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Number of visits: 220340

Sunday, June 7th

17:00 - 19:00

19:30 - 21:00
Welcome Cocktail

Monday, June 8th

07:30 - 08:30

08:30 - 10:30
Plenary Lectures I
Room: 1 - Pithecusa I (Plenary Room)
Chair: to be confirmed

The Mechanics of Coupling - Ingredients for Coupled Calculations
H.G. Matthies, R. Niekamp, M. Hautefeuille, D. Jürgens, Ch. Kassiotis, T. Srisupattarawanit, J-B. Colliat and A. Ibrahimbegovic

Overview of Coupled Fluid-Structure Numerical Methods applied to Naval Propulsion Systems
J-F. Sigrist

Conjugate Heat Transfer: A Coupled FVM/BEM Approach
A. Kassab

10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 13:00
Plenary Lectures II
Room: 1 - Pithecusa I (Plenary Room)
Chair: to be confirmed

Recognition of Complex Biological/Nano Molecule Phenomena
W.K. Liu

From Solids to Fluidized Soils: Applications to Fast Catastrophic Landslides
M. Pastor, D. Manzanal, J.A. Fernández Merodo, P. Mira, T. Blanc, M.J. Pastor, B. Haddad, M. Sanchez, I. Herreros and V. Drempetic

Thermomecanically Coupled Simulation of Semi-Solid Thixoforming
R. Koeune and J.P. Ponthot

13:00 - 14:30
Lunch Time

14:30 - 16:30
IS - Advances in Computational Techniques for Fluid Mechanics and Fluid-Structure Interaction I
Invited Session organized by Yuri Bazilevs and Tayfun Tezduyar
Room: 1 - Pithecusa I (Plenary Room)
Chair: Tayfun Tezduyar

Isogeometric Fluid-Structure Interaction: Theory, Algorithms, and Computations
Y. Bazilevs, V. Calo, T. Hughes and Y. Zhang

High-Fidelity Finite Element Meshing for Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis of Aneurysms
Y. Zhang, W. Wang, X. Liang, Y. Bazilevs, M.-C Hsu, T. Kvamsdal, R. Brekken and J. Isaksen

Vascular Fluid-Structure Interaction: Methods and Applications
Y. Bazilevs, M.-C Hsu, J. Feinstein and A. L Marsden

Space-Time Finite Element Computation of Arterial FSI with Patient-Specific Data
K. Takizawa, J. Christopher, C. Moorman, J. Martin, J. Purdue, T. McPhail, P.R. Chen, J. Warren and T.E. Tezduyar

Coupled 3D-0D Patient-specific FSI Modelling of the Human Right Coronary Artery
R. Torii, N. Wood, N. Hadjiloizou, A. Wright, A. Hughes, J. Davies, D. Francis, J. Mayet, M. Oshima, T. Tezduyar and Y. Xu

IS - Strategies for Coupling Different Numerical Methods
Invited Session organized by Gernot Beer and Jerzy Rojek
Room: 2 - Pithecusa II
Chair: Gernot Beer

Strategies for Coupling Different Numerical Models in Statics and Dynamics
G. Beer and J. Rojek

Partitioned Simulation of the Impact of a Deformable Composite Cylinder on a Water Surface
J. Degroote, C. Blommaert, R. Haelterman, W. Van Paepegem and J. Vierendeels

Coupling Procedure for Modelling Transient Conjugate Heat Transfer
B. Baqué, M.P. Errera and A. Roos

Coupling of Models for the Quasi-3D Hydrodynamical Modeling
M. Amara, A. Pétrau and D. Trujillo

IS - Multiphysics Multiscale Enabling Materials I – Nano- and Biosystems I
Invited Session organized by Yaling Liu and Wing-Kam Liu
Room: 3 - Primavera
Chair: Moon Kim
CoChair: Wing-Kam Liu

A Mechanistic Approach for Modelling the Stress and Couple Stress in Cellular Materials
P. Hård af Segerstad, S. Toll and F. Larsson

Weak Coupling Algorithms In Multiscale Simulations
K. Fackeldey, D. Krause and R. Krause

A Stochastic Immersed Boundary Method for Microscale Fluid-Structure Dynamics
P. Kramer, P. Atzberger and C. Peskin

Understanding the Influence of Embryonic Blood Flow on Cardiac Development
S. Rugonyi, A. Liu and A. Troyer

Multiscale Simulation for Understanding the Folding Mechanism of a Human Inherited Disease Protein
Y. Jang, W.K. Liu, Y-J. Kim and M.K. Kim

IS - Coupled Problems in Particulate Engineering I
Invited Session organized by Csaba Sinka and Charley Wu
Room: 4 - Nitrodi A
Chair: to be confirmed

