Jun 14, 2010 - Jun 15, 2010 - Jun 16, 2010 - Jun 17, 2010
Jun 17, 2010
(Video Transmission From Room 1)
Room D9
P.L. : A Fast Immersed Boundary Method with App. to Low Reynolds Number Aerodynamics. T. Colonius, California Institute of Technology, USA
Room A1
(Video Transmission From Room 1)
Room D9
P.L. : Coupling Fields and Scales in Computational (Bio) Fluid Dynamics - Advanced Meth. and Applications. W. A. Wall, Technische Universität München, Germany
Room A1
1.8 MS02 Algorithms for Multi-Scale Low Mach Number Flows
Room A1
10.8 MS16 Lattice Boltzmann, Particle Methods and Experiments of Complex Physiological Flows: Part I
Room E10
11.8 MS08 CFD in Fire and Fire Safety Research
Room F11
3.8 MS20 Stratified Flows Modelling for Environmental Problems
Room A3
4.8 MS25 Recent Development in Turbomachinery CFD for Industrial Applications: TRACE
Room A4
2.8 Numerical Methods IV
Room A2
5.8 Adaptive Grids II
Room B5
6.8 Flow in Porous Media
Room B6
7.8 Immersed Boundary Methods
Room A7
8.8 Parallel Computing
Room C8
Room D9
1.9 MS11 GPU Computing in CFD: Part I
Room A1
10.9 MS16 Lattice Boltzmann, Particle Methods and Exps. of Complex Phys. Flows: Part II
Room E10
11.9 MS21 Ventilation and Smoke Control in Underground Space: Part I
Room F11
5.9 MS28 Aerodynamic Analysis of Flapping Wings: Part I
Room B5
7.9 MS05 Inverse Techniques in CFD: Part I
Room A7
8.9 MS19 Shallow Water Models for Environmental Flows: Part I
Room C8
2.9 Numerical Methods V
Room A2
3.9 CFD for Marine Applications I
Room A3
4.9 Turbomachines I
Room A4
6.9 Vehicles and Traffic I
Room B6
Room D9
1.10 MS11 GPU Computing in CFD: Part II
Room A1
10.10 MS16 Lattice Boltzmann, Particle Methods and Exps. of Complex Phys. Flows: Part III
Room E10
11.10 MS21 Ventilation and Smoke Control in Underground Space: Part II
Room F11
5.10 MS28 Aerodynamic Analysis of Flapping Wings: Part II
Room B5
7.10 MS05 Inverse Techniques in CFD: Part II
Room A7
8.10 MS19 Shallow Water Models for Environmental Flows: Part II
Room C8
2.10 Numerical Methods VI
Room A2
3.10 CFD for Marine Applications II
Room A3
4.10 Turbomachines II
Room A4
6.10 Vehicles and Traffic II
Room B6
9.10 Hybrid RANS/LES II
Room D9
(Video Transmission From Room 1)
Room D9
Closing Cerimony
Room A1

P.L. : A Fast Immersed Boundary Method with App. to Low Reynolds Number Aerodynamics. T. Colonius, California Institute of Technology, USA: 2010-06-17 08:30:00 - 2010-06-17 09:10:00

Location: 01 - Room A1

Paper ID Title Author
01902 A Fast Immersed-Boundary Method with Application to Low Reynolds Number Aerodynamics Tim Colonius; Kunihiko Taira; Won Tae Joe

P.L. : Coupling Fields and Scales in Computational (Bio) Fluid Dynamics - Advanced Meth. and Applications. W. A. Wall, Technische Universität München, Germany: 2010-06-17 09:10:00 - 2010-06-17 09:50:00

Location: 01 - Room A1

Paper ID Title Author
01904 Coupling Fields and Scales in Computational (Bio) Fluid Dynamics - Advanced Methods and Applications Wolfgang A.Wall; Georg Bauer; Peter Gamnitzer; Michael W. Gee; Axel Gerstenberger; Volker Gravemeier; Ulrich Küttler; Ursula M. Mayer; Alexander Popp; Lena Wiechert

