Abbas, Adel |  | 1888 | Challenges for More Effective, Environmentally Friendly Air Transport |
Abdelmassih, Gorg |  | 1598 | A Direct Numerical Simulation Study on the Mean Velocity and Temperature in Mixed Convection from an Open Cavity |
Abgrall, Rémi |  | 1187 | Construction of Very High Order Residual Distribution Schemes for Compressible Flow Problems. |
Abgrall, Rémi |  | 1188 | A Simple, Flexible and Generic Deterministic Approach to Uncertainty Quantifications in Non Linear Problems : Application to Fluid Flow Problems |
Abgrall, Rémi |  | 1318 | Explicit Runge Kutta Residual Distribution for Shallow Water Flows |
Acharya, Sumanta |  | 1428 | Development of a Cactus CFD Toolkit and its Utilisation on Large-Scale Multi-Block Simulations |
Acuna, Marlon Arce |  | 1639 | Large-Scale CFD Applications on Multi-Node GPU Cluster |
Adachi, Shizuko |  | 1192 | Streamlines of Vortical Flows in 3D Lid-Driven Cavities |
Adams, Nikolaus A. |  | 1551 | Implicit Large Eddy Simulation of Complex Flows |
Adamy, K. |  | 1666 | A Multilevel Method for Finite Volume Discretization of the Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Shallow-Water Equations |
Adelmann, Andreas |  | 1844 | H5Fed - a HDF5 Based Finite Element Data Library |
Agarwal, Ramesh K. |  | 1010 | Numerical Study of Pulsatile Flow through Models of Aortic Valve Stenoses and Assessment of Gorlin Equation |
Agnihotri, Vivek |  | 1829 | Numerical Study of Particle Deposition in the Human Upper Airways with Emphasis on Hot Spot Formation and Comparison of LES and RANS Models |
Ahmadikia, Hossein |  | 1298 | Base Temperature Estimation of the Non-Fourier Fin with Different Profiles using Inverse Analysis |
Ait-Said, Khalid |  | 1287 | Automatic Grid Refinement for the Accurate Computation of Free-Surface Flow around Ships |
Akasaka, Kei |  | 1248 | Fast and Stable Treatment of Non-Watertight Geometry for Incompressible Flow Simulation on Cartesian Grid |
Akhmadeev, N. R. |  | 1006 | Stress-Strain Analysis in the Stomach |
Akkerman |  | 1897 | Isogeometric and Variational Multiscale Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Aksel, Mehmet Haluk |  | 1080 | Octree Based Unstructured Grid Coarsening Method for 3D Multigrid Applications |
Aksel, Mehmet Haluk |  | 1174 | Development of Two and Three-Dimensional Euler Solvers for Adaptively Refined Cartesian Grids with Multigrid Applications |
Aksouh, Mohamed |  | 1650 | Assessment of Performance of Low Reynolds Turbulence Models in Predicting Natural Convection in Cavities |
Ala-Juusela, Juhaveikko |  | 1223 | Time-Accurate Turbomachinery Simulations with Open-Source CFD; Flow Analysis of a Single-Channel Pump with OpenFOAM |
Alauzet, Frederic |  | 1145 | Goal-Oriented Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation for Unsteady Flow |
Alauzet, Frederic |  | 1599 | A Mesh Topology Change ALE Framework for Efficient Body Large-Displacement Adaptive Simulations |
Alauzet, Frederic |  | 1600 | An Linf-Lp Space-Time Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation Strategy for Time-Dependent Problems |
Alba, J. |  | 1830 | A 3D Finite Element Model for the Determination of Vibration Reduction Index for Joints with Floating Floors |
Aleixo, Rui |  | 1695 | Transient Flow Analysis by Imaging Methods - Voronoi Particle Tracking Velocimetry applied to the Dam Break Flow |
Al-Harthi, M. A. |  | 1593 | Investigations of Many Injections into Horizontal Flow |
Alin, N. |  | 1140 | LES Modeling of Combustion for Propulsion Applications using OpenFOAM |
Alin, N. |  | 1347 | Ship and Propulsor Hydrodynamics |
Allen, Gabrielle |  | 1428 | Development of a Cactus CFD Toolkit and its Utilisation on Large-Scale Multi-Block Simulations |
Altaf, Muhammad U. |  | 1444 | Model-Reduced Variational Data Assimilation for Shallow Water Flow Modelling |
Altmann, Christoph |  | 1008 | An Explicit Space-Time Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Scheme |
Amati, Giorgio |  | 1669 | On the Coupling of Micro and Mesoscopic Models in Hemodynamics |
Amaya, J. |  | 1893 | Multi-Component and Multi-Physics CFD Simulations for the Prediction of Gas Turbine Flows |
Ambati, Vijaya R. |  | 1274 | Space-Time Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Nonlinear Water Waves: Variational vs. Weak Formulation |
Ambati, Vijaya R. |  | 1413 | Discontinuous Galerkin Implementation with hpGEM |
Amberg, Gustav |  | 1820 | Simulations of Small Scale Fluid Flows Dominated by Capillarity and Wetting |
Amouzandeh, Aram |  | 1300 | Design of a Computational-Fluid-Dynamics Tool for the Simulation of Pre-Specified Fire Scenarios in Enclosures |
Andersson, Anders G. |  | 1346 | Simulation of Free Surface Flow in a Spillway with the Rigid Lid and Volume of Fluid Methods and Validation in a Scale Model |
Andersson, Helge I. |  | 1256 | Flow Past a Circular Curved Cylinder in Uniform Shear |
Andersson, Helge I. |  | 1320 | Numerical Simulation of Flow Past a Rectangular Flat Plate at Incidence |
André, P. |  | 1767 | A Contribution on the Numerical Simulation of ICP Torchs. |
Andreasson, Patrik |  | 1346 | Simulation of Free Surface Flow in a Spillway with the Rigid Lid and Volume of Fluid Methods and Validation in a Scale Model |
Anjam, Immanuel B. |  | 1613 | New Indicators of Approximation Errors for Problems in Continuum Mechanics |
Annerel, Sebastiaan |  | 1081 | The Influence of the Structural Model on the Stability of Coupling Iterations in Partitioned Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations |
Annerel, Sebastiaan |  | 1157 | Numerical Simulation of a 3D Bileaflet Mechanical Heart Valve: FSI Coupling Algorithm |
Antunes, Henedina |  | 1780 | CFD Study of the Volumatic® Spacer: a Realistic Approach |
Aoki, Takayuki |  | 1639 | Large-Scale CFD Applications on Multi-Node GPU Cluster |
Aposporidis, Alexis |  | 1492 | A Primal-Dual Formulation for the Bingham Flow |
Arai, Norio |  | 1271 | Fluid-Structure Interaction of Body with Elastic Wall |
Araújo, Adérito |  | 1729 | A Numerical Method for a Non-Fickian Diffusion Problem Based on the Inversion of Laplace Transforms |
Araya, Guillermo |  | 1053 | Assessment of Several Turbulence Models in a Supersonic Car |
Arbel, A. |  | 1083 | Optimization of the Iteration Parameters of the Krylov Subspace Methods for Simulation of Incompressible Flow |
Aregba-Driollet, Denise |  | 1778 | Discrete Kinetic Finite Volume Schemes on Unstructured Non Cartesian Grid |
Arezes, Pedro |  | 1828 | Thermal Comfort Evaluation using a CFD Study and a Transient Thermal Model of the Human Body |
Argaín, José L. |  | 1651 | Mountain Wave Drag Amplification by Resonance in Flow with a Vertically Oscillating Scorer Parameter |
Aribas, Erke |  | 1720 | Simulation of Blood Flow in Human Aorta including Thirteen Main Arteries |
Aribas, Erke |  | 1752 | A 3D Human Carotid Artery Simulation using Realistic Geometry with Two-Level Bifurcation and Experimental Inlet Velocity Profile |
Arnal, D. |  | 1784 | May Transient Growth Theory Explain Isolated Roughness Induced Transition? |
Arslan, M. Ö. |  | 1025 | Aerodynamic Optimization Study for Ford Cargo Truck Roof Spoiler & Side Extender Parts using CFD Tools |
Aseris, Vytautas |  | 1213 | Using Grid Computing to Model Biosensors Acting in Stirred and Non-Stirred Solutions |
Ashcroft, Graham |  | 1389 | High-Order Accurate Implicit Runge-Kutta Schemes for the Simulation of Unsteady Flow Phenomena in Turbomachinery |
Ashcroft, Graham |  | 1628 | Turbulence Treatment in Steady and Unsteady Turbomachinery Flows |
Ashraf, S. S. |  | 1383 | Computational Modelling for Cardiovascular Medicine: Patient-Specific Modelling of Artificial Heart Valve Hemodynamic Performance. |
Ashrafizadeh, Ali |  | 1235 | A Pressure-Based Algorithm for the Numerical Solution of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations |
Ashrafizadeh, Ali |  | 1236 | A Characteristic-Based Split Finite Volume Algorithm for the Solution of Incompressible Flow Problems |
Athanasiou, C. |  | 1482 | Simulation of a Button-Type Solid Oxide Fuel Cell |
Aubry, Romain |  | 1468 | Variational Multiscale Method for Compressible Flows |
Aubry, Romain |  | 1555 | An Unstructured Implicit Approach for Numerical Weather Prediction |
Audiffren, C. |  | 1351 | Simulation of Unsteady Cavitation on a 3D Foil |
Audusse, Emmanuel |  | 1358 | A Multilayer System with Mass Exchange for Shallow Water Flows Coupling with Moving Bed Equation |
Auvinen, Mikko |  | 1223 | Time-Accurate Turbomachinery Simulations with Open-Source CFD; Flow Analysis of a Single-Channel Pump with OpenFOAM |
Aveiro, João L. |  | 1625 | Smoke Control in an Underground Car Park with Impulse Ventilation Comparison with Test Results |
Avila, Matias |  | 1367 | Finite Element Variational Multiscale Formulation for Low Mach Number Flows Coupled with Radiative Heat Transfer |
Ayala, Orlando |  | 1249 | Simulation of Turbulent Collision of Cloud Droplets using Optimized Lagrangian Integration Algorithm |
Aydm, I. |  | 1373 | Numerical Simulation of Wave Overtopping in Externally Excited Tanks |
Azevedo, J. P. S. |  | 1742 | Modeling Wetting and Drying of Shallow Water in Estuaries with Tidal Flats |
Azevedo, João L. F. |  | 1793 | An Implicit Spectral Finite Volume Method for Unstructured Grid Aerodynamic Simulations |
Azimi, Aziz |  | 1298 | Base Temperature Estimation of the Non-Fourier Fin with Different Profiles using Inverse Analysis |
Azimi, Aziz |  | 1578 | Temperature Inlet-Wall Boundary Condition Identification of Transient Inverse Convective Heat Transfer Problems within Channels/Pipes: Laminar Flow |
Aziz, Amer Abdel |  | 1009 | A Coupled Finite Volume Solver for the Simulation of Disperse Multiphase Flows |
Babiy, Y. I. |  | 1882 | Application of Optimization Methods in 2D Hydrofoil Design |
Bailly, Christophe |  | 1802 | Large-Eddy Simulation of Subsonic Round Jets with Tripped Exit Boundary Layers |
Bailly, Christophe | ![]() | 1812 | Numerical Investigation of Flow Features and Acoustic Radiation from Round Cavities |
Bajer, Konrad |  | 1726 | CFD Simulation of the Biomass Syngas Combustion |
Baker, M. |  | 1255 | Calculation of the Microscale Flow through a Packed Bed using Finite Volume CFD |
Balarac, Guillaume |  | 1540 | Numerical Simulation of Swirling Flow in Complex Hydroturbine Draft Tube using Large Eddy Simulation |
Baltean-Carlès, Diana |  | 1398 | Numerical Study of Thermoacoustic Wave Amplification |
Bamdad, Keivan |  | 1298 | Base Temperature Estimation of the Non-Fourier Fin with Different Profiles using Inverse Analysis |
Banasiak, Krzysztof |  | 1221 | Equilibrium Model of Two-Phase Transonic Compressible CO2 Flow through Heat Pump Ejector and its Experimental Validation |
Bangerth, Wolfgang |  | 1722 | Generic Finite Element Programming for Massively Parallel Flow Simulations |
Barajas, G. |  | 1712 | Numerical Modelling of Wave-Structure Interaction with a Three Dimensional Navier-Stokes Model |
Barbarino, Mattia |  | 1896 | Aeroacoustic Optimization of Propeller Blades in a Pusher Configuration |
Barbeiro, Sílvia |  | 1717 | Supraconvergent-Superconvergent Methods for Non Fickian Models |
Barbeiro, Sílvia |  | 1723 | Convergence Analysis of a Decoupled Scheme for Poro-Elasticity |
Barjasteh, Mojtaba |  | 1226 | Evaluation of an Induced Magnetohydrdynamic Velocity Potential using Dual Recirocity Boundary Element Method |
Bark, Göran |  | 1488 | Simulating Cavitating Flows with LES in OpenFOAM |
Baronas, R. |  | 1213 | Using Grid Computing to Model Biosensors Acting in Stirred and Non-Stirred Solutions |
Barre, Stáphane |  | 1540 | Numerical Simulation of Swirling Flow in Complex Hydroturbine Draft Tube using Large Eddy Simulation |
Barrett, J. W. |  | 1814 | On the Stability of Numerical Schemes Modeling Non-Newtonian Fluids |
Barros, Maria de L. C. |  | 1742 | Modeling Wetting and Drying of Shallow Water in Estuaries with Tidal Flats |
Barthelmie, R. J. |  | 1646 | Linearity Analysis of Wake Effects Induced by Complex Terrain and Wind Turbines through CFD Wind Farm Models |
Bartolo, C. De |  | 1324 | High Order Discontinuous Galerkin Solution of 1D Ideal Magnetohydrodynamic Equations |
Basara, Branislav |  | 1864 | Turbulent Transport Modelling for PANS and other Bridging Closure Approaches |
Bassi, F. |  | 1183 | High-Order Accurate P-Multigrid Discontinuous Galerkin Solution of the RANS and k-omega Turbulence Model Equations |
Bassi, F. |  | 1324 | High Order Discontinuous Galerkin Solution of 1D Ideal Magnetohydrodynamic Equations |
Bassi, Francesco |  | 1905 | Higher Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods With Emphasis on Aeronautical Applications |
Basso, Edson |  | 1793 | An Implicit Spectral Finite Volume Method for Unstructured Grid Aerodynamic Simulations |
Bastiaans, Rob |  | 1837 | Modeling Preferential Diffusion Effects in Premixed Methane-Hydrogen-Air Flames by using Flamelet-Generated Manifolds |
Batet, L. |  | 1506 | Flow Analysis of the HCLL-TBM(ITER) Channels including MHD and Heat Transfer |
Bauer, Georg |  | 1311 | A 3D Finite Element Method for the Coupled Numerical Simulation of Electrochemical Systems and Fluid Flow: Ion Transport in Electrodeposition |
Bauer, Georg |  | 1904 | Coupling Fields and Scales in Computational (Bio) Fluid Dynamics - Advanced Methods And Applications |
Baurin, Guillaume |  | 1187 | Construction of Very High Order Residual Distribution Schemes for Compressible Flow Problems. |
Bauwens, Luc |  | 1398 | Numerical Study of Thermoacoustic Wave Amplification |
Bayraktar, Evren |  | 1386 | A Numerical Study for the Effect of Bubble Size Distribution on the Flow Behaviour in Bubble Column Reactors |
Bazilevs, Y. |  | 1897 | Isogeometric and Variational Multiscale Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Beaugendre, H. |  | 1125 | High Order Scheme for Compressible Turbulent Flows |
Becker, G. |  | 1034 | Efficiency of Geometric Multigrid Methods for Solving the Sensitivity Equations within Gradient Based Flow Optimization Problems |
Becker, Kai |  | 1609 | Recent Progress in a Hybrid-Grid CFD Solver for Turbomachinery Flows |
Becker, Roland |  | 1823 | Nonconforming Finite Element Approximation of Polymers Flows for Large Weissenberg Numbers |
Becker, Roland |  | 1849 | Adaptive Finite Elements for Viscoelastic Flows |
Becker, Volker |  | 1681 | Finite Element Simulations of Colloidal Aggregates under Shear Flow Conditions |
Behr, Marek |  | 1681 | Finite Element Simulations of Colloidal Aggregates under Shear Flow Conditions |
Bell, Sally S. |  | 1059 | CFD Analysis of a Density-Dependent Valve within a Hot Water System |
Belme, Anca |  | 1145 | Goal-Oriented Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation for Unsteady Flow |
Benes, Ludek |  | 1113 | Two Numerical Schemes for Simulation of the Stratified Flows Past a Moving Body |
Benhamadouche, Sofiane |  | 1570 | Direct Numerical Simulations of the Flow around One and Two Side-By-Side Infinite Cylindres at Subcritical Low Reynolds Numbers |
Benkhaldoun, Fayssal |  | 1344 | Solving the Multi-Layer Shallow Water Equations using the Finite Volume Modified Method of Characteristics |
Benkhaldoun, Fayssal |  | 1350 | Numerical Modeling of Transient Flows Involving Erosion and Deposition of Sediments |
Benkhaldoun, Fayssal |  | 1358 | A Multilayer System with Mass Exchange for Shallow Water Flows Coupling with Moving Bed Equation |
Bensow, Rickard E. |  | 1488 | Simulating Cavitating Flows with LES in OpenFOAM |
Berci, Marco |  | 1446 | Gust Response of a Typical Section via CFD and Analytical Solution |
Berg, A. P. van den |  | 1871 | Scalable Robust Solvers for Unstructured Fe Geodynamic Modeling Applications: Solving the Stokes Equation for Models with Large Localized Viscosity Contrasts. |
Berhault, C. |  | 1348 | Validation of CFD Codes for Slamming and Sloshing |
Bernardini, Chiara |  | 1462 | Time-Resolved Analysis of the Base Region in Cooled Transonic Turbine Airfoils |
Bernardini, Matteo |  | 1565 | Analysis of Unsteadiness in Transonic Shock/Boundary Layer Interactions |
Bethel, Edward W. |  | 1844 | H5Fed - a HDF5 Based Finite Element Data Library |
Beux, F. |  | 1195 | An Implicit Low-Diffusive HLL Scheme for Cavitating Flow Simulation |
Beux, F. |  | 1327 | Implicit Simulations of Shallow-Water Equations with Mobile Bed |
Bevan, Rhodri L. T. |  | 1420 | Modelling Haemodynamics in Patient-Speci?c Carotid Bifurcations using the Locally Conservative Galerkin (LCG) Method |
Bialecki, Ryszard A. |  | 1216 | Inverse and Direct Techniques of the Heat Transfer Coefficient Retrieval in Impingement Jet Heat Exchange |
Bialecki, Ryszard A. |  | 1783 | A 3D CFD Model of a Natural Draft Wet-Cooling Tower |
Biasetti, Jacopo |  | 1771 | Coherent Structure and Blood Flow Dynamics in the Normal and Aneurysmatic Aorta |
Bideau, Nicolas |  | 1404 | Comparison of Hydrodynamic Parameters of 2D and 3D Models of Monofin through a Model of ?uid-Structure Interaction |
Bijl, H. |  | 1809 | Comparison of Intrusive and Non-Intrusive Polynomial Chaos Methods for CFD Applications in Aeronautics |
Bilanceri, Marco |  | 1195 | An Implicit Low-Diffusive HLL Scheme for Cavitating Flow Simulation |
Bilanceri, Marco |  | 1327 | Implicit Simulations of Shallow-Water Equations with Mobile Bed |
Biotto, Cristian |  | 1278 | A Zonal Euler/Viscous Solver for Compressible Flows |
Bletzinger, Kai-Uwe |  | 1039 | Comparison of Algorithms for Strong Coupled Partitioned Fluid-Structure Interaction - Ef?ciency versus Simplicity |
Bletzinger, Kai-Uwe |  | 1448 | A Global Mesh Regularization Approach for Two and Three Dimensional Grids |
Bodnár, Tomás |  | 1079 | Numerical Simulation of Blood Flow using Generalized Oldroyd-B Model |
Bodnár, Tomás |  | 1111 | On the use of High Order Compact Schemes for the Simulation of Stably Stratified Fluid Flow |
Bogey, Christophe |  | 1802 | Large-Eddy Simulation of Subsonic Round Jets with Tripped Exit Boundary Layers |
Bogey, Christophe | ![]() | 1812 | Numerical Investigation of Flow Features and Acoustic Radiation from Round Cavities |
Bogomolov, Sergey V. |  | 1711 | Stochastic Quasi Gas Dynamics Equations as a Base for Particle Methods |
Bohbot, Julien |  | 1419 | A Multi-Dimensional Spatial Scheme for Massively Parallel Compressible Turbulent Combustion Simulation |
Bokhove, Onno |  | 1274 | Space-Time Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Nonlinear Water Waves: Variational vs. Weak Formulation |
Bokhove, Onno |  | 1413 | Discontinuous Galerkin Implementation with hpGEM |
Bokhove, Onno |  | 1445 | Multiscale Modelling of Granular Chute Flows |
Bokhove, Onno |  | 1476 | Hamiltonian Discontinuous Galerkin FEM for Linear Incompressible Fluid |
Bokhove, Onno |  | 1769 | A Hamiltonian Particle Method for Hydrostatic Flow in Isentropic Coordinates |
Bompard, Manuel |  | 1374 | Surrogate Models Based on Function and Derivative Values for Aerodynamic Global Optimization |
Bonet, J. |  | 1166 | Recent Advances on the Immersed Structural Potential Method for Fluid-Structure Interaction Haemodynamic Applications. |
Borée, Jacques |  | 1439 | Recent Progress in Hybrid Temporal-LES/RANS Modeling |
Borges, António R. J. |  | 1764 | Effects of Geometry Modification on the Aerodynamics of a Generic Bridge Deck Section |
Bornia, Giorgio |  | 1085 | Optimal Control for Incompressible Steady MHD Flows via Constrained Extended Boundary Approach |
Borrell, R. |  | 1434 | Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Wakes: Flow Past a Sphere at Re=5000 |
Borrell, R. |  | 1501 | Efficiency of Large-Scale CFD Simulations on Modern Supercomputers using Thousands of CPUs and Hybrid MPI+OpenMP Parallelization |
Borrell, R. |  | 1798 | On the Symmetry-Preserving Regularization Model on Complex Flows using Unstructured Grids |
Bosschaerts, W. |  | 1095 | Large Eddy Simulation of Jet in Cross-Flow applied to the "Micromix" Hydrogen Combustion Principle |
Bouabdallah, A. |  | 1654 | Taylor-Couette Flow Control using a Radially Oscillating Inner Cylinder |
Boudouvis, Andreas G. |  | 1610 | A Computational Framework for Multiscale Modeling in Chemical Vapor Deposition Processes |
Boudouvis, Andreas G. |  | 1612 | Acceleration of CFD Computations through a Subspace Decomposition Method |
Bousquet, A. |  | 1666 | A Multilevel Method for Finite Volume Discretization of the Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Shallow-Water Equations |
Boussuge, J-F. |  | 1246 | Sixth-Order Compact Finite Volume Scheme for Aeroacoustics with Complex Geometries |
Boutov, Dmitri |  | 1698 | Numerical Modeling of Vorticity Dynamics in Oceanic Wakes |
Boyaval, Sébastien |  | 1814 | On the Stability of Numerical Schemes Modeling Non-Newtonian Fluids |
Braconnier, B. |  | 1319 | Dry Granular Flows with Erosion and Deposition |
Brandão, Gil |  | 1634 | DNS Simulation of a Planar Jet using a Hybrid MPI-CUDA Strategy |
Brás, Ricardo |  | 1629 | Calibration of a Numerical Jet Fan Model for Simulating Smoke Control in Underground Car Park |
Brenner, Gunther |  | 1736 | Numerical Investigation on the Efficiency of a Passive Micromixer with the Lattice Boltzmann Method |
Breslau, J. |  | 1883 | An Efficient High-Order Implicit Algorithm for 3D Magnetohydrodynamic Studies of Strongly Magnetized Plasmas using C1 Finite Elements |
Breuer, Michael |  | 1587 | Lessons Learned from the ERCOFTAC SIG15 Computational Workshops: Flow in a 3D Diffuser as an example |
Breviglieri, Carlos |  | 1793 | An Implicit Spectral Finite Volume Method for Unstructured Grid Aerodynamic Simulations |
Brezillon, A. |  | 1217 | A Numerical Method for the Computation of Hopf Bifurcation Points in Fluid Mechanics |
Briesen, Heiko |  | 1681 | Finite Element Simulations of Colloidal Aggregates under Shear Flow Conditions |
Bris, C. Le |  | 1814 | On the Stability of Numerical Schemes Modeling Non-Newtonian Fluids |
Bruel, Pascal |  | 1643 | Characteristic Based Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions in a Simple-Type Pressure Correction Algorithm for Low Mach Number Flows |
Brummelen, Harald van |  | 1266 | The Discontinuous Galerkin Method with Divergence-Free Elements for Incompressible Flows |
Brummelen, Harald van |  | 1652 | Added Mass Effects of Compressible and Incompressible Flows and Solution Methods for FSI |
Buffoni, Marcelo |  | 1164 | Model Reduction for Reacting Flow Applications |
Buijssen, Sven H. M. |  | 1631 | GPU Cluster Computing for Multigrid-FEM Solvers with Applications in CFD |
Buijtenen, J. P. van |  | 1198 | Development of 1D Performance Analysis Tool for a Microturbine Radial Compressor using CFD |
Bulinski, Zbigniew P. |  | 1221 | Equilibrium Model of Two-Phase Transonic Compressible CO2 Flow through Heat Pump Ejector and its Experimental Validation |
Bulinski, Zbigniew P. |  | 1554 | Numerical Model of the Electrical Transformer Epoxy Casting Process and its Hierarchical Validation |
Bussmann, M. |  | 1172 | Numerical Treatment of Contact Line Motion Near a Sharp Corner |
Bytnar, Janusz |  | 1310 | Verification and Validation of Molecular Dynamic Simulation |
Cabezón, Daniel |  | 1646 | Linearity Analysis of Wake Effects Induced by Complex Terrain and Wind Turbines through CFD Wind Farm Models |
Cadou, Jean-Marc |  | 1217 | A Numerical Method for the Computation of Hopf Bifurcation Points in Fluid Mechanics |
Cai, Quanji |  | 1332 | High Order Finite Element Method for Transport Process in the Convection-Diffusion Combined Porous Media |
Cai, Xiao-Chuan |  | 1050 | A Parallel Domain Decomposition Approach for the Implicit Solution of Shallow Water Equations on the Cubed-Sphere |
Çakmak, Mehtap |  | 1174 | Development of Two and Three-Dimensional Euler Solvers for Adaptively Refined Cartesian Grids with Multigrid Applications |
