Thursday, July 3rd    10:30 - 12:30
Modern Approaches for Fluid-structure Interaction Problems on Lightweight Structures I
Joint IACM – IUTAM Minisymposium

Minisymposium organized by Roland Wüchner and Riccardo Rossi
Room: CAS2.6
10:30 Stability Issues of Implicit Coupling Methods for Partitioned Solvers in Biomechanical Applications (Keynote Lecture)
Jan Vierendeels, Joris Degroote, Robby Haelterman and Peter Bruggeman

11:00 Algebraic Multigrid in Fluid Structure Interaction Biomechanics (Keynote Lecture)
Michael Gee and Wolfgang A. Wall

11:30 Design of Efficient Structures considering Flow-Induced Effects
Roland Wüchner, Alexander Kupzok, Thomas Gallinger and Kai-Uwe Bletzinger

11:50 Low-Speed Aeroelasticity of Rotor Blades and Slender Wings with Adaptive Airfoils
Carlos E.S. Cesnik, Smith Thepvongs and Rafael Palacios

12:10 The Robin-Robin/GMRES Algorithm for Fluid-Structure Interaction: Large Added-Mass Effect and Balloon-Type Problems
Santiago Badia, Fabio Nobile and Christian Vergara

Thursday, July 3rd    14:00 - 16:00
Modern Approaches for Fluid-structure Interaction Problems on Lightweight Structures II
Joint IACM – IUTAM Minisymposium

Minisymposium organized by Roland Wüchner and Riccardo Rossi
Room: CAS2.6
14:00 Strong Coupling, Partitioned Methods in FSI
Riccardo Rossi, Pooyan Dadvand, Sergio Idelsohn and Eugenio Oñate

14:20 Modular vs Non-Modular Preconditioners for Fluid-Structure Systems with Large Added-Mass Effect
Annalisa Quaini, Santiago Badia and Alfio Quarteroni

14:40 An Adaptive ALE Formulation to Solve Fluid-Structure Interaction with Large Deformations and Added Mass Efects
Facundo Del Pin

15:00 Analysis of Block Gauss-Seidel Methods with Reference to Fluid-Structure Interaction in Biomedical Applications
Wulf G. Dettmer, D. Peric and M. M. Joosten

15:20 Fluid Structure Interaction of Hairy Surfaces
Julien Favier, Antoine Dauptain and Alessandro Bottaro

15:40 Structure-Borne Sound Propagation Calculation with Maxwell Element
Göran Sandberg, Delphine Bard and Kent Persson


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