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This area is for Authors only

Submission of abstracts, as well as conference registration should be performed electronically via the conference web site

About Draft and Extended Abstract Submission

  • One page draft Abstract (300 words approx) describing the main features of the work before October 4, 2006.

  • The extended abstract in format of publication (to be included in the congress proceedings) will be required by February 15, 2007. Download Template

Once registered, to modify the information or add/modify the files of the abstract and extended abstract we kindly ask you to log in as registered people in order to avoid double registrations. Authors are asked to send their collaborations in .pdf format. Other formats are not accepted by the system.

Please note that acceptance of papers for presentation is conditional to receiving the extended abstract in format for publication and the payment of the contact author's congress registration fees before February 15, 2007. The contact author should be the lecturer. Only one presentation per registration is allowed.

Feel free to contact the Conference Secretariat ( for any further information.

Download Template

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