Caldeira, R. |  | 1657 | Island Wake Asymmteries: from Laboratory to Numerical Modelisation |
Calo, V.M. |  | 1897 | Isogeometric and Variational Multiscale Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Camelli, Fernando |  | 1827 | Porting of FEFLO to GPUs |
Campelo, Hugo M. R. |  | 1402 | Numerical Investigation of Laminar Burning Velocities for Multicomponent Fuel/Air Premixed Gaseous Mixtures using Various Reaction Mechanisms |
Campo, Antonio |  | 1677 | A Method for Measuring the Thermal Heat Transfer from a Cylinder in Axial Turbulent Flows for the Best Seven He-Based Binary Gas Mixtures |
Campos, Jorge G. |  | 1860 | The Importance of Computational Methods applied to Aneurysms and their Treatment |
Camussi, R. |  | 1403 | Hydrogen Combustion of a Double Cavity Trapped Vortex Combustor |
Candezano, Miguel A. C. |  | 1397 | A Simple NVD/TVD-Based Upwinding Scheme for Convection Term Discretization |
Cantwell, Chris D. |  | 1148 | From h to p Efficiency: Implementation of Low- and High-Order Spectral/hp Element Discretisations in Two and Three Dimensions. |
Capatina, Daniela |  | 1823 | Nonconforming Finite Element Approximation of Polymers Flows for Large Weissenberg Numbers |
Capatina, Daniela |  | 1849 | Adaptive Finite Elements for Viscoelastic Flows |
Capdevila, Roser |  | 1425 | Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Natural Convection and Gas Radiation in Differentially Heated Cavities using FVM, DOM and LES |
Cappelletti, Alessandro |  | 1163 | CFD Re-Design of a Gas Turbine Can-Type Combustion Chamber Hydrogen Fired |
Carbajo, J. |  | 1830 | A 3D Finite Element Model for the Determination of Vibration Reduction Index for Joints with Floating Floors |
Cardona, S. C. |  | 1408 | Structured and Unstructured Grid Validation of a Bubble Column Reactor CFD Multiphase Model by ANSYS® Workbench V10.0. |
Care, C. M. |  | 1286 | Lattice Boltzmann Modelling Apllied to a Bioreactor for Bone Tissue Engineering |
Caridi, Domenico |  | 1364 | FFOWCS Williams-Hawkings Acoustic Analogy for Simulation of NASA SR2 Propeller Noise in Transonic Cruise Condition |
Carmo, E. G. D. do |  | 1503 | Stabilized Discontinuous Galerkin Approximations for Fourth-Order Stokes-Like Problems |
Carmona, Mauricio |  | 1415 | A Numerical Study of the Flow in a Cyclone Separator using the k-epsilon Realizable Turbulence Model |
Carreño, Aurelio Arranz |  | 1166 | Recent Advances on the Immersed Structural Potential Method for Fluid-Structure Interaction Haemodynamic Applications. |
Cartmell, S. H. |  | 1286 | Lattice Boltzmann Modelling Apllied to a Bioreactor for Bone Tissue Engineering |
Cartwright, Bruce K. |  | 1611 | SPH Simulations of Free Surface Waves and the Interaction with Objects |
Casalino, Damiano |  | 1896 | Aeroacoustic Optimization of Propeller Blades in a Pusher Configuration |
Casteleiro, Manuel |  | 1701 | Selective Limiting by a Moving-Least Squares Technique |
Castillo, P. |  | 1264 | 3D Numerical Simulations of the Impingement of a Turbulent Swirling Jet against a Solid Wall |
Castro, J. |  | 1566 | A PLIC-VOF Implementation on Parallel 3D Unstructured Meshes |
Cecka, Cris |  | 1709 | Assembly of Finite Element Methods on Graphics Processors |
Celebi, M. Serdar |  | 1720 | Simulation of Blood Flow in Human Aorta including Thirteen Main Arteries |
Celebi, M. Serdar |  | 1745 | Non-Newtonian Blood Flow Simulation in a Realistic Artery Domain |
Celebi, M. Serdar |  | 1752 | A 3D Human Carotid Artery Simulation using Realistic Geometry with Two-Level Bifurcation and Experimental Inlet Velocity Profile |
Cella, Ubaldo |  | 1787 | The Telfona Pathfinder Model, a Second Look |
Cerullo, Livia |  | 1314 | Determination of Model Order for Inverse Scattering Applications |
Cervone, Antonio |  | 1072 | An Optimal Approach for Velocity Interpolation in Multilevel VOF Method |
Cervone, Antonio |  | 1085 | Optimal Control for Incompressible Steady MHD Flows via Constrained Extended Boundary Approach |
Chacón, Luis |  | 1873 | Scalable, Nonlinear, Implicit Algorithms for Extended Magnetohydrodynamics |
Chacón, Luis |  | 1874 | Initial Performance of Fully-Coupled AMG and Approximate Block Factorization Preconditioners for Solution of Implicit FE Resistive MHD |
Chalot, Frédéric |  | 1440 | Towards High-Fidelity Industrial CFD |
Chapuis, M. |  | 1347 | Ship and Propulsor Hydrodynamics |
Chashechkin, Y. |  | 1340 | Direct Numerical Simulation of Internal Waves Formation in Highly Stratified Wake Flow |
Cheimarios, Nikolaos |  | 1610 | A Computational Framework for Multiscale Modeling in Chemical Vapor Deposition Processes |
Cheimarios, Nikolaos |  | 1612 | Acceleration of CFD Computations through a Subspace Decomposition Method |
Chen, J. |  | 1883 | An Efficient High-Order Implicit Algorithm for 3D Magnetohydrodynamic Studies of Strongly Magnetized Plasmas using C1 Finite Elements |
Chen, M. |  | 1326 | Considering Thermoelectric Power Generation Device Efficiency using Microchannel Heat Sink |
Cheng, Seeyuan |  | 1733 | Large-Eddy Simulation on the Aerodynamic Pitching Stability of Road Vehicle |
Cheng, Stephen W. K. |  | 1173 | Analysis of Blood Flow in a Dissected Aorta by Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Chérière, E. |  | 1894 | Aero-Mechanical Optimization of Contra-Rotating Open Rotor |
Chernyshev, S. L. |  | 1786 | Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Laminar-Turbulent Transition Mechanisms in the Boundary Layer on 2D and 2.5D Models in the Low-Turbulence Wind Tunnel |
Chetverushkin, Boris N. |  | 1068 | 2D Micro- and Macroscopic Models for Simulation of Heterogeneous Traffic Flows |
Chetverushkin, Boris N. |  | 1069 | Kinetic Approach to Simulation of Multiphase Porous Media Flows |
Chikhaoui, Oussama |  | 1759 | Spectral Volume Method : Application to Euler Equations and Performance Appraisal |
Chinnayya, Ashwin |  | 1369 | Numerical Study of the Influence of Dissipative Effects on the Propagation of Detonation Waves in Narrow Shock Tubes |
Chiva, Sergio |  | 1408 | Structured and Unstructured Grid Validation of a Bubble Column Reactor CFD Multiphase Model by ANSYS® Workbench V10.0. |
Chiva, Sergio |  | 1602 | CFD Modeling of Two-Phase Flow in Vertical Bubbly Flow Condition: Isothermal and Subcooled Boiling Conditions |
Chiva, Sergio |  | 1603 | Two Dimensional Modelling with CFD of the Behavior of a Ventilated Ceramic Façades |
Chiva, Sergio |  | 1615 | Performance Analysis of Flow in a Impeller-Diffuser Centrifugal Pumps using CFD :Simulation and Experimental Data Comparisons |
Chopard, Bastien |  | 1665 | A Lattice Boltzmann Modeling of Bloodflow in Cerebral Aneurysms |
Chow, K. W. |  | 1173 | Analysis of Blood Flow in a Dissected Aorta by Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Christakopoulos, Faidon |  | 1580 | Adjoint CFD Codes through Automatic Differentiation |
Christakopoulos, Faidon |  | 1592 | Timestepping for Adjoint CFD Codes from Automatic Differentiation |
Christie, David |  | 1059 | CFD Analysis of a Density-Dependent Valve within a Hot Water System |
Churbanova, Natalia G. |  | 1068 | 2D Micro- and Macroscopic Models for Simulation of Heterogeneous Traffic Flows |
Churbanova, Natalia G. |  | 1069 | Kinetic Approach to Simulation of Multiphase Porous Media Flows |
Cinar, Cavit |  | 1025 | Aerodynamic Optimization Study for Ford Cargo Truck Roof Spoiler & Side Extender Parts using CFD Tools |
Cinnella, Paola |  | 1097 | Robust Optimization of Dense Gas Flows under Uncertain Operating Conditions |
Cinnella, Paola |  | 1118 | Effects of Modeling Uncertainties in Condensing Wet-Steam Flows through Supersonic Nozzles |
Clain, S. |  | 1767 | A Contribution on the Numerical Simulation of ICP Torchs. |
Clercx, Herman |  | 1416 | The Effect of Phase Transitions on the Droplet Size Distribution in Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence |
Codina, Ramon |  | 1052 | Approximation of the Thermally Coupled MHD Problem using a Stabilized Finite Element Method |
Codina, Ramon |  | 1367 | Finite Element Variational Multiscale Formulation for Low Mach Number Flows Coupled with Radiative Heat Transfer |
Coelho, Emanuel F. |  | 1807 | Univariate High Resolution Assimilation of Non-State Parameters into Ocean Models |
Coelho, Pedro J. |  | 1832 | Assessment of the Performance of Several Turbulence and Combustion Models in the Numerical Simulation of Mild Combustion in a Laboratory Combustor |
Cojocaru, Marius-Gabriel |  | 1484 | Direct Numerical Simulations of Impulsively Starting Flows from Cylindrical and Conic Nozzles |
Collado, E. |  | 1893 | Multi-Component and Multi-Physics CFD Simulations for the Prediction of Gas Turbine Flows |
Colombo, A. |  | 1183 | High-Order Accurate P-Multigrid Discontinuous Galerkin Solution of the RANS and k-omega Turbulence Model Equations |
Colomer, G. |  | 1425 | Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Natural Convection and Gas Radiation in Differentially Heated Cavities using FVM, DOM and LES |
Colominas, Ignasi |  | 1701 | Selective Limiting by a Moving-Least Squares Technique |
Colonius, Tim |  | 1902 | A Fast Immersed-Boundary Method with Application to Low Reynolds Number Aerodynamics |
Comerford, Andrew |  | 1114 | Calibrating Reduced Dimension Models for 3D Patient Specific Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations |
Corrêa, Laís |  | 1397 | A Simple NVD/TVD-Based Upwinding Scheme for Convection Term Discretization |
Corrigan, Andrew |  | 1827 | Porting of FEFLO to GPUs |
Cortes, Cristbal |  | 1415 | A Numerical Study of the Flow in a Cyclone Separator using the k-epsilon Realizable Turbulence Model |
Costa, Mário |  | 1832 | Assessment of the Performance of Several Turbulence and Combustion Models in the Numerical Simulation of Mild Combustion in a Laboratory Combustor |
Cottrell, J.A. |  | 1897 | Isogeometric and Variational Multiscale Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Coupez, T. |  | 1903 | Stabilized Finite Element Solution to Handle Complex Heat and Turbulent Flows in Industrial Furnaces |
Coupez, Thierry |  | 1019 | Stabilised Finite Element for High Reynolds Number, LES and Free Surface Flow Problems |
Coupez, Thierry |  | 1031 | Stabilized Finite Element Solution to Handle Complex Heat and Turbulent Flows in Industrial Furnaces |
Coupez, Thierry |  | 1590 | Anisotropic Adaptive Meshing and Levelset Method for Interface Capturing Problems |
Coutelieris, Frank A. |  | 1482 | Simulation of a Button-Type Solid Oxide Fuel Cell |
Crespo, Antonio |  | 1642 | Study of Isolated Wakes and their Superposition in Wind Farms, using Different Turbulence Models |
Crespo, João G. |  | 1454 | OpenFOAM Simulation of Mass Transfer in Spacer-Filled Channels |
Croce, Giulio |  | 1509 | A Navier Stokes Solver for Axisymmetric Turbomachinery Analysis |
Cruz, Antonio G. B. da |  | 1503 | Stabilized Discontinuous Galerkin Approximations for Fourth-Order Stokes-Like Problems |
Cruz, Pedro A. |  | 1295 | Numerical Simulation of Director Orientation of Tumbling Nematic Liquid Crystals in Channel Flow |
Cueto-Felgueroso, Luis |  | 1701 | Selective Limiting by a Moving-Least Squares Technique |
Cunha, Álvaro |  | 1294 | Time Domain Buffeting Analysis of a Large-Span Cable-Stayed Bridge |
Cunha, Ana |  | 1828 | Thermal Comfort Evaluation using a CFD Study and a Transient Thermal Model of the Human Body |
Cyr, Eric C. |  | 1874 | Initial Performance of Fully-Coupled AMG and Approximate Block Factorization Preconditioners for Solution of Implicit FE Resistive MHD |
D'Angelo, C. |  | 1451 | Mixed Finite Element Schemes for Fluid Flows in Fractured Porous Media with Reduced Order Modeling of Fractures with Non-Matching Grids |
Dabnichki, Peter |  | 1671 | Influence of the Foil Thickness on the Thrust of Oscillating Foil |
Dahmen, W. |  | 1584 | Numerical Simulation of Cooling Gas Injection using Adaptive Multiscale Techniques |
Dai, Charles M. |  | 1105 | Numerical Simulation of a Marine Propeller in a Cross Flow |
Daiber, J. |  | 1010 | Numerical Study of Pulsatile Flow through Models of Aortic Valve Stenoses and Assessment of Gorlin Equation |
Damanik, H. |  | 1777 | Monolithic FEM Techniques for Nonlinear Flow with Temperature/Concentration, Pressure and Shear-Dependent Viscosity |
Danaila, Ionut |  | 1484 | Direct Numerical Simulations of Impulsively Starting Flows from Cylindrical and Conic Nozzles |
Danaila, Sterian |  | 1484 | Direct Numerical Simulations of Impulsively Starting Flows from Cylindrical and Conic Nozzles |
Darve, E. |  | 1709 | Assembly of Finite Element Methods on Graphics Processors |
Darwish, Marwan |  | 1009 | A Coupled Finite Volume Solver for the Simulation of Disperse Multiphase Flows |
Dassler, Patrick |  | 1811 | Modelling of Roughness-Induced Transition using Local Variables |
Davis, J. A. |  | 1489 | Simulation of the Thermal Heat Exchange Near the Phoenix Mars Lander |
Deb, Briti S. |  | 1416 | The Effect of Phase Transitions on the Droplet Size Distribution in Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence |
Deck, Sébastien |  | 1831 | Zonal Detached Eddy Simulation for Technical Aerodynamic Flows |
Deconinck, Herman |  | 1153 | Simulation of Gas Exhaustion from a Combustion Chamber of a Reciprocating Engine |
Deconinck, Herman |  | 1758 | Recent Developments on High-Order Multidimensional Upwind Residual Distribution for Equations with Viscous Terms |
Deconinck, Herman |  | 1824 | A Symmetrizing Variables Formulation for Hypersonic Thermo-Chemical Non-Equilibrium Flows, with Application to Residual Distribution Schemes |
Deconinck, Herman |  | 1889 | Towards concurrent multi-disciplinary design and optimization |
Degond, P. |  | 1149 | Hybridization of Numerical Schemes in Time Domain to Solve the Vlasov-Maxwell Equations |
Degrez, Gérard |  | 1824 | A Symmetrizing Variables Formulation for Hypersonic Thermo-Chemical Non-Equilibrium Flows, with Application to Residual Distribution Schemes |
Degroote, Joris |  | 1081 | The Influence of the Structural Model on the Stability of Coupling Iterations in Partitioned Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations |
Degroote, Joris |  | 1157 | Numerical Simulation of a 3D Bileaflet Mechanical Heart Valve: FSI Coupling Algorithm |
Degroote, Joris |  | 1308 | Simulation of Upward Flame Spread by Coupling a Pyrolysis Model with a CFD Calculation |
Dekterev, A. |  | 1137 | Computations of Unsteady Cavitating Flow over a Hydrofoil using Unsteady RANS and Detached Eddy Simulations |
Dekterev, A. |  | 1233 | Numerical Simulation of Moving Boundary Problems with the New Euleran Method |
D'Elia, Marta |  | 1162 | A Data Assimilation Technique for including Noisy Measurements of the Velocity Field into Navier-Stokes Simulations |
D'Elia, Marta |  | 1881 | An Iterative Data Assimilation Procedure for including Velocity Measurements into Navier-Stokes Simulations |
Demirel, Ender |  | 1373 | Numerical Simulation of Wave Overtopping in Externally Excited Tanks |
Deniau, H. |  | 1246 | Sixth-Order Compact Finite Volume Scheme for Aeroacoustics with Complex Geometries |
Dervieux, A. |  | 1145 | Goal-Oriented Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation for Unsteady Flow |
Désidéri, Jean-Antoine |  | 1092 | Robust Workflows for Large-Scale Multiphysics Simulation |
Désidéri, Jean-Antoine |  | 1374 | Surrogate Models Based on Function and Derivative Values for Aerodynamic Global Optimization |
Desmet, Wim |  | 1212 | Time Stepping and Linear Stability of Runge-Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin Methods on Triangular Grids |
Després, Bruno |  | 1850 | Coupling Intrusive and Non Intrusive Polynomial Chaos for Solving Stochastic Systems of Conservation Laws |
Dhanasar, Mookesh |  | 1819 | A Method of Consistent Averages for the Computational Solution to the Fluid Dynamic Equations |
Dick, Erik |  | 1144 | Hybrid RANS/LES of Low Reynolds Number Round Impinging Jets |
Dick, Erik |  | 1643 | Characteristic Based Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions in a Simple-Type Pressure Correction Algorithm for Low Mach Number Flows |
Didier, Eric |  | 1040 | Comparisons of Wave Overtopping at Coastal Structures Calculated with AMAZON, COBRAS-UC and SPHYSICS |
Didier, Eric |  | 1627 | A Lagrangian Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics - SPH - Method for Modelling Waves-Coastal Structure Interaction |
Didier, Eric |  | 1629 | Calibration of a Numerical Jet Fan Model for Simulating Smoke Control in Underground Car Park |
Didier, Eric |  | 1764 | Effects of Geometry Modification on the Aerodynamics of a Generic Bridge Deck Section |
Dierich, Frank |  | 1679 | The Impact of Cylinder Roughness on the Drag Forces and Heat Transfer |
Digonnet, H. |  | 1031 | Stabilized Finite Element Solution to Handle Complex Heat and Turbulent Flows in Industrial Furnaces |
Digonnet, H. |  | 1903 | Stabilized Finite Element Solution to Handle Complex Heat and Turbulent Flows in Industrial Furnaces |
Dimakopoulos, Aggelos S. |  | 1867 | An Immersed Boundary Method Embedded in a Pseudospectral Scheme |
Din, Itham Salah El |  | 1787 | The Telfona Pathfinder Model, a Second Look |
Din, Itham Salah El |  | 1788 | High Reynolds Number Transition Experiments in the ETW Test Facility with the Pathfinder Model |
Dinkelacker, F. |  | 1205 | Numerical Simulation of Rod Stabilized Turbulent Premixed Flames |
Dohnalik, Marek |  | 1813 | Three-Dimensional Pore Scale Fluid Flow Simulation Based on Computed Microtomography Carbonate Rocks' Images |
Dolejsí, Vit |  | 1194 | Semi-Implicit Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method for the Steady State Compressible Flows |
Domingo, P. |  | 1899 | Turbulent Combustion Modeling: New Approaches for Highly Refined Simulations |
Domingo, Pascale |  | 1322 | Large-Eddy Simulation of Forced Ignition in Highly Strained Bluff-Body Burner |
Domingo, Pascale |  | 1333 | A Flow-Controlled Chemistry Tabulation Method for Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Combustion with Detailed Chemistry |
Domingo, Pascale |  | 1341 | An Immersed Boundary Method for Large-Eddy Simulation of Fully Compressible Flows: Application to a Transonic Cavity Flow |
Domingo, Pascale |  | 1411 | Studying Swirling Flames using Highly Resolved Simulations of an Industrial Premixed Burner |
Donelli, Raffaele |  | 1788 | High Reynolds Number Transition Experiments in the ETW Test Facility with the Pathfinder Model |
Dong, C. |  | 1657 | Island Wake Asymmteries: from Laboratory to Numerical Modelisation |
Dörnbrack, Andreas |  | 1175 | Modelling Flows through Canopies with Immersed Boundary Methods |
Dorodnicyn, Ludwig W. |  | 1704 | Boundary Algorithms for High-Accuracy Aeroacoustic Schemes |
Drikakis, Dimitris |  | 1853 | Computational Uncertainty in Turbulent Flow Simulations: Towards a Numerical Error Bar |
Drobyshevsky, N. I. |  | 1007 | A Diffusion-Inertia Model (DIM) for Predicting Aerosol Transportation and Deposition in Turbulent Flows |
Drohmann, Martin |  | 1110 | Parametrized Discrete Empirical Interpolation of Nonlinear Implicit Evolution Operators |
Du, Yu |  | 1120 | Mechanical and Thermal Fluid Structure Interaction of Non-Contacting Gas Seals in Jet Engines |
Duda, F. P. |  | 1503 | Stabilized Discontinuous Galerkin Approximations for Fourth-Order Stokes-Like Problems |
Dulikravich, G. S. |  | 1017 | Optimal Heating Control to Prevent Solid Deposits in Pipelines |
Dumbser, M. |  | 1177 | Discontinuous Galerkin Schemes with Reconstruction: the PN PM -approach |
Duprat, Cédric |  | 1540 | Numerical Simulation of Swirling Flow in Complex Hydroturbine Draft Tube using Large Eddy Simulation |
Durka, Mike |  | 1791 | Parametric Modeling of Cerebral Aneurysms |
Durka, Mike |  | 1792 | Effects of Aspect Ratio on the Hemodynamics in Elastase Induced Rabbit Aneurysms |
Dwight, R. P. |  | 1563 | Efficient Computation of Dynamic Stability Data with a Linearized Frequency Domain Solver |
Eça, Luís. |  | 1901 | Code and Solution Verification in CFD: Examples for RANS Solvers |
Eça, Luís |  | 1751 | Verification and Validation Exercise for the Flow Over a Backward Facing Step |
Éder, Gergely |  | 1887 | Optimization of Diffuser with CFX Technology |
Egami, Yasuhiro |  | 1787 | The Telfona Pathfinder Model, a Second Look |
Egami, Yasuhiro |  | 1788 | High Reynolds Number Transition Experiments in the ETW Test Facility with the Pathfinder Model |
Egorov, I. N. |  | 1882 | Application of Optimization Methods in 2D Hydrofoil Design |
Eirís, A. |  | 1372 | Simulation of the Fouling Layer Evolution in Heat Transfer Surfaces |
Eisfeld, Bernhard |  | 1067 | The German National Joint Project Muna: Management and Minimization of Uncertainties and Errors in Numerical Aerodynamics |
Eisfeld, Bernhard |  | 1575 | Reynolds Stress Modeling for Complex Aerodynamic Flows |
Eitel, G. |  | 1842 | Analysis of the Temporal Flow Field in Tracheobronchial Model |
Ekaterinaris, John A. |  | 1422 | Characteristic Boundary Conditions for the Numerical Solution of Euler Equations by the Discontinuous Galerkin Methods |
Elamin, Gafar |  | 1819 | A Method of Consistent Averages for the Computational Solution to the Fluid Dynamic Equations |
El-Gohari, Amal |  | 1473 | Combined Injection of Plastic Particles and Heavy Fuel Oil into a Blast Furnace Raceway - Detailed CFD Analysis |
Elizarova, Tatiana G. |  | 1621 | A Regularization Method for the Numerical Solution of Shallow Water Equations |
Elmahi, I. |  | 1327 | Implicit Simulations of Shallow-Water Equations with Mobile Bed |
Elsayed, Khairy |  | 1022 | The Effect of Vortex Finder Diameter on Cyclone Separator Performance and Flow Field |
Elsayed, Khairy |  | 1061 | Application of Response Surface Methodology for Modeling and Optimization of the Cyclone Separator for Minimum Pressure Drop |
Elsayed, Khairy |  | 1829 | Numerical Study of Particle Deposition in the Human Upper Airways with Emphasis on Hot Spot Formation and Comparison of LES and RANS Models |
Engwer, Christian |  | 1835 | Benefits of Generic Software: Convenient Parallelization of Micro-Scale DG-CFD Simulations |
Enjalbert, Nicolas |  | 1333 | A Flow-Controlled Chemistry Tabulation Method for Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Combustion with Detailed Chemistry |
Ertesvag, Ivar S. |  | 1382 | Large Eddy Simulation in Generalized Curvilinear Coordinates and its Application to an Axisymmetric Dump Combustor |
Ertesvag, Ivar S. |  | 1385 | Subgrid Combustion Modelling for Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of Turbulent Combustion using Eddy Dissipation Concept (EDC) |
Ervilha, Rita |  | 1841 | Uncertainty Quantification of Wildland Fire Propagation |
Esser, Patrick |  | 1293 | Time Integration Schemes for Incompressible Two-Phase Flow Problems |
Euripides, Sellountos J. |  | 1859 | Solution of the 2D Navier-Stokes Equations with the LBIE Method and RBF Cells |
Evans, Ben J. |  | 1053 | Assessment of Several Turbulence Models in a Supersonic Car |
Evans, Ben J. |  | 1117 | Spray Drag Model for Bloodhound SSC |
Evans, J. |  | 1897 | Isogeometric and Variational Multiscale Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Ewer, John |  | 1339 | SMARTFIRE - the Fire Field Modelling Environment |
Facchini, B. |  | 1035 | RANS Modeling of Flow in Rotating Cavity System |
Fadai-Ghotbi, Atabak |  | 1439 | Recent Progress in Hybrid Temporal-LES/RANS Modeling |
Fajardo, Pablo |  | 1394 | Analysis of the Cavitating Flow in Real Size Diesel Injectors with Fixed and Moving Needle Lift Simulations |
Fan, Yi |  | 1173 | Analysis of Blood Flow in a Dissected Aorta by Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Farahat, Ashraf |  | 1227 | Gas-Plasma Coupling in Miniaturized Spaces |
