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Number of visits: 241395

Sunday, May 17

17:00 - 19:00
Registration and Ice-breaking Reception

Monday, May 18

08:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 11:30
Opening Ceremony
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed
11:30 - 13:00
Plenary Lectures I
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Eugenio Oñate

FIVER: A computational framework for compressible multi-material problems with second-order convergence rate
Ch. Farhat*

Particle methods in coupled problems
S.R. Idelsohn*, N. Nigro, P. Becker and J.M. Gimenez

Finite swelling and fracture of biological tissues, hydrogels and shale: A micro and macro analysis
J.M.  Huyghe*, C.  Yu, J. Ding, E.  Remij, K.  Malakpoor, J.J.C.  Remmers and S.  Musa

13:00 - 14:00

14:00 - 16:00
IS - Computational Models and Methods for Multiphysics Processes in Multiphase Porous Media I
Invited Session organized by Lorenzo Sanavia and Claudio Tamagnini
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Lorenzo Sanavia
Co-Chair: Claudio Tamagnini

Keynote Lecture: A domain decomposition solution of soil-structure interaction problems in porous media considering uncertainties
G. Stavroulakis, M. Papadrakakis *, D. Giovanis and V. Papadopoulos

Fluid-porous-media interaction: A decoupled solution algorithm via localised Lagrange multipliers
S. Zinatbakhsh* and W. Ehlers

A Finite volume technique for treating the geomechanics-fluid flow coupling in porous media
G.G. Ribeiro and C.R. Maliska*

Hybrid-Trefftz finite elements for multiphase soils
I.D. Moldovan*, J.A. Teixeira de Freitas and T.D. Cao

Finite strains fully coupled analysis of a horizontal wellbore drilled through a porous rock formation
N. Spiezia*, V. Salomoni and C.E. Majorana

Simulation of consolidation in large strains: A comparison between finite element method and material point method
N. Spiezia, F. Ceccato*, V. Salomoni and P. Simonini

IS - Coupled Thermomechanical Modeling of Material Forming Processes
Invited Session organized by Carlos Agelet de Saracibar and Jean-Philippe Ponthot
Room: Sala Teatro
Chair: Carlos Agelet de Saracibar
Co-Chair: Jean-Philippe Ponthot

Multiscale modeling of the micro-plasto-hydrodynamic lubrication, a crucial mechanism for friction in metal forming
Y. Carretta, R. Boman, N. Legrand, M. Laugier and J.-P. Ponthot*

Finite element simulation of the thermomechanical material behaviour in the electron beam melting process for Ti6Al4V
D. Riedlbauer*, P. Steinmann and J. Mergheim

Numerical methods in simulation of resistance welding
C.V. Nielsen*, P.A.F. Martins, W. Zhang and N. Bay

Experimental-numerical methodology for the manufacturing of cranial prosthesis via laser forming
F.I. Cook*, D.J. Celentano and J. Ramos-Grez

Coupled effect of humidity temperature and strain rate in PA 66; experimental and modelling
N. Billon*, V. Fabre, G. Quandalle, S. Cantournet and J-L. Bouvard

A magneto-thermo-metallurgical finite element model applied to induction hardening processes
M. Spezzapria*, M.  Forzan and F. Dughiero

IS - Coupled and Multi-Scale Bioengineering Applications I
Invited Session organized by Eduardo Divo and Alain J. Kassab
Room: Sala Basaglia
Chair: Alain J. Kassab

Keynote Lecture: Effects of reverse Blalock-Taussig shunt diameter in the setting of the hybrid Norwood palliative treatment: A multi-scale CFD analysis of synthetic and patient specific anatomies
A. Ceballos*, L. Blanchette, E. Divo, I.R. Argueta-Morales, A. Kassab and W.M. DeCampli

A fluid-structure-scalar-scalar interaction model with application to early atherosclerosis progression
M.P. Thon* and M.W. Gee

A parallel fully-coupled fluid-structure interaction simulation of a cerebral aneurysm
A. Eken and M. Sahin*

A multi-scale CFD analysis of Patient Specific Geometries for different LVAD implantation configurations under Pulsatile Flow conditions: An investigation into Thrombo-Embolism formation to reduce stroke risk
R. Prather*, E. Divo, I.R. Argueta-Morales, A. Kassab and W.M. DeCampli

Numerical simulation of fluid-structure interaction for a simplified model of the soft palate
M. Khalili*, M. Larsson and B. Müller

A tightly coupled multi-scale CFD analysis of the Fontan circulation
M. Ni*, A. Kassab, E. Divo, W.M. DeCampli and I.R. Argueta-Morales

Simulations of bubble collapse in a non-linear viscoelastic medium
M. Rodriguez* and E. Johnsen

IS - Multiphysics Simulations with Time Resolved Turbulent Flow Fields I
Invited Session organized by Dörte Carla Sternel and Miriam Mehl
Room: 2
Chair: Dörte Carla Sternel

A comparison of various quasi-Newton schemes for partitioned fluid-structure interaction
F. Lindner, M. Mehl, K. Scheufele and B. Uekermann*

Bidirectional coupling of acoustics and flow on massively parallel systems
V. Krupp*, H. Klimach, J. Zudrop and S. Roller

On in-situ visualization for strongly coupled partitioned fluid-structure interaction
O. Fernandes*, D.S. Blom, S. Frey, A.H. van Zuijlen, H. Bijl and T. Ertl

A hybrid LES/CAA method applied to a 3D shear flow simulation
O.  Labbé* and C. Peyret

Coupled CFD-CAA approach for rotating systems
M. Kaltenbacher*, A. Hüppe, A. Reppenhagen and W. Kuehnel

Embedded solvers for FSI problems
R. Rossi*, A. Larese, P. Dadvand, J. Cotela, R. Wüchner and H. Al Sofi

Electromagnetics I MoA05
Room: 3
Chair: Santiago Badia

Polyconvexity in the context of Large Strain Electromechanics
R. Ortigosa*, A.J. Gil and J. Bonet

Finite element analysis of flexo-thermo-piezo-magneto-electricity using Cosserat Micropolar Mechanics
R. Palma*, A.J. Gil and R. Ortigosa

High-efficiency design of magnetic actuator considering thermal-magnetic properties of permanent magnet
S. Lim, S. Min* and S. Nishiwaki

Coupled transient electromagnetics-mechanism simulation of coil-actuated circuit recloser
C. Simonidis* and V. Biagini

Optimisation of an electromechanical energy harvester through multi-physics approach
E. Bonisoli, N. Manca and M. Repetto*

Analysis of actuator system made of FGM using new electro-thermo-mechanical finite elements
J. Paulech*, J. Hrabovský, J. Murín and V. Kutiš

Fluid Structure Interaction I MoA06
Room: 6
Chair: Sergio R. Idelsohn

Numerical simulation of sloshing in fuel tanks using free-surface equations
T. Elizarova* and D. Saburin

Hybrid analytical-numerical methodology for computationally efficient pre-design analysis of fluid-estructure interaction
J. Rubio, S. Iakovlev and P. Diez*

A locally anisotropic fluid-structure interaction remeshing strategy for thin structures with application to a hinged rigid leaflet
F. Auricchio, A. Lefieux*, A.  Reali and A. Veneziani

Influence of frequency of exchanges in quasi-dynamic methods for transient conjugate heat transfer problems
G. Gimenez*, D. Baillis, Y. Smith and M. Errera

Coupled Problems in Structural Mechanics I MoA07
Room: 7
Chair: Eugenio Oñate

Multiscale modelling and molecular dynamics characterization of size effects in thin polymer films
F. Detrez*, J. Yvonnet and Q.-C. He

DtN-based mixed-dimensional coupling using a boundary stress recovery technique
Y. Ofir* and D. Givoli

Coupled problems and multi-scale computations of shockwave interaction with strain rate sensitive polymers
R. Barsoum*

3D simulation considering surface condition of wall in particle method
M. Yokoyama*, Y. Seta, K. Murotani and G. Yagawa

Complete formulation of the subloading surface model
K. Hashiguchi*

An experimental and numerical study of bird strike on a 7075 aluminum double plate
L. Jun* and L. Yulong

