Hyperbolic type explicit kinetic scheme of magnetogasdynamics for high performance computing systems
B. Chetverushkin*, N. D‘Ascenzo and V. Saveliev
Highly parallel implementation and optimization of domain decomposition based algorithms
L. Riha, T. Brzobohaty* and A. Markopoulos
Large scale parallel MPS-FE fluid structure interaction simulation system using adventure_solid and LexADV_EMPS
T. Yamada*, N. Mitsume, S. Yoshimura and K. Murotani
Fully Coupled Multiphase Simulation of a bottom-spray Wurster Coater using a hybrid CPU/GPU CFD/DEM Approach
E. Siegmann*, C. Radeke and J.G. Khinast
PreCICE – A parallel and efficient coupling library for partitioned multi-physics simulations
F. Lindner*, M. Mehl and B. Uekermann