Farge, M. |  | 1379 | Coherent Vorticity and Current Extraction in Three-Dimensional Homogeneous Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence: Comparison Between Wavelet and Fourier Filtering |
Farimani, Amir B. |  | 1872 | Application of Dynamic Mesh in CFD Modeling of Wind Erosion on an Arbitrary Pile Shape |
Farwig, R. |  | 1700 | Theoretical Aspects of Motion of Fluid around a Rotating Rigid Body |
Faure, S. |  | 1666 | A Multilevel Method for Finite Volume Discretization of the Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Shallow-Water Equations |
Federico, Luigi |  | 1896 | Aeroacoustic Optimization of Propeller Blades in a Pusher Configuration |
Fedina, Ekaterina |  | 1140 | LES Modeling of Combustion for Propulsion Applications using OpenFOAM |
Fedorchenko, Irina A. |  | 1380 | Numerical Simulation of Helium Jet Injection into Supersonic Flow |
Fedorova, Natalya N. |  | 1359 | Mathematical Modelling of Supersonic Flow over Open Cavity with Mass Supply |
Fedorova, Natalya N. |  | 1380 | Numerical Simulation of Helium Jet Injection into Supersonic Flow |
Feilmayr, Christoph |  | 1473 | Combined Injection of Plastic Particles and Heavy Fuel Oil into a Blast Furnace Raceway - Detailed CFD Analysis |
Feistauer, Miloslav |  | 1661 | DGFEM for the Numerical Solution of Compressible Flow in Time-Dependent Domains and Applications to Fluid-Structure Interaction |
Felten, Frederic |  | 1056 | The Role of Unsteadiness on a Turbine Vane Wake with Trailing Edge Cooling |
Ferdowsi, Poorya A. |  | 1172 | Numerical Treatment of Contact Line Motion Near a Sharp Corner |
Ferguson, Frederick |  | 1819 | A Method of Consistent Averages for the Computational Solution to the Fluid Dynamic Equations |
Fernandes, Gérson C. |  | 1191 | Applicability of RANS Models for Accurate Computation of Flow over Airfoils with Serrated Trailing Edges |
Fernandes, Ricardo |  | 1667 | Indoor Car Parks - CFD Application |
Fernandes, Ricardo |  | 1672 | Importance of CFD's on HVAC |
Fernández, Miguel A. |  | 1721 | Numerical Simulation of the Fluid-Structure Interaction in Stented Aneurysms. |
Fernandez-Feria, R. |  | 1264 | 3D Numerical Simulations of the Impingement of a Turbulent Swirling Jet against a Solid Wall |
Fernández-Méndez, Sonia |  | 1567 | High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Incompressible Flows |
Fernández-Méndez, Sonia |  | 1568 | Stability and Convergence Analysis of an X-FEM Formulation for Incompressible Flow |
Fernández-Méndez, Sonia |  | 1594 | NURBS-Enhanced Finite Element Method |
Ferraro, N. M. |  | 1883 | An Efficient High-Order Implicit Algorithm for 3D Magnetohydrodynamic Studies of Strongly Magnetized Plasmas using C1 Finite Elements |
Ferré, J. A. |  | 1598 | A Direct Numerical Simulation Study on the Mean Velocity and Temperature in Mixed Convection from an Open Cavity |
Ferreira, Almerindo D. |  | 1872 | Application of Dynamic Mesh in CFD Modeling of Wind Erosion on an Arbitrary Pile Shape |
Ferreira, José A. |  | 1717 | Supraconvergent-Superconvergent Methods for Non Fickian Models |
Ferreira, José A. |  | 1718 | On a "Flux Tracking" of Drug Release Processes |
Ferreira, Rui M. L. |  | 1867 | An Immersed Boundary Method Embedded in a Pseudospectral Scheme |
Ferreira, Valdemir G. |  | 1397 | A Simple NVD/TVD-Based Upwinding Scheme for Convection Term Discretization |
Ferrer, Esteban |  | 1447 | Development of an Unstructured High Order Incompressible Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method |
Ferrieres, X. |  | 1149 | Hybridization of Numerical Schemes in Time Domain to Solve the Vlasov-Maxwell Equations |
Fey, Uwe |  | 1787 | The Telfona Pathfinder Model, a Second Look |
Fey, Uwe |  | 1788 | High Reynolds Number Transition Experiments in the ETW Test Facility with the Pathfinder Model |
Fiala, Andreas |  | 1811 | Modelling of Roughness-Induced Transition using Local Variables |
Fic, Adam |  | 1221 | Equilibrium Model of Two-Phase Transonic Compressible CO2 Flow through Heat Pump Ejector and its Experimental Validation |
Filimon, A. |  | 1177 | Discontinuous Galerkin Schemes with Reconstruction: the PN PM -approach |
Filippini, Gerson |  | 1790 | Element-Based Finite Volume Method for Solid Mechanics Problems |
Filippov, A. S. |  | 1007 | A Diffusion-Inertia Model (DIM) for Predicting Aerosol Transportation and Deposition in Turbulent Flows |
Finlayson, Neil |  | 1059 | CFD Analysis of a Density-Dependent Valve within a Hot Water System |
Finnikov, K. |  | 1137 | Computations of Unsteady Cavitating Flow over a Hydrofoil using Unsteady RANS and Detached Eddy Simulations |
Fishpool, G. M. |  | 1276 | Aspects of Simulating Synthetic-Jet Injection into Attached and Separated Boundary Layers |
Flaszynski, Pawel |  | 1483 | Flow Structure Analysis Close to Air Jet Vortex Generator |
Fonfach, José M. A. |  | 1500 | Resistance of a Series 60 Vessel Determined by CFD Software |
Forget, P. |  | 1338 | The NEMO High Resolution Coastal Model for Wind Induced Vortices Prediction Fluid Dynamics (Eccomas CFD 2010 Lisbon) |
Formaggia, Luca |  | 1576 | A Three-Dimensional Model for the Dynamics and the Free-Surface Hydrodynamics of Rowing Boats |
Forman, Matej |  | 1375 | Turbulence Forcing Scheme in Physical Space Based on Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process |
Forman, Matej |  | 1518 | Deposition of Non-Spherical Particles (Fibres) in a Channel with Subsequent Bifurcations |
Forney, Glenn P. |  | 1220 | Toward FDS6: Complex Geometry, Embedded Meshes, and Quality Assessment |
Fort, Jaroslav |  | 1153 | Simulation of Gas Exhaustion from a Combustion Chamber of a Reciprocating Engine |
Fortes, Conceição J. |  | 1044 | Comparison of Three Nonlinear Models to Analyze Wave Propagation over Submerged Trapezoidal Breakwaters |
Fortes, Conceição J. |  | 1109 | Bottom Friction and Wave Breaking Implementation in the BOUSS3W Nonlinear Wave Propagation Model |
Fourmaux, Antoine |  | 1265 | Non-Intrusive Stochastic Studies for External and Internal Flows using the elsA Software |
Fradera, J. |  | 1506 | Flow Analysis of the HCLL-TBM(ITER) Channels including MHD and Heat Transfer |
Fraigneau, Yann |  | 1281 | Numerical Simulation of a Two-Phase Flow in an Oil Filter by Coupling a LES Approach with a Lagrangian Particle Tracking |
Frana, Karel |  | 1186 | A Numerical Investigation of the Turbulent Flows using the Detached-Eddy Simulation |
Franchina, N. |  | 1183 | High-Order Accurate P-Multigrid Discontinuous Galerkin Solution of the RANS and k-omega Turbulence Model Equations |
François, Guillaume |  | 1019 | Stabilised Finite Element for High Reynolds Number, LES and Free Surface Flow Problems |
Frank, J. |  | 1769 | A Hamiltonian Particle Method for Hydrostatic Flow in Isentropic Coordinates |
Franke, J. |  | 1205 | Numerical Simulation of Rod Stabilized Turbulent Premixed Flames |
Franke, Martin |  | 1628 | Turbulence Treatment in Steady and Unsteady Turbomachinery Flows |
Franke, Matthias |  | 1622 | Predicting Transition on Low-Pressure Turbine Profiles |
Fraunié, Philippe |  | 1111 | On the use of High Order Compact Schemes for the Simulation of Stably Stratified Fluid Flow |
Fraunié, Philippe |  | 1113 | Two Numerical Schemes for Simulation of the Stratified Flows Past a Moving Body |
Fraunié, Philippe |  | 1338 | The NEMO High Resolution Coastal Model for Wind Induced Vortices Prediction Fluid Dynamics (Eccomas CFD 2010 Lisbon) |
Fraunié, Philippe |  | 1340 | Direct Numerical Simulation of Internal Waves Formation in Highly Stratified Wake Flow |
Frederich, O. |  | 1459 | Flow in Naturally Changing Central Airways |
Frey, Christian |  | 1737 | Development of a Generic Surface Mapping Algorithm for Fluid-Structure-Interaction Simulations in Turbomachinery |
Friedmann, Elfriede |  | 1782 | On Drag Computations of Rough Surfaces: Modeling, Simulations and Model Reduction by Applying Homogenization |
Fries, T.-P. |  | 1115 | 3D Two-Phase Flow Simulations with the Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM) |
Friess, Christophe |  | 1439 | Recent Progress in Hybrid Temporal-LES/RANS Modeling |
Fujii, Kozo |  | 1257 | Effect of Distance on Aeroacoustic Waves from Double Cavities in Tandem Arrangements |
Fujii, Kozo |  | 1268 | Computational Analysis of Aeroacoustic Waves Induced by Rotating Tire |
Fukui, Tomohiro |  | 1537 | Fluid-Structure Coupling Simulations using a Virtual Flux Method |
Fukui, Tomohiro |  | 1683 | Numerical Simulation of Blood Flows in a Vessel with Valves Based on Virtual-Flux Methods |
Fumagalli, A. |  | 1451 | Mixed Finite Element Schemes for Fluid Flows in Fractured Porous Media with Reduced Order Modeling of Fractures with Non-Matching Grids |
Fureby, C. |  | 1347 | Ship and Propulsor Hydrodynamics |
Fureby, Christer |  | 1140 | LES Modeling of Combustion for Propulsion Applications using OpenFOAM |
Furmánek, Petr |  | 1479 | ALE Method for Unsteady Transonic Flow Simulations |
Furmanov, Ilya R. |  | 1068 | 2D Micro- and Macroscopic Models for Simulation of Heterogeneous Traffic Flows |
Fürst, J. |  | 1113 | Two Numerical Schemes for Simulation of the Stratified Flows Past a Moving Body |
Fürst, Jirí |  | 1479 | ALE Method for Unsteady Transonic Flow Simulations |
Gad-el-Hak, M. |  | 1654 | Taylor-Couette Flow Control using a Radially Oscillating Inner Cylinder |
Gallardo, José P. |  | 1256 | Flow Past a Circular Curved Cylinder in Uniform Shear |
Gallinger, Thomas |  | 1039 | Comparison of Algorithms for Strong Coupled Partitioned Fluid-Structure Interaction - Ef?ciency versus Simplicity |
Gambaruto, A. M. |  | 1669 | On the Coupling of Micro and Mesoscopic Models in Hemodynamics |
Gambaruto, A. M. |  | 1861 | Computational Hemodynamics of Intracranial Aneurysms: Modelling and Geometrical Sensitivity |
Gamnitzer, Peter |  | 1904 | Coupling Fields and Scales in Computational (Bio) Fluid Dynamics - Advanced Methods And Applications |
García, Antonio |  | 1394 | Analysis of the Cavitating Flow in Real Size Diesel Injectors with Fixed and Moving Needle Lift Simulations |
Garcia, Julio |  | 1429 | A Stabilized Formulation for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations using Finite Calculus |
García, Nelson |  | 1285 | Consistency of SIMPLEC Scheme in Collocated Grids |
García, Nelson |  | 1330 | Enhancements of Piso Scheme in Collocated Grids |
Garnier, Eric |  | 1123 | Compressibility Effects on the Vortical Flow over a 65 Degree Swept Delta Wing. |
Gaskell, Philip H. |  | 1366 | CFD Optimization of Small Livestock Trailers |
Gaskell, Philip H. |  | 1399 | Three-Dimensional Inertial Thin Film Flow on Planar Substrates Containing Occlusions |
Gaskell, Philip H. |  | 1446 | Gust Response of a Typical Section via CFD and Analytical Solution |
Gaspar, Pedro D. |  | 1021 | CFD Parametric Study of Ambient Air Velocity Magnitude Influence in Thermal Behaviour of Open Refrigerated Display Cabinets |
Gasser, T. C. |  | 1771 | Coherent Structure and Blood Flow Dynamics in the Normal and Aneurysmatic Aorta |
Gassner, G. |  | 1008 | An Explicit Space-Time Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Scheme |
Gassner, G. |  | 1275 | Unstructured High Order Grids and their Application in Discontinuous Galerkin Methods |
Gatski, Thomas B. |  | 1439 | Recent Progress in Hybrid Temporal-LES/RANS Modeling |
Gatzhammer, Bernhard |  | 1756 | Partitioned Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations using a Hierarchical Cartesian Flow Solver |
Gauger, Nicolas R. |  | 1407 | Ingredients for Efficient Aerodynamic One-Shot Shape Optimization |
Gavriloaia, Gheorghe V. |  | 1748 | Investigation by Acoustic Resonance of Human Body |
Gavriloaia, Mariuca-Roxana G. |  | 1748 | Investigation by Acoustic Resonance of Human Body |
Gavrilov, Andrey |  | 1137 | Computations of Unsteady Cavitating Flow over a Hydrofoil using Unsteady RANS and Detached Eddy Simulations |
Gavrilov, Andrey |  | 1233 | Numerical Simulation of Moving Boundary Problems with the New Euleran Method |
Gee, Michael W. |  | 1114 | Calibrating Reduced Dimension Models for 3D Patient Specific Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations |
Gee, Michael W. |  | 1904 | Coupling Fields and Scales in Computational (Bio) Fluid Dynamics - Advanced Methods And Applications |
Geenen, T. |  | 1871 | Scalable Robust Solvers for Unstructured Fe Geodynamic Modeling Applications: Solving the Stokes Equation for Models with Large Localized Viscosity Contrasts. |
Geier, Martin |  | 1869 | A Lattice Boltzmann 3D-GPU-Implementation on Non-Uniform Grids |
Geld, Cees Van Der |  | 1416 | The Effect of Phase Transitions on the Droplet Size Distribution in Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence |
Gennaro, Michele De |  | 1364 | FFOWCS Williams-Hawkings Acoustic Analogy for Simulation of NASA SR2 Propeller Noise in Transonic Cruise Condition |
Gepner, Stanislaw |  | 1417 | Parallel Performance of Adaptive Algorithms with Dynamic Load Balancing |
Geraci, Gianluca |  | 1342 | Equivalence Conditions for Finite Volume / Element Discretizations in Cylindrical Coordinates |
Geraldes, Vítor |  | 1454 | OpenFOAM Simulation of Mass Transfer in Spacer-Filled Channels |
Geraldes, Vítor |  | 1494 | CFD Analysis of Creeping Flow around a Spherical Particle in Rectangular Microchannels |
Gerbeau, Jean-Frédéric |  | 1721 | Numerical Simulation of the Fluid-Structure Interaction in Stented Aneurysms. |
Gerritsma, M. I. |  | 1414 | A Mimetic Spectral Element Method for Equations of Fluid Dynamics |
Gerritsma, M. I. |  | 1510 | Numerical Solution of Convection Diffusion Equations with the Discretization of the Lie Derivative |
Gerstenberger, Axel |  | 1904 | Coupling Fields and Scales in Computational (Bio) Fluid Dynamics - Advanced Methods And Applications |
Geurts, Bernard J. |  | 1156 | Immersed Boundary Method Predictions of Shear Stresses for Different Flow Topologies Occurring in Cerebral Aneurysms |
Geurts, Bernard J. |  | 1197 | Simulation of Impaction Filtration of Aerosol Droplets in Porous Media |
Geurts, Bernard J. |  | 1199 | Immersed Boundary Method Computation of Heat and Fluid ?ow in Complex Porous Media |
Geurts, Bernard J. |  | 1416 | The Effect of Phase Transitions on the Droplet Size Distribution in Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence |
Geurts, Bernard J. |  | 1460 | Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulation of Buoyancy-Driven Turbulent Mixing |
Geurts, Bernard J. |  | 1637 | Regularization Modeling of Commutator-Errors in Large-Eddy Simulation of Wall-Bounded Turbulence |
Geuzaine, Christophe |  | 1101 | Curvilinear Mesh Generation for CFD |
Ghaly, Wahid |  | 1058 | A New Viscous Inverse Design Method for Internal and External Flow over Airfoils using CFD Techniques |
Ghamari, Mohammad R. |  | 1578 | Temperature Inlet-Wall Boundary Condition Identification of Transient Inverse Convective Heat Transfer Problems within Channels/Pipes: Laminar Flow |
Gharbi, Adel |  | 1340 | Direct Numerical Simulation of Internal Waves Formation in Highly Stratified Wake Flow |
Ghazaryan, Lilya |  | 1197 | Simulation of Impaction Filtration of Aerosol Droplets in Porous Media |
Ghazaryan, Lilya |  | 1199 | Immersed Boundary Method Computation of Heat and Fluid ?ow in Complex Porous Media |
Ghazaryan, Lilya |  | 1416 | The Effect of Phase Transitions on the Droplet Size Distribution in Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence |
Ghidoni, Antonio |  | 1183 | High-Order Accurate P-Multigrid Discontinuous Galerkin Solution of the RANS and k-omega Turbulence Model Equations |
Ghorbaniasl, G. |  | 1049 | An Implicit High-Order Spectral Difference Method for LES |
Ghorbaniasl, G. |  | 1809 | Comparison of Intrusive and Non-Intrusive Polynomial Chaos Methods for CFD Applications in Aeronautics |
Giacomazzi, E. |  | 1409 | RANS Based Numerical Study of Hydrogen Mild Combustion |
Giammartini, S. |  | 1403 | Hydrogen Combustion of a Double Cavity Trapped Vortex Combustor |
Giannakoglou, Kyriakos C. |  | 1305 | One-Shot Shape Optimization using the Exact Hessian |
Giannakoglou, Kyriakos C. |  | 1306 | Optimal Location of Suction or Blowing Jets using the Continuous Adjoint Approach |
Gicquel, L.Y.M. |  | 1893 | Multi-Component and Multi-Physics CFD Simulations for the Prediction of Gas Turbine Flows |
Gil, Antonio J. |  | 1166 | Recent Advances on the Immersed Structural Potential Method for Fluid-Structure Interaction Haemodynamic Applications. |
Gil, Antonio J. |  | 1383 | Computational Modelling for Cardiovascular Medicine: Patient-Specific Modelling of Artificial Heart Valve Hemodynamic Performance. |
Gilka, Gregor |  | 1557 | Dynamic Characterization of an Actuated Bluff Body Wake |
Gilkeson, C. |  | 1366 | CFD Optimization of Small Livestock Trailers |
Gillet, N. |  | 1419 | A Multi-Dimensional Spatial Scheme for Massively Parallel Compressible Turbulent Combustion Simulation |
Ginard, Margarida Moragues |  | 1468 | Variational Multiscale Method for Compressible Flows |
Giordano, Michele |  | 1118 | Effects of Modeling Uncertainties in Condensing Wet-Steam Flows through Supersonic Nozzles |
Giraldo, Francis X. |  | 1106 | An Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Modeling Cumulus Clouds |
Girault, G. |  | 1217 | A Numerical Method for the Computation of Hopf Bifurcation Points in Fluid Mechanics |
Girimaji, Sharath S. |  | 1864 | Turbulent Transport Modelling for PANS and other Bridging Closure Approaches |
Glasser, Alan H. |  | 1878 | HiFi - Implicit Semi-Structured Spectral Element Code for Multi-Fluid Applications. |
Göddeke, Dominik |  | 1631 | GPU Cluster Computing for Multigrid-FEM Solvers with Applications in CFD |
Goey, Philip de |  | 1837 | Modeling Preferential Diffusion Effects in Premixed Methane-Hydrogen-Air Flames by using Flamelet-Generated Manifolds |
Gohean, J. |  | 1897 | Isogeometric and Variational Multiscale Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Goldfeld, M. A. |  | 1359 | Mathematical Modelling of Supersonic Flow over Open Cavity with Mass Supply |
Goldgof, Dmitry B. |  | 1727 | Reconstructing Experimental Data from Video Records for Film Flow over a Spinning Disk |
Gollan, Rowan J. |  | 1596 | Adaption and use of a Compressible Flow Code for Turbomachinery Design |
Golubev, Vladimir |  | 1753 | Unsteady Viscous Analysis of Low-Re Gust-Airfoil Interaction |
Gomes, Henrique C. |  | 1316 | Extended Finite Element Method applied to Aero-Elastic Problems |
Gomez, H. |  | 1897 | Isogeometric and Variational Multiscale Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Gonçalves, L. C. C. |  | 1021 | CFD Parametric Study of Ambient Air Velocity Magnitude Influence in Thermal Behaviour of Open Refrigerated Display Cabinets |
Gonçalves, N. J. |  | 1607 | Buoyancy Effects on Forced Convection from a Horizontal Cylinder in Parallel and Contra Flow Regimes |
Gonzalez, L. F. |  | 1851 | Active Flow Control Bump Design Using Hybrid Nash-Game Coupled to Evolutionary Algorithms |
Gonzalez, L. F. |  | 1890 | Reduction of environmental effects of civil aircraft through multi objective flight plan optimization |
Gorissen, Bastien |  | 1101 | Curvilinear Mesh Generation for CFD |
Gorobets, Andrey V. |  | 1501 | Efficiency of Large-Scale CFD Simulations on Modern Supercomputers using Thousands of CPUs and Hybrid MPI+OpenMP Parallelization |
Gorobets, Andrey V. |  | 1670 | Regularization Modeling of Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows |
Gottermeier, Bettina |  | 1288 | Adaptive Two-Step Peer Methods for Thermally Coupled Incompressible Flow |
Gotzen, Thomas |  | 1584 | Numerical Simulation of Cooling Gas Injection using Adaptive Multiscale Techniques |
Gourdain, N. |  | 1893 | Multi-Component and Multi-Physics CFD Simulations for the Prediction of Gas Turbine Flows |
Grabowski, Wojciech W. |  | 1102 | Numerical Modeling of Multiscale Atmospheric Flows: from Cloud Microscale to Climate. |
Grabowski, Wojciech W. |  | 1249 | Simulation of Turbulent Collision of Cloud Droplets using Optimized Lagrangian Integration Algorithm |
Graebling, Didier |  | 1847 | Realistic Constitutive Laws for Polymer Flows |
Grasso, Francesco |  | 1565 | Analysis of Unsteadiness in Transonic Shock/Boundary Layer Interactions |
Grau, F. X. |  | 1598 | A Direct Numerical Simulation Study on the Mean Velocity and Temperature in Mixed Convection from an Open Cavity |
Grau, Joan |  | 1585 | Multifractal Analysis of SAR of the Ocean Surface, Currents, Eddy Structure, Oil Slicks and Diffusivity Analysis |
Gravemeier, Volker |  | 1126 | Extended Variational Multiscale Methods for Turbulent Variable-Density Flow at Low Mach Number and Premixed Combustion |
Gravemeier, Volker |  | 1311 | A 3D Finite Element Method for the Coupled Numerical Simulation of Electrochemical Systems and Fluid Flow: Ion Transport in Electrodeposition |
Gravemeier, Volker |  | 1904 | Coupling Fields and Scales in Computational (Bio) Fluid Dynamics - Advanced Methods And Applications |
Greenberg, J. B. |  | 1077 | Robust Multigrid Solution of RANS Equations with Two-Equation Turbulence Models |
Grepl, Martin A. |  | 1507 | A Posteriori Error Bounds for Reduced Basis Approximations of Nonlinear Parabolic Partial Differential Equations |
Gressier, J. |  | 1759 | Spectral Volume Method : Application to Euler Equations and Performance Appraisal |
Griebel, Michael |  | 1635 | Towards a Multi-GPU Solver for the Three-Dimensional Two-Phase Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations |
Grigaitiene, Viktorja |  | 1744 | Numerical and Experimental Images of Multiphase Plasma Jet During Plasma Processing of Dispersed Materials |
Groenenboom, Paul H. L. |  | 1611 | SPH Simulations of Free Surface Waves and the Interaction with Objects |
Groll, Rodion |  | 1016 | Numerical Simulation of an Electric Charged Compressible Gas-Flow with Adaptive Mesh Refinement |
Grondin, G. |  | 1759 | Spectral Volume Method : Application to Euler Equations and Performance Appraisal |
Gross, Sven |  | 1158 | 3D Two-Phase Flow Simulations using XFEM |
Grote, Melanie |  | 1370 | Multicomponent Droplet Evaporation of Heating Oil using a Continuous Thermodynamics Model |
Gruber, Andrea |  | 1382 | Large Eddy Simulation in Generalized Curvilinear Coordinates and its Application to an Axisymmetric Dump Combustor |
Gruber, Andrea |  | 1385 | Subgrid Combustion Modelling for Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of Turbulent Combustion using Eddy Dissipation Concept (EDC) |
Gsell, Achim |  | 1844 | H5Fed - a HDF5 Based Finite Element Data Library |
Guanche, R. |  | 1712 | Numerical Modelling of Wave-Structure Interaction with a Three Dimensional Navier-Stokes Model |
Guanche, R. |  | 1714 | Numerical Analysis of Coastal Structures at Prototype Scale using IH-2VOF |
Guardone, Alberto |  | 1342 | Equivalence Conditions for Finite Volume / Element Discretizations in Cylindrical Coordinates |
Guardone, Alberto |  | 1363 | Numerical Simulation of the Opening of Aerodynamic Control Surfaces with Two-Dimensional Unstructured Adaptive Meshes |
Guardone, Alberto |  | 1378 | Geometry Optimization for Quasi-Uniform Flows from Supersonic Nozzles |
Guenther, R. B. |  | 1700 | Theoretical Aspects of Motion of Fluid around a Rotating Rigid Body |
Guermond, J. L. |  | 1371 | Entropy Viscosity for Conservation Equations |
Guihou, K. |  | 1338 | The NEMO High Resolution Coastal Model for Wind Induced Vortices Prediction Fluid Dynamics (Eccomas CFD 2010 Lisbon) |
Guillard, Hervé |  | 1327 | Implicit Simulations of Shallow-Water Equations with Mobile Bed |
Günaydinoglu, Erkan |  | 1804 | Effect of Vertical Translation on Unsteady Aerodynamics of a Hovering Airfoil |
Günther, Claudia |  | 1449 | A Level-Set Based Cut-Cell Method for Flows with Complex Moving Boundaries |
Gushchin, Valentin A. |  | 1396 | Direct Numerical Simulation of the 3D Stratified Viscous Fluid Flows around a Sphere |