Coupled Fluid Flows I MoA08
Room: 8
Chair: Norberto Nigro

An embedded approach for immiscible multi-fluid problems
P.B. Ryzhakov* and A. Jarauta

Observable euler equations for inviscid regularized two phase flow simulation
T. Li and K. Mohseni*

Analysis on flow around a sphere at high mach number, low Reynolds number and adiabatic condition for high accuracy analysis of gas particle flows
T. Nagata*, T. Nonomura, S. Takahashi, Y. Mizuno and K. Fukuda

A path-conservative Osher-type scheme for simulating axially symmetric compressible flows in flexible tubes
J. Leibinger*, M. Dumbser, U. Iben and I. Wayand

Coupled simulation of shock waves in gas-particle mixtures introducing motion equations
Y. Mizuno*, S. Takahashi, T. Nonomura, T. Nagata and K. Fukuda

Numerical modeling of non-Newtonian biomagnetic fluid flow
K. Tzirakis*, L. Botti and Y. Papaharilaou

Geomechanics I MoA09
Room: 9
Chair: Günther Meschke

THM modelling of slides using the Material Point Method
F. Zabala*, N.M. Pinyol and E.E. Alonso

Application of higher-order elements for coupled analysis in geomechanics
M. Kardani*, M. Nazem and J.P. Carter

Coefficient of consolidation for soil – that elusive quantity
D. Wang, M.F. Randolph* and S. Gourvenec

On the solution of coupled porous media mechanics with hysteretic liquid retention behaviour
D. Pedroso*

Adaptive isogeometric finite element analysis of groundwater flow in heterogeneous media
Y.W. Bekele*, T. Kvamsdal, A.M. Kvarving and S, Nordal

Hydro-mechanical-damage behaviour of the Callovo-Oxfordian argillites upon drying
X.P. Nguyen*, B. Bary, C. Imbert and P. Sémété

16:00 - 16:30

16:30 - 18:30
IS - Computational Models and Methods for Multiphysics Processes in Multiphase Porous Media II
Invited Session organized by Lorenzo Sanavia and Claudio Tamagnini
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Dariusz Gawin
Co-Chair: Claudio Tamagnini

Keynote Lecture: The coupled problem of porous media fracture: Numerical simulation using phase-field modeling
B. Markert* and Y. Heider

Permeability models for enhanced geothermal systems with diffuse fractures using GFEM and micromechanics
J.J.  Timothy*, D.  Leonhart and G.  Meschke

Coupled numerical modelling of progressive failure in creeping constrained landslides under steady state and transient state conditions
P.W. Oberender* and A.M. Puzrin

Analysis of stress partitioning in biphasic mixtures based on a variational purely-macroscopic theory of compressible porous media: Recovery of Terzaghi‘s law
R. Serpieri*, F. Travascio, S. Asfour and L. Rosati

Analysis of coupled THM phenomena in clay barriers
B. Pomaro*, M. Sanchez, A. Gens, V. Salomoni and C.E. Majorana

THM modelling of multiphase geomaterials in dynamics at high temperature
T.D. Cao, L. Sanavia* and R. Santagiuliana

Numerical Methods for Coupled Problems I MoE02
Room: Sala Teatro
Chair: Pedro Díez

The coupled photoacoustic imaging problem: Inverse solution and a time-explicit hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin formulation
S. Schoeder, M. Kronbichler and W.A. Wall*

New purely hyperbolic advection-diffusion models for the numerical formulation of coupled problems
F. Navarrina*, C. Castro, H. Gomez, I. Colominas, J. París, X. Nogueira and M. Casteleiro

Anisotropic mesh adaptation for the computation of Lagrangian coherent structures
A. Garon*, A. Fortin, T. Briffard, J. Vétel and P. Miron

A reduced basis method for heterogeneous domain decomposition problems
I. Martini*, G. Rozza and B. Haasdonk

An extension to Nitsche type mortaring for non-conforming finite elements
S. Eiser*, A. Hüppe and M. Kaltenbacher

Assessment of the particle finite element method to solve primary atomization problems
N. Nigro*, J. Gimenez, S. Marquez Damian, H. Aguerre, D. Ramajo and S.R. Idelsohn

Structural optimization of a wing body with uncertain aerodynamic loads
D.I. Papadimitriou* and C. Papadimitriou

IS - Coupled and Multi-Scale Bioengineering Applications II
Invited Session organized by Eduardo Divo and Alain J. Kassab
Room: Sala Basaglia
Chair: Eduardo Divo

Keynote Lecture: Multiscale characterization of bone mechanics: what is the role of TIMP3?
B. Miller, G. Bou-Gharious and A. Carriero*

Knee prosthesis controlled by electromyographic signal
D. Ortiz, D. Zurita, A. Proaño and D. Ojeda*

Hand prosthesis using electromyographic signal
B. Gamez*, F. Cabrera and L. Serpa

Transient streaming potential coupled with piezoelectric effect in bone tissue
J. Hong*, H. Kim, Y. Lee, J. Kim and S. Min

Multiscale modelling of the mechanics of solid tumours and interactions with the host tissue
P. A. Wijeratne*, V. Vavourakis, T. Stylianopoulos, J. H. Hipwell and D. J. Hawkes

The wave propagation of porous media including the electrokinetic effect to Biot’s theory: application to cancellous bone
Y.J.  Yoon*

IS - Multiphysics Simulations with Time Resolved Turbulent Flow Fields II
Invited Session organized by Dörte Carla Sternel and Miriam Mehl
Room: 2
Chair: Miriam Mehl

On parallel scalability aspects of strongly coupled partitioned fluid-structure-acoustics interaction
D.S.  Blom*, V. Krupp, A.H. van Zuijlen, H. Klimach, S. Roller and H.  Bijl

Modelling, simulation and validation of wind-structure interaction for flexible, ultra-light-weight structures
R. Wüchner*, H. AlSofi, M. Andre, T. Wang, K.-U. Bletzinger, R. Rossi and A. Larese

Comparison of advanced turbulence modeling approaches for fluid-structure interaction
A. Ali*, T. Reimann, D. C. Sternel and M. Schäfer

A dynamically adaptive Lattice Boltzmann Method for predicting wake phenomena in fully coupled wind engineering problems
R. Deiterding* and S.L. Wood

Extension of the LS-STAG immersed boundary method for RANS-based turbulence models and its application for numerical simulation in coupled hydroelastic problems
V.V. Puzikova* and I.K. Marchevsky

Numerical simulation of unsteady vortical flows with a grid-free vortex method
K. Fukuda*

Electromagnetics II MoE05
Room: 3
Chair: Ramon Codina

A numerical scheme for coupling gas dynamics and electrodynamics applied for fully and partially ionized high speed flows
K. Panourgias and J. Ekaterinaris*

The nanoCOPS project on algorithms for nanoelectronic coupled problems solutions
R. Janssen*, J. ter Maten, C. Tischendorf, H.-G. Brachtendorf, K. Bittner, W. Schoenmaker, P. Benner, L. Feng, R.  Pulch, F. Deleu and A. Wieers

Finite element analysis using a hierarchal decomposition for the interaction of structure, fluid and electrostatic field in MEMS
D. Ishihara*, T. Horie, T. Niho and A. Baba

The electrodynamic model of the cardiac electric signal propagation expressed in Maxwell’s equations with a B. van der Pol oscillator
S. Chun

Complex Parallel Bi-conjugate Gradient Method on Electromagnetic FEM
Y. Zhang*, X. Zhang and Q. Sun

3D-Simulation of electromagnetic and temperature fields in the continuous induction heaters
V.B. Demidovich*, F.V. Chmilenko, V. V. Andrushkevich and I.I. Rastvorova

Fluid Structure Interaction II MoE06
Room: 6
Chair: Pavel Ryzhakov

Fluid structure interaction using a second order embedded strategy
S. Costarelli, L. Garelli, M. Storti, R. Ausensi and M. Cruchaga*

Fluid-elastic instabilities of clamped-clamped cylinders in turbulent axial flow
J. De Ridder*, J. Degroote, O. Doaré, K. Van Tichelen, P. Schuurmans and J. Vierendeels