1.8 MS02 Algorithms for Multi-Scale Low Mach Number Flows: 2010-06-17 10:10:00 - 2010-06-17 12:20:00

Location: 01 - Room A1

Paper ID Title Author
01045 Modeling Atmospheric Circulations with High-Resolution Methods Piotr K. Smolarkiewicz
01666 A Multilevel Method for Finite Volume Discretization of the Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Shallow-Water Equations K. Adamy; A. Bousquet; S. Faure; J. Laminie; Roger Temam
01453 Multi-Scale Features of Baroclinic Waves in Sound-Proof, Global Simulations with Eulag Joseph M. Prusa; William J. Gutowski
01102 Numerical Modeling of Multiscale Atmospheric Flows: from Cloud Microscale to Climate. Wojciech W. Grabowski; Lian-Ping Wang
01175 Modelling Flows through Canopies with Immersed Boundary Methods Andreas Dörnbrack; C. Kühnlein; Piotr K. Smolarkiewicz
01029 An Unstructured Mesh Framework for Simulation of All-Scale Atmospheric Flows Joanna Szmelter; Piotr K. Smolarkiewicz

10.8 MS16 Lattice Boltzmann, Particle Methods and Experiments of Complex Physiological Flows: Part I: 2010-06-17 10:10:00 - 2010-06-17 12:20:00

Location: 10 - Room E10

Paper ID Title Author
01669 On the Coupling of Micro and Mesoscopic Models in Hemodynamics Giorgio Amati; A. M. Gambaruto; G. Pontrelli; Sauro Succi
01129 Lattice Boltzmann Method in Non-Inertial Reference Frames Gonçalo Silva; Viriato Semiăo
01858 Particle Methods for Multiscale and Multiphysics Simulations Petros Koumoutsakos
01755 Leveraging Theory from Cosmodynamics for Multi-Scale Cardiovascular Simulation Amanda Peters; Simone Melchionna; Sauro Succi; Efthimios Kaxiras
01731 Computer Simulation of Tank-Treading and Tumbling Motions of Red Blood Cells under the Influence of the Natural State of an Elastic Cellular Membrane Ken-ichi Tsubota; Shigeo Wada; Hao Liu

11.8 MS08 CFD in Fire and Fire Safety Research: 2010-06-17 10:10:00 - 2010-06-17 12:20:00

Location: 11 - Room F11

Paper ID Title Author
01308 Simulation of Upward Flame Spread by Coupling a Pyrolysis Model with a CFD Calculation Pieter Rauwoens; Joris Degroote; Shivanand Wasan; Jan Vierendeels; Bart Merci
01339 SMARTFIRE – the Fire Field Modelling Environment John Ewer
01241 Simulating Fire & Safety Applications with ANSYS Ilona Zimmermann; Elmar Schneeloch
01220 Toward FDS6: Complex Geometry, Embedded Meshes, and Quality Assessment Randall McDermott; Glenn P. Forney; Kevin McGrattan; William E. Mell

3.8 MS20 Stratified Flows Modelling for Environmental Problems: 2010-06-17 10:10:00 - 2010-06-17 12:20:00

Location: 03 - Room A3

Paper ID Title Author
01338 The NEMO High Resolution Coastal Model for Wind Induced Vortices Prediction Fluid Dynamics (Eccomas CFD 2010 Lisbon) Y. Ourmičres; K. Guihou; C. Langlais; B. Zakardjian; Philippe Fraunié; P. Forget
01113 Two Numerical Schemes for Simulation of the Stratified Flows Past a Moving Body Ludek Benes; J. Fürst; Philippe Fraunié
01111 On the use of High Order Compact Schemes for the Simulation of Stably Stratified Fluid Flow Tomás Bodnár; Philippe Fraunié; Karel Kozel
01340 Direct Numerical Simulation of Internal Waves Formation in Highly Stratified Wake Flow H. Houcine; Y. Chashechkin; Philippe Fraunié; Jose M. Redondo; Adel Gharbi
01583 Oil Spill Detection and Prediction in the NW Mediterranean Sea: New Multifractal Methods for SAR Analysis Jose M. Redondo; Alexei Platonov
01585 Multifractal Analysis of SAR of the Ocean Surface, Currents, Eddy Structure, Oil Slicks and Diffusivity Analysis Jose M. Redondo; Joan Grau; A. Matulka; Alexei Platonov