Gutowski, William J. |  | 1453 | Multi-Scale Features of Baroclinic Waves in Sound-Proof, Global Simulations with Eulag |
Haasdonk, Bernard |  | 1110 | Parametrized Discrete Empirical Interpolation of Nonlinear Implicit Evolution Operators |
Haber, E. |  | 1492 | A Primal-Dual Formulation for the Bingham Flow |
Habich, Johannes |  | 1732 | Performance Modeling and Optimization for 3D Lattice Boltzmann Simulations on Highly Parallel On-Chip Architectures: GPUs Vs. Multi-Core CPUs |
Hachem, E. |  | 1903 | Stabilized Finite Element Solution to Handle Complex Heat and Turbulent Flows in Industrial Furnaces |
Hachem, Elie |  | 1019 | Stabilised Finite Element for High Reynolds Number, LES and Free Surface Flow Problems |
Hachem, Elie |  | 1031 | Stabilized Finite Element Solution to Handle Complex Heat and Turbulent Flows in Industrial Furnaces |
Hadiadi, Abdellah |  | 1369 | Numerical Study of the Influence of Dissipative Effects on the Propagation of Detonation Waves in Narrow Shock Tubes |
Hager, G. |  | 1732 | Performance Modeling and Optimization for 3D Lattice Boltzmann Simulations on Highly Parallel On-Chip Architectures: GPUs Vs. Multi-Core CPUs |
Hahn, F. |  | 1838 | Predicting Complex Turbulent Flames using Large Eddy Simulation and Flamelet-Based Tabulated Chemistry |
Halliday, I. |  | 1286 | Lattice Boltzmann Modelling Apllied to a Bioreactor for Bone Tissue Engineering |
Halpern, Laurence |  | 1206 | Nonconforming in Time Domain Decomposition Method for Porous Media Applications |
Hanchi, S. |  | 1654 | Taylor-Couette Flow Control using a Radially Oscillating Inner Cylinder |
Hanea, R. G. |  | 1556 | Model-Reduced Gradient-Based History Matching |
Hanifi, Ardeshir |  | 1788 | High Reynolds Number Transition Experiments in the ETW Test Facility with the Pathfinder Model |
Hanifi, Ardeshir |  | 1857 | Optimal Disturbances and Receptivity in 3D Boundary Layers |
Hansen, Kurt S. |  | 1645 | ACD Modelling of Wake Interactions in Horns Rev Wind Farm |
Hansen, Kurt S. |  | 1646 | Linearity Analysis of Wake Effects Induced by Complex Terrain and Wind Turbines through CFD Wind Farm Models |
Harasek, Michael |  | 1473 | Combined Injection of Plastic Particles and Heavy Fuel Oil into a Blast Furnace Raceway - Detailed CFD Analysis |
Harasek, Michael |  | 1516 | CFD Simulation of Bubble Columns using the VOF Model |
Harinck, J. |  | 1378 | Geometry Optimization for Quasi-Uniform Flows from Supersonic Nozzles |
Harting, Jens |  | 1315 | A Simplified Particulate Model for Coarse-Grained Hemodynamics Simulations |
Hartmann, Daniel |  | 1443 | A Numerical Method for Moving-Boundary Problems of Compressible Viscous Flow |
Hartmann, Daniel |  | 1449 | A Level-Set Based Cut-Cell Method for Flows with Complex Moving Boundaries |
Hartmann, Ralf |  | 1884 | Adjoint-Based Error Estimation and Goal-Oriented Mesh Refinement for Aerodynamic Flows |
Hasebe, S. |  | 1779 | CFD-Based Shape Optimization of Microchannels using Adjoint Variable Method |
Hashimoto, Gaku |  | 1528 | A Fixed Eulerian Mesh-Based Scheme using Level Set Function for Airbag Deployment Simulation including the Effect of Outside Air |
Hassan, Oubay |  | 1053 | Assessment of Several Turbulence Models in a Supersonic Car |
Hassan, Oubay |  | 1060 | NURBS-Enhanced Finite Volume Method (NEFVM)) |
Hassan, Oubay |  | 1100 | New Limiter and Gradient Reconstruction Method for HLLC-Finite Volume Scheme to Solve Navier-Stokes Equations |
Hassan, Oubay |  | 1117 | Spray Drag Model for Bloodhound SSC |
Hassan, Oubay |  | 1166 | Recent Advances on the Immersed Structural Potential Method for Fluid-Structure Interaction Haemodynamic Applications. |
Hassan, Oubay |  | 1383 | Computational Modelling for Cardiovascular Medicine: Patient-Specific Modelling of Artificial Heart Valve Hemodynamic Performance. |
Hassen, Yunus |  | 1461 | A Novel Multi-D Finite-Volume Method for Advection Problems with Embedded Moving-Boundaries |
Haupt, Matthias C. |  | 1770 | Investigation of the Low-Reynolds Number Flow around a Flapping Flexible Airfoil |
Haupt, Matthias C. |  | 1773 | Application of a Discontinuous Characteristic Based Split Scheme for Fluid-Structure Interaction |
Heemink, A. W. |  | 1444 | Model-Reduced Variational Data Assimilation for Shallow Water Flow Modelling |
Heemink, A. W. |  | 1556 | Model-Reduced Gradient-Based History Matching |
Hein, Stefan |  | 1788 | High Reynolds Number Transition Experiments in the ETW Test Facility with the Pathfinder Model |
Heinrich, Ralf |  | 1251 | Comparison and Evaluation of Cell-Centered and Cell-Vertex Discretization in the Unstructured Tau-Code for Turbulent Viscous Flows |
Heinrich, Ralf |  | 1410 | Aircraft Control Surface Deflection using Adaptive Radial Basis Functions |
Heister, Timo |  | 1722 | Generic Finite Element Programming for Massively Parallel Flow Simulations |
Heitkamp, Kathrin |  | 1389 | High-Order Accurate Implicit Runge-Kutta Schemes for the Simulation of Unsteady Flow Phenomena in Turbomachinery |
Heitkamp, Kathrin |  | 1609 | Recent Progress in a Hybrid-Grid CFD Solver for Turbomachinery Flows |
Helder, Joop |  | 1632 | On Restraining Convective Subgrid-Scale Production in Burgers' Equation |
Helenbrook, Brian T. |  | 1232 | Memory and CPU Efficient Iterative Schemes for Higher Order DGM |
Helenbrook, Brian T. |  | 1471 | Iterative Solution of Discontinuous Galerkin Formulations of the Euler Equations |
Hemchandra, Santosh | ![]() | 1885 | Recent Advances In Flame Response Prediction for Combustion Instability Modelling |
Henke, Florian |  | 1126 | Extended Variational Multiscale Methods for Turbulent Variable-Density Flow at Low Mach Number and Premixed Combustion |
Henningson, Dan S. |  | 1645 | ACD Modelling of Wake Interactions in Horns Rev Wind Farm |
Henningson, Dan S. |  | 1857 | Optimal Disturbances and Receptivity in 3D Boundary Layers |
Henriques, Bruno |  | 1629 | Calibration of a Numerical Jet Fan Model for Simulating Smoke Control in Underground Car Park |
Henriques, D. |  | 1667 | Indoor Car Parks - CFD Application |
Henriques, D. |  | 1672 | Importance of CFD's on HVAC |
Henze, A. |  | 1842 | Analysis of the Temporal Flow Field in Tracheobronchial Model |
Herbin, R. |  | 1361 | Numerical Tests of a New Pressure Correction Scheme for the Drift-Flux Model |
Hercus, Samuel |  | 1097 | Robust Optimization of Dense Gas Flows under Uncertain Operating Conditions |
Hercus, Samuel |  | 1118 | Effects of Modeling Uncertainties in Condensing Wet-Steam Flows through Supersonic Nozzles |
Hergault, V. |  | 1328 | DNS of Particulate Flows with Collisions using a Parallel DEM-DLM/FD Method: Peligriff |
Herm, M. |  | 1046 | CAD-Based Aerodynamic Optimization of Geometrically Complex Turbine Components |
Hernandez, L. |  | 1603 | Two Dimensional Modelling with CFD of the Behavior of a Ventilated Ceramic Façades |
Hernandez, L. |  | 1615 | Performance Analysis of Flow in a Impeller-Diffuser Centrifugal Pumps using CFD :Simulation and Experimental Data Comparisons |
Hernández-Silva, Noel |  | 1052 | Approximation of the Thermally Coupled MHD Problem using a Stabilized Finite Element Method |
Hewson, R. H. |  | 1446 | Gust Response of a Typical Section via CFD and Analytical Solution |
Hickel, Stefan |  | 1551 | Implicit Large Eddy Simulation of Complex Flows |
Hidalgo-Bastida, L. A. |  | 1286 | Lattice Boltzmann Modelling Apllied to a Bioreactor for Bone Tissue Engineering |
Hillewaert, Koen |  | 1101 | Curvilinear Mesh Generation for CFD |
Hillewaert, Koen |  | 1232 | Memory and CPU Efficient Iterative Schemes for Higher Order DGM |
Hillewaert, Koen |  | 1471 | Iterative Solution of Discontinuous Galerkin Formulations of the Euler Equations |
Hindenlang, Florian |  | 1275 | Unstructured High Order Grids and their Application in Discontinuous Galerkin Methods |
Hirsch, Charles |  | 1891 | Challenges for CFD-dominant Multi-physics Analysis and Design Systems |
Hirtum, Annemie Van |  | 1209 | Numerical Simulation of Airflow through Simplified Vocal Tract Geometries Relevant to Speech Production |
Hoekstra, Alfons G. |  | 1547 | Multiscale Coupling of a Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Blood Flow to Cell- and Tissue-Level Processes: the Case of In-Stent Restenosis |
Hoekstra, M. |  | 1751 | Verification and Validation Exercise for the Flow Over a Backward Facing Step |
Hoffmann, Klaus A. |  | 1789 | Robust Spectral Reprojection for Discontinuous Galerkin Simulations on Unstructured Grids |
Hojjat, M. |  | 1448 | A Global Mesh Regularization Approach for Two and Three Dimensional Grids |
Holst, Bart van der |  | 1875 | Implicit Schemes in a Multi-Physics and Multi-Application Code: Balancing Efficiency and Flexibility |
Hong, Shuxian |  | 1294 | Time Domain Buffeting Analysis of a Large-Span Cable-Stayed Bridge |
Honzejk, V. |  | 1186 | A Numerical Investigation of the Turbulent Flows using the Detached-Eddy Simulation |
Horácek, Jaromir |  | 1661 | DGFEM for the Numerical Solution of Compressible Flow in Time-Dependent Domains and Applications to Fluid-Structure Interaction |
Horibata, Yasuyoshi |  | 1240 | Assimilation of Meteorological Observations using Large-Scale Optimization |
Horst, Peter |  | 1770 | Investigation of the Low-Reynolds Number Flow around a Flapping Flexible Airfoil |
Horst, Peter |  | 1773 | Application of a Discontinuous Characteristic Based Split Scheme for Fluid-Structure Interaction |
Horvath, Andras |  | 1516 | CFD Simulation of Bubble Columns using the VOF Model |
Hou, Guojun |  | 1331 | Three-Phase Numerical Simulation of Blood Flow in the Ascending Aorta with Dissection |
Houcine, H. |  | 1340 | Direct Numerical Simulation of Internal Waves Formation in Highly Stratified Wake Flow |
Houlsby, G. T. |  | 1447 | Development of an Unstructured High Order Incompressible Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method |
Houzeaux, G. |  | 1141 | A High-Performance Parallel Incompressible Navier-Stokes Two-Phase Flow Solver using the Level Set Method for Hydrodynamics Design. |
Houzeaux, G. |  | 1468 | Variational Multiscale Method for Compressible Flows |
Houzeaux, G. |  | 1555 | An Unstructured Implicit Approach for Numerical Weather Prediction |
Howison, Mark |  | 1844 | H5Fed - a HDF5 Based Finite Element Data Library |
Hribersek, Matjaz |  | 1139 | Fast Multipole Boundary Element Method with Lagrangian Particle Tracking for Viscous Flows |
Hron, Jaroslav |  | 1777 | Monolithic FEM Techniques for Nonlinear Flow with Temperature/Concentration, Pressure and Shear-Dependent Viscosity |
Hron, Jaroslav |  | 1845 | Monolithic Newton-Multigrid Solver for Fluid-Structure-Interaction Problems |
Huerta, Antonio |  | 1567 | High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Incompressible Flows |
Huerta, Antonio |  | 1568 | Stability and Convergence Analysis of an X-FEM Formulation for Incompressible Flow |
Huerta, Antonio |  | 1594 | NURBS-Enhanced Finite Element Method |
Hughes, Thomas J.R. |  | 1897 | Isogeometric and Variational Multiscale Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Hulshoff, S. |  | 1897 | Isogeometric and Variational Multiscale Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Hur, N. |  | 1735 | Numerical Analysis on the Prediction of Closing Time of the Lift Check Valve using CIP Method |
Hussain, F. |  | 1771 | Coherent Structure and Blood Flow Dynamics in the Normal and Aneurysmatic Aorta |
Hylla, Eike |  | 1459 | Flow in Naturally Changing Central Airways |
Iaccarino, Gianluca |  | 1412 | Numerical Methods for Uncertainty Propagation in High Speed Flows |
Idelsohn, Sergio R. |  | 1429 | A Stabilized Formulation for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations using Finite Calculus |
Ihme, Matthias |  | 1868 | LES Modeling of Kinetics-Controlled Combustion Regimes: Autoignition and Low-Temperature Combustion |
Ikeda, Toshiyuki |  | 1268 | Computational Analysis of Aeroacoustic Waves Induced by Rotating Tire |
Ilic, Caslav |  | 1407 | Ingredients for Efficient Aerodynamic One-Shot Shape Optimization |
Iliev, Oleg |  | 1470 | On a Subgrid Approach for Simulating Industrial Filtration Processes |
Iliopoulou, V. |  | 1894 | Aero-Mechanical Optimization of Contra-Rotating Open Rotor |
Imai, Yohsuke |  | 1626 | Confocal Micro-Flow Visualization of Blood Cells |
Incognito, A. |  | 1446 | Gust Response of a Typical Section via CFD and Analytical Solution |
Inok, Filipe |  | 1853 | Computational Uncertainty in Turbulent Flow Simulations: Towards a Numerical Error Bar |
Ishii, Katsuya |  | 1192 | Streamlines of Vortical Flows in 3D Lid-Driven Cavities |
Ishikawa, Takuji |  | 1626 | Confocal Micro-Flow Visualization of Blood Cells |
Ismail, Mahmoud M. |  | 1114 | Calibrating Reduced Dimension Models for 3D Patient Specific Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations |
Isola, Dario |  | 1363 | Numerical Simulation of the Opening of Aerodynamic Control Surfaces with Two-Dimensional Unstructured Adaptive Meshes |
Ito, Satoshi |  | 1238 | Optimization of the Application Middleware "Sphere" for Blue Gene/L System |
Ivanell, Stefan |  | 1645 | ACD Modelling of Wake Interactions in Horns Rev Wind Farm |
Ivanov, Alexander I. |  | 1786 | Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Laminar-Turbulent Transition Mechanisms in the Boundary Layer on 2D and 2.5D Models in the Low-Turbulence Wind Tunnel |
Jacobs, Peter A. |  | 1596 | Adaption and use of a Compressible Flow Code for Turbomachinery Design |
Jacq, Pascal |  | 1187 | Construction of Very High Order Residual Distribution Schemes for Compressible Flow Problems. |
Jagodzinski, Jeremy |  | 1794 | V&V II: Validation and Uncertainty Quantification of Thermochemical Models using Shock Tube Radiation Measurements |
Jakirlic, Suad |  | 1587 | Lessons Learned from the ERCOFTAC SIG15 Computational Workshops: Flow in a 3D Diffuser as an example |
Jakob, H. |  | 1331 | Three-Phase Numerical Simulation of Blood Flow in the Ascending Aorta with Dissection |
Jakovics, Andris |  | 1071 | The Simulation of the Motion of Solid Particles in the Turbulent Flow of Induction Crucible Furnaces |
Janela, J. |  | 1861 | Computational Hemodynamics of Intracranial Aneurysms: Modelling and Geometrical Sensitivity |
Janicka, Johannes |  | 1104 | Investigations of Ignition Probability of a Forced Ignited Turbulent Methane Jet using LES |
Janicka, Johannes |  | 1838 | Predicting Complex Turbulent Flames using Large Eddy Simulation and Flamelet-Based Tabulated Chemistry |
Janoschek, Florian |  | 1315 | A Simplified Particulate Model for Coarse-Grained Hemodynamics Simulations |
Jansen, J. D. |  | 1556 | Model-Reduced Gradient-Based History Matching |
Janssen, Bärbel |  | 1801 | On Block Preconditioners for Monolithic Fluid-Structure Interactions |
Japhet, Caroline |  | 1206 | Nonconforming in Time Domain Decomposition Method for Porous Media Applications |
Jaramillo, Julian E. |  | 1697 | Detailed Numerical Study of Turbulent Flows in Air Curtains |
Jardin, Stephen C. |  | 1883 | An Efficient High-Order Implicit Algorithm for 3D Magnetohydrodynamic Studies of Strongly Magnetized Plasmas using C1 Finite Elements |
Jasak, Hrvoje |  | 1178 | Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM applied to Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations |
Jasak, Hrvoje |  | 1498 | A Coupled Pressure Based Solution Algorithm Based on the Volume-Of-Fluid Approach for Two or More Immiscible Fluids |
Javed, Adeel |  | 1198 | Development of 1D Performance Analysis Tool for a Microturbine Radial Compressor using CFD |
Jaworski, Armen |  | 1673 | Anisotropic Grid Adaptation using Adjoint Sensitivities |
Jee, Sol K. |  | 1522 | Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation of Aerodynamics Controls with Synthetic Jets |
Jesus, Manuel del |  | 1712 | Numerical Modelling of Wave-Structure Interaction with a Three Dimensional Navier-Stokes Model |
Jesus, Manuel del |  | 1714 | Numerical Analysis of Coastal Structures at Prototype Scale using IH-2VOF |
Jha, Shantenu |  | 1428 | Development of a Cactus CFD Toolkit and its Utilisation on Large-Scale Multi-Block Simulations |
Jha, Shantenu |  | 1499 | Parametric Study of a Multiscale Fluidic System using a Hybrid CFD/MD Approach |
Jiandong, Yang |  | 1560 | CFD Numerical Simulation of Water Hammer in Pipeline Based on the Navier-Stokes Equation |
Jiandong, Yang |  | 1562 | Optimization of Spillway Shape and Analysis of Jet Flow Characteristics Based on the VOF Model |
Jiang, Yongfei |  | 1710 | Non-Newtonian Behavior of Blood and Arterial Curvature Influence Variations of Wall Shear Stress in Stented Artery |
Jicha, Miroslav |  | 1375 | Turbulence Forcing Scheme in Physical Space Based on Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process |
Jiménez, A. |  | 1642 | Study of Isolated Wakes and their Superposition in Wind Farms, using Different Turbulence Models |
Joe, Won Tae |  | 1902 | A Fast Immersed-Boundary Method with Application to Low Reynolds Number Aerodynamics |
Jofre, Lluis |  | 1566 | A PLIC-VOF Implementation on Parallel 3D Unstructured Meshes |
Joie, Julie |  | 1823 | Nonconforming Finite Element Approximation of Polymers Flows for Large Weissenberg Numbers |
Jones, Dominic |  | 1580 | Adjoint CFD Codes through Automatic Differentiation |
Jones, Dominic |  | 1592 | Timestepping for Adjoint CFD Codes from Automatic Differentiation |
Jordan, Christian |  | 1473 | Combined Injection of Plastic Particles and Heavy Fuel Oil into a Blast Furnace Raceway - Detailed CFD Analysis |
Jordan, Christian |  | 1516 | CFD Simulation of Bubble Columns using the VOF Model |
Jouëtte, C. de |  | 1348 | Validation of CFD Codes for Slamming and Sloshing |
Jr., Miguel Vaz |  | 1790 | Element-Based Finite Volume Method for Solid Mechanics Problems |
Jugroot, Manish |  | 1227 | Gas-Plasma Coupling in Miniaturized Spaces |
Julia, E. |  | 1603 | Two Dimensional Modelling with CFD of the Behavior of a Ventilated Ceramic Façades |
Julia, E. |  | 1615 | Performance Analysis of Flow in a Impeller-Diffuser Centrifugal Pumps using CFD :Simulation and Experimental Data Comparisons |
Juliano, M. M. F. |  | 1692 | Correction on Cooper and Haines Method with the Relationship Between Sea-Level and Bottom Pressure Variability |
Julianto, Mochamad T. |  | 1413 | Discontinuous Galerkin Implementation with hpGEM |
Kaczmarczyk, Jan |  | 1813 | Three-Dimensional Pore Scale Fluid Flow Simulation Based on Computed Microtomography Carbonate Rocks' Images |
Kær, Søren Knudsen |  | 1211 | Large Eddy Simulation of Sydney Swirl Non-Reaction Jets |
Kahil, Y. |  | 1570 | Direct Numerical Simulations of the Flow around One and Two Side-By-Side Infinite Cylindres at Subcritical Low Reynolds Numbers |
Kajtár, Péter |  | 1886 | Flow Field Simulation of Wind Turbine with More Impellers |
Kaleta, Malgorzata P. |  | 1556 | Model-Reduced Gradient-Based History Matching |
Kalghatgi, Prasad |  | 1428 | Development of a Cactus CFD Toolkit and its Utilisation on Large-Scale Multi-Block Simulations |
Kallmes, David F. |  | 1792 | Effects of Aspect Ratio on the Hemodynamics in Elastase Induced Rabbit Aneurysms |
Kaltenbacher, M. |  | 1090 | Fluid-Structure-Acoustic Interaction, Algorithms and Implementations using the Finite Element Method |
Kaneda, Ittetsu |  | 1268 | Computational Analysis of Aeroacoustic Waves Induced by Rotating Tire |
Kano, M. |  | 1779 | CFD-Based Shape Optimization of Microchannels using Adjoint Variable Method |
Karelsky, Kirill V. |  | 1618 | Finite-Volume Method for Modeling Shalow Water Flows in Presence of External Forces |
Karimian, S. M. H. |  | 1012 | Viscous Flow around Two Bodies in Relative Motion |
Kaxiras, Efthimios |  | 1755 | Leveraging Theory from Cosmodynamics for Multi-Scale Cardiovascular Simulation |
Keppens, Rony |  | 1876 | Implicit and Semi-Implicit Treatments for MHD Computations |
Kersken, Hans-Peter |  | 1737 | Development of a Generic Surface Mapping Algorithm for Fluid-Structure-Interaction Simulations in Turbomachinery |
Keslerová, Radka |  | 1258 | Numerical Solution of Incompressible Generalized Newtonian Fluids Flow |
Kessler, Roland |  | 1525 | Influence of Radiative Heat Transport on the 3D Unsteady Flow in a Diffusion Furnace |
Ketelheun, Anja |  | 1838 | Predicting Complex Turbulent Flames using Large Eddy Simulation and Flamelet-Based Tabulated Chemistry |
Kezelis, R. |  | 1744 | Numerical and Experimental Images of Multiphase Plasma Jet During Plasma Processing of Dispersed Materials |
Kheriji, Walid |  | 1361 | Numerical Tests of a New Pressure Correction Scheme for the Drift-Flux Model |
Khokhar, Zahid H. I. |  | 1593 | Investigations of Many Injections into Horizontal Flow |
Khoury, George K. El |  | 1256 | Flow Past a Circular Curved Cylinder in Uniform Shear |
Kim, Chongam |  | 1250 | Multi-Stage Design Approach for High Fidelity Aerodynamic Optimization of Multi-Body Geometries by Kriging Based Models and Adjoint Variable Method |
Kim, J. H. |  | 1735 | Numerical Analysis on the Prediction of Closing Time of the Lift Check Valve using CIP Method |
Kim, K. |  | 1400 | Development of a k-w Turbulence Model for FENE-P Fluids |
Kim, Nayong |  | 1499 | Parametric Study of a Multiscale Fluidic System using a Hybrid CFD/MD Approach |
Kirby, Robert M. |  | 1148 | From h to p Efficiency: Implementation of Low- and High-Order Spectral/hp Element Discretisations in Two and Three Dimensions. |
Kiselev, A. Ph. |  | 1786 | Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Laminar-Turbulent Transition Mechanisms in the Boundary Layer on 2D and 2.5D Models in the Low-Turbulence Wind Tunnel |
Kissling, Kathrin |  | 1136 | Numerical Simulation of the Flow Field and the Separation Behavior of Hydrocyclones |
Kissling, Kathrin |  | 1498 | A Coupled Pressure Based Solution Algorithm Based on the Volume-Of-Fluid Approach for Two or More Immiscible Fluids |
Kitamura, Keiichi |  | 1283 | Improvements of Simple Low-Dissipation AUSM against Shock Instabilities in Consideration of Interfacial Speed of Sound |
Kizildag, Deniz |  | 1617 | Non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq Natural Convection in a Tall Differentially Heated Cavity |
Klimach, Harald |  | 1754 | Simulation of Automotive Injector Nozzle Noise with Fully Coupled CFD/CAA Solver |
Klimanek, Adam |  | 1783 | A 3D CFD Model of a Natural Draft Wet-Cooling Tower |
Klochkov, Ivan N. |  | 1882 | Application of Optimization Methods in 2D Hydrofoil Design |
Knaepen, B. |  | 1362 | Direct Numerical Simulation of Quasi-Static Magnetohydrodynamic Annular Duct Flow |
Knaepen, B. |  | 1552 | Numerical Simulations of the Lorentz Force Flowmeter |
Knezevic, David J. |  | 1032 | A Certified Reduced Basis Method for the Parametrized Unsteady Boussinesq Equations |
Knezevic, David J. |  | 1033 | Deterministic Numerical Methods for the Micro-Macro Model of Dilute Polymeric Fluids |
Knezevic, David J. |  | 1515 | Reduced-Basis Approximation and a Posteriori Error Estimation for the Parametrized Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations |
Knobloch, Petr |  | 1694 | Local Projection Stabilization for the Numerical Simulation of Convection Dominated Flows |
Knoerzer, Kai |  | 1239 | CFD Modelling of the Heat and Acoustic Streaming Induced by a High Power Ultrasonic Horn Reactor |
Ko, Soon-Heum |  | 1428 | Development of a Cactus CFD Toolkit and its Utilisation on Large-Scale Multi-Block Simulations |
Ko, Soon-Heum |  | 1499 | Parametric Study of a Multiscale Fluidic System using a Hybrid CFD/MD Approach |
Köhne, H. |  | 1370 | Multicomponent Droplet Evaporation of Heating Oil using a Continuous Thermodynamics Model |
Koishi, Masataka |  | 1268 | Computational Analysis of Aeroacoustic Waves Induced by Rotating Tire |