A numerical investigation of the added mass effect due to fluid-structure coupling in a rectangular tank
A. Brandely* and E. Lefrancois

Nonlinear iterative force correction procedure for turbulent flow interacting with 3D oscillating and floating structures
R.K. Jaiman*, H. Gopalan and P. Rao

Fluid-structure interaction simulation of a slender body in supersonic air flow
I. Hertens, J. De Ridder, J. Vierendeels and J. Degroote*

A New very large eddy simulation model in the context of fluid-structure interaction
A. Kondratyuk* and M. Schäfer

Three-node zero-thickness hydro-mechanical interface finite element for geotechnical applications
B. Cerfontaine*, A-C. Dieudonné, J-P. Radu, F. Collin and R. Charlier

Applications of Coupled Problems I MoE07
Room: 7
Chair: Miguel Angel Celigueta

Adjoint harmonic balance method for forced response analysis in turbomachinery
A. Engels-Putzka* and C. Frey

Using isogeometric analysis in electronic structure calculations
R. Cimrman*, M. Novák, R. Kolman, M. Tůma and J. Vackář

Two-scale thermomechanical finite element analysis of texture evolution in the rolling process
Y. Goto*, K. Oyabu, T. Yamaguchi, H. Kuramae, Y. Tomita, Y. Morita and E. Nakamachi

Approaches for coupled numerical simulation of high frequency tube welding process
A. Nikanorov*, E. Baake, H. Brauer and C. Weil

Parameter identification of Chaboche material model using indantation test data and inverse approach
M. Cermak*, R. Halama, T. Karasek and J. Rojicek

Simulation of needle insertion into liver
H. Zou*, Z.J. Liu, J. Wu, J. Liu and Y. Zhang

Modelling and numerical calculation of piston-like oil displacement for doubly-periodic systems of oil fields development
V.I. Astafev* and A.E. Kasatkin

Coupled Solution Strategies MoE08
Room: 8
Chair: to be confirmed

A fast frequency sweep approach with a priori choice of Padé approximants and control of their interval of convergence
R. Rumpler* and P. Göransson

Low intrusive coupling of implicit and explicit integration schemes for structural dynamics: application to low energy impacts on composite structures
T. Chantrait*, J. Rannou and A. Gravouil

Propagation of acoustic-gravity waves in inhomogeneous ocean environment based on modal expansions and hp-FEM
K.A. Belibassakis, G.A. Athanassoulis, A.E. Karperaki and T.K. Papathanasiou*

A model reduction approach for partitioned treatment of uncertainty in coupled problems
A. Doostan*, M. Hadigol and H. Matthies

Geomechanics II MoE09
Room: 9
Chair: Ekkehard Ramm

Computational simulation of hydraulic fracturing using discrete (GFEM) and continuum (Phase-field) modelling approaches
G.  Meschke*, I. Khisamitov, D.  Leonhart, S.  Beckhuis and J.J. Timothy

Coupled hydro-geomechanical simulation of hydraulic fracture propagation in naturally fractured reservoirs using the strong discontinuity approach
L. Beserra*, M. Seixas, L. Guimarães and O. Manzoli

Effective stress in unsaturated granular materials: Micro-mechanical insights
J. Duriez* and R. Wan

A DEM simulation for the crack propagation in organic-rich shales during heating
M. Teixeira*, F. Donzé, T. Papachristos, F. Renard and L. Scholtès

Numerical simulation of strike slip fault using PDS-FEM
R. Iwasaki* and K. Oguni

Thermo-poro-mechanical coupled processes during thermal pressurization around Nuclear Waste Reposity
M-N. Vu*, D. Seyedi and G. Armand

Seismic Response Analysis by Subloading Surface Model
K. Miyashita*, K. Hashiguchi and S. Sato

19:00 - 20:00
Welcome Reception

Tuesday, May 19

08:30 - 10:00
Plenary Lectures II
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed

Topology optimization for coupled thermos-fluidic problems
O. Sigmund*

Modeling and simulation of tsunami using virtual reality technology
K. Kashiyama*, G. Ling, J. Matsumoto, S. Takase and K. Terada

Computational Challenges in Multiscale Poromechanics
R. I.  Borja*, X.  Song and J. Choo

10:00 - 10:30

10:30 - 12:30
IS - Computational Models and Methods for Multiphysics Processes in Multiphase Porous Media III
Invited Session organized by Lorenzo Sanavia and Claudio Tamagnini
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Ronaldo Borja

Numerical implementation of a plasticity model with generalized hardening for calcarenite rocks
M. O. Ciantia and C. Tamagnini*

A two-mechanism plasticity model for aggregated soils
M. Oualmakran and B. François*

A poroelastic law to model damage in pressurized interfaces, with applications to oil/gas wells
C. Callari* and V. Fasano

Evaluating Artificial Ground Freezing sustainability through numerical analysis of monitoring data in a trial site
F. Casini*, A. Gens, G.M.B. Viggiani and S. Olivella

Coupled THM mechanical model for porous materials under freezing condition
H. Shin*

Modeling freezing of partially saturated cementitious materials with considering process kinetics
F. Pesavento*, D. Gawin and B. Schrefler

IS - Advanced Discretizations and Solution Methods for Challenging Multiphysics Systems: Part 1 - Homogeneous Multiphysics Systems
Invited Session organized by John Shadid and Pavel Bochev
Room: Sala Teatro
Chair: Pavel Bochev

Coupling ice sheet momentum and thickness evolution equations
M. Perego*, P. Bochev, M. D‘Elia and M. Gunzburger

Approximate block factorization preconditioners for scalable solution of multiphysics MHD systems
J.N. Shadid*, E.C. Cyr, R.P. Pawlowski, E.G.  Phillips and L.  Chacon

Evaluating the performance of solution algorithms for parallel coupled neutronic and thermal-hydraulic simulations
R.P. Pawlowski*, M. Berrill, K. Clarno, S. Hamilton, C.T. Kelley and A. Toth

A glass box coupling methodology for rigorously solving strongly coupled phenomena in nuclear reactors
V.S. Mahadevan*, E. Merzari and I. Grindeanu

Efficient discretization of multiwave systems
T. Hagstrom*

Quantitative, Elastoplastic Phase Field Model for Microstructural Evolution during Hydride Precipitation in Zirconium under Stress and Temperature Gradients
S.Q. Shi*

IS - Coupling of Different Numerical Methods
Invited Session organized by Gernot Beer
Room: Sala Basaglia
Chair: Gernot Beer

Keynote Lecture: Coupling CAD and simulation software
G. Beer* and B. Marussig

DEM-BEM coupling in time domain
A. Pereira, J. Rojek*, G. Barros and G. Beer

Coupling of boundary element regions with the boundary element tearing and interconnecting method (BETI)
C. Duenser, B. Lindner* and G. Beer

Implementation of an efficient coupled FEM-SBFEM approach for soil-structure-interaction analysis
M. Schauer* and S. C. Langer

Computational modelling of dense, viscoplastic suspensions using coupled Lattice Boltzmann-Discrete Element Methods
C.R. Leonardi, W. Regulski*, B.D. Jones and J.R. Williams

Numerical rheometry of dense particle suspensions using a coupled lattice boltzmann and discrete element method
B.D. Jones*, C.R. Leonardi and J.R. Williams

IS - Multiple Scale Approach to Biological Problems
Invited Session organized by Wing Kam Liu and Moon Ki Kim
Room: 2
Chair: Wing Kam Liu
Co-Chair: Moon Ki Kim

Keynote Lecture: Cell and nanoparticle transport in tumor microvasculature: the role of size, shape and stiffness
W. K. Liu* and Y.  Li

B-factor prediction and conformational pathway generation by robust elastic network model
M.H. Kim, B.H. Lee and M.K. Kim*

Multiphysics modeling of stimuli-responsive gels with applications to biological systems, shape morphing and micro-motility
A. Lucantonio*, G. Noselli and A. DeSimone

How the morphologies of progenitor and mature osteocytes contribute to their mechanotransduction
E. Budyn*, M. Bensihoum, T. Marsan, F. Mannemare, S. Sasnouski, P. Tauc, E. Deprez and H. Petite

