Thursday, July 3rd    10:30 - 12:30
Coupled Multifield Problems and Smart Structures I
Joint IACM – IUTAM Minisymposium

Minisymposium organized by Thomas Wallmersperger, Bernd Kröplin and Erasmo Carrera
Room: CAS3.4
10:30 A Thermomechanical Refined Sinus Finite Element including Transverse Normal Stress Effects in Multilayered Beams (Keynote Lecture)
Philippe Vidal and Olivier Polit

11:00 Electroactive Polymers - Basics, Modeling and Applications (Keynote Lecture)
Thomas Wallmersperger

11:30 Analysis of Localized Effect in Vicinity of Piezoelectric Patches
Erasmo Carrera and Pietro Nali

11:50 The Significance of Nilpotent Sensors for Monitoring in Multifield Problems
Michael Krommer and Markus Zellhofer

12:10 Smart Structure Design for Micro-Vibration Environment Control - Thales Alenia Space Experience
Pietro Carlo Marucchi-Chierro

Thursday, July 3rd    14:00 - 16:00
Coupled Multifield Problems and Smart Structures II
Joint IACM – IUTAM Minisymposium

Minisymposium organized by Thomas Wallmersperger, Bernd Kröplin and Erasmo Carrera
Room: CAS3.4
14:00 Hierarchic 2D Models for Piezoelectric Sandwich Shells
Michele D‘Ottavio, Salvatore Brischetto and Olivier Polit

14:20 Adaptive Piezoelectric Structural-Acoustic Coupled Systems with Damping Interface
Jean-François Deü, Walid Larbi and Roger Ohayon

14:40 Analysis of Piezoelectric Solids with an Efficient Node-based Smoothing Element
Hieu Nguyen-Van, Nam Mai-Duy and Thanh Tran-Cong

15:00 Optimal Location of Piezoelectric Sensors by a Genetic Algorithm
Isabelle Bruant, Laurent Gallimard and Shahram Nikoukar

15:20 Fracture Criterion for Piezoelectric Ceramics using the Exact Boundary Conditions applied to the Crack Surfaces
Yael Motola and Leslie Banks-Sills

Thursday, July 3rd    16:30 - 18:30
Coupled Multifield Problems and Smart Structures III
Joint IACM – IUTAM Minisymposium

Minisymposium organized by Thomas Wallmersperger, Bernd Kröplin and Erasmo Carrera
Room: CAS3.4
16:30 Phase Field Simulation of Ferroelectric Materials with Different Electrical and Mechanical Boundary Conditions
Jie Wang and Marc Kamlah

16:50 Numerical Procedure for Polycrystalline Ferroelectrics using Landau’s Potential and Vector-Nodal Finite Element
Gakuji Nagai and Takamasa Hayashi

17:10 Multi-domain Simulations for Increasing the Efficiency of Energy Harvesting
Matthias Kurch, Heiko Atzrodt, Christoph Klein and Dirk Mayer


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