Kokkoris, George |  | 1610 | A Computational Framework for Multiscale Modeling in Chemical Vapor Deposition Processes |
Kollmannsberger, S. |  | 1332 | High Order Finite Element Method for Transport Process in the Convection-Diffusion Combined Porous Media |
Kondo, Y. |  | 1379 | Coherent Vorticity and Current Extraction in Three-Dimensional Homogeneous Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence: Comparison Between Wavelet and Fourier Filtering |
Konstantinow, Mikhail |  | 1491 | Urban Wind-Concentrator Tower for Energy Conversion |
Kopmann, Rebekka |  | 1365 | Uncertainty Quanti?cation Based on Forward Sensitivity Analysis in Sisyphe |
Koren, Barry |  | 1461 | A Novel Multi-D Finite-Volume Method for Advection Problems with Embedded Moving-Boundaries |
Koren, Barry |  | 1647 | Analysis of Fourth-Order Accurate Symmetry-Preserving Boundary Conditions for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations |
Kornhaas, Michael |  | 1357 | Efficiency Investigation of a Parallel Hierarchical Grid Based Aeroacoustic Code for Low Mach Numbers and Complex Geometries |
Koronaki, Eleni D. |  | 1612 | Acceleration of CFD Computations through a Subspace Decomposition Method |
Korzhova, Valentina N. |  | 1727 | Reconstructing Experimental Data from Video Records for Film Flow over a Spinning Disk |
Koumoutsakos, Petros |  | 1858 | Particle Methods for Multiscale and Multiphysics Simulations |
Koumoutsakos, Petros |  | 1898 | Bio-Inspired Flow Optimization |
Kousksou, Tarik |  | 1643 | Characteristic Based Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions in a Simple-Type Pressure Correction Algorithm for Low Mach Number Flows |
Kowalczyk, Wojciech |  | 1331 | Three-Phase Numerical Simulation of Blood Flow in the Ascending Aorta with Dissection |
Kozel, K. |  | 1258 | Numerical Solution of Incompressible Generalized Newtonian Fluids Flow |
Kozel, Karel |  | 1111 | On the use of High Order Compact Schemes for the Simulation of Stably Stratified Fluid Flow |
Kozel, Karel |  | 1321 | Numerical Solution of 2D and 3D Stratified Flows in Atmospheric Boundary Layer |
Kozel, Karel |  | 1479 | ALE Method for Unsteady Transonic Flow Simulations |
Kozubskaya, T. K. |  | 1501 | Efficiency of Large-Scale CFD Simulations on Modern Supercomputers using Thousands of CPUs and Hybrid MPI+OpenMP Parallelization |
Kozulovic, Dragan |  | 1811 | Modelling of Roughness-Induced Transition using Local Variables |
Krafczyk, Manfred |  | 1869 | A Lattice Boltzmann 3D-GPU-Implementation on Non-Uniform Grids |
Krantz, Frédéric |  | 1778 | Discrete Kinetic Finite Volume Schemes on Unstructured Non Cartesian Grid |
Krasnyk, Mykhaylo |  | 1624 | Model Order Reduction of a Continuous Crystallizer |
Kreeft, Jasper J. |  | 1414 | A Mimetic Spectral Element Method for Equations of Fluid Dynamics |
Kreeft, Jasper J. |  | 1510 | Numerical Solution of Convection Diffusion Equations with the Discretization of the Lie Derivative |
Kreiss, Gunilla |  | 1633 | A Hybrid Level-Set-Cahn-Hilliard Model for Two-Phase Flow |
Kröger, Jörn |  | 1384 | Adjoint RANS for Aftship Design |
Kroll, Norbert |  | 1244 | Achievements of the European Research Project Adigma on Adaptive Higher Order Methods for Aerospace Applications |
Kronbichler, Martin |  | 1633 | A Hybrid Level-Set-Cahn-Hilliard Model for Two-Phase Flow |
Kronbichler, Martin |  | 1722 | Generic Finite Element Programming for Massively Parallel Flow Simulations |
Krust, Arnaud |  | 1187 | Construction of Very High Order Residual Distribution Schemes for Compressible Flow Problems. |
Kubacki, Slawomir |  | 1144 | Hybrid RANS/LES of Low Reynolds Number Round Impinging Jets |
Kucaba-Pietal, Anna |  | 1310 | Verification and Validation of Molecular Dynamic Simulation |
Kucera, Václav |  | 1661 | DGFEM for the Numerical Solution of Compressible Flow in Time-Dependent Domains and Applications to Fluid-Structure Interaction |
Kuegeler, Edmund |  | 1389 | High-Order Accurate Implicit Runge-Kutta Schemes for the Simulation of Unsteady Flow Phenomena in Turbomachinery |
Kuegeler, Edmund |  | 1609 | Recent Progress in a Hybrid-Grid CFD Solver for Turbomachinery Flows |
Kuegeler, Edmund |  | 1622 | Predicting Transition on Low-Pressure Turbine Profiles |
Kuegeler, Edmund |  | 1628 | Turbulence Treatment in Steady and Unsteady Turbomachinery Flows |
Kuegeler, Edmund |  | 1719 | Hybrid Parallelization of a Turbomachinery CFD Code: Peformance Enhancements on Multicore Architectures |
Kuerten, Hans |  | 1416 | The Effect of Phase Transitions on the Droplet Size Distribution in Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence |
Kuhn, Simon |  | 1119 | Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of Turbulent Flow over Wavy Surfaces |
Kühnlein, C. |  | 1175 | Modelling Flows through Canopies with Immersed Boundary Methods |
Kunkelmann, Christian |  | 1020 | Modification and Extension of a Standard Volume-Of-Fluid Solver for Simulating Boiling Heat Transfer |
Kuo, C.-Y. |  | 1319 | Dry Granular Flows with Erosion and Deposition |
Kurtulus, Dilek F. |  | 1804 | Effect of Vertical Translation on Unsteady Aerodynamics of a Hovering Airfoil |
Küttler, Ulrich |  | 1904 | Coupling Fields and Scales in Computational (Bio) Fluid Dynamics - Advanced Methods And Applications |
Kuttner, Christian |  | 1516 | CFD Simulation of Bubble Columns using the VOF Model |
Kuzminskiy, V. A. |  | 1786 | Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Laminar-Turbulent Transition Mechanisms in the Boundary Layer on 2D and 2.5D Models in the Low-Turbulence Wind Tunnel |
Kwiatkowski, Kamil |  | 1726 | CFD Simulation of the Biomass Syngas Combustion |
Laan, Paul van der |  | 1596 | Adaption and use of a Compressible Flow Code for Turbomachinery Design |
Lackner, Roman |  | 1300 | Design of a Computational-Fluid-Dynamics Tool for the Simulation of Pre-Specified Fire Scenarios in Enclosures |
Lacor, Chris |  | 1022 | The Effect of Vortex Finder Diameter on Cyclone Separator Performance and Flow Field |
Lacor, Chris |  | 1049 | An Implicit High-Order Spectral Difference Method for LES |
Lacor, Chris |  | 1061 | Application of Response Surface Methodology for Modeling and Optimization of the Cyclone Separator for Minimum Pressure Drop |
Lacor, Chris |  | 1809 | Comparison of Intrusive and Non-Intrusive Polynomial Chaos Methods for CFD Applications in Aeronautics |
Lacor, Chris |  | 1829 | Numerical Study of Particle Deposition in the Human Upper Airways with Emphasis on Hot Spot Formation and Comparison of LES and RANS Models |
Lagrava, Daniel |  | 1665 | A Lattice Boltzmann Modeling of Bloodflow in Cerebral Aneurysms |
Lakdawala, Z. |  | 1470 | On a Subgrid Approach for Simulating Industrial Filtration Processes |
Lamarque, N. |  | 1246 | Sixth-Order Compact Finite Volume Scheme for Aeroacoustics with Complex Geometries |
Lambert, M. |  | 1525 | Influence of Radiative Heat Transport on the 3D Unsteady Flow in a Diffusion Furnace |
Laminie, J. |  | 1666 | A Multilevel Method for Finite Volume Discretization of the Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Shallow-Water Equations |
Lang, Jens |  | 1288 | Adaptive Two-Step Peer Methods for Thermally Coupled Incompressible Flow |
Lang, Jens |  | 1292 | A POD-Galerkin Reduced Model with Updated Coefficients for Smagorinsky LES |
Lange, Carlos F. |  | 1489 | Simulation of the Thermal Heat Exchange Near the Phoenix Mars Lander |
Langlais, C. |  | 1338 | The NEMO High Resolution Coastal Model for Wind Induced Vortices Prediction Fluid Dynamics (Eccomas CFD 2010 Lisbon) |
Lani, Andrea |  | 1824 | A Symmetrizing Variables Formulation for Hypersonic Thermo-Chemical Non-Equilibrium Flows, with Application to Residual Distribution Schemes |
Laniewski-Wollk, L. |  | 1673 | Anisotropic Grid Adaptation using Adjoint Sensitivities |
Lara, Javier L. |  | 1712 | Numerical Modelling of Wave-Structure Interaction with a Three Dimensional Navier-Stokes Model |
Lara, Javier L. |  | 1714 | Numerical Analysis of Coastal Structures at Prototype Scale using IH-2VOF |
Larat, Adam |  | 1187 | Construction of Very High Order Residual Distribution Schemes for Compressible Flow Problems. |
Lardeau, S. |  | 1276 | Aspects of Simulating Synthetic-Jet Injection into Attached and Separated Boundary Layers |
Larsson, Martin |  | 1280 | High Order Numerical Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction in Human Phonation |
Laskowski, Gregory M. |  | 1056 | The Role of Unsteadiness on a Turbine Vane Wake with Trailing Edge Cooling |
Latché, J.-C. |  | 1361 | Numerical Tests of a New Pressure Correction Scheme for the Drift-Flux Model |
Latorre, S. |  | 1452 | An Immersed-Boundary Method for Solving Conjugate Heat Transfer Problems in Turbomachinery |
Latt, Jonas |  | 1665 | A Lattice Boltzmann Modeling of Bloodflow in Cerebral Aneurysms |
Law, Yan Nei |  | 1641 | A Subspace Clustering Model for Image Texture Segmentation |
Lazareff, Marc |  | 1265 | Non-Intrusive Stochastic Studies for External and Internal Flows using the elsA Software |
Lazunin, Vladimir |  | 1676 | Vortices Formation for Medusa-Like Objects |
Leão, Celina |  | 1828 | Thermal Comfort Evaluation using a CFD Study and a Transient Thermal Model of the Human Body |
Leborgne, M. |  | 1894 | Aero-Mechanical Optimization of Contra-Rotating Open Rotor |
Lee, ByungJoon |  | 1250 | Multi-Stage Design Approach for High Fidelity Aerodynamic Optimization of Multi-Body Geometries by Kriging Based Models and Adjoint Variable Method |
Lee, D. S. |  | 1851 | Active Flow Control Bump Design Using Hybrid Nash-Game Coupled to Evolutionary Algorithms |
Lee, D. S. |  | 1890 | Reduction of environmental effects of civil aircraft through multi objective flight plan optimization |
Lee, Hwee Kuan |  | 1641 | A Subspace Clustering Model for Image Texture Segmentation |
Lee, Jung H. |  | 1735 | Numerical Analysis on the Prediction of Closing Time of the Lift Check Valve using CIP Method |
Lee, Yeaw C. |  | 1399 | Three-Dimensional Inertial Thin Film Flow on Planar Substrates Containing Occlusions |
Lehmann, Fritz-Olaf |  | 1696 | Flow Phenomenon in Flapping Insect Wings |
Lehmkuhl, Oriol |  | 1425 | Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Natural Convection and Gas Radiation in Differentially Heated Cavities using FVM, DOM and LES |
Lehmkuhl, Oriol |  | 1434 | Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Wakes: Flow Past a Sphere at Re=5000 |
Lehmkuhl, Oriol |  | 1566 | A PLIC-VOF Implementation on Parallel 3D Unstructured Meshes |
Lehmkuhl, Oriol |  | 1697 | Detailed Numerical Study of Turbulent Flows in Air Curtains |
Lehmkuhl, Oriol |  | 1798 | On the Symmetry-Preserving Regularization Model on Complex Flows using Unstructured Grids |
Lelièvre, T. |  | 1814 | On the Stability of Numerical Schemes Modeling Non-Newtonian Fluids |
Lengrand, Jean-Claude |  | 1621 | A Regularization Method for the Numerical Solution of Shallow Water Equations |
Lepot, I. |  | 1894 | Aero-Mechanical Optimization of Contra-Rotating Open Rotor |
Leroy, Pierre |  | 1540 | Numerical Simulation of Swirling Flow in Complex Hydroturbine Draft Tube using Large Eddy Simulation |
Lervag, Karl Y. |  | 1608 | Sharp-Interface Simulations of Surfactant-Covered Drops in Electric Fields |
Lesage, Anne-Cécile |  | 1141 | A High-Performance Parallel Incompressible Navier-Stokes Two-Phase Flow Solver using the Level Set Method for Hydrodynamics Design. |
Leschziner, Michael A. |  | 1276 | Aspects of Simulating Synthetic-Jet Injection into Attached and Separated Boundary Layers |
Lew, A. |  | 1709 | Assembly of Finite Element Methods on Graphics Processors |
Li, Jinping |  | 1560 | CFD Numerical Simulation of Water Hammer in Pipeline Based on the Navier-Stokes Equation |
Li, Jinping |  | 1562 | Optimization of Spillway Shape and Analysis of Jet Flow Characteristics Based on the VOF Model |
Liefvendahl, Mattias |  | 1347 | Ship and Propulsor Hydrodynamics |
Lima, Giseli A. B. |  | 1397 | A Simple NVD/TVD-Based Upwinding Scheme for Convection Term Discretization |
Lima, Rui |  | 1626 | Confocal Micro-Flow Visualization of Blood Cells |
Lin, Paul T. |  | 1874 | Initial Performance of Fully-Coupled AMG and Approximate Block Factorization Preconditioners for Solution of Implicit FE Resistive MHD |
Lindner, G. |  | 1548 | Non-Reactive Free Jet Flow: Comparison of Simulations using Different Turbulence Models with Reference Measurements |
Liu, Fei |  | 1562 | Optimization of Spillway Shape and Analysis of Jet Flow Characteristics Based on the VOF Model |
Liu, Hao |  | 1731 | Computer Simulation of Tank-Treading and Tumbling Motions of Red Blood Cells under the Influence of the Natural State of an Elastic Cellular Membrane |
Liu, J. |  | 1897 | Isogeometric and Variational Multiscale Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Lodato, G. |  | 1341 | An Immersed Boundary Method for Large-Eddy Simulation of Fully Compressible Flows: Application to a Transonic Cavity Flow |
Lodier, G. |  | 1899 | Turbulent Combustion Modeling: New Approaches for Highly Refined Simulations |
Loeven, G. J. A. |  | 1809 | Comparison of Intrusive and Non-Intrusive Polynomial Chaos Methods for CFD Applications in Aeronautics |
Loghin, Daniel |  | 1877 | Interface Preconditioners for Domain Decomposition Methods for the Stationary Navier-Stokes Equations |
Löhner, Rainald |  | 1827 | Porting of FEFLO to GPUs |
Lonfils, Timothee |  | 1337 | Development of an Immersed Boundary Method using Boundary Elements within a Vortex-In-Cell/Parallel Fast Multipole Method |
Loon, Raoul Van |  | 1420 | Modelling Haemodynamics in Patient-Speci?c Carotid Bifurcations using the Locally Conservative Galerkin (LCG) Method |
Loon, Raoul van |  | 1614 | Impact of Nasal Geometry Inclusion on Numerical Simulation of Flow in Human Upper Airway |
Lopes, Diogo C. |  | 1855 | Effect of Initial Conditions in the Far Field of Spatially Developing Turbulent Planar Jets |
Lopes, Nuno D. |  | 1099 | A C/DG-FEM Solution of an Improved Boussinesq System for Surface Water Waves. |
López, Omar D. |  | 1522 | Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation of Aerodynamics Controls with Synthetic Jets |
Losada, Inigo J. |  | 1712 | Numerical Modelling of Wave-Structure Interaction with a Three Dimensional Navier-Stokes Model |
Losada, Inigo J. |  | 1714 | Numerical Analysis of Coastal Structures at Prototype Scale using IH-2VOF |
Luca, Mariarita de |  | 1734 | Numerical Modeling of a Multi-Mechanism Damage for Cerebral Arterial Tissue |
Luchtenburg, Dirk M. |  | 1557 | Dynamic Characterization of an Actuated Bluff Body Wake |
Lucka, K. |  | 1370 | Multicomponent Droplet Evaporation of Heating Oil using a Continuous Thermodynamics Model |
Luckraz, Heyman |  | 1420 | Modelling Haemodynamics in Patient-Speci?c Carotid Bifurcations using the Locally Conservative Galerkin (LCG) Method |
Lucor, Didier |  | 1850 | Coupling Intrusive and Non Intrusive Polynomial Chaos for Solving Stochastic Systems of Conservation Laws |
Lüdeke, Heinrich |  | 1073 | Investigation of Slip Boundary Conditions of Hypersonic Flow over Microporous Surfaces |
Luding, Stefan |  | 1445 | Multiscale Modelling of Granular Chute Flows |
Luis, Euclides A. |  | 1698 | Numerical Modeling of Vorticity Dynamics in Oceanic Wakes |
Lukin, Vyacheslav S. |  | 1878 | HiFi - Implicit Semi-Structured Spectral Element Code for Multi-Fluid Applications. |
Lundström, Kristoffer |  | 1346 | Simulation of Free Surface Flow in a Spillway with the Rigid Lid and Volume of Fluid Methods and Validation in a Scale Model |
Lundström, T. S. |  | 1346 | Simulation of Free Surface Flow in a Spillway with the Rigid Lid and Volume of Fluid Methods and Validation in a Scale Model |
Luo, Hong |  | 1207 | A Reconstructed Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Compressible Flows on Arbitrary Grids |
Luo, Kai H. |  | 1736 | Numerical Investigation on the Efficiency of a Passive Micromixer with the Lattice Boltzmann Method |
Lupoi, Rocco |  | 1638 | An Investigation on Powder Stream in Cold Gas Spray (CGS) Nozzles |
Luppes, Roel |  | 1200 | Absorbing Boundary Conditions for Wave Simulations around Offshore Structures |
Macbeth, John N. |  | 1059 | CFD Analysis of a Density-Dependent Valve within a Hot Water System |
Macian, R. |  | 1602 | CFD Modeling of Two-Phase Flow in Vertical Bubbly Flow Condition: Isothermal and Subcooled Boiling Conditions |
MacLachlan, S. P. |  | 1871 | Scalable Robust Solvers for Unstructured Fe Geodynamic Modeling Applications: Solving the Stokes Equation for Models with Large Localized Viscosity Contrasts. |
Madsen, Helge Aa. |  | 1644 | Numerical Study of Influence of Wind Shear on Power Production of Wind Turbines |
Mahalov, Alex |  | 1686 | Fast Singular Oscillating Limits of Hydrodynamic PDEs: Application to 3D Rotating Navier-Stokes, Boussinesq and MHD Equations |
Mahalov, Alex |  | 1687 | Computational Studies of Inertia-Gravity Waves Radiated from Upper Tropospheric Jets |
Mahmutyazicioglu, Emel |  | 1080 | Octree Based Unstructured Grid Coarsening Method for 3D Multigrid Applications |
Majewski, Jerzy |  | 1417 | Parallel Performance of Adaptive Algorithms with Dynamic Load Balancing |
Majewski, Jerzy |  | 1623 | Anisotropic Adaptation for Viscous Flows |
Majewski, Jerzy |  | 1673 | Anisotropic Grid Adaptation using Adjoint Sensitivities |
Malan, Arnaud |  | 1545 | A Parallel Free-Surface-Modelling Technology for Application to Aircraft Fuel-Sloshing |
Malapinas, Orestis |  | 1665 | A Lattice Boltzmann Modeling of Bloodflow in Cerebral Aneurysms |
Mali, Olli J. |  | 1589 | Indeterminant Data in Problems of Continuum Mechanics |
Mali, Olli J. |  | 1613 | New Indicators of Approximation Errors for Problems in Continuum Mechanics |
Malico, Isabel |  | 1579 | A 2D Compact Finite Difference Immersed Boundary Method for Flow in Porous Media |
Malinen, Mika |  | 1134 | A Consistent Regularization of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations via Computation of the Vorticity |
Maliska, Clovis R. |  | 1790 | Element-Based Finite Volume Method for Solid Mechanics Problems |
Manceau, Rémi |  | 1439 | Recent Progress in Hybrid Temporal-LES/RANS Modeling |
Mangoldy, Michael |  | 1624 | Model Order Reduction of a Continuous Crystallizer |
Mangoubi, C. |  | 1814 | On the Stability of Numerical Schemes Modeling Non-Newtonian Fluids |
Manickam, Bhuvaneswaran |  | 1205 | Numerical Simulation of Rod Stabilized Turbulent Premixed Flames |
Manservisi, Sandro |  | 1072 | An Optimal Approach for Velocity Interpolation in Multilevel VOF Method |
Manservisi, Sandro |  | 1085 | Optimal Control for Incompressible Steady MHD Flows via Constrained Extended Boundary Approach |
Mantia, Marco La |  | 1671 | Influence of the Foil Thickness on the Thrust of Oscillating Foil |
Manzke, Manuel |  | 1096 | Propeller-Flow Predictions using Turbulent Vorticity-Confinement |
Manzoni, Andrea |  | 1441 | Model Order Reduction by Reduced Basis Methods for Shape Optimization in Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Marcer, Richard |  | 1348 | Validation of CFD Codes for Slamming and Sloshing |
Marcer, Richard |  | 1351 | Simulation of Unsteady Cavitation on a 3D Foil |
Marchetti, Jorge M. |  | 1550 | Study of the Droplet-Wire System by using a VOF Technique |
Marciniak, Vincent |  | 1622 | Predicting Transition on Low-Pressure Turbine Profiles |
Marco, Alessandro Di |  | 1403 | Hydrogen Combustion of a Double Cavity Trapped Vortex Combustor |
Marco, Alessandro Di |  | 1409 | RANS Based Numerical Study of Hydrogen Mild Combustion |
Margot, Xandra |  | 1394 | Analysis of the Cavitating Flow in Real Size Diesel Injectors with Fixed and Moving Needle Lift Simulations |
Mariano, Felipe P. |  | 1088 | Mathematical Modeling of Non-Periodic Flows using Fourier Pseudo-Spectral and Immersed Boundary Methods |
Marini, Alessandro |  | 1163 | CFD Re-Design of a Gas Turbine Can-Type Combustion Chamber Hydrogen Fired |
Markus, D. |  | 1548 | Non-Reactive Free Jet Flow: Comparison of Simulations using Different Turbulence Models with Reference Measurements |
Marle, Allard-Jan van |  | 1876 | Implicit and Semi-Implicit Treatments for MHD Computations |
Marnellos, G. |  | 1482 | Simulation of a Button-Type Solid Oxide Fuel Cell |
Maroni, Adrian G. |  | 1789 | Robust Spectral Reprojection for Discontinuous Galerkin Simulations on Unstructured Grids |
Marras, S. |  | 1468 | Variational Multiscale Method for Compressible Flows |
Marsden, Olivier |  | 1802 | Large-Eddy Simulation of Subsonic Round Jets with Tripped Exit Boundary Layers |
Marsden, Olivier | ![]() | 1812 | Numerical Investigation of Flow Features and Acoustic Radiation from Round Cavities |
Martelli, Francesco |  | 1163 | CFD Re-Design of a Gas Turbine Can-Type Combustion Chamber Hydrogen Fired |
Martelli, Francesco |  | 1462 | Time-Resolved Analysis of the Base Region in Cooled Transonic Turbine Airfoils |
Martínez, Monica |  | 1408 | Structured and Unstructured Grid Validation of a Bubble Column Reactor CFD Multiphase Model by ANSYS® Workbench V10.0. |
Martins, A. L. |  | 1781 | Immersed Boundary Method applied to Simplified Drilling Problems with Non-Newtonian Fluids |
Martins, Daniel J. |  | 1521 | Turbulent Flowstructure Computation Inside a Pump-Pat using an Industrial Benchmark Test Case |
Mascarenhas, Brendan S. |  | 1471 | Iterative Solution of Discontinuous Galerkin Formulations of the Euler Equations |
Mascetti, S. |  | 1446 | Gust Response of a Typical Section via CFD and Analytical Solution |
Mastorakos, E. |  | 1104 | Investigations of Ignition Probability of a Forced Ignited Turbulent Methane Jet using LES |
Mataoui, A. |  | 1650 | Assessment of Performance of Low Reynolds Turbulence Models in Predicting Natural Convection in Cavities |
Matsumoto, Yoichiro |  | 1086 | Bubble Model for Cavitating Flow Simulation including High Void Fraction Region |
Matsumoto, Yoichiro |  | 1132 | Numerical Simulation of the Tissue Ablation in High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Therapy with an Array Transducer |
Matulka, A. |  | 1585 | Multifractal Analysis of SAR of the Ocean Surface, Currents, Eddy Structure, Oil Slicks and Diffusivity Analysis |
Maturrro, S. |  | 1602 | CFD Modeling of Two-Phase Flow in Vertical Bubbly Flow Condition: Isothermal and Subcooled Boiling Conditions |
Matysiak, Lukasz T. |  | 1377 | First Industrial Application of the 3D Silicone Molding Simulation Tool |
Matyushin, Pavel V. |  | 1396 | Direct Numerical Simulation of the 3D Stratified Viscous Fluid Flows around a Sphere |
Mayer, Ursula M. |  | 1260 | A 3D Finite Element Approach for Mesoscopic Fluid-Structure Interaction |
Mayer, Ursula M. |  | 1904 | Coupling Fields and Scales in Computational (Bio) Fluid Dynamics - Advanced Methods And Applications |
McDermott, Randall |  | 1220 | Toward FDS6: Complex Geometry, Embedded Meshes, and Quality Assessment |
McGrattan, Kevin |  | 1220 | Toward FDS6: Complex Geometry, Embedded Meshes, and Quality Assessment |
McKee, Sean |  | 1295 | Numerical Simulation of Director Orientation of Tumbling Nematic Liquid Crystals in Channel Flow |
Medeiros, Marcello A. F. de |  | 1165 | Implicit Large-Eddy Simulation of Noise Radiated by a Subsonic Jet at High Reynolds Number |
Medeiros, Marcello A. F. de |  | 1181 | V&V II - Verification of a High Order Direct Numerical Simulation Code using the Method of Manufactured Solutions for the V European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (Eccomas CFD 2010) |
Mehl, Miriam |  | 1756 | Partitioned Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations using a Hierarchical Cartesian Flow Solver |
Mehl, Miriam |  | 1768 | Enhanced Divergence-Free Elements for Efficient Incompressible Flow Simulations in the PDE Framework Peano |