Prediction of virus shape effect in simple shear flow by immersed finite element method
T.R. Lee*, S.S. Yoo, D.W. Kim and Y.E. Pak

Fully Coupled Monolithic Implicit Immersed Finite Element Formulations for Fluid-Solid Interactions
X.S. Wang*

IS - Recent Advances in Fluid-Structure Interaction
Invited Session organized by K.C. Park, Roger Ohayon and Carlos Felippa
Room: 3
Chair: to be confirmed

A Particle-Discrete-Finite Element Method for analysis of particulate flows and their interaction with structures
E. Oñate*, M.A. Celigueta, G. Casas, R. Rossi, F. Zárate and S.R. Idelsohn

Novel computational methods and modelling aspects for fluid-structure contact interaction problems
W.A. Wall*, C. Ager, A. Wirtz, P. Farah, B. Schott and A. Popp

Dynamics of the Bottom Hole Assembly during drilling operations
J.M. Carbonell, M.A. Celigueta*, N.E. Abedrabbo, R. Rossi and E. Oñate

FSI for wind turbine blades
T. van Opstal*, E. Fonn, T. Kvamsdal, A.M. Kvarving, K.M. Mathisen, K. Nordanger, K.M. Okstad, M. Tabib and A. Rasheed

A component framework for stochastic FSI problems
J. Rang and H.  Matthies*

Avariational, FIC-based variational formulation for fluid-structure particle finite element methods
C. Felippa*, E. Oñate and S.R. Idelsohn

IS - Coupled Problems with Numerical and Physical Subdomain Interactions I
Invited Session organized by Oreste S. Bursi and Bozidar Stojadinovic
Room: 6
Chair: Markus Knobloch
Co-Chair: Fabrizio Paolacci

Keynote Lecture: Hybrid simulation of complex structural systems based on partitioned time integration schemes
G. Abbiati, E. Cazzador, O.S. Bursi, P. Pegon, F.J. Molina and F. Paolacci*

Design and development of ten-element hybrid simulator and generalized substructure element for coupled problems
S. Mojiri, X. Huang, O-H. Kwon* and C. Christopoulos

Consolidated fire testing - A framework for thermo-mechanical modelling
P. Schulthess, M. Neuenschwander*, M. Knobloch and M. Fontana

Hybrid simulation of heat transfer problems in structural applications
G. Abbiati*, O.S. Bursi, B. Stojadinovic, N. Tondini and C. Whyte

A partitioned scheme for the interaction between a fluid, elastic structure, and poroelastic structure
M. Bukac*

Coupling effects on the probabilistic response of tanks and piping systems subject to seismic loading
O.S. Bursi*, G. Abbiati, L. Caracoglia and V. La Salandra

IS - Mathematical Aspects of Interface Problems
Invited Session organized by Daniele Boffi and Lucia Gastaldi
Room: 7
Chair: Daniele Boffi
Co-Chair: Lucia Gastaldi

Discontinuous Petrov Galerkin (DPG) Method with optimal test functions with application to coupled wave propagation problems
C. Carstensen, L. Demkowicz*, J. Gopalakrishnan and P. Matuszyk

Reduced order fluid-structure interaction models for vascular flows
C. Colciago, S. Deparis* and A. Quarteroni

Immersogeometric fluid-structure interaction analysis of bioprosthetic heart valves: stability and mass conservation
D. Kamensky*, M.-C. Hsu, J.A. Evans, M.S. Sacks and T.J.R.  Hughes

Mortar FEs on overlapping meshes : Application to magnetodynamics
F. Rapetti*

Scalable preconditioners for cardiac electromechanics and applications
S. Scacchi*, P. Colli Franzone, L. F.  Pavarino and S. Zampini

Stability and monotonicity in the low order discretizations of the Biot‘s model
C. Rodrigo, F.  Gaspar, X.  Hu and L. Zikatanov*

Electromagnetics III TuM08
Room: 8
Chair: Günther Meschke

Electroelastic response of a piezoelectric fiber of poly-L-lactic acid under axisymmetric mechanical load
M. Ishihara, T. Yoshida*, Y. Ootao and Y. Kameo

An electroelastic problem of a semi-infinite body with D symmetry subjected to distributed surface loading
M. Ishihara*, Y. Ootao and Y. Kameo

Comparing kinetic and hydrodynamical models for electron transport in monolayer graphene
M. Coco, A. Majorana, G. Mascali and V. Romano*

Coupled contact problems in piezoelectricity – mathematical modelling and boundary element approximation of higher order
J. Gwinner* and D. Natroshvili

Electro-thermo-mechanical analysis of SMA actuator
V. Kutiš*, P. Drahoš, J. Murín, J. Paulech and J. Hrabovský

Coupled Problems in Structural Mechanics II TuM09
Room: 9
Chair: to be confirmed

Finite element analysis of damage-hearing behaviour in self-healing ceramic materials
S. Ozaki*, Y. Horie, K. Hinata, T. Osada and W. Nakao

Simulation of self-healing processes in microcapsule based polymeric systems
S. Specht*, J. Bluhm and J. Schröder

Desiccation crack formation analysis by weak coupling of diffusion and failure
S. Hirobe* and K. Oguni

Three dimensional simulation of concrete material enriched with PP fibres under fire conditions
G. Mazzucco*, V. Salomoni and C.E. Majorana

Multiscale investigation of concrete deterioration due to the effect of nuclear radiation and alkali-silica reaction
G. Xotta*, B. Pomaro, V. Salomoni and C.E. Majorana

Modeling of coupled chemical and mechanical processes in concrete structures with respect to aging
U. Kowalsky*, F.  Cramer and D. Dinkler

12:30 - 13:30

13:30 - 14:30
Plenary Lectures III
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed

On scalable multiphysics solvers
S. Badia*, O. Colomés, P. Kus, A. Martín, M. Olm and J. Principe

Unified finite element formulation to improve understanding of materials science
E. Massoni*, M. Bernacki, P-O. Bouchard and E. Hachem

14:30 - 15:00

15:00 - 17:00
IS - Computational Models and Methods for Multiphysics Processes in Multiphase Porous Media IV
Invited Session organized by Lorenzo Sanavia and Claudio Tamagnini
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Claudio Tamagnini

Hygrothermal behaviour of hemp concrete; experimental evidences and modelling
A. Fabbri*, P.A. Chabriac, D.T. Ngo, F. Sallet, E. Gourdon, H. Wong and J.C. Morel

Numerical coupling between damage and gas permeability for concrete applied on a 3D splitting test
M. Ezzedine El Dandachy*, M. Briffaut, F, Dufour and S, Dal Pont

Identification of a viscoelastic substitute model for seismic attenuation in heterogeneous poroelastic media by numerical homogenization
R. Jänicke*, F. Larsson, B. Quintal, K. Runesson and H. Steeb

Coupling ultrasonics, nanoindentation, and homogenization theory; for identification of porous ceramics in biomedical and civil engineering materials
H. Kariem*, M. Pastrama, S-I. Roohani-Esfahani, P. Pivonka, H. Zreiqat, J. Füssl and C. Hellmich

Thermo-mechanical properties of magnesia carbon foam composites
A. Jung* and S. Diebels

Two sides of a coin: A critical review, and mathematical and phenomenological study of what we call hydro-mechanical coupling
J.M. Huyghe, E. Nikooee*, T. Sweijen and S.M. Hassanizadeh

IS - Advanced Discretizations and Solution Methods for Challenging Multiphysics Systems: Part 2 - Heterogeneous Multiphysics Systems
Invited Session organized by Pavel Bochev and John Shadid
Room: Sala Teatro
Chair: John Shadid

Eliminating added mass instabilities for partitioned simulation of fluid structure interaction problems
J.W. Banks*

Towards the Simulation of Deformable Sloshing Tanks with Spline-Based Solution Methods
N. Hosters*, A. Stavrev, M. Behr and S. Elgeti

A multi-scale model for mass transport in arteries and tissue
T. Köppl*, B. Wohlmuth and R. Helmig