4.8 MS25 Recent Development in Turbomachinery CFD for Industrial Applications: TRACE: 2010-06-17 10:10:00 - 2010-06-17 12:20:00

Location: 04 - Room A4

Paper ID Title Author
01719 Hybrid Parallelization of a Turbomachinery CFD Code: Peformance Enhancements on Multicore Architectures Christian Simmendinger; Edmund Kuegeler
01628 Turbulence Treatment in Steady and Unsteady Turbomachinery Flows Martin Franke; Thomas Röber; Edmund Kuegeler; Graham Ashcroft
01622 Predicting Transition on Low-Pressure Turbine Profiles Vincent Marciniak; Edmund Kuegeler; Matthias Franke
01609 Recent Progress in a Hybrid-Grid CFD Solver for Turbomachinery Flows Kai Becker; Kathrin Heitkamp; Edmund Kuegeler
01389 High-Order Accurate Implicit Runge-Kutta Schemes for the Simulation of Unsteady Flow Phenomena in Turbomachinery Graham Ashcroft; Kathrin Heitkamp; Edmund Kuegeler
01737 Development of a Generic Surface Mapping Algorithm for Fluid-Structure-Interaction Simulations in Turbomachinery Christian Voigt; Christian Frey; Hans-Peter Kersken

2.8 Numerical Methods IV: 2010-06-17 10:20:00 - 2010-06-17 12:20:00

Location: 02 - Room A2

Paper ID Title Author
01067 The German National Joint Project Muna: Management and Minimization of Uncertainties and Errors in Numerical Aerodynamics Bernhard Eisfeld
01251 Comparison and Evaluation of Cell-Centered and Cell-Vertex Discretization in the Unstructured Tau-Code for Turbulent Viscous Flows Gang Wang; Axel Schwöppe; Ralf Heinrich
01115 3D Two-Phase Flow Simulations with the Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM) Henning Sauerland; T.-P. Fries
01612 Acceleration of CFD Computations through a Subspace Decomposition Method George Pashos; Nikolaos Cheimarios ; Eleni D. Koronaki; Andreas G. Boudouvis
01083 Optimization of the Iteration Parameters of the Krylov Subspace Methods for Simulation of Incompressible Flow Alexander Shklyar; A. Arbel
01287 Automatic Grid Refinement for the Accurate Computation of Free-Surface Flow around Ships Jeroen Wackers; Khalid Ait-Said; Michel Visonneau

5.8 Adaptive Grids II: 2010-06-17 10:20:00 - 2010-06-17 12:20:00

Location: 05 - Room B5

Paper ID Title Author
01174 Development of Two and Three-Dimensional Euler Solvers for Adaptively Refined Cartesian Grids with Multigrid Applications Mehtap Çakmak; Mehmet Haluk Aksel; Cuneyt Sert
01417 Parallel Performance of Adaptive Algorithms with Dynamic Load Balancing Stanislaw Gepner; J. Rokicki; Jerzy Majewski
01161 Parallel Grid Generation for Large Eddy Simulation Gary J. Page
01106 An Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Modeling Cumulus Clouds Andreas Müller; Francis X. Giraldo
01590 Anisotropic Adaptive Meshing and Levelset Method for Interface Capturing Problems Thierry Coupez

6.8 Flow in Porous Media: 2010-06-17 10:20:00 - 2010-06-17 12:20:00

Location: 06 - Room B6

Paper ID Title Author
01451 Mixed Finite Element Schemes for Fluid Flows in Fractured Porous Media with Reduced Order Modeling of Fractures with Non-Matching Grids C. D’Angelo; A. Fumagalli; Anna Scotti
01069 Kinetic Approach to Simulation of Multiphase Porous Media Flows Boris N. Chetverushkin; Natalia G. Churbanova; Dmitrij N. Morozov; Marina A. Trapeznikova
01199 Immersed Boundary Method Computation of Heat and Fluid ?ow in Complex Porous Media David J. L. Penha; Lilya Ghazaryan; Bernard J. Geurts; S. Stolz; M. Nordlund
01813 Three-Dimensional Pore Scale Fluid Flow Simulation Based on Computed Microtomography Carbonate Rocks’ Images Jan Kaczmarczyk; Marek Dohnalik; Jadwiga Zalewska
01579 A 2D Compact Finite Difference Immersed Boundary Method for Flow in Porous Media Paulo J. S. A. Ferreira de Sousa; Isabel Malico
01255 Calculation of the Microscale Flow through a Packed Bed using Finite Volume CFD Gavin R. Tabor; M. Baker; P. G. Young