Meinke, Matthias |  | 1443 | A Numerical Method for Moving-Boundary Problems of Compressible Viscous Flow |
Meinke, Matthias |  | 1449 | A Level-Set Based Cut-Cell Method for Flows with Complex Moving Boundaries |
Meinzer, H.-P. |  | 1459 | Flow in Naturally Changing Central Airways |
Melchionna, Simone |  | 1273 | Blood Flows via Suspended Particles and Lattice Boltzmann Methods |
Melchionna, Simone |  | 1755 | Leveraging Theory from Cosmodynamics for Multi-Scale Cardiovascular Simulation |
Mell, William E. |  | 1220 | Toward FDS6: Complex Geometry, Embedded Meshes, and Quality Assessment |
Mena, Jesús Garicano |  | 1824 | A Symmetrizing Variables Formulation for Hypersonic Thermo-Chemical Non-Equilibrium Flows, with Application to Residual Distribution Schemes |
Mendes, Miguel A. A. |  | 1840 | Parametric Uncertainty Quantification in Modeling Methane Thermal Partial Oxidation within Inert Porous Media |
Mendez, S. |  | 1290 | Comparison of Body-Fitted and Immersed Boundary Methods for Biomechanical Applications |
Merci, Bart |  | 1308 | Simulation of Upward Flame Spread by Coupling a Pyrolysis Model with a CFD Calculation |
Merlin, Cindy |  | 1341 | An Immersed Boundary Method for Large-Eddy Simulation of Fully Compressible Flows: Application to a Transonic Cavity Flow |
Mesado, C. |  | 1603 | Two Dimensional Modelling with CFD of the Behavior of a Ventilated Ceramic Façades |
Métais, Olivier |  | 1540 | Numerical Simulation of Swirling Flow in Complex Hydroturbine Draft Tube using Large Eddy Simulation |
Meyer, Marcus |  | 1046 | CAD-Based Aerodynamic Optimization of Geometrically Complex Turbine Components |
Michaelis, Julian |  | 1034 | Efficiency of Geometric Multigrid Methods for Solving the Sensitivity Equations within Gradient Based Flow Optimization Problems |
Michler, Andreas K. |  | 1410 | Aircraft Control Surface Deflection using Adaptive Radial Basis Functions |
Mierka, Otto |  | 1386 | A Numerical Study for the Effect of Bubble Size Distribution on the Flow Behaviour in Bubble Column Reactors |
Miftahof, Roustern |  | 1006 | Stress-Strain Analysis in the Stomach |
Migoya, E. |  | 1642 | Study of Isolated Wakes and their Superposition in Wind Farms, using Different Turbulence Models |
Mikhal, Julia |  | 1156 | Immersed Boundary Method Predictions of Shear Stresses for Different Flow Topologies Occurring in Cerebral Aneurysms |
Miki, Kenji |  | 1794 | V&V II: Validation and Uncertainty Quantification of Thermochemical Models using Shock Tube Radiation Measurements |
Mikkelsen, Robert |  | 1645 | ACD Modelling of Wake Interactions in Horns Rev Wind Farm |
Minakov, Andrey |  | 1233 | Numerical Simulation of Moving Boundary Problems with the New Euleran Method |
Miranda, Amilcar |  | 1208 | Numerical Simulation of One-Dimensional Pulsatile Flows with a Combined Fourier-Adomian Method |
Miranda, Pedro M. A. |  | 1651 | Mountain Wave Drag Amplification by Resonance in Flow with a Vertically Oscillating Scorer Parameter |
Miró, R. |  | 1408 | Structured and Unstructured Grid Validation of a Bubble Column Reactor CFD Multiphase Model by ANSYS® Workbench V10.0. |
Mobinipouya, Mohammad R. |  | 1677 | A Method for Measuring the Thermal Heat Transfer from a Cylinder in Axial Turbulent Flows for the Best Seven He-Based Binary Gas Mixtures |
Model, Regine |  | 1548 | Non-Reactive Free Jet Flow: Comparison of Simulations using Different Turbulence Models with Reference Measurements |
Mognetti, B. M. |  | 1796 | Modelling Drops on Micropatterned Surfaces |
Moguen, Yann |  | 1643 | Characteristic Based Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions in a Simple-Type Pressure Correction Algorithm for Low Mach Number Flows |
Mohammadi, Bijan |  | 1005 | Hadamard Incomplete Sensitivity and Shape Optimization |
Mohammadi, Bijan |  | 1112 | A New Approach to Solve Microfluidic Systems |
Moirod, Nicolas |  | 1348 | Validation of CFD Codes for Slamming and Sloshing |
Mola, Andrea |  | 1576 | A Three-Dimensional Model for the Dynamics and the Free-Surface Hydrodynamics of Rowing Boats |
Moldovan, Dorel |  | 1499 | Parametric Study of a Multiscale Fluidic System using a Hybrid CFD/MD Approach |
Mollica, Enrico |  | 1409 | RANS Based Numerical Study of Hydrogen Mild Combustion |
Molnár, Ildikó |  | 1886 | Flow Field Simulation of Wind Turbine with More Impellers |
Monaco, Ernesto |  | 1736 | Numerical Investigation on the Efficiency of a Passive Micromixer with the Lattice Boltzmann Method |
Monier, L. |  | 1404 | Comparison of Hydrodynamic Parameters of 2D and 3D Models of Monofin through a Model of ?uid-Structure Interaction |
Montés, N. |  | 1822 | Towards Artificial Vision and Pattern Recognition Techniques for Application in Liquid Composite Moulding Processes |
Montlaur, Adeline de |  | 1567 | High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Incompressible Flows |
Moradnia, Pirooz |  | 1151 | CFD of Convective Cooling of Hydro Power Generators using OpenFOAM |
Morales, R. |  | 1615 | Performance Analysis of Flow in a Impeller-Diffuser Centrifugal Pumps using CFD :Simulation and Experimental Data Comparisons |
Moreira, Leonardo Q. |  | 1088 | Mathematical Modeling of Non-Periodic Flows using Fourier Pseudo-Spectral and Immersed Boundary Methods |
Morgan, Kenneth |  | 1053 | Assessment of Several Turbulence Models in a Supersonic Car |
Morgan, Kenneth |  | 1060 | NURBS-Enhanced Finite Volume Method (NEFVM)) |
Morgan, Kenneth |  | 1100 | New Limiter and Gradient Reconstruction Method for HLLC-Finite Volume Scheme to Solve Navier-Stokes Equations |
Morgan, Kenneth |  | 1117 | Spray Drag Model for Bloodhound SSC |
Morinishi, Koji |  | 1537 | Fluid-Structure Coupling Simulations using a Virtual Flux Method |
Morinishi, Koji |  | 1683 | Numerical Simulation of Blood Flows in a Vessel with Valves Based on Virtual-Flux Methods |
Morozov, Dmitrij N. |  | 1069 | Kinetic Approach to Simulation of Multiphase Porous Media Flows |
Mor-Yossef, Yair |  | 1077 | Robust Multigrid Solution of RANS Equations with Two-Equation Turbulence Models |
Mor-Yossef, Yair |  | 1387 | Robust Implementation of the Spalart-Allmaras Turbulence Model for Unstructured Grid |
Morzynski, Marek |  | 1557 | Dynamic Characterization of an Actuated Bluff Body Wake |
Moser, Carlos A. S. |  | 1165 | Implicit Large-Eddy Simulation of Noise Radiated by a Subsonic Jet at High Reynolds Number |
Moser, R. |  | 1897 | Isogeometric and Variational Multiscale Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Moser, Robert D. |  | 1522 | Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation of Aerodynamics Controls with Synthetic Jets |
Moukalled, F. |  | 1009 | A Coupled Finite Volume Solver for the Simulation of Disperse Multiphase Flows |
Moura, Alexandra |  | 1861 | Computational Hemodynamics of Intracranial Aneurysms: Modelling and Geometrical Sensitivity |
Moureau, V. |  | 1899 | Turbulent Combustion Modeling: New Approaches for Highly Refined Simulations |
Moureau, Vincent |  | 1362 | Direct Numerical Simulation of Quasi-Static Magnetohydrodynamic Annular Duct Flow |
Moureau, Vincent |  | 1411 | Studying Swirling Flames using Highly Resolved Simulations of an Industrial Premixed Burner |
Moustaoui, Mohamed |  | 1687 | Computational Studies of Inertia-Gravity Waves Radiated from Upper Tropospheric Jets |
Mukin, Roman V. |  | 1007 | A Diffusion-Inertia Model (DIM) for Predicting Aerosol Transportation and Deposition in Turbulent Flows |
Mukina, L. S. |  | 1007 | A Diffusion-Inertia Model (DIM) for Predicting Aerosol Transportation and Deposition in Turbulent Flows |
Müller, Andreas |  | 1106 | An Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Modeling Cumulus Clouds |
Müller, Bernhard |  | 1280 | High Order Numerical Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction in Human Phonation |
Müller, Bernhard |  | 1601 | A Conservative Level Set Method for Sharp Interface Multiphase Flow Simulation |
Müller, Jens-D |  | 1581 | CAD-Based Shape Optimisation using Adjoint Sensitivities |
Müller, Jens-D |  | 1592 | Timestepping for Adjoint CFD Codes from Automatic Differentiation |
Müller, Jens-D. |  | 1580 | Adjoint CFD Codes through Automatic Differentiation |
Müller, S. |  | 1584 | Numerical Simulation of Cooling Gas Injection using Adaptive Multiscale Techniques |
Mundani, R. |  | 1332 | High Order Finite Element Method for Transport Process in the Convection-Diffusion Combined Porous Media |
Munkejord, Svend T. |  | 1608 | Sharp-Interface Simulations of Surfactant-Covered Drops in Electric Fields |
Munz, Claus-Dieter |  | 1008 | An Explicit Space-Time Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Scheme |
Munz, Claus-Dieter |  | 1177 | Discontinuous Galerkin Schemes with Reconstruction: the PN PM -approach |
Munz, Claus-Dieter |  | 1275 | Unstructured High Order Grids and their Application in Discontinuous Galerkin Methods |
Munz, Claus-Dieter |  | 1754 | Simulation of Automotive Injector Nozzle Noise with Fully Coupled CFD/CAA Solver |
Muppala, Siva P. R. |  | 1205 | Numerical Simulation of Rod Stabilized Turbulent Premixed Flames |
Muppala, Siva P. R. |  | 1402 | Numerical Investigation of Laminar Burning Velocities for Multicomponent Fuel/Air Premixed Gaseous Mixtures using Various Reaction Mechanisms |
Mura, Joaquín |  | 1721 | Numerical Simulation of the Fluid-Structure Interaction in Stented Aneurysms. |
Murakami, Manami |  | 1259 | Vortex Dynamics in Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms |
Murthi, Aditya |  | 1864 | Turbulent Transport Modelling for PANS and other Bridging Closure Approaches |
Mut, Fernando |  | 1827 | Porting of FEFLO to GPUs |
Nacke, Bernard |  | 1071 | The Simulation of the Motion of Solid Particles in the Turbulent Flow of Induction Crucible Furnaces |
Nadukandi, Prashanth |  | 1429 | A Stabilized Formulation for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations using Finite Calculus |
Naia, M. D. |  | 1607 | Buoyancy Effects on Forced Convection from a Horizontal Cylinder in Parallel and Contra Flow Regimes |
Nakamura, Takaki |  | 1733 | Large-Eddy Simulation on the Aerodynamic Pitching Stability of Road Vehicle |
Nakashima, Takuji |  | 1733 | Large-Eddy Simulation on the Aerodynamic Pitching Stability of Road Vehicle |
Napolitano, Michele |  | 1452 | An Immersed-Boundary Method for Solving Conjugate Heat Transfer Problems in Turbomachinery |
Narasimhamurthy, Vagesh D. |  | 1320 | Numerical Simulation of Flow Past a Rectangular Flat Plate at Incidence |
Nastase, Adriana |  | 1128 | Global and Multidisciplinary Aerodynamical Optimal Shape's Design, including Deformation |
Nauman, Uwe |  | 1365 | Uncertainty Quanti?cation Based on Forward Sensitivity Analysis in Sisyphe |
Navarrina, Fermín |  | 1701 | Selective Limiting by a Moving-Least Squares Technique |
Navarro-Laboulais, J. |  | 1408 | Structured and Unstructured Grid Validation of a Bubble Column Reactor CFD Multiphase Model by ANSYS® Workbench V10.0. |
Necasová, Sarka |  | 1700 | Theoretical Aspects of Motion of Fluid around a Rotating Rigid Body |
Neckel, Tobias |  | 1756 | Partitioned Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations using a Hierarchical Cartesian Flow Solver |
Neckel, Tobias |  | 1768 | Enhanced Divergence-Free Elements for Efficient Incompressible Flow Simulations in the PDE Framework Peano |
Negrao, C. |  | 1615 | Performance Analysis of Flow in a Impeller-Diffuser Centrifugal Pumps using CFD :Simulation and Experimental Data Comparisons |
Neittaanmäki, Pekka J. |  | 1589 | Indeterminant Data in Problems of Continuum Mechanics |
Neittaanmäki, Pekka J. |  | 1613 | New Indicators of Approximation Errors for Problems in Continuum Mechanics |
Neittaanmäki, Pekka J. |  | 1880 | Wind Power Energy Activity in Finland ? |
Neto, Aristeu da Silveira |  | 1088 | Mathematical Modeling of Non-Periodic Flows using Fourier Pseudo-Spectral and Immersed Boundary Methods |
Neto, Aristeu da Silveira |  | 1781 | Immersed Boundary Method applied to Simplified Drilling Problems with Non-Newtonian Fluids |
Neustupa, Tomás |  | 1210 | The Problem of Boundary Condition on the Outflow for an Incompressible Flow through a Cascade of Profiles |
Neves, Cidália |  | 1729 | A Numerical Method for a Non-Fickian Diffusion Problem Based on the Inversion of Laplace Transforms |
Neves, Manuela |  | 1828 | Thermal Comfort Evaluation using a CFD Study and a Transient Thermal Model of the Human Body |
Neves, Maria G. |  | 1040 | Comparisons of Wave Overtopping at Coastal Structures Calculated with AMAZON, COBRAS-UC and SPHYSICS |
Neves, Maria G. |  | 1627 | A Lagrangian Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics - SPH - Method for Modelling Waves-Coastal Structure Interaction |
Ngomo, Davy |  | 1369 | Numerical Study of the Influence of Dissipative Effects on the Propagation of Detonation Waves in Narrow Shock Tubes |
Nguyen, P.-D. |  | 1899 | Turbulent Combustion Modeling: New Approaches for Highly Refined Simulations |
Nguyên, Toàn |  | 1092 | Robust Workflows for Large-Scale Multiphysics Simulation |
Nguyen, V. B. |  | 1164 | Model Reduction for Reacting Flow Applications |
Nguyen, Vinh-Tan |  | 1426 | An Artificial Compressibility Treatment for Unsteady Incompressible Flows using High Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods |
Niceno, Bojan |  | 1119 | Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of Turbulent Flow over Wavy Surfaces |
Nickaeen, Masoud |  | 1236 | A Characteristic-Based Split Finite Volume Algorithm for the Solution of Incompressible Flow Problems |
Nicolaou, Laura |  | 1159 | Simulation of the Breathing Cycle in the Extrathoracic Region using an Immersed Boundary Approach |
Nicolini, Davide A. |  | 1688 | Implementation of a 3D Compressible MHD Solver Able to Model Transonic Flows |
Nicoud, F. |  | 1290 | Comparison of Body-Fitted and Immersed Boundary Methods for Biomechanical Applications |
Nicoud, F. |  | 1296 | Is the Dynamic Procedure Appropriate for All SGS Models? |
Nigro, Alessandra |  | 1324 | High Order Discontinuous Galerkin Solution of 1D Ideal Magnetohydrodynamic Equations |
Nikitopoulos, Dimitris E. |  | 1499 | Parametric Study of a Multiscale Fluidic System using a Hybrid CFD/MD Approach |
Nikrityuk, P. A. |  | 1679 | The Impact of Cylinder Roughness on the Drag Forces and Heat Transfer |
Nilsson, Hakan |  | 1151 | CFD of Convective Cooling of Hydro Power Generators using OpenFOAM |
Nithiarasu, Perumal |  | 1420 | Modelling Haemodynamics in Patient-Speci?c Carotid Bifurcations using the Locally Conservative Galerkin (LCG) Method |
Nithiarasu, Perumal |  | 1614 | Impact of Nasal Geometry Inclusion on Numerical Simulation of Flow in Human Upper Airway |
Nkonga, B. |  | 1125 | High Order Scheme for Compressible Turbulent Flows |
Nkonga, Boniface |  | 1319 | Dry Granular Flows with Erosion and Deposition |
Nogueira, João R. P. |  | 1692 | Correction on Cooper and Haines Method with the Relationship Between Sea-Level and Bottom Pressure Variability |
Nogueira, Xesús |  | 1701 | Selective Limiting by a Moving-Least Squares Technique |
Nonomura, Taku |  | 1257 | Effect of Distance on Aeroacoustic Waves from Double Cavities in Tandem Arrangements |
Nonomura, Taku |  | 1268 | Computational Analysis of Aeroacoustic Waves Induced by Rotating Tire |
Noori, S. |  | 1012 | Viscous Flow around Two Bodies in Relative Motion |
Nordbotten, J. M. |  | 1795 | A Posteriori Error Estimates for Approximate Solutions of Barenblatt-Biot Poroelastic Model |
Nordlund, M. |  | 1199 | Immersed Boundary Method Computation of Heat and Fluid ?ow in Complex Porous Media |
Nordström, Jan |  | 1412 | Numerical Methods for Uncertainty Propagation in High Speed Flows |
Normand, Pierre-Elie |  | 1440 | Towards High-Fidelity Industrial CFD |
Nouzawa, Takahide |  | 1733 | Large-Eddy Simulation on the Aerodynamic Pitching Stability of Road Vehicle |
Nowak, Andrzej J. |  | 1221 | Equilibrium Model of Two-Phase Transonic Compressible CO2 Flow through Heat Pump Ejector and its Experimental Validation |
Nowak, Andrzej J. |  | 1222 | A Shape Optimisation of Cooling Fins in Electrical Transformer Tank using GA Algorithm |
Nowak, Andrzej J. |  | 1554 | Numerical Model of the Electrical Transformer Epoxy Casting Process and its Hierarchical Validation |
Nozaki, K. |  | 1209 | Numerical Simulation of Airflow through Simplified Vocal Tract Geometries Relevant to Speech Production |
Nurijanyan, Shavarsh |  | 1476 | Hamiltonian Discontinuous Galerkin FEM for Linear Incompressible Fluid |
O'Neill, W. |  | 1638 | An Investigation on Powder Stream in Cold Gas Spray (CGS) Nozzles |
Ogawa, Satoi |  | 1639 | Large-Scale CFD Applications on Multi-Node GPU Cluster |
Ohlberger, Mario |  | 1110 | Parametrized Discrete Empirical Interpolation of Nonlinear Implicit Evolution Operators |
Ohlberger, Mario |  | 1616 | A New Hierarchical Model Reduction Technique Based on Reduced Basis Methods and Dimensional Splitting |
Oijen, Jeroen van |  | 1837 | Modeling Preferential Diffusion Effects in Premixed Methane-Hydrogen-Air Flames by using Flamelet-Generated Manifolds |
Okamoto, Naoya |  | 1379 | Coherent Vorticity and Current Extraction in Three-Dimensional Homogeneous Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence: Comparison Between Wavelet and Fourier Filtering |
Okhovat, Salman |  | 1235 | A Pressure-Based Algorithm for the Numerical Solution of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations |
Okita, Kohei |  | 1132 | Numerical Simulation of the Tissue Ablation in High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Therapy with an Array Transducer |
Okpara, E. |  | 1010 | Numerical Study of Pulsatile Flow through Models of Aortic Valve Stenoses and Assessment of Gorlin Equation |
OL, Michael V. |  | 1658 | Some Observations on Periodic and Transient Motions as Abstractions of Flapping Wing Aerodynamics |
Olbricht, C. |  | 1838 | Predicting Complex Turbulent Flames using Large Eddy Simulation and Flamelet-Based Tabulated Chemistry |
Oliva, Assensi |  | 1434 | Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Wakes: Flow Past a Sphere at Re=5000 |
Oliva, Assensi |  | 1501 | Efficiency of Large-Scale CFD Simulations on Modern Supercomputers using Thousands of CPUs and Hybrid MPI+OpenMP Parallelization |
Oliva, Assensi |  | 1566 | A PLIC-VOF Implementation on Parallel 3D Unstructured Meshes |
Oliva, Assensi |  | 1617 | Non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq Natural Convection in a Tall Differentially Heated Cavity |
Oliva, Assensi |  | 1670 | Regularization Modeling of Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows |
Oliva, Assensi |  | 1697 | Detailed Numerical Study of Turbulent Flows in Air Curtains |
Oliva, Assensi |  | 1798 | On the Symmetry-Preserving Regularization Model on Complex Flows using Unstructured Grids |
Oliveira, Galileu H. |  | 1524 | Simulation of Interfacial Gas-Liquid Annular Flows using an Interfacial Function |
Oliveira, Luis A. |  | 1281 | Numerical Simulation of a Two-Phase Flow in an Oil Filter by Coupling a LES Approach with a Lagrangian Particle Tracking |
Oliveira, P. |  | 1718 | On a "Flux Tracking" of Drug Release Processes |
Oliveira, Paulo J. |  | 1688 | Implementation of a 3D Compressible MHD Solver Able to Model Transonic Flows |
Oliveira, Ricardo F. |  | 1780 | CFD Study of the Volumatic® Spacer: a Realistic Approach |
Olivero, M. |  | 1198 | Development of 1D Performance Analysis Tool for a Microturbine Radial Compressor using CFD |
Olivier, Geraldine |  | 1599 | A Mesh Topology Change ALE Framework for Efficient Body Large-Displacement Adaptive Simulations |
Olivier, Geraldine |  | 1600 | An Linf-Lp Space-Time Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation Strategy for Time-Dependent Problems |
Omnes, Pascal |  | 1206 | Nonconforming in Time Domain Decomposition Method for Porous Media Applications |
Oñate, Eugenio |  | 1429 | A Stabilized Formulation for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations using Finite Calculus |
Oñate, Eugenio |  | 1851 | Active Flow Control Bump Design Using Hybrid Nash-Game Coupled to Evolutionary Algorithms |
Oñate, Eugenio |  | 1890 | Reduction of environmental effects of civil aircraft through multi objective flight plan optimization |
Ono, Kenji |  | 1132 | Numerical Simulation of the Tissue Ablation in High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Therapy with an Array Transducer |
Ono, Kenji |  | 1238 | Optimization of the Application Middleware "Sphere" for Blue Gene/L System |
Ono, Kenji |  | 1248 | Fast and Stable Treatment of Non-Watertight Geometry for Incompressible Flow Simulation on Cartesian Grid |
Ono, Kenji |  | 1528 | A Fixed Eulerian Mesh-Based Scheme using Level Set Function for Airbag Deployment Simulation including the Effect of Outside Air |
Onorato, Giuseppe |  | 1809 | Comparison of Intrusive and Non-Intrusive Polynomial Chaos Methods for CFD Applications in Aeronautics |
Orlande, Helcio R. B. |  | 1017 | Optimal Heating Control to Prevent Solid Deposits in Pipelines |
Ortega-Casanova, Joaquin |  | 1264 | 3D Numerical Simulations of the Impingement of a Turbulent Swirling Jet against a Solid Wall |
Ostrowski, Ziemowit |  | 1783 | A 3D CFD Model of a Natural Draft Wet-Cooling Tower |
Oswald, Benedikt |  | 1844 | H5Fed - a HDF5 Based Finite Element Data Library |
Othmer, Carsten |  | 1306 | Optimal Location of Suction or Blowing Jets using the Continuous Adjoint Approach |
Othmer, Carsten |  | 1356 | Automotive Applications of Adjoint-Based Topology and Shape Optimization |
Oualli, Hamid |  | 1654 | Taylor-Couette Flow Control using a Radially Oscillating Inner Cylinder |
Ouared, Rafik |  | 1665 | A Lattice Boltzmann Modeling of Bloodflow in Cerebral Aneurysms |
Ouazzi, A. |  | 1777 | Monolithic FEM Techniques for Nonlinear Flow with Temperature/Concentration, Pressure and Shear-Dependent Viscosity |
Ourmières, Y. |  | 1338 | The NEMO High Resolution Coastal Model for Wind Induced Vortices Prediction Fluid Dynamics (Eccomas CFD 2010 Lisbon) |
Owen, H. C. |  | 1141 | A High-Performance Parallel Incompressible Navier-Stokes Two-Phase Flow Solver using the Level Set Method for Hydrodynamics Design. |
Oxtoby, Oliver |  | 1545 | A Parallel Free-Surface-Modelling Technology for Application to Aircraft Fuel-Sloshing |
Ozcelikkale, Altug |  | 1435 | H- and P- Adaptive Incompressible Flow Solutions on Cartesian Grids using Least Squares Spectral Element Method |
Özkaya, Emre |  | 1407 | Ingredients for Efficient Aerodynamic One-Shot Shape Optimization |
Paço, A. |  | 1465 | Numerical and Experimental Analysis of the Wind Forces Acting on LNG Carrier |
Padilla, Elie L. M. |  | 1781 | Immersed Boundary Method applied to Simplified Drilling Problems with Non-Newtonian Fluids |
Pagano, Antonio |  | 1896 | Aeroacoustic Optimization of Propeller Blades in a Pusher Configuration |
Page, Gary J. |  | 1161 | Parallel Grid Generation for Large Eddy Simulation |
Palha, Artur |  | 1414 | A Mimetic Spectral Element Method for Equations of Fluid Dynamics |
Palha, Artur |  | 1510 | Numerical Solution of Convection Diffusion Equations with the Discretization of the Lie Derivative |
Palma, P. De |  | 1452 | An Immersed-Boundary Method for Solving Conjugate Heat Transfer Problems in Turbomachinery |
Palymskiy, Igor |  | 1048 | Numerical Simulation of Three-Dimensional Convection |
Panesi, Marco |  | 1794 | V&V II: Validation and Uncertainty Quantification of Thermochemical Models using Shock Tube Radiation Measurements |
Paniagua, G. |  | 1462 | Time-Resolved Analysis of the Base Region in Cooled Transonic Turbine Airfoils |
Panjwani, Balram |  | 1382 | Large Eddy Simulation in Generalized Curvilinear Coordinates and its Application to an Axisymmetric Dump Combustor |