Coupling Navier-Stokes and Darcy equations: An overlapping approach
P. Gervasio*, M. Discacciati and A. Quarteroni

Decoupling Navier-Stokes / St. Venant-Kirchhoff fluid-structure interaction by optimization
P. Kuberry* and H. Lee

A general imperfect interface model for coupled multifield phenomena and its numerical implementation via XFEM
Q.-C. He*, J.T. Liu and S.T. Gu

Formulation, analysis and computation of an optimization-based local-to-nonlocal coupling method
M. D‘Elia* and P. Bochev

IS - Coupled Problems in Free Surface Flow
Invited Session organized by Fotis Sotiropoulos and Lian Shen
Room: Sala Basaglia
Chair: Fotis Sotiropoulos
Co-Chair: Lian Shen

Modeling Waves in the Nearshore with GPUSPH: a Graphics Card Accelerated Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Code
R. Dalrymple*, Z.  Wei, M.  Xu, A. Hérault, G. Bilotta and E. Rustico

Fluid-structure interaction simulation of complex floating structures with a two-phase flow level set method
A. Calderer and F. Sotiropoulos*

An accurate and practical unstructured solver for multi-phase interfacial flows and fluid-solid interactions using multi-moment finite volume method and THINC scheme
B. Xie* and F. Xiao

Waving in the rain
L. Cavaleri*, L. Bertotti and J.-R. Bidlot

Validation of high fidelity CFD/FE FSI for full-scale high-speed planing hull with composite bottom panels slamming
S. Volpi, H. Sadat-Hosseini, M. Diez, D-H. Kim, F. Stern*, R. Thodal and J. Grenestedt

Large-eddy simulation of floating wind turbines under offshore wind and wave conditions
A. Calderer, X. Guo, L. Shen* and F. Sotiropoulos

Accelerated boundary integral simulations for interactions of drops and solids in micro-fluidics.
A-K. Tornberg*

IS - Coupled Problems of the Dynamics of the Solid Systems with Friction
Invited Session organized by Alexander Karapetyan and Alexey Kireenkov
Room: 2
Chair: Alexey Kireenkov

Keynote Lecture: Further development of the theory of multicomponent dry friction
A.A. Kireenkov*

Thermomechanical coupled brush model
S. Kusche* and M. Wangenheim

Contact types hierarchy and its object-oriented implementation
I.I. Kosenko*, K.V. Gerasimov and M.E. Stavrovskiy

Rotation of the body with movable internal masses around the center of mass on the rough plane
A. Sakharov*

Falling Motion of a Circular Cylinder Interacting Dynamically with N Point Vortices
S.V. Sokolov*

Numerical solution of the twin wheel gear’s shimmy model based on poly-component dry friction
A. Zagordan*

IS - Coupled Problems in Geo-environmental Engineering
Invited Session organized by Sebastià Olivella and Norbert Böttcher
Room: 3
Chair: Norbert Böttcher

Keynote Lecture: On the term and concepts of numerical model validation in geoscientific applications
U-J. Görke*, T. Nagel and O. Kolditz

Three-dimensional lattice modelling of hydro-mechanical coupling in unsaturated materials
I. Athanasiadis*, S. Wheeler and P. Grassl

Coupled THM modelling of engineered barriers for waste isolation
E. Toprak*, S. Olivella and X. Pintado

Thermo-mechanical modelling of gas storage applications in salt caverns
N. Böttcher*, T. Nagel, U-J. Görke and O. Kolditz

Meshfree modelling of dynamic consolidation in porous media
P. Navas*, S. López-Querol, R.C. Yu and B. Li

A coupled hydro-mechanical mobilization analysis for extreme rainfall induced debris flow
N.N. Vasu*, S.R. Lee, J.Y. Park and D. Lee

IS - Coupled Problems with Numerical and Physical Subdomain Interactions II
Invited Session organized by Oreste S. Bursi and Bozidar Stojadinovic
Room: 6
Chair: Michael Brun
Co-Chair: Oreste S. Bursi

Heterogeneous Asynchronous Time Integrators built from the energy method for coupling Newmark and α-schemes
M. Brun*, A. Gravouil and A. Combescure

Propagation of uncertainties on physical subsystem measurements in dynamic substructuring
G. Abbiati, C. Whyte, B. Stojadinovic, O.S. Bursi, L. Caracoglia and V. La Salandra*

Validation of OpenFresco-based thermomechanical hybrid simulation to address an earthquake-fire coupled problem
C. Whyte*, K.R. Mackie, G. Abbiati and B. Stojadinovic

Nonlinear vibrations of thermomechanically coupled laminated plates in a unified reduced order modeling framework
E. Saetta and G.  Rega*

Test on wind load transferring mechanism of transmission tower-wire coupling system
Q. Xie* and Y. Cai

Predominant periods of multi-degree-of-feedom system analysis and dynamic soil-structure interaction for building structures
M. Inukai*, T. Kashima, T. Saito and T. Azuhata

IS - Nanomedicine: From In Silico to In Vivo
Invited Session organized by Paolo Decuzzi
Room: 7
Chair: Paolo Decuzzi
Co-Chair: Bernhard Schrefler

A combined in silico/in vitro approach for studying mass transport across the blood brain barrier
C. Manneschi, A. Coclite, M. Francardi, D. di Mascolo, A. Lee, M.D. de Tullio, G. Pascazio and P. Decuzzi*

Predicting the growth of glioblastoma multiforme spheroids using a multiphase porous media model
P. Mascheroni, C. Stigliano, L. Preziosi, G. Sciumè, D. Boso, B. Schrefler and P. Decuzzi

A Lattice Boltzmann Method for particle margination in shear flows
A. Coclite*, M.D. de Tullio, P. Decuzzi and G. Pascazio

Mass transport phenomena at the solid-liquid nanoscale interface in biomedical applications
A. Cardellini*, M. Fasano, E. Chiavazzo and P. Asinari

Coupled rings in RNA nanotubes and properties of biological nanoclusters
S. Badu, R. Melnik* and S. Prabhakar

Fluid Structure Interaction III TuE08
Room: 8
Chair: Timo van Opstal

Eulerian numerical approach for flows with immersed solids treated as constraints: Elastic case and rigid-body limit
R. Codina*, E. Hachem, S. Feghali and T. Coupez

Advanced 1D models for fluid-structure interaction of viscous flows in thin-walled cylinders
E. Carrera*, A. Pagani and A. Varello

Efficient FSI codes coupling with possible large added mass effects: Applications to rigid and elongated flexible bodies in the maritime field
A. Leroyer*, C. Yvin, E. Guilmineau, M. Visonneau and P. Queutey

Numerical modelling of fluid-structure interactions
A. Fortin*, A. Jendoubi and J. Deteix

Evaluation of flow-induced vibration of multiple-cylinders by immersed finite element method
Y.S. Chang*, B.S. Choi and T.R. Lee

Immersed boundary method based on hierarchical B-Spline grid for fluid-structure interaction
C. Kadapa*, W.G. Dettmer and D. Peric

Immersed boundary method for the simulation of lid-driven cavity flow with an embedded cylinder
S-G. Cai*, A. Ouahsine, J. Favier, Y. Hoarau and H. Smaoui

Applications of Coupled Problems II TuE09
Room: 9
Chair: to be confirmed

Modelling particle entrainment in mountain torrents: Linking turbulence to local bed geometry and to the grain surface
A. von Boetticher*, S. Pirker, N. Kornev and J. Kirchner

Numerical modelling of droplet dynamics using an embedded formulation
A. Jarauta*, P.B. Ryzhakov, J. Pons-Prats and M. Secanell

Simplified models for numerical methods
I. Ryabikova*

One model of the three-body problem
A. Zlenko*

Coupled Problems of localization of dust and gas
O.A. Averkova*, K.I. Logachev, I.N. Logachev and A.E. Canar

Solidification coupled to turbulent air flows in housing and foundry applications
N. Moraga*

Mesoscopic modelling of the RTM process for homogenization
C. Dammann* and R. Mahnken

Wednesday, May 20

08:30 - 10:00
Plenary Lectures IV
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed

Modelling coupled chemo-hygro-thermo-mechanical phenomena in porous building materials
D. Gawin*, M. Koniorczyk and F. Pesavento

Computational fluid—structure interaction with applications
Y. Bazilevs*

Coupling X-ray physics and engineering mechanics, for enhanced analysis of computer tomographic images
C.  Hellmich*, A.  Dejaco and R.  Blanchard

10:00 - 10:30

10:30 - 12:30
IS - Coupled Problems in Biomechanics and Mechanobiology I
Invited Session organized by Bernd Markert and Zohar Yosibash
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed

Keynote Lecture: Coupling scales and adaptive refinement for simulation of bone-fixation interfaces using the finite cell method
E. Rank*, M. Elhaddad, N. Zander, S. Kollmannsberger, J. S. Bauer and M. Ruess

A first step towards numerical simulation of intervertebral disc herniation using a phase-field modelling approach
Y. Heider*, M. Azarnoosh, A. Beckmann and B. Markert

Theoretical analysis of fluid pressure response to cyclic loading in cylindrical trabecular bone modeled as poroelastic material
Y. Kameo*, Y. Ootao and M. Ishihara

Poromicromechanics reveals that physiological bone strain induces osteocyte-stimulating lacunar pressure
S. Scheiner*, P. Pivonka and C. Hellmich

Coupled mathematical and computational models of autoregulation mechanisms in vascular districts
F. Malgaroli* and P. Causin

IS - Coupling Multiscale Infrastructure Models and Numerical Simulation I
Invited Session organized by Ernst Rank, Manfred Krafczyk and Ralf-Peter Mundani
Room: Sala Teatro
Chair: Ralf-Peter Mundani

Keynote Lecture: Towards modeling and simulation of inner-urban air flow to predict fine dust pollution dynamics of anthropogenic sources using kinetic LES models
M. Krafczyk*, J. Linxweiler and M. Schönherr

A coupling method using stabilized MINI element of 2D shallow water flow and 3D gas-liquid two-phase flow
J. Matsumoto* and K. Kashiyama

Fluid Flow through the Porous Media: Coupling of micro- and macro- scale fluid flow models
N. Perovic*, J. Frisch, R-P. Mundani and E. Rank

Interactive high-performance computing: Coupling a thermoregulation model to a CFD code
J. Frisch*, R-P. Mundani and C. van Treeck

An integrated computational approach for wind-driven rain on buildings in urban environments: Eulerian modelling, turbulent dispersion, lubrication, volume of fluid and transport in porous media
D. Derome*, A. Kubilay, J.B. Lee, T. Defraeye and J. Carmeliet

Modelling of air chamber supported floating platforms - Coupling free surface flow, compressible air, and flexible structures
F. Toth*, M. Kaltenbacher and F. G. Rammerstorfer

Numerical Methods for Coupled Problems II WeM03
Room: Sala Basaglia
Chair: Wulf Dettmer

Formulation and performance study of an immersed boundary method based on a hierarchical B-Spline grid
W.G. Dettmer*, C. Kadapa and D. Peric

Mathematical modeling of reactionmechanism of formation of photochemical smog by applying the semi-implicit method
F.R. León, A.M. Aguilar*, O.R. García, M.B. Pineda and J.G. Axotla

Analysis of time filters used with the leapfrog scheme
Y. Li and C. Trenchea*

Angular Momentum preserving cell-centered Lagrangian and Eulerian schemes on arbitrary grids
B. Després and E.  Labourasse*

On the coupling of laminarity and shock wave intensity in drag reduction CFD problems at transonic flow regimes using MOGA software and game strategies
Z. Tang, Y. Chen and J. Periaux*

A high order approach to solving nonlinear differential equations applied to a Pelton turbine bucket
J. Tveit*

IS - Iterative Methods for Coupled Field Problems I
Invited Session organized by Suvranu De, John Shadid and Haim Waisman
Room: 2
Chair: John Shadid

Keynote Lecture: Modeling of deformation twinning of β-HMX with Jacobian-free Newton-Krylov method
S. De*

Fully-coupled algebraic multigrid preconditioning performance for finite element resistive magnetohydrodynamics
P.T. Lin*, J.N. Shadid, J.J. Hu, E.C. Cyr, R.P. Pawlowski and A. Prokopenko

Versatile approach for preconditioning linear systems for the solution of N-field coupled problems
F. Verdugo* and W.A. Wall

Fluid-accelerated nonlinear algorithms for multiscale particle-in-cell kinetic simulation of electromagnetic collisionless plasmas
L.  Chacón* and G. Chen

Coupling requirements for well posed and stable multi-physics problems
J. Nordström* and F.  Ghasemi

IS - Energy Related Coupled Problems I
Invited Session organized by Massimo Guarnieri and Piergiorgio Alotto
Room: 3
Chair: to be confirmed

Multiphysics finite-element modelling of an all-vanadium redox flow battery for stationary energy storage
F. Moro, A. Bertucco, V. Fiorenzato, M. Giomo and M. Guarnieri*

Multi-physics and multi-objective design of a benchmark device: A problem of inverse induction heating
P. Di Barba, F. Dughiero, M.  Forzan and E. Sieni*

Coupled numerical multiphysics simulation methods in induction surface hardening
D. Schlesselmann, B. Nacke*, A. Nikanorov and S. Galunin

Localized axial Green’s function methods
W. Lee and D.W. Kim*

Modeling the multiphysics processes in lithium ion battery cells within a computational homogenization framework
D. Grazioli*, A. Salvadori, M. Magri, M.G.D. Geers and A.F. Bower

Boundary element solution of 2D coupled problem in anisotropic piezoelectric FGM plates
M. Abdelsabour Fahmy*

IS - Coupled Problems Involving Liquid-Solid Phase Transitions
Invited Session organized by Bozidar Šarler
Room: 6
Chair: Bozidar Šarler

Keynote Lecture: Fully coupled thermodynamic/kinetic solution of phase transformations under non-equilibrium conditions
M. Rettenmayr* and K. Reuther

Modelling of electromagnetic breaking and electromagnetic stirring in the process of continuous casting of steel
K.  Mramor*, R.  Vertnik and B. Šarler

Multiphysics and multiscale modeling of solidification processes
M. Založnik* and H. Combeau

Simulation of multiscale industrial solidification problems under influence of electromagnetic field by a meshless method
B. Šarler*, A.  Gustin, V.  Hatic, N.  Kosnik, B. Mavric and R.  Vertnik

A RBF-based local collocation method for modelling thermomechanical phenomena during DC casting of aluminium billets
B. Mavric* and B. Šarler

High Performance Computing WeM07
Room: 7
Chair: Tomonori Yamada

Hyperbolic type explicit kinetic scheme of magnetogasdynamics for high performance computing systems
B. Chetverushkin*, N. D‘Ascenzo and V. Saveliev

Highly parallel implementation and optimization of domain decomposition based algorithms
L. Riha, T. Brzobohaty* and A. Markopoulos

Large scale parallel MPS-FE fluid structure interaction simulation system using adventure_solid and LexADV_EMPS
T. Yamada*, N. Mitsume, S. Yoshimura and K. Murotani

Fully Coupled Multiphase Simulation of a bottom-spray Wurster Coater using a hybrid CPU/GPU CFD/DEM Approach
E. Siegmann*, C. Radeke and J.G. Khinast

PreCICE – A parallel and efficient coupling library for partitioned multi-physics simulations
F. Lindner*, M. Mehl and B. Uekermann

Fluid Structure Interaction IV WeM08
Room: 8
Chair: Joris Degroote

A Comparison of conforming and no-conforming mesh methods for a flow around a circular cylinder in non-inertial frame of references
S.H. Madani*, J. Wissink and H.  Bahai

Towards goal-oriented mesh adaptation for fluid-structure interaction
E. Gauci*, F. Alauzet, A. Loseille and A. Dervieux

Aerodynamic excitation forces in air conditioners with rotating fan-motor system
T. Sato*, S. Nita, H. Ota and K. Nagahashi

Numerical simulation of flow interaction between stationary and downstream elastically mounted cylinders at low Reynolds numbers
P.R.F. Teixeira* and E. Didier

