Keynote Lecture: Effects of reverse Blalock-Taussig shunt diameter in the setting of the hybrid Norwood palliative treatment: A multi-scale CFD analysis of synthetic and patient specific anatomies
A. Ceballos*, L. Blanchette, E. Divo, I.R. Argueta-Morales, A. Kassab and W.M. DeCampli
A fluid-structure-scalar-scalar interaction model with application to early atherosclerosis progression
M.P. Thon* and M.W. Gee
A parallel fully-coupled fluid-structure interaction simulation of a cerebral aneurysm
A. Eken and M. Sahin*
A multi-scale CFD analysis of Patient Specific Geometries for different LVAD implantation configurations under Pulsatile Flow conditions: An investigation into Thrombo-Embolism formation to reduce stroke risk
R. Prather*, E. Divo, I.R. Argueta-Morales, A. Kassab and W.M. DeCampli
Numerical simulation of fluid-structure interaction for a simplified model of the soft palate
M. Khalili*, M. Larsson and B. Müller
A tightly coupled multi-scale CFD analysis of the Fontan circulation
M. Ni*, A. Kassab, E. Divo, W.M. DeCampli and I.R. Argueta-Morales
Simulations of bubble collapse in a non-linear viscoelastic medium
M. Rodriguez* and E. Johnsen