Monday, June 30th    14:00 - 16:00
Innovative Methods for Fluid-Structure Interaction I
Minisymposium organized by Trond Kvamsdal, Roger Ohayon and Harald van Brummelen
Room: CAS2.3
14:00 A Powerful New Fixed-Grid Approach for Fluid-Structure Interaction (Keynote Lecture)
Wolfgang A. Wall, Axel Gerstenberger, Ursula M. Mayer and Ulrich Küttler

14:30 A Fully Integrated Fluid-Structure Interaction Methodology and Applications (Keynote Lecture)
Yuri Bazilevs, Victor Calo, Jeff Gohean, Thomas J.R. Hughes, Tor Ingebrigtsen, Jorgen Isaksen, Trond Kvamsdal, Robert Moser and Yongjie Zhang

15:00 Computing the Artificial Compressibility Field for Partitioned Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations
Peter Råback, Esko Järvinen and Juha Ruokolainen

15:20 An Analysis of Fluid-Structure Methods with Fictitious Domains using Spectral/hp Elements
Raoul van Loon, Peter Vos and Spencer J. Sherwin

Monday, June 30th    16:30 - 18:30
Innovative Methods for Fluid-Structure Interaction II
Minisymposium organized by Trond Kvamsdal, Roger Ohayon and Harald van Brummelen
Room: CAS2.3
16:30 A-Posteriori Error-Estimation and Optimal-Adaptive Refinement for Fluid-Solid-Interaction Problems
Harald van Brummelen and Kristoffer van der Zee

16:50 A Class of High-Order and Multivariate Interpolation Methods for Adapting Reduced-Order Models to Continuous Parameter Changes
David Amsallem, Charbel Farhat, Julien Cortial and Kevin Carlberg

17:10 On the Solution of the Three-Field Coupling Approach for Aeroelastic Applications
Ralf Unger, Matthias Haupt and Peter Horst

17:30 General Galerkin Ale Methods for Turbulent Fluid-Structure Interaction using a Unified Continuum Formulation
Johan Jansson, Johan Hoffman and Murtazo Nazarov

17:50 Numerical Simulations of Viscous Compressible Flows in Moving Domains with High Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
Vinh-Tan Nguyen

18:10 Fast Transient Fluid-Structure Interaction with Failure and Fragmentation
Folco Casadei

Tuesday, July 1st    10:30 - 12:30
Innovative Methods for Fluid-Structure Interaction III
Minisymposium organized by Trond Kvamsdal, Roger Ohayon and Harald van Brummelen
Room: CAS2.3
10:30 Improved Approximation for External Acoustic-Structure Interaction Via Combined Retarded and Advanced Potential, Part I: Formulation
K. C. Park, Moonseok Lee, Youn-sik Park and Youngjin Park

10:50 Improved Approximation for External Acoustic-Structure Interaction Via Combined Retarded and Advanced Potential, Part II: Validation
Moonseok Lee, Youn-sik Park, Youngjin Park and K. C. Park

11:10 Effect of Capillarity on the Sloshing of Liquids for Applications in Microgravity
Jean-Sebastien Schotte, Mahdi El-Kamali and Roger Ohayon

11:30 Vortex Structures around a Sphere moving in the Stratified Fluid
Pavel Matyushin and Valentin Gushchin

11:50 Application of the Chimera Method for the Simulation of the Flow around a Fixed Sphere in a Tube
Thibaut Deloze, Yannick Hoarau and Jan Dusek

12:10 Dam-Reservior-Foundation Interaction in Time Domain
Reza Attarnejad and Sanaz Mahmoudpour


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