7.8 Immersed Boundary Methods: 2010-06-17 10:20:00 - 2010-06-17 12:20:00

Location: 07 - Room A7

Paper ID Title Author
01119 Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of Turbulent Flow over Wavy Surfaces Bojan Niceno; Simon Kuhn
01088 Mathematical Modeling of Non-Periodic Flows using Fourier Pseudo-Spectral and Immersed Boundary Methods Felipe P. Mariano; Leonardo Q. Moreira; Aristeu da Silveira Neto
01166 Recent Advances on the Immersed Structural Potential Method for Fluid-Structure Interaction Haemodynamic Applications. Antonio J. Gil; Aurelio Arranz Carreńo; J. Bonet; Oubay Hassan
01337 Development of an Immersed Boundary Method using Boundary Elements within a Vortex-In-Cell/Parallel Fast Multipole Method Timothee Lonfils; G. Winckelmans
01341 An Immersed Boundary Method for Large-Eddy Simulation of Fully Compressible Flows: Application to a Transonic Cavity Flow Cindy Merlin; Pascale Domingo; Luc Vervisch; G. Lodato
01452 An Immersed-Boundary Method for Solving Conjugate Heat Transfer Problems in Turbomachinery S. Latorre; M. D. de Tullio; P. De Palma; Michele Napolitano; G. Pascazio

8.8 Parallel Computing: 2010-06-17 10:20:00 - 2010-06-17 12:20:00

Location: 08 - Room C8

Paper ID Title Author
01092 Robust Workflows for Large-Scale Multiphysics Simulation Toŕn Nguyęn; Jean-Antoine Désidéri
01238 Optimization of the Application Middleware "Sphere" for Blue Gene/L System Satoshi Ito; Kenji Ono
01501 Efficiency of Large-Scale CFD Simulations on Modern Supercomputers using Thousands of CPUs and Hybrid MPI+OpenMP Parallelization Andrey V. Gorobets; R. Borrell; F. X. Trias; T. K. Kozubskaya; Assensi Oliva
01419 A Multi-Dimensional Spatial Scheme for Massively Parallel Compressible Turbulent Combustion Simulation Julien Bohbot; Q. H. Tran; A. Velghe; N. Gillet
01213 Using Grid Computing to Model Biosensors Acting in Stirred and Non-Stirred Solutions Vytautas Ašeris; R. Baronas
01421 A Robust Parallel ILU Solver with Grid-Independent Convergence for the Coupled Steady Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations Friederik Wubs; Jonas Thies

9.8 DNS/LES III: 2010-06-17 10:20:00 - 2010-06-17 12:20:00

Location: 09 - Room D9

Paper ID Title Author
01416 The Effect of Phase Transitions on the Droplet Size Distribution in Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence Briti S. Deb; Lilya Ghazaryan; Bernard J. Geurts; Hans Kuerten; Cees Van Der Geld; Herman Clercx
01165 Implicit Large-Eddy Simulation of Noise Radiated by a Subsonic Jet at High Reynolds Number Carlos A. S. Moser; Jorge H. Silvestrini; Marcello A. F. de Medeiros
01396 Direct Numerical Simulation of the 3D Stratified Viscous Fluid Flows around a Sphere Pavel V. Matyushin; Valentin A. Gushchin
01095 Large Eddy Simulation of Jet in Cross-Flow applied to the “Micromix” Hydrogen Combustion Principle Elmar Recker; W. Bosschaerts
01345 LES of Aircraft Wake Vortices Evolving in a Stably Stratified and Weakly Turbulent Atmosphere Ivan De Visscher; G. Winckelmans
01802 Large-Eddy Simulation of Subsonic Round Jets with Tripped Exit Boundary Layers Christophe Bogey; Olivier Marsden; Christophe Bailly

