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Social Programme

We will start the delegates registration on Sunday June 7th. in the afternoon.

Social Programme:

The Welcome Reception will take place on Sunday June 7th. evening.

The Conference Banquet Dinner, on Tuesday June 9th., will consist of a typical “Pizza and Pasta” dinner, offered in the gardens of the conference venue. Students interested in joining the Conference Banquet can do so at a preference banquet fee of 55 Euros.

We have arranged a Social Programme for Accompanying Persons, including the Welcome Reception and the Banquet Dinner at a special fee of 80 Euro.

If you wish to get an extra banquet ticket or make your reservation for an accompanying person, we kindly ask you to place your order through the conference web site as soon as possible (table seats are limited).

A tour to Capri has also been arranged for Tuesday June 9th., subject to a minimum number of participants. For further information and reservation please contact YES Meet.

After closing the Technical Programme, on Wednesday June 10th. at 13:30, a Fairwell Cocktail will be offered to all the participants.

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