Free vibrations of an axially travelling Zener panel subjected to axial flow
J. Jeronen* and T. Tuovinen

Flow passive control on the NACA airfoils. Experimental and numerical study
H. Tebbiche and M. S. Boutoudj*

Thermomechanics I WeM09
Room: 9
Chair: Sergio Conde Martín

Temperature-based thermodinamically consistent time integration for nonlinear thermoelasticity.
S. Conde Martin* and J.C. García Orden

Thermomechanical multiscale FEM approach for sliding elastomers on rough surfaces
P. Wagner*, P. Wriggers, C. Klapproth and C. Prange

Response of RC columns with transient creep in a natural fire environment
A. Sadaoui*, K. Lattari and A. Khennane

Modeling and simulation of thin al-films under cyclic thermal loading
F. Meier*, C. Schwarz and E. Werner

Thermoelectric simulation of induction heating in forge applications
M. J. Arenas, A. Bermúdez and P. Salgado*

Thermoelastic phenomena in the transversally graded laminates
J. Jędrysiak* and E. Pazera

12:30 - 13:30

13:30 - 15:30
IS - Coupled Problems in Biomechanics and Mechanobiology II
Invited Session organized by Bernd Markert and Zohar Yosibash
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed

Keynote Lecture: Simulation of fluid-structure interaction in arterial walls incorporating nonlinear anisotropic material models at finite strains
D. Balzani*, S. Deparis, S. Fausten, D. Forti, A. Heinlein, A. Klawonn, A. Quarteroni, O. Rheinbach and J. Schröder

On the coupled active and passive mechanical response of the human artery wall
Zohar Yosibash*

Analysis of the mechanical response of an aneurysmatic ascending aorta
C.M. García-Herrera and D.J. Celentano*

Phase-field Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Neurite Outgrowth
A. Kuwamoto*, T. Takaki and E. Nakamachi

Advanced image processing methods for automatic liver segmentation
P. Strakos*, M. Jaros, T. Karasek, T. Kozubek, P. Vavra and T. Jonszta

IS - Coupling Multiscale Infrastructure Models and Numerical Simulation II
Invited Session organized by Ernst Rank, Manfred Krafczyk and Ralf-Peter Mundani
Room: Sala Teatro
Chair: Manfred Krafczyk

Numerical study of tsunami forces by stabilized finite element method
M. Sakuraba*, K. Nojima and K. Kashiyama

A multiscale model on chloride diffusion in concrete including chemical reaction and cracking effects
T. Wu* and L. De Lorenzis

Coupling multi-resolution GIS/BIM models to environmental numerical simulation
R-P. Mundani*, V. Varduhn and E. Rank

Coupling tunnel information models and numerical simulations in mechanized tunneling
M. König*, P. Manickam, F. Hegemann and K. Lehner

Combining semantic 3D GIS with numerical simulation for assessing the impact of blasts in urban environments
A. Schilling* and S. Trometer

A computational multiscale approach to couple hygro-mechanical responses of large-scale masonry walls
G. Castellazzi, S. de Miranda, G. Formica*, L.  Molari and F. Ubertini

IS - Phase Field Modeling of Coupled Problems I
Invited Session organized by Ju Liu and Thomas J.R. Hughes
Room: Sala Basaglia
Chair: Ju Liu

Keynote Lecture: Modeling of coupled systems of complex fluids and solids using phase fields
H. Gomez*

Quantitative phase-field modelling for solidification with coupled heat and solute diffusion in multi-component alloys
M. Ohno*, T. Takaki and Y. Shibuta

3D phase-field for pressurized fracture propagation in heterogeneous media
T. Wick*, S. Lee and M.F. Wheeler

An electro-chemo-mechanical analysis of solid oxide fuel cell considering evolution of microstructure in porous electrode using phase-field method
M. Muramatsu*, S. Takase, K. Yashiro, T. Kawada and K. Terada

Phase-field modeling of ductile fracture
M. Ambati, T.  Gerasimov and L. De Lorenzis*

IS - Iterative Methods for Coupled Field Problems II
Invited Session organized by Suvranu De, John Shadid and Haim Waisman
Room: 2
Chair: John Shadid

Keynote Lecture: Robust block preconditioners for efficient monolithic solution of shear bands
L. Berger-Vergiat, H. Waisman* and C. McAuliffe

Efficient and accurate splitting methods for time integration of multi-physics systems
D. Reynolds* and J.M. Sexton

Block preconditioners for resistive MHD in vector potential form
E.G. Phillips*, J.N. Shadid and E.C. Cyr

High-performance computing for incompressible flow and FSI with emphasis on patient-specific cardiovascular modeling
Y. Bazilevs*

Convergence speed of coupling iterations for the unsteady transmission problem
A. Monge* and P. Birken

Fast construction of matching constraints for three-dimensional domain decomposition methods with non-matching grids
F. Moro* and M. Guarnieri

IS - Energy Related Coupled Problems II
Invited Session organized by Massimo Guarnieri and Piergiorgio Alotto
Room: 3
Chair: to be confirmed

Modelling quench propagation: strengths and limitations of commercial and custom software
B. Auchmann*, M. Maciejewski, D. Paudel, S.  Rowan and A.  Verweij

Multiphysics simulation tools for designing motors for traction applications in hybrid and electric vehicles
N.P. Sawant*, C.P. Riley, A. Venskus, D.H. Vassilev, J.D. Wale, E. Wearing, A.M. Michaelides, P.J. Topping and H. Matharu

Engineering net water balance through coupled heat and mass transfer in polymer electrolyte fuel cells
J.M. LaManna and M.M. Mench*

Stochastic strategies for multiple parameter identification in multiphysic fuel cell models
M. Guarnieri* and P. Alotto

On the pseudo-incident wave technique for interacting inhomoheneities in electromechanical problems
X.D. Wang*, H.C. Yu, S. Abdel-Gawad and C. Wang

IS - Coupled Reactive Transport and Multiphase Flow in Porous Media
Invited Session organized by Florin Adrian Radu
Room: 6
Chair: Florin Adrian Radu

A robust mass conservative scheme for two-phase fow in porous media
F. A. Radu*, K. Kumar, J. M.  Nordbotten and I.S.  Pop

Two phase flow in porous media with dynamic effects in the capillary pressure: Finite volume analysis
X. Cao*, S.F. Nemadjieu and I.S. Pop

Numerical simulation of geochemical compaction with discontinuous reactions
A. Agosti, L. Formaggia, B. Giovanardi and A. Scotti*

Reduction of microscale Li-Ion battery models
M. Ohlberger and S. Rave*

A mathematical formulation for reactive transport in porous media adapted to CO2 sequestration
A. Michel*, T. Faney and Q.L. Nguyen

Mixed method vs. NURBS based continuity: two finite element approaches for Darcy and Darcy-Brinkman flow in deformable porous media including multi-scalar convection-diffusion-reaction processes
A.-T. Vuong*, L. Yoshihara and W.A. Wall

Design, Optimization and Control I WeA07
Room: 7
Chair: Matteo Diez

Resistance reduction of a military ship by variable-accuracy metamodel-based multidisciplinary robust design optimization
C. Leotardi, E.F. Campana and M. Diez*

CFD-based shape optimisation of mixing section of R744 two-phase ejector
M. Palacz*, J. Smolka, A. Fic, Z. Bulinski, A.J. Nowak, K. Banasiak and A. Hafner

Large scale three-dimensional topology optimisation of heat sinks cooled by natural convection
J. Alexandersen*, N. Aage and O. Sigmund

A sensitivity based optimization approach for aeroacoustic problems
S. Nowak*, D.C. Sternel and M. Schäfer

Multipoint global optimal shape design by morphing
A. Nastase*

Fluid Structure Interaction V WeA08
Room: 8
Chair: Christian Zehetner

Comparison of coupled euler-lagrange and smoothed particle hydrodynamics in fluid-structure interaction
C. Zehetner*, M. Schörgenhumer, F. Hammelmüller and A. Humer

Numerical prediction of ship resistance and squat in confined waters
F. Linde*, A. Ouahsine, N. Huybrechts and P. Sergent