1.9 MS11 GPU Computing in CFD: Part I: 2010-06-17 13:30:00 - 2010-06-17 15:00:00

Location: 01 - Room A1

Paper ID Title Author
01631 GPU Cluster Computing for Multigrid-FEM Solvers with Applications in CFD Dominik Göddeke; Sven H. M. Buijssen; Hilmar Wobker; Stefan Turek
01639 Large-Scale CFD Applications on Multi-Node GPU Cluster Takayuki Aoki; Marlon Arce Acuna; Xian Wang; Satoi Ogawa
01827 Porting of FEFLO to GPUs Andrew Corrigan; Fernando Camelli; Rainald Löhner; Fernando Mut
01709 Assembly of Finite Element Methods on Graphics Processors Cris Cecka; E. Darve; A. Lew

10.9 MS16 Lattice Boltzmann, Particle Methods and Exps. of Complex Phys. Flows: Part II: 2010-06-17 13:30:00 - 2010-06-17 15:00:00

Location: 10 - Room E10

Paper ID Title Author
01626 Confocal Micro-Flow Visualization of Blood Cells Rui Lima; Takuji Ishikawa; Yohsuke Imai; Takami Yamaguchi
01273 Blood Flows via Suspended Particles and Lattice Boltzmann Methods Simone Melchionna
01286 Lattice Boltzmann Modelling Apllied to a Bioreactor for Bone Tissue Engineering Tim J. Spencer; I. Halliday; C. M. Care; L. A. Hidalgo-Bastida; S. H. Cartmell
01683 Numerical Simulation of Blood Flows in a Vessel with Valves Based on Virtual-Flux Methods Tomohiro Fukui; Koji Morinishi

11.9 MS21 Ventilation and Smoke Control in Underground Space: Part I: 2010-06-17 13:30:00 - 2010-06-17 15:00:00

Location: 11 - Room F11

Paper ID Title Author
01625 Smoke Control in an Underground Car Park with Impulse Ventilation Comparison with Test Results Joăo L. Aveiro; Joăo C. Viegas
01619 Impulse Ventilation in Underground Car Parks the Influence of Parked Cars in Smoke Control Joăo C. Viegas
01667 Indoor Car Parks – CFD Application Ricardo Fernandes; D. Henriques
01629 Calibration of a Numerical Jet Fan Model for Simulating Smoke Control in Underground Car Park Eric Didier; Bruno Henriques; Ricardo Brás

5.9 MS28 Aerodynamic Analysis of Flapping Wings: Part I: 2010-06-17 13:30:00 - 2010-06-17 15:00:00

Location: 05 - Room B5

Paper ID Title Author
01696 Flow Phenomenon in Flapping Insect Wings Fritz-Olaf Lehmann
01671 Influence of the Foil Thickness on the Thrust of Oscillating Foil Marco La Mantia; Peter Dabnichki
01804 Effect of Vertical Translation on Unsteady Aerodynamics of a Hovering Airfoil Erkan Günaydinoglu; Dilek F. Kurtulus
01774 A Novel Energetics Model for Examining Flapping Flight Hesam Salehipour; David J. Willis

7.9 MS05 Inverse Techniques in CFD: Part I: 2010-06-17 13:30:00 - 2010-06-17 15:00:00

Location: 07 - Room A7

Paper ID Title Author
01216 Inverse and Direct Techniques of the Heat Transfer Coefficient Retrieval in Impingement Jet Heat Exchange Arkadiusz Ryfa; Ryszard A. Bialecki
01636 Analysis of the Selected Problems of Heat Convection Ireneusz Szczygiel
01578 Temperature Inlet-Wall Boundary Condition Identification of Transient Inverse Convective Heat Transfer Problems within Channels/Pipes: Laminar Flow Aziz Azimi; Mohammad R. Ghamari
01298 Base Temperature Estimation of the Non-Fourier Fin with Different Profiles using Inverse Analysis Aziz Azimi; Hossein Ahmadikia; Keivan Bamdad

