Keynote Lecture: Selected Coupled Thermal Problems in Neonatology and their Computational Modelling
M.K. Ginalski, L.C. Wrobel, D.B. Ingham, A.M. Fic, J. Laszczyk and A.J. Nowak
Predicting human blood pressure changes by thermo-physiological simulation
Z. Ostrowski, A. Frijns, W. van Marken Lichtenbelt, B. Kingma and A. van Steenhoven
Design of a Current-Based Control Model for the Coupled Cardiovascular and Rotary Left Ventricular Assist Device System
E. Divo, G. Faragallah, Y. Wang and M.A. Simaan
A Multiscale Model of the Circulatory System in Infants Undergoing Hybrid Norwood Palliation
A. Ceballos, R.D. Osorio, A.J. Kassab, E. Divo, R. Argueta-Morales and W.M. DeCampli
Coupling of a Phase-field Approach of a Biomembrane and a Stabilized Stokes Fluid Field with Local Max Entropy Approximants
C. Peco, A. Rosolen and M. Arroyo
Numerical Design of Bio-Inspired Energy-Efficient Indoor Environments using a Localized RBF-based Meshless Method
V. Huayamave, E. Divo, L. Reddi and A. Jain