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Ibiza Island

As the Mediterranean's main tourist destination, the Illes Balears enjoy excellent air links with Spain and the principal cities in Europe and the world.

The main airlines flying to the Illes Balears are Spain's Iberia, Air Europa and Spanair, alongside many charter and foreign airlines. All of the islands are well interconnected by regular flights run by Iberia (Air Nostrum), Air Europa, Spanair and Air Catalunya.

Every year, the Illes Balears receive visitors from all over the world, although the main tourist markets of origin are Germany, the UK, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden and Ireland.

The islands also have outstanding ports which are the alternative gateway to the Illes Balears, although with much fewer passengers. Regular lines operated by Transmediterránea and Baleària Eurolínies Marítimes link the Illes Balears with Barcelona and Valencia. Likewise, the port of Palma de Mallorca is also a stopover point for a large number of Mediterranean cruises.

Link of Interest:


By Air:

Ibiza airport (Sant Jordi):
7 km from Ibiza and 5 km from Sant Jordi
Telephone: (+34) 971. 809. 900
Fax: (+34) 971. 809. 287

Flights to the Illes Balears

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This website will provide you with specific information about the airlines' timetables and fares for the dates and destinations selected.

By sea:

The main ports in the Illes Balears are Palma de Mallorca, Alcúdia (Mallorca), Maó (Menorca), Ciutadella de Menorca, Ibiza and La Savina (Formentera). Arriving by sea is spectacular, especially if you do so via the port of Maó (regarded as the "Pearl of the Mediterranean") or Ciutadella, both in Menorca.

The Illes Balears have a highly-developed network of marinas for anyone wanting the thrill of arriving in their own boat.

The Illes Balears are also a port of call for many cruises which stop here so that their passengers can enjoy the fabulous setting. Besides this, there are also regular ferries connecting the islands every day.

Sea transport from the Spanish mainland:

Daily ferries from Barcelona and Valencia to the ports of Palma de Mallorca, Ibiza and Maó (Menorca).

Baleària Eurolínies Marítimes:
Baleària runs the Dénia-Ibiza-Palma de Mallorca route.

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