Modelling Deformation and Pore Pressure Build-up in Highly Compressible Porous Media
I.C. Sinka

Three-Dimensional Discrete Element Models for the Granular Statics and Dynamics of Powders
M. Moseler, C. Bierwisch, T. Kraft and H. Riedel

Breakage of Needle-Shaped Particle Assemblies
Z. Grof, P. Rajniak and F. Stepanek

An Application of Particle Scale Simulation to Powder Compaction Using a Discrete Finite Element Approach
J. Choi, D. Gethin and R. Lewis

Multiscale Modelling of Pharmaceutical Tablets
J.A. Elliott, D. Antypov, M. Dutt and L.H. Han

Numerical Methods for Coupled Problems I MoA105
Room: 5 - Nitrodi B
Chair: Manolis Papadrakakis

A Subgrid Model for Stabilizing Discrete Solutions of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations
M. Malinen

Explicit Inverse Distance Weighting Mesh Motion for Coupled Problems
J. Witteveen and H. Bijl

A Numerical Study with the Semi-Analytical Method for High Rayleigh Number Flow Field
M. Seino, T. Tanahashi and K. Yasuoka

A Multilayer Saint-Venant Model with Density Variation Effects Applied to Hyperpycnal Currents
N. Verdon, F. Golfier and A. Le Solleuz

The Coupled Problems using Meshless Solutions, for Three-Dimensional Compressible Navier-Stokes Layer
A. Nastase

Heat Balance in the Control Volume as an Important Factor in the Accuracy Validation of the Finite Element Solution to the Steady State Convection-Diffusion Heat Transport Equation
Z. Malinowski, B. Hadala and W. Madej

16:30 - 17:00
Coffee break

17:00 - 19:00
IS - Advances in Computational Techniques for Fluid Mechanics and Fluid-Structure Interaction II
Invited Session organized by Yuri Bazilevs and Tayfun Tezduyar
Room: 1 - Pithecusa I (Plenary Room)
Chair: Yuri Bazilevs

Fluid-Structure Interaction Modeling of the Orion Spacecraft Parachutes
K. Takizawa, J. Christopher, C. Moorman, S. Wright, J. Martin and T.E. Tezduyar

Coupling Approaches and Embedded Dirichlet Formulation for 3D Fixed-Grid Fluid-Structure-Interaction
A. Gerstenberger and W.A. Wall

Efficient Tools and Coupling Strategies for the Partitioned Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interactions
M. Mehl and B. Gatzhammer

A Partitioned Solution Procedure Based on Domain Decomposition Techniques
W.G. Dettmer and D. Peric

Towards Shape Optimization in Partitioned Analysis for Fluid-Structure Interaction
U. Israel, E. Stavropoulou, K-U. Bletzinger and R. Wüchner

IS - Coupled Analysis of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Thermal Cyclic Loads
Invited Session organized by Carmelo Majorana and Valentina Salomoni
Room: 2 - Pithecusa II
Chair: to be confirmed

Performance of Normal and Special Concretes under Elevated Temperatures – Evaluation of Protection Methods against Spalling
K.K. Sideris

Coupled Thermal, Hygral and Mechanical Model for Early Age Concrete
E. Schlangen, W. Hansen and R.  Haverkort

Numerical Analysis of Coupled Heat and Moisture Transfer with Discontinuities on Material Interfaces
J. Kruis and J. Madera

Computing Transient Heat and Moisture Transfer in Concrete with Space-Time Adaptive hp-FEM
P. Solin and J. Kruis

Analysis of Crack Propagation in a Reinforced Domain by the Boundary Element Method
E.D. Leonel and W.S. Venturini

IS - Multiphysics Multiscale Enabling Materials I – Nano- and Biosystems II
Invited Session organized by Yaling Liu and Wing-Kam Liu
Room: 3 - Primavera
Chair: Wing-Kam Liu
CoChair: Moon Kim

The Finite Element Immersed Boundary Method: Model, Stability, and Numerical Results
D. Boffi, L. Gastaldi and L. Heltai

Multiscale Design of Nanodiamond-Based Drug Delivery System for Engineered Medicine - Part I
W.K. Liu, A. Adnan, A. Kopacz, D. Ho, R. Lam, A. To, Y.J. Kim, M.K. Kim and Y. Tzeng

Multiscale Design of Nanodiamond-Based Drug Delivery System for Engineered Medicine - Part II
W.K. Liu, A. Adnan, A. Kopacz, D. Ho, R. Lam, A. To, Y.J. Kim, M.K. Kim and Y. Tzeng

