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      Conference Venue
      Ibiza Island
      Social Programme
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Number of visits: 248661

Social Programme

A social programme for delegates and accompanying persons has been arranged, including a reception and a banquet at a local place of interest.

Welcome Reception: Monday May 21st. evening.
It will take place in the premises of the Archaeological Museum of Eivissa (Museu Arqueològic d'Eivissa y Formentera)

Conference Banquet Dinner: Tuesday May 22nd evening.
It will take place at Can Part d’Atzaró, a century old family finca. Transport will be provided. Students and accompanying persons interested in joining the Banquet can do so at a preference banquet fee of 65 Euros.

Farewell Cocktail: Wednesday 23rd. afternoon at the Conference Venue.

Accompany persons can join the Welcome Reception, the Banquet Dinner and the Farewell Cocktail at a reduced fee of 100 Euro.

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