Wednesday, July 2nd 16:30 - 18:30
Contact Mechanics : Modelling, Analysis and Applications V Joint IACM – IUTAM Minisymposium
Minisymposium organized by Mircea Sofonea, José R. Fernandez and Georgios E. Stavroulakis
Room: CAS0.1 MS039E
16:30 Design Method for Wear in Transmission Systems
Damien Herisson, Benoit Delattre, Geoffrey Jamart, Thi Mac Lan Nguyen, Rachel Marie Pradeilles-Duval, Habibou Maitournam and Siegfried Fouvry
16:50 Stiffness of Prestressed Bolt Plate Contact
Niels L. Pedersen
17:10 Validation of Simulation Platform for Modeling of RF MEMS Contacts
Fabienne Pennec, David Peyrou, Hikmat Achkar, Patrick Pons, Robert Plana and Frédéric Courtade
17:30 Condition of Retraction of Sheet Material with Rolling Pair
Dilshod Bahadirov, Gayrat Bahadirov and Kudrathon Bahadirov