Supercoiling Dynamics of a Circular DNA in Fluid
S. Lim

Variational Formulation of Buckling of Double-Walled Boron-Nitride Nanotubes Subject to Electro-Thermo-Mechanical Loads
S. Adali

IS - Coupled Problems in Particulate Engineering II
Invited Session organized by Csaba Sinka and Charley Wu
Room: 4 - Nitrodi A
Chair: to be confirmed

Computational Modelling of Powder Flow Behaviour in Air Using a Coupled Discrete Element Method (DEM) and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Y. Guo, C. Wu and C. Thornton

A Lattice-Based Diffusion Model for the Sintering of Nanoparticles
S. Gill

Simulation of Capillary Interactions in Partially Wetted Particulate Materials
Z. Grof and F. Stepanek

Numerical and Experimental Studies of Suspensions of Fiber and Spherical Solid Particles
P. Laure, G. Beaume, E.  Peuvrel-Disdier and M. Vincent

Some Coupled Problems in the Simulation and Modelling of Particulate Systems
A. Yu

Optimal Control of Particle Dispersion in a 2D Cavity by a Reduced Order Model
C. Leblond, C. Allery and C. Béghein

IS - Thermomechanical Simulation of Forming and Impact Problems
Invited Session organized by Carlos Agelet de Saracibar and Jean-Philippe Ponthot
Room: 5 - Nitrodi B
Chair: to be confirmed

Constitutive Modeling of Dynamic Strain Aging Effect under Various Loading Conditions
B. Berisha, P.  Hora and L.  Tong

A Variational Finite Element Approach for Thermo-Mechanical Coupling in Computational Structural Mechanics
L. Stainier

Numerical Modeling of Fluid-Structure Interaction in the Hydrodynamic RAM Problem
D. Varas, R. Zaera and J. López-Puente

Simulations, Based on One-Phase Constitutive Laws, of a Semi-Solid Extrusion Test of Steel Alloy
R. Koeune and J.P. Ponthot

Time Adaptive Analysis of Thermomechanically Coupled Plasticity
K. Quint and S. Hartmann

Thermomechanically Coupled Modeling and Simulation of Aluminum Alloys During Hot Forming Processes
F. Parvizian, T. Kayser and B. Svendsen

IS - Multiphysics Modelling of Geo-Environmental Engineering Problems
Invited Session organized by Lyesse Laloui and Lorenzo Sanavia
Room: 6 - Tifeo
Chair: Lyesse Laloui
CoChair: Lorenzo Sanavia

Behaviour of an Engineered Clay Barrier for a Nuclear Waste Isolation System
B. François and L. Laloui

Coupled Hydro-Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of a Deep Radioactive Waste Disposal Based on Porous Media Mechanics
L. Sanavia, L. Laloui, M. Passarotto, L. Luison and B. François

A Model for Taking into Account the Role of Calcite during Electrokinetic Treatments
F. Cattaneo, C. Jommi, G. Musso and C. Tamagnini

Desiccation Shrinkage and Its Controlling Properties: Multiphysics
L.B. Hu, T. Hueckel, H. Peron and L. Laloui

Coupled Modelling of Mechanical, Hydraulical and Bio-chemical Processes in Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
S. Bente, V. Krase, U. Kowalsky and D. Dinkler

Three-Dimensional Coupled Analysis of Desaturation Induced by an Advancing Underground Opening
A. Abati and C. Callari

Tuesday, June 9th

08:30 - 10:30
IS - Advances in Computational Techniques for Fluid Mechanics and Fluid-Structure Interaction III
Invited Session organized by Yuri Bazilevs and Tayfun Tezduyar
Room: 1 - Pithecusa I (Plenary Room)
Chair: Wolfgang A. Wall

A Tearing-based Hybrid Parallel Sparse System Solver
A. Sameh, M. Manguoglu and M. Naumov

Fluid Structure Vibrations with Surface Tension Effects
M. El Kamali, J.S. Schotte and R. Ohayon

Communication and Performance Evaluation of Edge-Based Coupled Fluid Flow and Transport Computations
R. Elias, J. Camata, P. Paraizo and A. Coutinho

Goal-Oriented Adaptivity for Coupled Problems
E.H. van Brummelen, P.W. Fick and K.G. van der Zee

Fluid-Structure Interaction in Turbulent Flow
D.C. Sternel, P. Pironkov, M. Kornhaas and M. Schaefer

Numerical Simulation of Particle-Fluid Flow Systems
P. Wriggers and B. Avci

IS - Speeding-Up Numerical Simulations: Model Reduction and other Advanced Discretization Techniques I
Invited Session organized by Francisco Chinesta, David Ryckelynck and Elias Cueto
Room: 2 - Pithecusa II
Chair: to be confirmed

