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ISCHIA ISLAND Ischia is the biggest island in the Gulf of Naples, a volcanic island in the Tyrrhenian Sea, at the northern end of the Gulf. The history of the known as "green island" is marked by earthquakes and eruptions. Ischia is the visible part of a volcanic field. Its volcanic activities began more than 130,000 years ago. The highest peak, volcanic, is the Mount Epomeo (788 meters).

The earliest recorded name of Ischia was ARIME, Homer called it soArchaeology confirmed human presence in the area on the Bronze Age (circa 1700 BC). Pottery shards from the Mycenaean age, datable between the XV and XIV centuries BC, have been found on the coastal strip between Ischia Porto and Casamicciola.
In 730 BC the Euboeans founded the colony of Pithekoussai on Ischia, on top of Monte Vico. șAt the base of the promontory, two natural harbours favoured sailing and trade of the new colony, the western Greeks' first one. Its name, Pithecusa, was later extended to the whole island. The island found its vocation for ceramic art and viticulture from this settlement, which still represent two founding aspects of its typicality. Its natural wonders, beginning with the thermae, made of Ischia the most famous island in all the Mediterranean.
A terribly eruption in 1301 forced the island to be temporarily abandoned: its inhabitants found refuge on Baia and Capri, returning four years later. There was a large concentration of events on this land in the middle of the sea over the last twenty eight centuries: Sarracen raids, Medieval battles, banditry, invasions and escapes carried out by the French, Spanish and English.

Ischia is divided into six towns. Has a population of 60,000 inhabitants and is 14.8 km far from the mainland. It spreads out on a surface of 46.5 km with around 35 km of coastline. As a whole, it has a Mediterranean climate, even if because of its particular geological morphology it is possible to pass from a sea to a hill or to a mountain climate.
The Italian political union gave Ischia a government that tried to improve the economy standard of the island, but the terrible earthquakes occurred in 1881 and 1883 stopped the development of the thermal tourism, that was just blooming at that time. In the '50s the island became a highly equipped and important tourist destination, well-known all over the world. The "green island" is considered an emblem of well-being. Ibsen, Lamartine, Berkeley, Croce, Nietzsche, Stendhal, Maupassant, Boccaccio, and many others historical "greats" recounted the magic of this land of rich landscapes and incredible natural resources.


How to Reach Ischia
Naples Official Web Site
How to get to Naples
Moving in the city of Naples

Ischia Island
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