Panjwani, Balram |  | 1385 | Subgrid Combustion Modelling for Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of Turbulent Combustion using Eddy Dissipation Concept (EDC) |
Papadimitriou, Dimitrios I. |  | 1305 | One-Shot Shape Optimization using the Exact Hessian |
Papadimitriou, Dimitrios I. |  | 1306 | Optimal Location of Suction or Blowing Jets using the Continuous Adjoint Approach |
Papari, Mohammad M. |  | 1677 | A Method for Measuring the Thermal Heat Transfer from a Cylinder in Axial Turbulent Flows for the Best Seven He-Based Binary Gas Mixtures |
Papavassiliou, Dimitrios V. |  | 1707 | Lagrangian Methods for Determining the Turbulent Prandtl Number in DNS of Wall Turbulence |
Parishani, Hossein |  | 1249 | Simulation of Turbulent Collision of Cloud Droplets using Optimized Lagrangian Integration Algorithm |
Parolini, Nicola |  | 1576 | A Three-Dimensional Model for the Dynamics and the Free-Surface Hydrodynamics of Rowing Boats |
Parsani, Matteo |  | 1049 | An Implicit High-Order Spectral Difference Method for LES |
Parussini, Lucia |  | 1108 | Effects of Geometric Tolerance in Fluid Dynamics |
Pascau, Antonio |  | 1285 | Consistency of SIMPLEC Scheme in Collocated Grids |
Pascau, Antonio |  | 1330 | Enhancements of Piso Scheme in Collocated Grids |
Pascazio, G. |  | 1452 | An Immersed-Boundary Method for Solving Conjugate Heat Transfer Problems in Turbomachinery |
Páscoa, José C. |  | 1521 | Turbulent Flowstructure Computation Inside a Pump-Pat using an Industrial Benchmark Test Case |
Páscoa, José C. |  | 1688 | Implementation of a 3D Compressible MHD Solver Able to Model Transonic Flows |
Pashos, George |  | 1612 | Acceleration of CFD Computations through a Subspace Decomposition Method |
Pasquale, David |  | 1378 | Geometry Optimization for Quasi-Uniform Flows from Supersonic Nozzles |
Pasquetti, Richard |  | 1371 | Entropy Viscosity for Conservation Equations |
Patera, Anthony T. |  | 1515 | Reduced-Basis Approximation and a Posteriori Error Estimation for the Parametrized Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations |
Patouna, Stavroula |  | 1394 | Analysis of the Cavitating Flow in Real Size Diesel Injectors with Fixed and Moving Needle Lift Simulations |
Pavlova, Jevgenija |  | 1859 | Solution of the 2D Navier-Stokes Equations with the LBIE Method and RBF Cells |
Pawlowski, Roger P. |  | 1874 | Initial Performance of Fully-Coupled AMG and Approximate Block Factorization Preconditioners for Solution of Implicit FE Resistive MHD |
Paz, Concepción |  | 1372 | Simulation of the Fouling Layer Evolution in Heat Transfer Surfaces |
Pebernet, Laura |  | 1149 | Hybridization of Numerical Schemes in Time Domain to Solve the Vlasov-Maxwell Equations |
Pedersen, Nicholas |  | 1223 | Time-Accurate Turbomachinery Simulations with Open-Source CFD; Flow Analysis of a Single-Channel Pump with OpenFOAM |
Pediroda, Valentino |  | 1108 | Effects of Geometric Tolerance in Fluid Dynamics |
Peeters, Bob |  | 1769 | A Hamiltonian Particle Method for Hydrostatic Flow in Isentropic Coordinates |
Peinke, Joachim |  | 1313 | Reconstruction of Turbulence Properties for Stochastical Turbulence Modeling |
Peiró, J. |  | 1278 | A Zonal Euler/Viscous Solver for Compressible Flows |
Pellacani, F. |  | 1602 | CFD Modeling of Two-Phase Flow in Vertical Bubbly Flow Condition: Isothermal and Subcooled Boiling Conditions |
Penha, David J. L. |  | 1156 | Immersed Boundary Method Predictions of Shear Stresses for Different Flow Topologies Occurring in Cerebral Aneurysms |
Penha, David J. L. |  | 1197 | Simulation of Impaction Filtration of Aerosol Droplets in Porous Media |
Penha, David J. L. |  | 1199 | Immersed Boundary Method Computation of Heat and Fluid ?ow in Complex Porous Media |
Peraire, Jaime |  | 1772 | A Multi-Fidelity Framework for Designing Compliant Flapping Wings |
Perego, Mauro |  | 1530 | Vessels' Compliance Estimation Based on a Control Approach applied to Medical Images and FSI Problems |
Pereira, José C. F. |  | 1634 | DNS Simulation of a Planar Jet using a Hybrid MPI-CUDA Strategy |
Pereira, José C. F. |  | 1840 | Parametric Uncertainty Quantification in Modeling Methane Thermal Partial Oxidation within Inert Porous Media |
Pereira, José C. F. |  | 1854 | Parallel DNS Simulation of a Spatially Developing Planar Turbulent Jet |
Pereira, José C. F. |  | 1855 | Effect of Initial Conditions in the Far Field of Spatially Developing Turbulent Planar Jets |
Pereira, José C. F. |  | 1865 | DNS and LES of the Turbulent Entrainment in Jets: Physics and Subgrid-Scale Modeling |
Pereira, José M. C. |  | 1840 | Parametric Uncertainty Quantification in Modeling Methane Thermal Partial Oxidation within Inert Porous Media |
Pereira, José C. F. |  | 1841 | Uncertainty Quantification of Wildland Fire Propagation |
Pereira, José M. C. |  | 1841 | Uncertainty Quantification of Wildland Fire Propagation |
Pereira, P. J. S. |  | 1099 | A C/DG-FEM Solution of an Improved Boussinesq System for Surface Water Waves. |
Peres, Noele |  | 1301 | Numerical Treatment of Cylindrical Coordinate Singularity |
Perez, J. |  | 1615 | Performance Analysis of Flow in a Impeller-Diffuser Centrifugal Pumps using CFD :Simulation and Experimental Data Comparisons |
Pérez-Segarra, Carles D. |  | 1425 | Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Natural Convection and Gas Radiation in Differentially Heated Cavities using FVM, DOM and LES |
Pérez-Segarra, Carles D. |  | 1798 | On the Symmetry-Preserving Regularization Model on Complex Flows using Unstructured Grids |
Pèrez-Segarra, Carles D. |  | 1434 | Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Wakes: Flow Past a Sphere at Re=5000 |
Pèrez-Segarra, Carles D. |  | 1697 | Detailed Numerical Study of Turbulent Flows in Air Curtains |
Periaux, Jacques |  | 1851 | Active Flow Control Bump Design Using Hybrid Nash-Game Coupled to Evolutionary Algorithms |
Periaux, Jacques |  | 1890 | Reduction of environmental effects of civil aircraft through multi objective flight plan optimization |
Perminov, A. |  | 1531 | Conjugate Problem of Forest Fire Initiation and Spread in Three Dimensional Setting |
Perraud, Jean |  | 1788 | High Reynolds Number Transition Experiments in the ETW Test Facility with the Pathfinder Model |
Persson, Per-Olof |  | 1772 | A Multi-Fidelity Framework for Designing Compliant Flapping Wings |
Peter, Jacques |  | 1265 | Non-Intrusive Stochastic Studies for External and Internal Flows using the elsA Software |
Peter, Jacques |  | 1374 | Surrogate Models Based on Function and Derivative Values for Aerodynamic Global Optimization |
Peters, Amanda |  | 1755 | Leveraging Theory from Cosmodynamics for Multi-Scale Cardiovascular Simulation |
Petrie-Repar, Paul |  | 1596 | Adaption and use of a Compressible Flow Code for Turbomachinery Design |
Petropoulou, Stamatina |  | 1487 | Industrial Optimisation Solutions Based on OpenFOAM® Technology |
Petrosyan, Arakel S. |  | 1618 | Finite-Volume Method for Modeling Shalow Water Flows in Presence of External Forces |
Pettersen, Bjønar |  | 1256 | Flow Past a Circular Curved Cylinder in Uniform Shear |
Pettersen, Bjønar |  | 1320 | Numerical Simulation of Flow Past a Rectangular Flat Plate at Incidence |
Pettersson, Per |  | 1412 | Numerical Methods for Uncertainty Propagation in High Speed Flows |
Piesche, Manfred |  | 1136 | Numerical Simulation of the Flow Field and the Separation Behavior of Hydrocyclones |
Pimenta, P. M. |  | 1316 | Extended Finite Element Method applied to Aero-Elastic Problems |
Pineda, Ubaldo |  | 1822 | Towards Artificial Vision and Pattern Recognition Techniques for Application in Liquid Composite Moulding Processes |
Pinheiro, João S. |  | 1521 | Turbulent Flowstructure Computation Inside a Pump-Pat using an Industrial Benchmark Test Case |
Pinheiro, José L. |  | 1103 | Numerical Simulation of a Dry Low NOx - LPP Combustor Operating with LPG Fuel |
Pinheiro, Liliana V. |  | 1044 | Comparison of Three Nonlinear Models to Analyze Wave Propagation over Submerged Trapezoidal Breakwaters |
Pinheiro, Liliana V. |  | 1109 | Bottom Friction and Wave Breaking Implementation in the BOUSS3W Nonlinear Wave Propagation Model |
Pinho, F. T. |  | 1400 | Development of a k-w Turbulence Model for FENE-P Fluids |
Pinto, João P. |  | 1281 | Numerical Simulation of a Two-Phase Flow in an Oil Filter by Coupling a LES Approach with a Lagrangian Particle Tracking |
Pinto, Luís |  | 1717 | Supraconvergent-Superconvergent Methods for Non Fickian Models |
Pirkl, Lubos |  | 1079 | Numerical Simulation of Blood Flow using Generalized Oldroyd-B Model |
Pironneau, Olivier |  | 1005 | Hadamard Incomplete Sensitivity and Shape Optimization |
Pirozzoli, Sergio |  | 1565 | Analysis of Unsteadiness in Transonic Shock/Boundary Layer Interactions |
Piskin, Senol |  | 1720 | Simulation of Blood Flow in Human Aorta including Thirteen Main Arteries |
Piskin, Senol |  | 1745 | Non-Newtonian Blood Flow Simulation in a Realistic Artery Domain |
Piskin, Senol |  | 1752 | A 3D Human Carotid Artery Simulation using Realistic Geometry with Two-Level Bifurcation and Experimental Inlet Velocity Profile |
Platonov, Alexei |  | 1583 | Oil Spill Detection and Prediction in the NW Mediterranean Sea: New Multifractal Methods for SAR Analysis |
Platonov, Alexei |  | 1585 | Multifractal Analysis of SAR of the Ocean Surface, Currents, Eddy Structure, Oil Slicks and Diffusivity Analysis |
Poëtte, Gaël |  | 1850 | Coupling Intrusive and Non Intrusive Polynomial Chaos for Solving Stochastic Systems of Conservation Laws |
Poinsot, T. |  | 1893 | Multi-Component and Multi-Physics CFD Simulations for the Prediction of Gas Turbine Flows |
Poloni, Carlo |  | 1108 | Effects of Geometric Tolerance in Fluid Dynamics |
Poncet, Sébastien |  | 1035 | RANS Modeling of Flow in Rotating Cavity System |
Poncet, Sébastien |  | 1301 | Numerical Treatment of Cylindrical Coordinate Singularity |
Pontrelli, G. |  | 1669 | On the Coupling of Micro and Mesoscopic Models in Hemodynamics |
Popov, B. |  | 1371 | Entropy Viscosity for Conservation Equations |
Popp, Alexander |  | 1904 | Coupling Fields and Scales in Computational (Bio) Fluid Dynamics - Advanced Methods And Applications |
Porteiro, J. |  | 1372 | Simulation of the Fouling Layer Evolution in Heat Transfer Surfaces |
Portela, Luis M. |  | 1524 | Simulation of Interfacial Gas-Liquid Annular Flows using an Interfacial Function |
Pouangué, Arnaud F. |  | 1246 | Sixth-Order Compact Finite Volume Scheme for Aeroacoustics with Complex Geometries |
Pourkashanian, Mohamed |  | 1364 | FFOWCS Williams-Hawkings Acoustic Analogy for Simulation of NASA SR2 Propeller Noise in Transonic Cruise Condition |
Prabhat |  | 1844 | H5Fed - a HDF5 Based Finite Element Data Library |
Principe, Javier |  | 1367 | Finite Element Variational Multiscale Formulation for Low Mach Number Flows Coupled with Radiative Heat Transfer |
Prokop, V. |  | 1258 | Numerical Solution of Incompressible Generalized Newtonian Fluids Flow |
Prokopová, Jaroslava |  | 1661 | DGFEM for the Numerical Solution of Compressible Flow in Time-Dependent Domains and Applications to Fluid-Structure Interaction |
Protas, Bartosz |  | 1171 | An Inverse Formulation for Solution of Free-Boundary Problems in Fluid Mechanics |
Prudencio, Ernesto E. |  | 1794 | V&V II: Validation and Uncertainty Quantification of Thermochemical Models using Shock Tube Radiation Measurements |
Prudhomme, Serge |  | 1794 | V&V II: Validation and Uncertainty Quantification of Thermochemical Models using Shock Tube Radiation Measurements |
Prusa, Joseph M. |  | 1453 | Multi-Scale Features of Baroclinic Waves in Sound-Proof, Global Simulations with Eulag |
Puderbach, M. |  | 1459 | Flow in Naturally Changing Central Airways |
Pusic, Milenko |  | 1664 | Monotone Nonlinear Scheme for Variable Density Groundwater Flow |
Pustejovská, P. |  | 1777 | Monolithic FEM Techniques for Nonlinear Flow with Temperature/Concentration, Pressure and Shear-Dependent Viscosity |
Qin, Ning |  | 1892 | Towards Substantial Drag Reduction for Transonic Wings using Aerodynamic Optimisation with Shock Control through Reduced Wing Sweep |
Qing, K. X. |  | 1173 | Analysis of Blood Flow in a Dissected Aorta by Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Quaranta, Giuseppe |  | 1363 | Numerical Simulation of the Opening of Aerodynamic Control Surfaces with Two-Dimensional Unstructured Adaptive Meshes |
Quéré, Patrick Le |  | 1398 | Numerical Study of Thermoacoustic Wave Amplification |
Quintino, Tiago |  | 1758 | Recent Developments on High-Order Multidimensional Upwind Residual Distribution for Equations with Viscous Terms |
Quintino, Tiago |  | 1889 | Towards concurrent multi-disciplinary design and optimization |
Rahman, T. |  | 1795 | A Posteriori Error Estimates for Approximate Solutions of Barenblatt-Biot Poroelastic Model |
Rakotomanana, L. |  | 1404 | Comparison of Hydrodynamic Parameters of 2D and 3D Models of Monofin through a Model of ?uid-Structure Interaction |
Ramamurthy, Raja |  | 1058 | A New Viscous Inverse Design Method for Internal and External Flow over Airfoils using CFD Techniques |
Ramirez, Antonio |  | 1415 | A Numerical Study of the Flow in a Cyclone Separator using the k-epsilon Realizable Turbulence Model |
Ramis, Jaime |  | 1830 | A 3D Finite Element Model for the Determination of Vibration Reduction Index for Joints with Floating Floors |
Ramos, Helena M. |  | 1725 | Optimal CFD Analysis for Low Power Systems |
Rank, E. |  | 1332 | High Order Finite Element Method for Transport Process in the Convection-Diffusion Combined Porous Media |
Rasmussen, Atgeirr F. |  | 1862 | Generic Programming for Flexible, High Performance Numerical Software |
Rath, H. J. |  | 1016 | Numerical Simulation of an Electric Charged Compressible Gas-Flow with Adaptive Mesh Refinement |
Ratto, Luca |  | 1509 | A Navier Stokes Solver for Axisymmetric Turbomachinery Analysis |
Rauwoens, Pieter |  | 1308 | Simulation of Upward Flame Spread by Coupling a Pyrolysis Model with a CFD Calculation |
Ravnik, Jure |  | 1139 | Fast Multipole Boundary Element Method with Lagrangian Particle Tracking for Viscous Flows |
Razafimahery, F. |  | 1404 | Comparison of Hydrodynamic Parameters of 2D and 3D Models of Monofin through a Model of ?uid-Structure Interaction |
Reali, A. |  | 1897 | Isogeometric and Variational Multiscale Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Rebay, Stefano |  | 1183 | High-Order Accurate P-Multigrid Discontinuous Galerkin Solution of the RANS and k-omega Turbulence Model Equations |
Rebay, Stefano |  | 1378 | Geometry Optimization for Quasi-Uniform Flows from Supersonic Nozzles |
Rebelo, Paulo |  | 1208 | Numerical Simulation of One-Dimensional Pulsatile Flows with a Combined Fourier-Adomian Method |
Rebola, Amândio |  | 1832 | Assessment of the Performance of Several Turbulence and Combustion Models in the Numerical Simulation of Mild Combustion in a Laboratory Combustor |
Recker, Elmar |  | 1095 | Large Eddy Simulation of Jet in Cross-Flow applied to the "Micromix" Hydrogen Combustion Principle |
Redondo, Jose M. |  | 1340 | Direct Numerical Simulation of Internal Waves Formation in Highly Stratified Wake Flow |
Redondo, Jose M. |  | 1583 | Oil Spill Detection and Prediction in the NW Mediterranean Sea: New Multifractal Methods for SAR Analysis |
Redondo, Jose M. |  | 1585 | Multifractal Analysis of SAR of the Ocean Surface, Currents, Eddy Structure, Oil Slicks and Diffusivity Analysis |
Rehman, M. ur |  | 1870 | Preconditioned Krylov Methods for the Incompressible Navier Stokes Equations |
Rehman, M. ur |  | 1871 | Scalable Robust Solvers for Unstructured Fe Geodynamic Modeling Applications: Solving the Stokes Equation for Models with Large Localized Viscosity Contrasts. |
Reichel, Stephan |  | 1016 | Numerical Simulation of an Electric Charged Compressible Gas-Flow with Adaptive Mesh Refinement |
Reis, M. T. |  | 1040 | Comparisons of Wave Overtopping at Coastal Structures Calculated with AMAZON, COBRAS-UC and SPHYSICS |
Reis, Ricardo J. N. dos |  | 1634 | DNS Simulation of a Planar Jet using a Hybrid MPI-CUDA Strategy |
Reis, Ricardo J. N. dos |  | 1854 | Parallel DNS Simulation of a Spatially Developing Planar Turbulent Jet |
Reis, Ricardo J. N. dos |  | 1855 | Effect of Initial Conditions in the Far Field of Spatially Developing Turbulent Planar Jets |
Reis, Ricardo J. N. dos |  | 1865 | DNS and LES of the Turbulent Entrainment in Jets: Physics and Subgrid-Scale Modeling |
Remacle, Jean-Francois |  | 1471 | Iterative Solution of Discontinuous Galerkin Formulations of the Euler Equations |
Remacle, Jean-François |  | 1101 | Curvilinear Mesh Generation for CFD |
Remacle, Jean-François |  | 1232 | Memory and CPU Efficient Iterative Schemes for Higher Order DGM |
Remaki, Lakhdar |  | 1100 | New Limiter and Gradient Reconstruction Method for HLLC-Finite Volume Scheme to Solve Navier-Stokes Equations |
Remaki, Lakhdar |  | 1117 | Spray Drag Model for Bloodhound SSC |
Repin, Sergey I. |  | 1589 | Indeterminant Data in Problems of Continuum Mechanics |
Repin, Sergey I. |  | 1613 | New Indicators of Approximation Errors for Problems in Continuum Mechanics |
Repin, Sergey I. |  | 1674 | Guaranteed a Posteriori Error Estimates for Viscous Flow Problems in Rotation Frame |
Repin, Sergey I. |  | 1795 | A Posteriori Error Estimates for Approximate Solutions of Barenblatt-Biot Poroelastic Model |
Resende, Pedro M. R. |  | 1400 | Development of a k-w Turbulence Model for FENE-P Fluids |
Reusken, Arnold |  | 1293 | Time Integration Schemes for Incompressible Two-Phase Flow Problems |
Revoredo, Igor |  | 1523 | A Finite Difference Technique for Solving the Second Order Constitutive Equation for Three-Dimensional Free Surface Flows |
Reyes, Dasia |  | 1864 | Turbulent Transport Modelling for PANS and other Bridging Closure Approaches |
Rezaniakolaei, Alireza |  | 1326 | Considering Thermoelectric Power Generation Device Efficiency using Microchannel Heat Sink |
Rian, Kjell Erik |  | 1382 | Large Eddy Simulation in Generalized Curvilinear Coordinates and its Application to an Axisymmetric Dump Combustor |
Rian, Kjell Erik |  | 1385 | Subgrid Combustion Modelling for Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of Turbulent Combustion using Eddy Dissipation Concept (EDC) |
Ricchiuto, Mario |  | 1187 | Construction of Very High Order Residual Distribution Schemes for Compressible Flow Problems. |
Ricchiuto, Mario |  | 1318 | Explicit Runge Kutta Residual Distribution for Shallow Water Flows |
Ricchiuto, Mario |  | 1319 | Dry Granular Flows with Erosion and Deposition |
Riccio, Giovanni |  | 1163 | CFD Re-Design of a Gas Turbine Can-Type Combustion Chamber Hydrogen Fired |
Richter, Thomas |  | 1662 | Fluid Structure Interaction with Large Deformation and Free Structure-Movement in a Monolithic Formulation |
Riehme, Jan |  | 1365 | Uncertainty Quanti?cation Based on Forward Sensitivity Analysis in Sisyphe |
Rifkin, Robert |  | 1010 | Numerical Study of Pulsatile Flow through Models of Aortic Valve Stenoses and Assessment of Gorlin Equation |
Riflet, Guillaume A. F. |  | 1586 | Nesting a Coastal Model into a Large-Scale Ocean Basin Model: an Intercomparison Exercise in the Bay of Biscay |
Riou, Jacques |  | 1123 | Compressibility Effects on the Vortical Flow over a 65 Degree Swept Delta Wing. |
Röber, Thomas |  | 1628 | Turbulence Treatment in Steady and Unsteady Turbomachinery Flows |
Robertson, Anne M. |  | 1791 | Parametric Modeling of Cerebral Aneurysms |
Robertson, Anne M. |  | 1792 | Effects of Aspect Ratio on the Hemodynamics in Elastase Induced Rabbit Aneurysms |
Rochette, D. |  | 1767 | A Contribution on the Numerical Simulation of ICP Torchs. |
Rodi, Wolfgang |  | 1572 | The ERCOFTAC Knowledge Base Wiki - an Aid for Establishing Quality and Trust in CFD |
Rodrigues, David |  | 1860 | The Importance of Computational Methods applied to Aneurysms and their Treatment |
Rodríguez, Ivette |  | 1434 | Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Wakes: Flow Past a Sphere at Re=5000 |
Rodríguez, Ivette |  | 1617 | Non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq Natural Convection in a Tall Differentially Heated Cavity |
Rodríguez, Ivette |  | 1798 | On the Symmetry-Preserving Regularization Model on Complex Flows using Unstructured Grids |
Rodríguez, José M. |  | 1042 | A Shallow Water Model with Viscosity and Dependence on Depth |
Rogier, F. |  | 1149 | Hybridization of Numerical Schemes in Time Domain to Solve the Vlasov-Maxwell Equations |
Roidl, Benedikt |  | 1058 | A New Viscous Inverse Design Method for Internal and External Flow over Airfoils using CFD Techniques |
Rokicki, J. |  | 1417 | Parallel Performance of Adaptive Algorithms with Dynamic Load Balancing |
Rokicki, J. |  | 1673 | Anisotropic Grid Adaptation using Adjoint Sensitivities |
Roller, Sabine P. |  | 1754 | Simulation of Automotive Injector Nozzle Noise with Fully Coupled CFD/CAA Solver |
Romanyuk, Denis |  | 1063 | Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Dusty Gas Flow through the Moving and Stationary Cascades of Airfoils |
Rosa, Bogdan |  | 1249 | Simulation of Turbulent Collision of Cloud Droplets using Optimized Lagrangian Integration Algorithm |
Rosendahl, L. A. |  | 1326 | Considering Thermoelectric Power Generation Device Efficiency using Microchannel Heat Sink |
Rosman, P. C. C. |  | 1742 | Modeling Wetting and Drying of Shallow Water in Estuaries with Tidal Flats |
Rouboa, A. |  | 1607 | Buoyancy Effects on Forced Convection from a Horizontal Cylinder in Parallel and Contra Flow Regimes |
Rozza, Gianluigi |  | 1441 | Model Order Reduction by Reduced Basis Methods for Shape Optimization in Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Rubin, Geoffrey D. |  | 1259 | Vortex Dynamics in Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms |
Rung, Thomas |  | 1096 | Propeller-Flow Predictions using Turbulent Vorticity-Confinement |
Rung, Thomas |  | 1384 | Adjoint RANS for Aftship Design |
Rung, Thomas |  | 1087 | Multiphysics SPH for Harbor And Ocean Engineering Hydrodynamics |
Rütten, Markus |  | 1491 | Urban Wind-Concentrator Tower for Energy Conversion |
Ryfa, Arkadiusz |  | 1216 | Inverse and Direct Techniques of the Heat Transfer Coefficient Retrieval in Impingement Jet Heat Exchange |
Rylander, Thomas |  | 1314 | Determination of Model Order for Inverse Scattering Applications |
Saal, Juergen |  | 1682 | Stability of the Ekman Boundary Layer |
Sachs, Stephen |  | 1648 | Implicit Partitioned Coupling with Global Multigrid in FSI |
Sadiki, A. |  | 1104 | Investigations of Ignition Probability of a Forced Ignited Turbulent Methane Jet using LES |
Sagaut, P. |  | 1570 | Direct Numerical Simulations of the Flow around One and Two Side-By-Side Infinite Cylindres at Subcritical Low Reynolds Numbers |
Saj, Piotr |  | 1377 | First Industrial Application of the 3D Silicone Molding Simulation Tool |
Sajavicius, Svajunas |  | 1668 | On the Stability of Locally One-Dimensional Method for Two-Dimensional Parabolic Equation with Nonlocal Integral Conditions |
Saksono, Prihambodo H. |  | 1614 | Impact of Nasal Geometry Inclusion on Numerical Simulation of Flow in Human Upper Airway |
Sala-Lardies, E. |  | 1568 | Stability and Convergence Analysis of an X-FEM Formulation for Incompressible Flow |
Salehipour, Hesam |  | 1772 | A Multi-Fidelity Framework for Designing Compliant Flapping Wings |
Salehipour, Hesam |  | 1774 | A Novel Energetics Model for Examining Flapping Flight |
Salvadori, S. |  | 1462 | Time-Resolved Analysis of the Base Region in Cooled Transonic Turbine Airfoils |
Salvetti, M. V. |  | 1327 | Implicit Simulations of Shallow-Water Equations with Mobile Bed |
Salvetti, Maria-Vittoria |  | 1195 | An Implicit Low-Diffusive HLL Scheme for Cavitating Flow Simulation |