Finite Sums Decompositions: a Time-Space Framework to Reduce Computational Cost-Application to Thermo-Poroelasticity
D. Néron and P. Ladevèze

A Separated Representation for Solving the Heat Equation within the Boundary Element Method
G. Bonithon, P. Joyot, F. Chinesta and P. Villon

Robust Simulation of Damage Growth and Fracture Using the APHR Method
D. Ryckelynck and D. Missoum Benziane

Homogenization of Nonlinear Elastic Composites using Numerically Explicit Potentials
J. Yvonnet, D. Gonzalez and Q.C. He

A Greedy Approach to Multiscale Problems
A. Falcó, A. Ammar and F. Chinesta

Model Reduction for Complex High-Tech Systems
A. Lutowska and W. Schilders

IS - Coupled Problems in Geotechnical Engineering I
Invited Session organized by Sebastià Olivella
Room: 3 - Primavera
Chair: to be confirmed

Modelling of Leaching Process in Cementitious Materials by Means of a Thermodynamic Fully Coupled Approach
F. Pesavento, B. Schrefler and D. Gawin

Hydraulic Response to a Shaft Excavation in Callovo-Oxfordian Clay
B. Garitte, A. Gens, J. Vaunat and G. Armand

Numerical Simulation of Thermo-Hygral ASR Model in Concrete at the Mesoscale
Z. Itam and C. Koenke

Explicit Coupling between Flow and Geomechanical Simulators
N. Inoue and S. Fontoura

Coupled Numerical Simulation of Multi-phase Flow in Deformable Porous Media during CO2 Sequestration
U.J. Goerke, C.H. Park, W. Wang and O. Kolditz

IS - Coupled Problems in Biophysics I
Invited Session organized by Marino Arroyo and Antonio DeSimone
Room: 4 - Nitrodi A
Chair: to be confirmed

A Phase Field Approach to Wetting and Contact Angle Hysteresis Phenomena
A. DeSimone, L. Fedeli and A. Turco

Truss Model for Stress Controlled Morphogenesis
J. Muñoz, V. Conte and M. Miodownik

Phase-Field Simulations of the Morphological Evolution of Lipid Bilayer Membranes Coupling Composition with Deformation
C. Funkhouser, F. Solis and K. Thornton

Numerical Models for Axisymmetric Microswimmers
L. Heltai, F. Alouges and A. DeSimone

Passive and Active Deformation Processes in Cardiac Tissue
A. DiCarlo, P. Nardinocchi, T. Svaton and L. Teresi

IS - Coupled Electrical-Magnetic-Thermal-Mechanical Modeling of Materials and Structures
Invited Session organized by Carmelo Majorana and Massimo Guarnieri
Room: 5 - Nitrodi B
Chair: to be confirmed

An Overview of Numerical Modeling Applied to Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (EPM) Problems
J.D. Lavers

Numerical Modeling of Coupled Magnetoelastic Problem
A. Belahcen, K. Fonteyn, A. Hannukainen and R. Kouhia

Tonti Diagrams as a General Framework for Multiphysics
A. Canova, C. Delprete, F. Freschi, M. Repetto and C. Rosso

Potential Formulations for Time-Harmonic Eddy-Current Problems
A. Valli

Order Reduction Techniques for Coupled Multi-Domain Electromagnetic based Models
W. Schilders, J. Fernandez Villena and L.M. Silveira

Aeroelastic Flows TuM106
Room: 6 - Tifeo
Chair: Sergio R. Idelsohn

Vortex-Induced Vibrations: Simplified Numerical Method for Understanding the Aeroelastic Response of Line Slender Structures in the Lock-in Range
A. Vasallo, A. Lorenzana, A. Foces, R. Rossi and P. López

Modeling and Simulation of Light-Weight Membrane Structures under Wind Influence
T. Gallinger, A. Kupzok, K-U. Bletzinger and R. Wüchner

Nonlinear Aeroelastic Methodology:Reducer Order Models for Ballute with Hypersonic Bow Shock and others Problems
D.D. Liu, P.C. Chen, Z. Wang, S. Yang, Z. Zhang, M.P. Mignolet and X. Wang

Interaction of Local and Expanded Regions of Structural and Acoustic Response in Automotive Design
R. Steinbuch and L. Schmidt

Trimmed Simulation of a Transport Aircraft Using Fluid-Structure Coupling
A.K. Michler, R.P. Dwight and R. Heinrich

Fluid Structure Interaction in Non-contacting Gas Seals
Y. Du and M. Schäfer

10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 13:00
IS - Application of BEM, Meshless and Other Mesh Reduction Methods to Coupled Problems I
Invited Session organized by Alain Kassab and Eduardo Divo
Room: 1 - Pithecusa I (Plenary Room)
Chair: to be confirmed