8.9 MS19 Shallow Water Models for Environmental Flows: Part I: 2010-06-17 13:30:00 - 2010-06-17 15:00:00

Location: 08 - Room C8

Paper ID Title Author
01327 Implicit Simulations of Shallow-Water Equations with Mobile Bed Marco Bilanceri; I. Elmahi; Hervé Guillard; M. V. Salvetti; F. Beux
01318 Explicit Runge Kutta Residual Distribution for Shallow Water Flows Mario Ricchiuto; Rémi Abgrall
01358 A Multilayer System with Mass Exchange for Shallow Water Flows Coupling with Moving Bed Equation Emmanuel Audusse; Fayssal Benkhaldoun; S. Sari; Mohammed Seaid
01350 Numerical Modeling of Transient Flows Involving Erosion and Deposition of Sediments Fayssal Benkhaldoun; S. Sari; Mohammed Seaid

2.9 Numerical Methods V: 2010-06-17 13:40:00 - 2010-06-17 15:00:00

Location: 02 - Room A2

Paper ID Title Author
01192 Streamlines of Vortical Flows in 3D Lid-Driven Cavities Katsuya Ishii; Shizuko Adachi
01643 Characteristic Based Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions in a Simple-Type Pressure Correction Algorithm for Low Mach Number Flows Yann Moguen; Tarik Kousksou; Erik Dick; Pascal Bruel
01330 Enhancements of Piso Scheme in Collocated Grids Antonio Pascau; Nelson García
01790 Element-Based Finite Volume Method for Solid Mechanics Problems Gerson Filippini; Clovis R. Maliska; Miguel Vaz Jr.

3.9 CFD for Marine Applications I: 2010-06-17 13:40:00 - 2010-06-17 15:00:00

Location: 03 - Room A3

Paper ID Title Author
01141 A High-Performance Parallel Incompressible Navier-Stokes Two-Phase Flow Solver using the Level Set Method for Hydrodynamics Design. Anne-Cécile Lesage; G. Houzeaux ; H. C. Owen ; Mariano Vázquez
01611 SPH Simulations of Free Surface Waves and the Interaction with Objects Paul H. L. Groenenboom; Bruce K. Cartwright
01465 Numerical and Experimental Analysis of the Wind Forces Acting on LNG Carrier Anna D. Wnek; A. Paço; X-Q. Zhou; C. G. Soares

4.9 Turbomachines I: 2010-06-17 13:40:00 - 2010-06-17 15:00:00

Location: 04 - Room A4

Paper ID Title Author
01056 The Role of Unsteadiness on a Turbine Vane Wake with Trailing Edge Cooling Gregory M. Laskowski; Frederic Felten
01462 Time-Resolved Analysis of the Base Region in Cooled Transonic Turbine Airfoils Chiara Bernardini; S. Salvadori; Francesco Martelli; G. Paniagua; B. Saracoglu
01596 Adaption and use of a Compressible Flow Code for Turbomachinery Design Carlos Ventura; Emilie Sauret; Peter A. Jacobs; Paul Petrie-Repar; Rowan J. Gollan; Paul van der Laan
01509 A Navier Stokes Solver for Axisymmetric Turbomachinery Analysis Giulio Croce; Luca Ratto; Antonio Satta

6.9 Vehicles and Traffic I: 2010-06-17 13:40:00 - 2010-06-17 15:00:00

Location: 06 - Room B6

Paper ID Title Author
01733 Large-Eddy Simulation on the Aerodynamic Pitching Stability of Road Vehicle Makoto Tsubokura; Seeyuan Cheng; Takuji Nakashima; Takahide Nouzawa; Takaki Nakamura
01053 Assessment of Several Turbulence Models in a Supersonic Car Guillermo Araya; Ben J. Evans; Oubay Hassan; Kenneth Morgan
01117 Spray Drag Model for Bloodhound SSC Lakhdar Remaki; Ben J. Evans; Oubay Hassan; Kenneth Morgan
01025 Aerodynamic Optimization Study for Ford Cargo Truck Roof Spoiler & Side Extender Parts using CFD Tools Cavit Cinar; M. Ö. Arslan