Reduced order modelling in vibration analysis of water-pipe system
P. Persson*, K. Persson and G. Sandberg

The Stokes problem with slip boundary conditions
R. Kucera, J. Haslinger, V. Satek* and M. Jarosova

Higher-order FEM for nonlinear hydroelastic analysis of a floating elastic strip in shallow-water conditions
A.E. Karperaki*, K.A. Belibassakis, T.K. Papathanasiou and S.I. Markolefas

Validation Experiments for Unsteady Thermal Fluid Structure Interaction
P.  Birken*, T. Gleim, M. Weiland, D. Kuhl, A. Meister and O. Wünsch

15:30 - 16:00

16:00 - 18:00
IS - Advanced ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian - Eulerian) Methods for Multiphysics Systems
Invited Session organized by John Shadid, Eric Cyr and Guglielmo Scovazzi
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed

Transient fluid and solid dynamics on lineal tetrahedral finite elements: an accurate and stable variational multi-scale approach
G. Scovazzi*, X. Zeng and B. Carnes

IMEX lagrangian and ALE methods for multiphysics systems
E.C. Cyr*, J.N. Shadid, T. Wildey, D. Hennsinger, G. Scovazzi, A. Robinson and W.J. Rider

High-order finite element Lagrangian hydrodynamics with radiation diffusion
R.W. Anderson, T.A. Brunner*, V.A. Dobrev, T.V. Kolev, R.N. Rieben and V.Z. Tomov

A conservative, optimization-based semi-lagrangian spectral element method for passive tracer transport
P. Bochev*, S. Moe, K. Peterson and D. Ridzal

High-order arbitrary lagrangian eulerian one-step WENO finite volume schemes on unstructured meshes for conservative and nonconservative hyperbolic balance laws
W. Boscheri, M. Dumbser and O. Zanotti*

Reduced-order model based on the Arbitrary Lagrangian- Eulerian formulation for transonic aeroelasticity
A. Placzek*

Thermomechanics II WeE02
Room: Sala Teatro
Chair: to be confirmed

A thermo-mechanical MD-FE coupling based on the generalized Langevin equation and digital filters approximations
G. Anciaux* and J.F. Molinari

A structure-preserving integrator for thermo-elastic rods
P.L. Mata* and A.J. Lew

Coupled thermo-aerodynamical problems in design of protection cloth
I. Cherunova, M. Dhone and N. Kornev*

Parametric identification of mathematical models of coupled thermo-elasticity problem
A.V. Nenarokomov*, P.V. Prosun and D.M. Titov

An intercomponent heat transfer in a gravitational flow movements of particles in an inclined chute
I.N. Logachev, K.I. Logachev* and O.A. Averkova

IS - Phase Field Modeling of Coupled Problems II
Invited Session organized by Ju Liu and Thomas J.R. Hughes
Room: Sala Basaglia
Chair: Hector Gomez

Keynote Lecture: Boiling flows: Thermomechanical theory, algorithm, and simulations
J. Liu*, H.  Gomez, T.J.R.  Hughes and C.M. Landis

A diffuse interface model for two-phase ferrofluid flows
A. Salgado*, I. Tomas and R. Nochetto

Coupling simulations of growth and motion of dendrite by phase-field lattice boltzmann method
T. Takaki*, R. Rojas and M. Ohno

CFD simulation of microscopic two-phase fluid motion on solid body with edges and heterogeneously-wetted surface using phase-field model
N. Takada*, J. Matsumoto, S. Matsumoto and K. Kurihara

Thermodynamically consistent phase field models for two-phase flows and their numerical methods
P. Lin*

Interface motion in heat
A. Onuki

Coupled Problems in Structural Mechanics III WeE04
Room: 2
Chair: to be confirmed

Robust optimization approach for mixed numerical/experimental identification of elastic properties of orthotropic composite plates
J. Auzins* and E. Skukis

Drying of salt contaminated building sandstones: from experiments to numerical modelling
S. de Miranda, L. Grementieri*, L.  Molari, V. Cnudde, H. Derluyn, J. Desarnaud and N. Shahidzadeh

Atomistic-to-continuum coupling through domain decomposition, virtual controls, and optimization.
D. Olson*, A. Shapeev, P. Bochev and M. Luskin

Modelling of non-classical diffusion and solvent-induced swelling in polymeric glasses
J. Wilmers* and S. Bargmann

A numerical component to evaluate the iodine corrosion in a nuclear field accounting for chemisorption mechanisms Zirconia layer impact on SCC
N. Barnel* and D. Palermo

Coupled Fluid Flows II WeE05
Room: 3
Chair: Clemens Heitzinger

Dynamics-conversion coupling analysis of a moving bed by XDEM method
M. Mohseni* and B. Peters

Simulation of the currents through nanopore sensors
G. Tulzer, C. Ringhofer and C. Heitzinger*

DO transport regimes across the water-sediment interface under low-energetic flows
E. Sánchez-Badorrey* and F.J.  García Anguita

The Navier-Stokes equations in two different formulations with moderate and high Reynolds numbers
B. Bermúdez* and W.F. Guerrero

The efficiency comparison of the vortex element method and the immersed boundary method for numerical simulation of airfoil’s hydroelastic oscillations
I.K. Marchevsky*, V.S. Moreva and V.V. Puzikova

Numerical simulation of acoustics in heterogeneous media
D. Staab*, S. Nowak, D. C. Sternel and M. Schäfer

A high-order fully coupled Electro-Fluid-Dynamics (EFD) solver for multi-phase flow simulations
N. Emamy*, M. Karcher, R. Mousavi and M. Oberlack

Applications of Coupled Problems III WeE06
Room: 6
Chair: Maria Garzon

Coupled modelling of ZrO2 / α-Zr(O) layers growth under thermal and mechanical gradients
J.-B. Minne, V. Optasanu* and T. Montesin

Ballistic charge transport in a triple-gate Silicon Nanowire transistor
O. Muscato*, T. Castiglione and C. Cavallaro

Drop coalescence simulations using level sets coupled with boundary integral methods
M. Garzon*, L.J. Gray and J.A. Sethian

3D numerical approximation of relativistic particle beams by asymptotic expansion
F. Assous* and A. Le Blanc

Migration of a rigid disc in Couette flow subject to an external electric field simulated using ISPH
N. Tofighi*, M. Ozbulut, A. Rahmat, J.J. Feng and M. Yildiz

Singularly perturbed problems in mechanics (fundamental theoretical and applied aspects)
L. Kuzmina*

Design, Optimization and Control II WeE07
Room: 7
Chair: Wolfgang Achtziger

Discrete Adjoint of a fully-implicit coupled solver based on foam-extend using algorithmic differentiation
A. Sen*, M. Towara and U. Naumann

On SAND problem formulations of structural topology optimization with singular stiffness matrices
W. Achtziger*

Coupled inverse problems and visualization of atmosphere-ocean system
S. Kabanikhin and O. Krivorotko*

Modelling pressure cycle and interaction with reed valves in a reciprocating compressor
B. Lemoine*, L. Le Marrec and A. Hirschberg

Numerical analysis and optimal management of a fishway model
M. Louaked*

Fluid Structure Interaction VI WeE08
Room: 8
Chair: Jesus Gerardo Valdes Vazquez

Collapse analysis of wind turbines using a scheme of fluid-structure interaction
J.G. Valdes*, A.D. García-Soto, A.  Hernández and M.  Mendoza

Numerical simulation of tsunami force acting on a floating/submerged tsunami shelter
H. Mutsuda*, S. Fujii, A. Ardianti and Y. Doi

Numerical wind tunnel for aerodynamic and aeroelastic characterization of bridge deck sections and comparison with experimental results
M. Lazzari, E.  Stecca, R. Scotta*, J. Cotela and R. Rossi

Air-generated noise sources during the closure of a tire’s groove
R. Pennec*, D. Rixen and E. Deerenberg

Modelling 3D floating bodies and fluid flow interactions using Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics Method
K. Pan*, B.D. Jones and J. Williams

20:30 - 22:30
Conference Banquet