A Meshless Approach to Solve the Fluid Poro-Elastic Interaction Problem between the Tracheo-Bronchial Tree and the Lungs
V. Huayamave, A. Vidal, A. Kassab, E. Divo, A. Santhanam and P. Kupelian

A Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian Computational Analysis to Evaluate Implantation of Left Ventricular Assistive Devices and Alternative Aortic Bypass with the Aim to Reduce Thromboembolism
A.F. Osorio, A. Kassab, E. Divo, I.R. Argueta-Morales and W.M. Decampli

Meshless Simulations of Two-Dimensional Flows with Discontinuous Fronts
E. Kansa

RBF-FVM Numerical Solution of the Poro-Elastic Levee Problem with Time Varying-Boundary Conditions
E. Divo, A. Kassab, L. Reddi, S. Kakuturu and S. Hagen

Coupling Between the Method of Fundamental Solutions and the Boundary Elements Method for the Numerical Simulation of Acoustic Wave Propagation
A. Tadeu, J. António and I. Castro

The Method of Particular Solutions for Solving Scalar Wave Equations
P.H. Wen and C.S. Chen

IS - Speeding-Up Numerical Simulations: Model Reduction and other Advanced Discretization Techniques II
Invited Session organized by Francisco Chinesta, David Ryckelynck and Elias Cueto
Room: 2 - Pithecusa II
Chair: to be confirmed

Accounting for Geometric Non-linearities in Real-time Simulation of Soft Tissues by Model Reduction Techniques
S. Niroomandi, I.  Alfaro, E.  Cueto and F. Chinesta

Generalized Spectral Decomposition and Separated Representations for Solving High-Dimensional Stochastic Problems
A. Nouy

Model Reduction with the Proper Order Decomposition of the Meshless Natural Element Model of a Rotative Electromagnetic Machine
M. Pineda-Sánchez, F. Chinesta, F. Daïm and J. Roger-Folch

Comparison of Different Methods for Reduced Order Modeling in Fluid Structure Interaction
E. Liberge and A. Hamdouni

Iterative Coupling of Nonlinear Soil-Structure Interaction using Reduced Order Method
H.Z. Jahromi, B.A. Izzuddin and L. Zdravkovic

Costs Reduction of Design of Experiments for Realtime Simulation of a Neohookean Behavior
F. Druesne, J.L. Dulong, B. Lefevre and P. Villon

IS - Coupled Problems in Geotechnical Engineering II
Invited Session organized by Sebastià Olivella
Room: 3 - Primavera
Chair: to be confirmed

Domain Decomposition Finite Element Solution of Soil-Structure Interaction Porous Media Problems with Foundation Piles
G.M. Stavroulakis, M. Papadrakakis and G. Pittos

Swelling Caused by Coupled Fluxes in a Backfill Material Including Salt Inclusions. Interaction with Clay Host Rock
N. Mokni and S. Olivella

A Mixed Lagrangian and Eulerian FSI Approach for Simulation of Overtopping on Embankment Dams
A. Larese, R. Rossi and E. Oñate

A Stable Numerical Scheme for One Dimensional Consolidation Problem using Mesh Free Method
A. Khoshghalb and N. Khalili

Thermohaline Convection in Aquifers Connected with a Salt Formation
E. Holzbecher, C. Kohfahl and M. Mazurowski

IS - Coupled Problems in Biophysics II
Invited Session organized by Marino Arroyo and Antonio DeSimone
Room: 4 - Nitrodi A
Chair: to be confirmed

Relaxation Dynamics of Fluid Membranes
M. Arroyo, A. DeSimone and T. Wikky

On the Formulation and Numerical Implementation of Dissipative Electro-Mechanics at Large Strains
D. Rosato and C.  Miehe

Incorporating Physiological Models in Blood Flow Simulations
M. Behr, M. Behbahani, M. Probst and C. Waluga

Mathematical Modelling of Biofilm Growth and Detachment by Space-Time Meshfree Collocations
H. Netuzhylov and A. Zilian

Fluid-Structure Interactions I TuM205
Room: 5 - Nitrodi B
Chair: Wolfgang A. Wall

Quantitive Comparison of FSI Simulation Approaches with Respect to Efficiency and Accuracy
G. Becker, Y. Du, P. Pironkov and M. Schäfer

Finite Element Approximation of Neumann Boundary Conditions. Stability, Stabilization and Application to Interaction Problems
R. Codina and J. Baiges

Simulation of Swimming Objects by Means of the Extended Finite Element Method
T.P. Fries

