Invited Sessions
Keynote lectures will be complemented by invited sessions organized by recognised experts
in targeted research areas.
The talks scheduled are generally invited by the organizers. Authors interested to contribute to a particular Invited Session are kindly requested to contact the session organizer(s) directly.
Persons willing to organize an Invited Session on a specific topic are kindly requested to send their proposal to the conference secretariat.
The list of confirmed Invited Sessions follows:
Computational Mechanics of Multiphase Porous Materials
Bernd Markert and Lorenzo Sanavia
markert@mechbau.uni-stuttgart.de ; lorenzo.sanavia@unipd.it
Computational Multiphysics: Methods and Models
Carlos Felippa, Roger Ohayon and K.C. Park
carlos.felippa@colorado.edu ; roger.ohayon@cnam.fr ; Kcpark@colorado.edu
Coupled Problems for Biomimetics
Fotis Sotiropoulos
Coupled Problems in Bioengineering
Alain Kassab, Eduardo Divo and Lakshmi Reddi
kassab@mail.ucf.edu ; edivo@mail.ucf.edu ; LReddi@mail.ucf.edu
Coupled Problems in Geotechnical Engineering
Sebastià Olivella
Coupled Thermomechanical Simulation of Material Forming and Impact Problems
Carlos Agelet de Saracibar and Jean-Philippe Ponthot
agelet@cimne.upc.edu ; JP.Ponthot@ulg.ac.be
Coupling of Different Numerical Methods
Gernot Beer
Fast Single and Multi Discipline Optimization Tools for Aircraft/Aero Engines Design with Uncertainties
Jacques Pèriaux
Interaction with Time Resolved Turbulent Flow Fields
Dörte Carla Sternel
Multidisciplinary Biomechanical Simulation
Ernst Rank and Zohar Yosibash
rank@inf.bauwesen.tu-muenchen.de ; zohary@bgu.ac.il
Multiresolution Biomechanics: From Nano to Macro
Wing-Kam Liu, Yongjie (Jessica) Zhang, Suvranu De and Lucy Zhang
w-liu@northwestern.edu ; jessicaz@andrew.cmu.edu ; des@rpi.edu ; zhanglucy@rpi.edu
Numerical Modelling of Coupled Electromagnetic, Hydrodynamic and Thermomechanical Problems in Engineering
Massimo Guarnieri and Carmelo Majorana
guarnieri@die.unipd.it ; majorana@dic.unipd.it
Plasticity and Damage: Experimental and Numerical Simulations
Valentina Salomoni and Francesco Marotti de Sciarra
salomoni@dic.unipd.it ; marotti@unina.it
Speeding-up Numerical Simulations: Model Reduction and Other Advanced Discretization Techniques
Francisco Chinesta, David Ryckelynck and Elias Cueto
francisco.chinesta@paris.ensam.fr ; David.Ryckelynck@ensmp.fr ; ecueto@unizar.es
Symposium Celebrating the 70th Birthday of Ahmed Sameh: Fluid-Structure Interactions
Kenji Takizawa, Yuri Bazilevs and Tayfun Tezduyar
ktaki@rice.edu ; yuri@ucsd.edu ; tezduyar@gmail.com