9.9 DNS/LES IV: 2010-06-17 13:40:00 - 2010-06-17 15:00:00

Location: 09 - Room D9

Paper ID Title Author
01333 A Flow-Controlled Chemistry Tabulation Method for Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Combustion with Detailed Chemistry Nicolas Enjalbert; Pascale Domingo; Luc Vervisch
01126 Extended Variational Multiscale Methods for Turbulent Variable-Density Flow at Low Mach Number and Premixed Combustion Volker Gravemeier; Florian Henke; Wolfgang A. Wall
01382 Large Eddy Simulation in Generalized Curvilinear Coordinates and its Application to an Axisymmetric Dump Combustor Balram Panjwani; Ivar S. Ertesvag; Andrea Gruber; Kjell Erik Rian

1.10 MS11 GPU Computing in CFD: Part II: 2010-06-17 15:20:00 - 2010-06-17 16:50:00

Location: 01 - Room A1
Session Chair: Turek, Stefan

Paper ID Title Author
01635 Towards a Multi-GPU Solver for the Three-Dimensional Two-Phase Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations Peter Zaspel; Michael Griebel
01869 A Lattice Boltzmann 3D-GPU-Implementation on Non-Uniform Grids Martin Schönherr; Martin Geier; Maik Stiebler; Manfred Krafczyk
01732 Performance Modeling and Optimization for 3D Lattice Boltzmann Simulations on Highly Parallel On-Chip Architectures: GPUs Vs. Multi-Core CPUs Johannes Habich; T. Zeiser; G. Hager; G. Wellein

10.10 MS16 Lattice Boltzmann, Particle Methods and Exps. of Complex Phys. Flows: Part III: 2010-06-17 15:20:00 - 2010-06-17 16:50:00

Location: 10 - Room E10

Paper ID Title Author
01665 A Lattice Boltzmann Modeling of Bloodflow in Cerebral Aneurysms Bastien Chopard; Daniel Lagrava; Jonas Latt; Orestis Malapinas; Rafik Ouared
01547 Multiscale Coupling of a Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Blood Flow to Cell- and Tissue-Level Processes: the Case of In-Stent Restenosis Alfons G. Hoekstra
01315 A Simplified Particulate Model for Coarse-Grained Hemodynamics Simulations Florian Janoschek; Jens Harting; Federico Toschi

11.10 MS21 Ventilation and Smoke Control in Underground Space: Part II: 2010-06-17 15:20:00 - 2010-06-17 16:50:00

Location: 11 - Room F11

Paper ID Title Author
01659 Natural and Mechanical Ventilation CFD Study for a Subway Station/Tunnel José L. Sereno; Belén H. Tambo; Álvaro J. Santos
01672 Importance of CFD's on HVAC Ricardo Fernandes; D. Henriques

5.10 MS28 Aerodynamic Analysis of Flapping Wings: Part II: 2010-06-17 15:20:00 - 2010-06-17 16:50:00

Location: 05 - Room B5
Session Chair: Radespiel, Rolf

Paper ID Title Author
01772 A Multi-Fidelity Framework for Designing Compliant Flapping Wings David J. Willis; Per-Olof Persson; Hesam Salehipour; Jaime Peraire
01770 Investigation of the Low-Reynolds Number Flow around a Flapping Flexible Airfoil Ralf Unger; Matthias C. Haupt; Peter Horst
01702 Numerical Modeling of Flow Dynamics Induced by Fruit Flies During Free-Flight Andrei Shishkin; Claus Wagner
01658 Some Observations on Periodic and Transient Motions as Abstractions of Flapping Wing Aerodynamics Michael V. OL

7.10 MS05 Inverse Techniques in CFD: Part II: 2010-06-17 15:20:00 - 2010-06-17 16:50:00

Location: 07 - Room A7

Paper ID Title Author
01017 Optimal Heating Control to Prevent Solid Deposits in Pipelines Flavio L. V. Vianna; Helcio R. B. Orlande; G. S. Dulikravich
01171 An Inverse Formulation for Solution of Free-Boundary Problems in Fluid Mechanics Bartosz Protas; Ramesh Yapalparvi; Oleg Volkov
01058 A New Viscous Inverse Design Method for Internal and External Flow over Airfoils using CFD Techniques Raja Ramamurthy; Benedikt Roidl; Wahid Ghaly