The Fixed-Mesh ALE Approach Applied to Solid Mechanics and Fluid Structure Interaction Problems
J. Baiges and R. Codina

Excellent Swimmers
A. DeSimone, L. Heltai and F. Alouges

Solid and Structural Mechanics TuM206
Room: 6 - Tifeo
Chair: Carlos Felippa

Influence of Temperature to the Deformations of Historical Buildings in Prague Castle
P. Beran and J. Máca

Computer Simulation of Concrete Structures under Cyclic Temperature Loading
T. Krejci, T. Koudelka and J. Sejnoha

Simulation of Internal Erosion in Road Structures
B. Lenhof, K. Runesson and F. Larsson

A Numerical Model to Simulate the Dynamic Behavior of Resilient Materials
J. António, A. Tadeu, A. Neves and A. Nossa

Numerical Study on the Influence of the Substrate Hardness on the Behaviour of Hard Film/Substrate Composites under Depth-Sensing Indentation
N.A. Sakharova, J.V. Fernandes and M.C. Oliveira

Theoretical Investigation of Steel Plated Girder Resistance
Z. Kala and J. Kala

13:00 - 14:30
Lunch Time

14:30 - 16:30
IS - Application of BEM, Meshless and Other Mesh Reduction Methods to Coupled Problems II
Invited Session organized by Alain Kassab and Eduardo Divo
Room: 1 - Pithecusa I (Plenary Room)
Chair: to be confirmed

Turbulent Compressible Flow Analysis with Meshless Methods
K. Erhart, S. Gerace, E. Divo and A. Kassab

Generalized Finite Difference Meshless Method in Computational Mechanics and Thermofluids
S. Gerace, K.  Erhart, E. Divo and A. Kassab

Multiscale Modelling of Solidification: a Meshless Approach
B. Sarler, G. Kosec, A. Lorbiecka and R. Vertnik

On the Meshless Simulation of Impact and Forming Models
L. Illoul, P. Lorong and F. Chinesta

Applications in Science and Engineering I TuA102
Room: 2 - Pithecusa II
Chair: Ramon Codina

Aerothermal Analysis of a Cooled Industrial Turbine Blade
F. Thirifay, J-F. Thomas and P. Geuzaine

Application and Simulation of Hydromechanical Transformers as a Vibration Isolator
A. Brysin and A. Nkiforov

Interaction and Contact of Mesoscopic Structures within Shear-Thinning Flow for Modelling the Production Process of Novel Spider Silk Materials
U.M. Mayer and W.A. Wall

Nonlocal Effects in Electromechanical Nano-Beams Via the Timoshenko Model
M. Toropova, R. Melnik and J. Zu

Simulation of the Compaction of Moulding Sand and Determination of Density Distribution using Industrial Computer Tomography (ICT) for Real Examples
A. Kadauw, J. Bast, D. Fiedler and H.C. Saewert

Coupled HM-Field System Identification - Application to Water Reservoirs
T. Lahmer, C. Könke and T. Schanz

Optimum Design in Multi-Disciplinary Problems TuA103
Room: 3 - Primavera
Chair: Michele Chiumenti

Fuzzy and Fuzzy Random Analysis of Uncertainties of Standards Leading to Failure of Structures
L. Puklický, A. Omishore and Z. Kala

Efficient Shape Reconstruction of a Bi-Naca Aerofoil using Advanced Evolutionary Algorithms Coupled to Game Strategies
D.S. Lee, L.F. Gonzalez, J. Pèriaux and E. Oñate

Maximizing Opto-Elastic Interaction Using Topology Optimization
A.R. Gersborg and O. Sigmund

Dynamic Workflows for Multiphysics Design
T. Nguyen and J. Désidéri

Numerical Analysis for Design Optimization of an Electrostatic Micropump
E. Bertarelli, R. Ardito, M. Cioffi, K. Laganà, F. Procopio, L. Baldo, A. Corigliano, R. Contro and G. Dubini

Experimental Identification of Stochastic Loads Using a Nonlinear dynamical System Coupled with an Uncertain Linear System
A. Batou and C. Soize

Numerical Methods for Coupled Problems II TuA104
Room: 4 - Nitrodi A
Chair: Uwe-Jens Goerke

Failure of Geometric Conservation Law for Non-Uniform Flow Simulations on Dynamic Meshes
A. Guardone and G.  Quaranta

Arbitrary Langrangian Eulerian Formulation for Grids with Variable Topology
D. Isola, A. Guardone and G.  Quaranta

Numerical Modeling of Non-Linear Magneto-Elasticity
F. Vogel and P. Steinmann

Influence of Material Properties on Distortion and Residual Stresses During Metal Quenching Processes
A. Kumar Nallathambi, Y. Kaymak, E. Specht and A. Bertram

