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9/6/09    11:00 - 13:00
IS - Application of BEM, Meshless and Other Mesh Reduction Methods to Coupled Problems I
Invited Session organized by Alain Kassab and Eduardo Divo
Room: 1 - Pithecusa I (Plenary Room)
Chair: to be confirmed

A Meshless Approach to Solve the Fluid Poro-Elastic Interaction Problem between the Tracheo-Bronchial Tree and the Lungs
V. Huayamave, A. Vidal, A. Kassab, E. Divo, A. Santhanam and P. Kupelian

A Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian Computational Analysis to Evaluate Implantation of Left Ventricular Assistive Devices and Alternative Aortic Bypass with the Aim to Reduce Thromboembolism
A.F. Osorio, A. Kassab, E. Divo, I.R. Argueta-Morales and W.M. Decampli

Meshless Simulations of Two-Dimensional Flows with Discontinuous Fronts
E. Kansa

RBF-FVM Numerical Solution of the Poro-Elastic Levee Problem with Time Varying-Boundary Conditions
E. Divo, A. Kassab, L. Reddi, S. Kakuturu and S. Hagen

Coupling Between the Method of Fundamental Solutions and the Boundary Elements Method for the Numerical Simulation of Acoustic Wave Propagation
A. Tadeu, J. António and I. Castro

The Method of Particular Solutions for Solving Scalar Wave Equations
P.H. Wen and C.S. Chen

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