8.10 MS19 Shallow Water Models for Environmental Flows: Part II: 2010-06-17 15:20:00 - 2010-06-17 16:50:00

Location: 08 - Room C8

Paper ID Title Author
01344 Solving the Multi-Layer Shallow Water Equations using the Finite Volume Modified Method of Characteristics Mohammed Seaid; Fayssal Benkhaldoun
01319 Dry Granular Flows with Erosion and Deposition C.-Y. Kuo; Boniface Nkonga; Mario Ricchiuto; Y.-C. Tai; B. Braconnier

2.10 Numerical Methods VI: 2010-06-17 15:30:00 - 2010-06-17 16:50:00

Location: 02 - Room A2

Paper ID Title Author
01367 Finite Element Variational Multiscale Formulation for Low Mach Number Flows Coupled with Radiative Heat Transfer Matias Avila; Ramon Codina; Javier Principe
01293 Time Integration Schemes for Incompressible Two-Phase Flow Problems Patrick Esser; Arnold Reusken
01563 Efficient Computation of Dynamic Stability Data with a Linearized Frequency Domain Solver Markus Widhalm; R. P. Dwight; R. Thormann
01789 Robust Spectral Reprojection for Discontinuous Galerkin Simulations on Unstructured Grids Adrian G. Maroni; Klaus A. Hoffmann

3.10 CFD for Marine Applications II: 2010-06-17 15:30:00 - 2010-06-17 16:50:00

Location: 03 - Room A3

Paper ID Title Author
01576 A Three-Dimensional Model for the Dynamics and the Free-Surface Hydrodynamics of Rowing Boats Luca Formaggia; Andrea Mola; Nicola Parolini
01105 Numerical Simulation of a Marine Propeller in a Cross Flow Seth D. Schroeder; Charles M. Dai
01096 Propeller-Flow Predictions using Turbulent Vorticity-Confinement Manuel Manzke; Thomas Rung
01087 Multiphysics SPH for Harbor And Ocean Engineering Hydrodynamics Christian Ulrich; Thomas Rung

4.10 Turbomachines II: 2010-06-17 15:30:00 - 2010-06-17 16:50:00

Location: 04 - Room A4

Paper ID Title Author
01725 Optimal CFD Analysis for Low Power Systems Mariana Simăo; Helena M. Ramos
01540 Numerical Simulation of Swirling Flow in Complex Hydroturbine Draft Tube using Large Eddy Simulation Cédric Duprat; Sylvain Tridon; Guillaume Balarac; Stáphane Barre; Olivier Métais; Claire Ségoufin; Pierre Leroy
01223 Time-Accurate Turbomachinery Simulations with Open-Source CFD; Flow Analysis of a Single-Channel Pump with OpenFOAM Mikko Auvinen; Juhaveikko Ala-Juusela; Nicholas Pedersen; Timo Siikonen

6.10 Vehicles and Traffic II: 2010-06-17 15:30:00 - 2010-06-17 16:50:00

Location: 06 - Room B6

Paper ID Title Author
01366 CFD Optimization of Small Livestock Trailers Harvey M. Thompson; C. Gilkeson; V. V. Toropov; Philip H. Gaskell; M. C. T. Wilson
01068 2D Micro- and Macroscopic Models for Simulation of Heterogeneous Traffic Flows Boris N. Chetverushkin; Natalia G. Churbanova; Ilya R. Furmanov; Marina A. Trapeznikova

9.10 Hybrid RANS/LES II: 2010-06-17 15:30:00 - 2010-06-17 16:50:00

Location: 09 - Room D9

Paper ID Title Author
01186 A Numerical Investigation of the Turbulent Flows using the Detached-Eddy Simulation Karel Frana; V. Honzejk
01123 Compressibility Effects on the Vortical Flow over a 65 Degree Swept Delta Wing. Jacques Riou; Eric Garnier
01548 Non-Reactive Free Jet Flow: Comparison of Simulations using Different Turbulence Models with Reference Measurements Regine Model; G. Lindner; D. Markus
01137 Computations of Unsteady Cavitating Flow over a Hydrofoil using Unsteady RANS and Detached Eddy Simulations Andrey Gavrilov; A. Dekterev; K. Finnikov