Mathematical Modelling of a Two-Phase Flow Trough Ejector of the CO2 Heat Pump Unit
J. Smolka, Z. Bulinski, K. Banasiak and A.J. Nowak

Fluid-Structure Interactions II TuA105
Room: 5 - Nitrodi B
Chair: to be confirmed

Taxonomy of Strong Coupling Fluid-Structure Interaction Schemes
U. Küttler and W.A. Wall

A Comparison of Alternative Fluid-Structure Interaction Treatments
C.A. Felippa, K.C. Park and M.R. Ross

Software Architecture and Algorithms for Coupled Fluid-Structure Simulations
J. Rang, J. Schöön and H.G. Matthies

Fluid-Structure Interaction with Multiscale Domain Decomposition Methods
E. Vergnault, O.  Allix and S.  Maison-Le-Poëc

Coupling The Navier-Stokes And Biot Systems For Fluid-Poroelastic Structure Interaction
S. Badia, A. Quaini and A. Quarteroni

Fluid-Structure Interaction Based on Lattice Boltzmann and р-FEM: Verification and Validation
St. Kollmannsberger, S. Geller, A. Duester, J. Tölke, M. Krafczyk and E. Rank

Multiscale Problems TuA106
Room: 6 - Tifeo
Chair: Lyesse Laloui

Developing Mesoscopic Models Describing Phase Transformations in Finite Nanowires and Nanoplates
R. Melnik and L. Wang

Computational Homogenization for Quasistatic Poromechanics Problems
F. Su, F. Larsson and K. Runesson

An Homogenization Model for Coupled Behavior: Application to Three Phase Electro-Magneto-Elastic Composites
R. Corcolle, L. Daniel and F. Bouillault

Computational Modeling of Inelastic Polycrystals with Internal Lengthscales
S. Bargmann, B. Svendsen, M. Ekh and K. Runesson

Two-Scale Homogenization for Periodic Mechanical Structures using the Generalized Finite Element Method
A. Hauck and M. Kaltenbacher

Modeling of Microstructure Evolution in Process with Severe Plastic Deformation
D.S. Svyetlichnyy and J. Majta

16:30 - 17:00
Coffee break

17:00 - 19:00
IS - Analysis of Numerical Methods for Heterogeneous Media or Models
Invited Session organized by Lucia Gastaldi and Daniele Boffi
Room: 1 - Pithecusa I (Plenary Room)
Chair: to be confirmed

On the coupling of Navier-Stokes and Darcy Equations
A. Quarteroni

On the Coupling of Hyperbolic and Elliptic Equations: Equivalence between Virtual Control and Extended Variational Formulations
P. Gervasio and A. Quarteroni

A Numerical Method for an Electromagnetic Forming Problem in Axisymmetric Domains
A. Bermúdez, C. Reales, R. Rodríguez and P. Salgado

Parallel Decoupled Schwarz Methods for Cardiac Reaction-Diffusion Models
P. Colli Franzone, L.F. Pavarino, M. Munteanu and S. Scacchi

Computation of Eddy Current Losses in Laminated Cores
A. Bermúdez, D. Gómez and P. Salgado

Parametric AFEM for Biomembranes
A. Bonito, R. Nochetto and S. Pauletti

Two-Scale Modeling of Transport Processes in Masonry Structures with Interfaces: Mesostructural Study
J. Sykora, M. Sejnoha and J. Sejnoha

Coupled Solution Strategies TuA202
Room: 2 - Pithecusa II
Chair: Marek Lefik

Generalised Self-Consistent Like Homogenisation for the Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of Composites
D.P. Boso, M.J. Lefik and B.A. Schrefler

A Unified Framework for Coupled Problems
R. Rossi, P. Davdand, E. Oñate and S. Idelsohn

Thermodynamically Consistent Integrators for Coupled Problems
I. Romero

A Parallel Strategy for the Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Systems
J.C. García Orden and J.J. Arribas Montejo

Coupled Hydro-Geomechanical Simulation with a Second Gradient Dilation Model
R. Fernandes, C. Chavant and R. Chambon

Coupled Integration of Dynamic Systems Based on L-Stable Linear-Implicit Methods
O.S. Bursi, L. He, C. Jia and P. Pegon

Multiphysics Problems TuA203
Room: 3 - Primavera
Chair: Andrew Gait

Multi-Domain and Multi-Field Approaches for the Parallel Adaptive Solution of Monolithically-Coupled Multi-Physics Problems
A. Gait, A. Hazel and M. Heil

A Dissipative Model for Multifluid Coupled Problems
H. Guillard and M.  Labois

Multiphysic Coupling of Mechanical Evolution of Carbon/Epoxy Composite During Chemical Degradation
M. Gueguen, L. Olivier and J-C. Grandidier

