the Use of Cartesian Grid Solvers in Shape Optimization Problems
E. Nadal, J.J. Ródenas, J.E. Tarancón and F.J. Fuenmayor

Wave Propagation in Smart Structures Through Numerical Approach
T. Huang, N. Ichchou, O.A. Bareille and M. Collet

A Hybrid Approach for the Calculation of the Scattering Properties of Joints
J.M. Renno and B.R. Mace

12:30 - 14:00
Lunch + Closing Remarks