Resolution of Multiphysical Problems using a Separated Space-Time Representation
M. Beringhier, M. Gueguen and J-C. Grandidier

Magneto-Optics of Layers of Semiconductor Double Quantum Dot Molecules Like a Source of Quantum Mechanical Information
L.M. Thu and O. Voskoboynikov

Electrical-Thermal-Chemical Problems TuA204
Room: 4 - Nitrodi A
Chair: to be confirmed

Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Electroplating Facilities: Coupling Ion Transport, Electric Field and Fluid Flow
G. Bauer, V. Gravemeier and W.A. Wall

Coupling Plate Deformation, Electrostatic Actuation and Squeeze Film Damping in a FEM Model of a Micro Switch
S. Hannot and D. Rixen

The Coupling Problem of Different Thermal-Hydraulic Models arising in Two-Phase Flow Codes for Nuclear Reactors
A. Ambroso, C. Chalons, F. Coquel, E. Godlewski, F. Lagoutière, P-A. Raviart and N. Seguin

Adaptation of the Operator-Splitting Approach in the Context of Reactive Transport Coupling with a Partially Kinetically-Controlled Chemistry
N. Leterrier, L. Trotignon, E. Deville and O. Bildstein

Electro-Fluid Dynamics Simulations of Exploding Wires
V. Holzwarth, A. Klomfass and N. Kirchner

Fluid-Structure Interactions III TuA205
Room: 5 - Nitrodi B
Chair: Rainald Löhner

A Robust and Efficient Uncertainty Quantification Method for Coupled Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems
J. Witteveen and H. Bijl

Coupled Fluid/Solid Scheme to Deal with Blast and Impact Loads over Reinforced Concrete Structures
O. Soto, J. Baum, C. Charman and R. Löhner

Flow Rate Boundary Conditions for the Fluid-Structure Interaction Problem
C. Vergara, L. Formaggia and A.  Veneziani

Mesh Adaptation for Unsteady Flows and Fluid-Structure Interaction
J. Sterenborg, A.H. van Zuijlen and H. Bijl

Applications in Science and Engineering II TuA206
Room: 6 - Tifeo
Chair: Ernst Rank

Active Damping of Forced Vibrations of the Hinged Beam Containing Piezoelectric Layers
I.A. Guz, Y.A. Zhuk and M. Kashtalyan

Coupled Thermo-Mechanical Simulations for the European XFEL Beamline Optics
F. Yang, G. Gaudin, G. Galasso, L. Samoylova, A. Trapp and H. Sinn

Strength and Air-Tightness of Compounded Resistors under Thermal Impact
V. Royzman, S. Petrashchuk, A. Goroshko and I. Kovtun

Coupling COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS® with ROM Techniques for the Simulation of Thermo-kinetic Problems
R.  Ata, B. Laine and P. Beauchêne

On The Effect of Lateral Strains and Eigenstrains on the Behavior of Moderately Wide Beam-Type Structures with Piezoelectric Actuators and Sensors
D. Huber, M.  Zellhofer, M.  Krommer and H.  Irschik

Computational Simulation of Normal Punching of Thin Obstacle by a Deformable Body of Revolution
A. Kiselev and V. Maksimov

20:30 - 23:00
Conference Banquet

Wednesday, June 10th

09:00 - 11:00
Plenary Lectures III
Room: 1 - Pithecusa I (Plenary Room)
Chair: to be confirmed

Finite Sums Decompositions: A Way to Realize Many Simulation Dreams
F. Chinesta, P. Ladevèze and A. Nouy

The Particle Finite Element Method in Fluid-Combustible Interaction Problems
S. Idelsohn, J. Marti, R. Rossi and E. Oñate

Coupled Thermo-Mechanical Analysis for the Numerical Simulation of Welding Processes
M. Chiumenti, M. Cervera and C. Agelet de Saracibar

11:00 - 11:30

11:30 - 13:30
Plenary Lectures IV
Room: 1 - Pithecusa I (Plenary Room)
Chair: to be confirmed

Space-Time Finite Element Computation of Complex FSI Problems
T. Tezduyar, K.  Takizawa, J. Christopher, C.  Moorman and S.  Wright

Adaptive Shell-Solid Coupling for Industrial Applications of Metal Sheet Forming Simulation
E. Rank, D. Ledentsov, W. Volk, M. Wagner and A. Düster

Simulation of Multiphase Blast-Structure Interaction Via Coupled CFD and CSD Codes
R. Löhner, F. Camelli, J. Baum and O. Soto

13:30 - 15:00
Farewell Cocktail