Sánchez, F. |  | 1822 | Towards Artificial Vision and Pattern Recognition Techniques for Application in Liquid Composite Moulding Processes |
Sandberg, Richard D. |  | 1191 | Applicability of RANS Models for Accurate Computation of Flow over Airfoils with Serrated Trailing Edges |
Sanderse, Benjamin |  | 1647 | Analysis of Fourth-Order Accurate Symmetry-Preserving Boundary Conditions for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations |
Sandham, Neil D. |  | 1900 | Global Dynamics of Transitional and Turbulent Separation Bubbles |
Sangalli, G. |  | 1897 | Isogeometric and Variational Multiscale Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Santis, Dante De |  | 1342 | Equivalence Conditions for Finite Volume / Element Discretizations in Cylindrical Coordinates |
Santos, Aires J. P. dos |  | 1692 | Correction on Cooper and Haines Method with the Relationship Between Sea-Level and Bottom Pressure Variability |
Santos, Aires J. P. dos |  | 1698 | Numerical Modeling of Vorticity Dynamics in Oceanic Wakes |
Santos, Álvaro J. |  | 1659 | Natural and Mechanical Ventilation CFD Study for a Subway Station/Tunnel |
Santos, José L. C. |  | 1454 | OpenFOAM Simulation of Mass Transfer in Spacer-Filled Channels |
Santos, José L. C. |  | 1494 | CFD Analysis of Creeping Flow around a Spherical Particle in Rectangular Microchannels |
Saracoglu, B. |  | 1462 | Time-Resolved Analysis of the Base Region in Cooled Transonic Turbine Airfoils |
Sari, S. |  | 1350 | Numerical Modeling of Transient Flows Involving Erosion and Deposition of Sediments |
Sari, S. |  | 1358 | A Multilayer System with Mass Exchange for Shallow Water Flows Coupling with Moving Bed Equation |
Sartori, Patrícia |  | 1397 | A Simple NVD/TVD-Based Upwinding Scheme for Convection Term Discretization |
Satta, Antonio |  | 1509 | A Navier Stokes Solver for Axisymmetric Turbomachinery Analysis |
Sauerland, Henning |  | 1115 | 3D Two-Phase Flow Simulations with the Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM) |
Sauret, Emilie |  | 1596 | Adaption and use of a Compressible Flow Code for Turbomachinery Design |
Savchenko, Vladimir |  | 1676 | Vortices Formation for Medusa-Like Objects |
Sazonov, Igor |  | 1420 | Modelling Haemodynamics in Patient-Speci?c Carotid Bifurcations using the Locally Conservative Galerkin (LCG) Method |
Sazonov, Igor |  | 1614 | Impact of Nasal Geometry Inclusion on Numerical Simulation of Flow in Human Upper Airway |
Sboev, D. A. |  | 1786 | Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Laminar-Turbulent Transition Mechanisms in the Boundary Layer on 2D and 2.5D Models in the Low-Turbulence Wind Tunnel |
Scardovelli, R. |  | 1072 | An Optimal Approach for Velocity Interpolation in Multilevel VOF Method |
Scepanskis, Mihails |  | 1071 | The Simulation of the Motion of Solid Particles in the Turbulent Flow of Induction Crucible Furnaces |
Schabowski, Z. |  | 1046 | CAD-Based Aerodynamic Optimization of Geometrically Complex Turbine Components |
Schäfer, Michael |  | 1034 | Efficiency of Geometric Multigrid Methods for Solving the Sensitivity Equations within Gradient Based Flow Optimization Problems |
Schäfer, Michael |  | 1120 | Mechanical and Thermal Fluid Structure Interaction of Non-Contacting Gas Seals in Jet Engines |
Schäfer, Michael |  | 1357 | Efficiency Investigation of a Parallel Hierarchical Grid Based Aeroacoustic Code for Low Mach Numbers and Complex Geometries |
Schäfer, Michael |  | 1648 | Implicit Partitioned Coupling with Global Multigrid in FSI |
Schlauch, Eva C. |  | 1681 | Finite Element Simulations of Colloidal Aggregates under Shear Flow Conditions |
Schneeloch, Elmar |  | 1241 | Simulating Fire & Safety Applications with ANSYS |
Schneider, K. |  | 1379 | Coherent Vorticity and Current Extraction in Three-Dimensional Homogeneous Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence: Comparison Between Wavelet and Fourier Filtering |
Schneiders, Lennart |  | 1443 | A Numerical Method for Moving-Boundary Problems of Compressible Viscous Flow |
Schnetter, Erik |  | 1428 | Development of a Cactus CFD Toolkit and its Utilisation on Large-Scale Multi-Block Simulations |
Schöberl, Joachim |  | 1879 | Generic and Efficient Implementation Techniques for High Order Finite Elements |
Schönherr, Martin |  | 1869 | A Lattice Boltzmann 3D-GPU-Implementation on Non-Uniform Grids |
Schrauf, Geza |  | 1787 | The Telfona Pathfinder Model, a Second Look |
Schrauf, Geza |  | 1788 | High Reynolds Number Transition Experiments in the ETW Test Facility with the Pathfinder Model |
Schröder, Wolfgang |  | 1443 | A Numerical Method for Moving-Boundary Problems of Compressible Viscous Flow |
Schröder, Wolfgang |  | 1449 | A Level-Set Based Cut-Cell Method for Flows with Complex Moving Boundaries |
Schröder, Wolfgang |  | 1842 | Analysis of the Temporal Flow Field in Tracheobronchial Model |
Schroeder, Seth D. |  | 1105 | Numerical Simulation of a Marine Propeller in a Cross Flow |
Schuster, Stefan |  | 1473 | Combined Injection of Plastic Particles and Heavy Fuel Oil into a Blast Furnace Raceway - Detailed CFD Analysis |
Schütz, Steffen |  | 1136 | Numerical Simulation of the Flow Field and the Separation Behavior of Hydrocyclones |
Schütz, Steffen |  | 1498 | A Coupled Pressure Based Solution Algorithm Based on the Volume-Of-Fluid Approach for Two or More Immiscible Fluids |
Schwöppe, Axel |  | 1251 | Comparison and Evaluation of Cell-Centered and Cell-Vertex Discretization in the Unstructured Tau-Code for Turbulent Viscous Flows |
Scotti, Anna |  | 1451 | Mixed Finite Element Schemes for Fluid Flows in Fractured Porous Media with Reduced Order Modeling of Fractures with Non-Matching Grids |
Scovazzi, G. |  | 1897 | Isogeometric and Variational Multiscale Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Seaid, Mohammed |  | 1344 | Solving the Multi-Layer Shallow Water Equations using the Finite Volume Modified Method of Characteristics |
Seaid, Mohammed |  | 1350 | Numerical Modeling of Transient Flows Involving Erosion and Deposition of Sediments |
Seaid, Mohammed |  | 1358 | A Multilayer System with Mass Exchange for Shallow Water Flows Coupling with Moving Bed Equation |
Segal, A. |  | 1870 | Preconditioned Krylov Methods for the Incompressible Navier Stokes Equations |
Segal, G. |  | 1871 | Scalable Robust Solvers for Unstructured Fe Geodynamic Modeling Applications: Solving the Stokes Equation for Models with Large Localized Viscosity Contrasts. |
Segala, W. |  | 1615 | Performance Analysis of Flow in a Impeller-Diffuser Centrifugal Pumps using CFD :Simulation and Experimental Data Comparisons |
Seghouani, N. |  | 1650 | Assessment of Performance of Low Reynolds Turbulence Models in Predicting Natural Convection in Cavities |
Ségoufin, Claire |  | 1540 | Numerical Simulation of Swirling Flow in Complex Hydroturbine Draft Tube using Large Eddy Simulation |
Segovia, E. |  | 1830 | A 3D Finite Element Model for the Determination of Vibration Reduction Index for Joints with Floating Floors |
Sekula, Robert M. |  | 1377 | First Industrial Application of the 3D Silicone Molding Simulation Tool |
Semião, Viriato |  | 1129 | Lattice Boltzmann Method in Non-Inertial Reference Frames |
Sequeira, Adélia |  | 1859 | Solution of the 2D Navier-Stokes Equations with the LBIE Method and RBF Cells |
Sequeira, Adélia |  | 1860 | The Importance of Computational Methods applied to Aneurysms and their Treatment |
Sequeira, Adélia |  | 1861 | Computational Hemodynamics of Intracranial Aneurysms: Modelling and Geometrical Sensitivity |
Sereno, José L. |  | 1659 | Natural and Mechanical Ventilation CFD Study for a Subway Station/Tunnel |
Serre, E. |  | 1301 | Numerical Treatment of Cylindrical Coordinate Singularity |
Sert, Cuneyt |  | 1174 | Development of Two and Three-Dimensional Euler Solvers for Adaptively Refined Cartesian Grids with Multigrid Applications |
Sert, Cuneyt |  | 1435 | H- and P- Adaptive Incompressible Flow Solutions on Cartesian Grids using Least Squares Spectral Element Method |
Sevilla, Ruben |  | 1060 | NURBS-Enhanced Finite Volume Method (NEFVM)) |
Sevilla, Ruben |  | 1594 | NURBS-Enhanced Finite Element Method |
Shadid, John N. |  | 1874 | Initial Performance of Fully-Coupled AMG and Approximate Block Factorization Preconditioners for Solution of Implicit FE Resistive MHD |
Shalf, John M. |  | 1844 | H5Fed - a HDF5 Based Finite Element Data Library |
Sharify, Esmatullah M. |  | 1271 | Fluid-Structure Interaction of Body with Elastic Wall |
Shen, L. |  | 1348 | Validation of CFD Codes for Slamming and Sloshing |
Shende, Nikhil Vijay |  | 1387 | Robust Implementation of the Spalart-Allmaras Turbulence Model for Unstructured Grid |
Sherwin, Spencer J. |  | 1148 | From h to p Efficiency: Implementation of Low- and High-Order Spectral/hp Element Discretisations in Two and Three Dimensions. |
Sheu, Tony W. H. |  | 1133 | Prediction of Shock Structure by Bimodal Distribution Function Method |
Shima, Eiji |  | 1283 | Improvements of Simple Low-Dissipation AUSM against Shock Instabilities in Consideration of Interfacial Speed of Sound |
Shimizu, T. |  | 1257 | Effect of Distance on Aeroacoustic Waves from Double Cavities in Tandem Arrangements |
Shishkin, Andrei |  | 1313 | Reconstruction of Turbulence Properties for Stochastical Turbulence Modeling |
Shishkin, Andrei |  | 1702 | Numerical Modeling of Flow Dynamics Induced by Fruit Flies During Free-Flight |
Shklyar, Alexander |  | 1083 | Optimization of the Iteration Parameters of the Krylov Subspace Methods for Simulation of Incompressible Flow |
Shrestha, Shankar |  | 1300 | Design of a Computational-Fluid-Dynamics Tool for the Simulation of Pre-Specified Fire Scenarios in Enclosures |
Shu, Jian-Jun |  | 1620 | Heat Transfer on a Hot Surface Impinged by a Cold Circular Liquid Jet |
Siegmann, J. |  | 1034 | Efficiency of Geometric Multigrid Methods for Solving the Sensitivity Equations within Gradient Based Flow Optimization Problems |
Siikonen, Timo |  | 1223 | Time-Accurate Turbomachinery Simulations with Open-Source CFD; Flow Analysis of a Single-Channel Pump with OpenFOAM |
Silva, Carlos B. da |  | 1634 | DNS Simulation of a Planar Jet using a Hybrid MPI-CUDA Strategy |
Silva, Carlos B. da |  | 1854 | Parallel DNS Simulation of a Spatially Developing Planar Turbulent Jet |
Silva, Carlos B. da |  | 1855 | Effect of Initial Conditions in the Far Field of Spatially Developing Turbulent Planar Jets |
Silva, Carlos B. da |  | 1865 | DNS and LES of the Turbulent Entrainment in Jets: Physics and Subgrid-Scale Modeling |
Silva, Carlos B. da |  | 1867 | An Immersed Boundary Method Embedded in a Pseudospectral Scheme |
Silva, Fábio A. |  | 1521 | Turbulent Flowstructure Computation Inside a Pump-Pat using an Industrial Benchmark Test Case |
Silva, Gonçalo |  | 1129 | Lattice Boltzmann Method in Non-Inertial Reference Frames |
Silva, Homero G. da |  | 1181 | V&V II - Verification of a High Order Direct Numerical Simulation Code using the Method of Manufactured Solutions for the V European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (Eccomas CFD 2010) |
Silva, Luís F. |  | 1780 | CFD Study of the Volumatic® Spacer: a Realistic Approach |
Silva, Mário L. da |  | 1767 | A Contribution on the Numerical Simulation of ICP Torchs. |
Silva, Pascoal |  | 1718 | On a "Flux Tracking" of Drug Release Processes |
Silvestrini, Jorge H. |  | 1165 | Implicit Large-Eddy Simulation of Noise Radiated by a Subsonic Jet at High Reynolds Number |
Simão, Mariana |  | 1725 | Optimal CFD Analysis for Low Power Systems |
Simmendinger, Christian |  | 1719 | Hybrid Parallelization of a Turbomachinery CFD Code: Peformance Enhancements on Multicore Architectures |
Simonek, Jiri |  | 1321 | Numerical Solution of 2D and 3D Stratified Flows in Atmospheric Boundary Layer |
Sisoev, G. M. |  | 1727 | Reconstructing Experimental Data from Video Records for Film Flow over a Spinning Disk |
Skaflestad, Bard |  | 1862 | Generic Programming for Flexible, High Performance Numerical Software |
Skerget, Leopold |  | 1139 | Fast Multipole Boundary Element Method with Lagrangian Particle Tracking for Viscous Flows |
Skjetne, P. |  | 1550 | Study of the Droplet-Wire System by using a VOF Technique |
Slavin, Alexander G. |  | 1618 | Finite-Volume Method for Modeling Shalow Water Flows in Presence of External Forces |
Slump, C.H. |  | 1156 | Immersed Boundary Method Predictions of Shear Stresses for Different Flow Topologies Occurring in Cerebral Aneurysms |
Smetana, Kathrin |  | 1616 | A New Hierarchical Model Reduction Technique Based on Reduced Basis Methods and Dimensional Splitting |
Smith, Helen |  | 1059 | CFD Analysis of a Density-Dependent Valve within a Hot Water System |
Smolarkiewicz, Piotr K. |  | 1029 | An Unstructured Mesh Framework for Simulation of All-Scale Atmospheric Flows |
Smolarkiewicz, Piotr K. |  | 1045 | Modeling Atmospheric Circulations with High-Resolution Methods |
Smolarkiewicz, Piotr K. |  | 1175 | Modelling Flows through Canopies with Immersed Boundary Methods |
Smolka, Jacek |  | 1221 | Equilibrium Model of Two-Phase Transonic Compressible CO2 Flow through Heat Pump Ejector and its Experimental Validation |
Smolka, Jacek |  | 1222 | A Shape Optimisation of Cooling Fins in Electrical Transformer Tank using GA Algorithm |
Soares, Armando A. |  | 1607 | Buoyancy Effects on Forced Convection from a Horizontal Cylinder in Parallel and Contra Flow Regimes |
Soares, C. G. |  | 1465 | Numerical and Experimental Analysis of the Wind Forces Acting on LNG Carrier |
Soares, C. G. |  | 1500 | Resistance of a Series 60 Vessel Determined by CFD Software |
Soares-Frazão, S. |  | 1695 | Transient Flow Analysis by Imaging Methods - Voronoi Particle Tracking Velocimetry applied to the Dam Break Flow |
Soghe, R. Da |  | 1035 | RANS Modeling of Flow in Rotating Cavity System |
Solovchuk, Maxim A. |  | 1133 | Prediction of Shock Structure by Bimodal Distribution Function Method |
Song, C. S. |  | 1735 | Numerical Analysis on the Prediction of Closing Time of the Lift Check Valve using CIP Method |
Soodt, T. |  | 1842 | Analysis of the Temporal Flow Field in Tracheobronchial Model |
Sørensen, Jens N. |  | 1645 | ACD Modelling of Wake Interactions in Horns Rev Wind Farm |
Sousa, António C. M. |  | 1872 | Application of Dynamic Mesh in CFD Modeling of Wind Erosion on an Arbitrary Pile Shape |
Sousa, Ercília |  | 1272 | A Non-Oscillatory Numerical Method for the Advection-Diffusion Equation |
Sousa, Ercília |  | 1729 | A Numerical Method for a Non-Fickian Diffusion Problem Based on the Inversion of Laplace Transforms |
Sousa, Paulo J. S. A. Ferreira de |  | 1579 | A 2D Compact Finite Difference Immersed Boundary Method for Flow in Porous Media |
Spakman, W. |  | 1871 | Scalable Robust Solvers for Unstructured Fe Geodynamic Modeling Applications: Solving the Stokes Equation for Models with Large Localized Viscosity Contrasts. |
Spencer, Tim J. |  | 1286 | Lattice Boltzmann Modelling Apllied to a Bioreactor for Bone Tissue Engineering |
Springer, Julia |  | 1498 | A Coupled Pressure Based Solution Algorithm Based on the Volume-Of-Fluid Approach for Two or More Immiscible Fluids |
Srinivas, K. |  | 1851 | Active Flow Control Bump Design Using Hybrid Nash-Game Coupled to Evolutionary Algorithms |
Srinivasan, Chiranth |  | 1707 | Lagrangian Methods for Determining the Turbulent Prandtl Number in DNS of Wall Turbulence |
Starikovicius, V. |  | 1470 | On a Subgrid Approach for Simulating Industrial Filtration Processes |
Stavropoulou, Electra |  | 1448 | A Global Mesh Regularization Approach for Two and Three Dimensional Grids |
Stebel, Jan |  | 1691 | Shape Stability of Incompressible Fluids Subject to Navier's Slip |
Stegner, Alexandre |  | 1657 | Island Wake Asymmteries: from Laboratory to Numerical Modelisation |
Stephan, Peter |  | 1020 | Modification and Extension of a Standard Volume-Of-Fluid Solver for Simulating Boiling Heat Transfer |
Sternel, Dörte C. |  | 1357 | Efficiency Investigation of a Parallel Hierarchical Grid Based Aeroacoustic Code for Low Mach Numbers and Complex Geometries |
Sternel, Dörte C. |  | 1648 | Implicit Partitioned Coupling with Global Multigrid in FSI |
Stewart, Iain W. |  | 1295 | Numerical Simulation of Director Orientation of Tumbling Nematic Liquid Crystals in Channel Flow |
Stiebler, Maik |  | 1869 | A Lattice Boltzmann 3D-GPU-Implementation on Non-Uniform Grids |
Stiriba, Youssef |  | 1598 | A Direct Numerical Simulation Study on the Mean Velocity and Temperature in Mixed Convection from an Open Cavity |
Stoevesandt, Bernhard |  | 1313 | Reconstruction of Turbulence Properties for Stochastical Turbulence Modeling |
Stolz, S. |  | 1197 | Simulation of Impaction Filtration of Aerosol Droplets in Porous Media |
Stolz, S. |  | 1199 | Immersed Boundary Method Computation of Heat and Fluid ?ow in Complex Porous Media |
Straka, Petr |  | 1685 | Unsteady Solution of a 2D Stator-Rotor Interaction |
Streit, Thomas S. J. |  | 1787 | The Telfona Pathfinder Model, a Second Look |
Streit, Thomas S. J. |  | 1788 | High Reynolds Number Transition Experiments in the ETW Test Facility with the Pathfinder Model |
Stresing, Robert |  | 1313 | Reconstruction of Turbulence Properties for Stochastical Turbulence Modeling |
Strizhov, V. F. |  | 1007 | A Diffusion-Inertia Model (DIM) for Predicting Aerosol Transportation and Deposition in Turbulent Flows |
Stück, Arthur |  | 1384 | Adjoint RANS for Aftship Design |
Stühle, S. |  | 1331 | Three-Phase Numerical Simulation of Blood Flow in the Ascending Aorta with Dissection |
Suárez, E. |  | 1372 | Simulation of the Fouling Layer Evolution in Heat Transfer Surfaces |
Subramanian, Vallinayagam |  | 1322 | Large-Eddy Simulation of Forced Ignition in Highly Strained Bluff-Body Burner |
Succi, Sauro |  | 1669 | On the Coupling of Micro and Mesoscopic Models in Hemodynamics |
Succi, Sauro |  | 1755 | Leveraging Theory from Cosmodynamics for Multi-Scale Cardiovascular Simulation |
Suito, Hiroshi |  | 1259 | Vortex Dynamics in Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms |
Sureshkumar, R. |  | 1400 | Development of a k-w Turbulence Model for FENE-P Fluids |
Svendsen, H. F. |  | 1550 | Study of the Droplet-Wire System by using a VOF Technique |
Svennberg, U. |  | 1347 | Ship and Propulsor Hydrodynamics |
Szczygiel, Ireneusz |  | 1636 | Analysis of the Selected Problems of Heat Convection |
Szlivka, Ferenc |  | 1886 | Flow Field Simulation of Wind Turbine with More Impellers |
Szlivka, Ferenc |  | 1887 | Optimization of Diffuser with CFX Technology |
Szmelter, Joanna |  | 1029 | An Unstructured Mesh Framework for Simulation of All-Scale Atmospheric Flows |
Taboada-Vázquez, Raquel |  | 1042 | A Shallow Water Model with Viscosity and Dependence on Depth |
Tabor, Gavin R. |  | 1255 | Calculation of the Microscale Flow through a Packed Bed using Finite Volume CFD |
Tabor, Gavin R. |  | 1261 | OpenFOAM®; an Exeter Perspective |
Tai, Y.-C. |  | 1319 | Dry Granular Flows with Erosion and Deposition |
Taira, Kunihiko |  | 1902 | A Fast Immersed-Boundary Method with Application to Low Reynolds Number Aerodynamics |
Takagi, Shu |  | 1132 | Numerical Simulation of the Tissue Ablation in High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Therapy with an Array Transducer |
Takahashi, Akira |  | 1791 | Parametric Modeling of Cerebral Aneurysms |
Takahashi, Shun |  | 1271 | Fluid-Structure Interaction of Body with Elastic Wall |
Tambo, Belén H. |  | 1659 | Natural and Mechanical Ventilation CFD Study for a Subway Station/Tunnel |
Tamura, Yoshiaki |  | 1086 | Bubble Model for Cavitating Flow Simulation including High Void Fraction Region |
Tarman, Hakan I. |  | 1182 | Numerical Simulation of Thermal Convection under the Influence of a Magnetic Field by using Solenoidal Bases |
Taveira, Rodrigo |  | 1865 | DNS and LES of the Turbulent Entrainment in Jets: Physics and Subgrid-Scale Modeling |
Tayllamin, Bruno |  | 1290 | Comparison of Body-Fitted and Immersed Boundary Methods for Biomechanical Applications |
Tegnér, J. |  | 1140 | LES Modeling of Combustion for Propulsion Applications using OpenFOAM |
Teigen, Knut E. |  | 1608 | Sharp-Interface Simulations of Surfactant-Covered Drops in Electric Fields |
Teixeira, João |  | 1705 | Climate Prediction: a Multidisciplinary Computational Fluid Dynamics Problem |
Teixeira, José Carlos |  | 1780 | CFD Study of the Volumatic® Spacer: a Realistic Approach |
Teixeira, José Carlos |  | 1828 | Thermal Comfort Evaluation using a CFD Study and a Transient Thermal Model of the Human Body |
Teixeira, Miguel A. C. |  | 1651 | Mountain Wave Drag Amplification by Resonance in Flow with a Vertically Oscillating Scorer Parameter |
Teixeira, Paulo R. F. |  | 1044 | Comparison of Three Nonlinear Models to Analyze Wave Propagation over Submerged Trapezoidal Breakwaters |
Teixeira, Paulo R. F. |  | 1109 | Bottom Friction and Wave Breaking Implementation in the BOUSS3W Nonlinear Wave Propagation Model |
Teixeira, Senhorinha |  | 1780 | CFD Study of the Volumatic® Spacer: a Realistic Approach |
Teixeira, Senhorinha |  | 1828 | Thermal Comfort Evaluation using a CFD Study and a Transient Thermal Model of the Human Body |
Telles, J. C. F. |  | 1742 | Modeling Wetting and Drying of Shallow Water in Estuaries with Tidal Flats |
Temam, Roger |  | 1666 | A Multilevel Method for Finite Volume Discretization of the Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Shallow-Water Equations |
Tempelmann, David |  | 1857 | Optimal Disturbances and Receptivity in 3D Boundary Layers |
Tenaud, Christian |  | 1281 | Numerical Simulation of a Two-Phase Flow in an Oil Filter by Coupling a LES Approach with a Lagrangian Particle Tracking |
Terzi, Dominic von |  | 1587 | Lessons Learned from the ERCOFTAC SIG15 Computational Workshops: Flow in a 3D Diffuser as an example |
Thess, A. |  | 1552 | Numerical Simulations of the Lorentz Force Flowmeter |
Thiele, Frank |  | 1459 | Flow in Naturally Changing Central Airways |
Thiele, Frank |  | 1557 | Dynamic Characterization of an Actuated Bluff Body Wake |
Thies, Jonas |  | 1421 | A Robust Parallel ILU Solver with Grid-Independent Convergence for the Coupled Steady Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations |
Thomann, E. A. |  | 1700 | Theoretical Aspects of Motion of Fluid around a Rotating Rigid Body |
Thompson, Harvey M. |  | 1366 | CFD Optimization of Small Livestock Trailers |
Thompson, Harvey M. |  | 1399 | Three-Dimensional Inertial Thin Film Flow on Planar Substrates Containing Occlusions |
Thormann, R. |  | 1563 | Efficient Computation of Dynamic Stability Data with a Linearized Frequency Domain Solver |
Thornton, Anthony R. |  | 1413 | Discontinuous Galerkin Implementation with hpGEM |
Thornton, Anthony R. |  | 1457 | Modelling of Particle Size Segregation and its Applications to Geophysical Problems |
Tobiska, Lutz |  | 1694 | Local Projection Stabilization for the Numerical Simulation of Convection Dominated Flows |
Toda, Hubert B. |  | 1296 | Is the Dynamic Procedure Appropriate for All SGS Models? |
Tomé, Murilo F. |  | 1295 | Numerical Simulation of Director Orientation of Tumbling Nematic Liquid Crystals in Channel Flow |
Tomé, Murilo F. |  | 1523 | A Finite Difference Technique for Solving the Second Order Constitutive Equation for Three-Dimensional Free Surface Flows |
Tonomura, Osamu |  | 1779 | CFD-Based Shape Optimization of Microchannels using Adjoint Variable Method |
Toropov, V. V. |  | 1366 | CFD Optimization of Small Livestock Trailers |
Toropov, V. V. |  | 1446 | Gust Response of a Typical Section via CFD and Analytical Solution |
Toschi, Federico |  | 1315 | A Simplified Particulate Model for Coarse-Grained Hemodynamics Simulations |
Toth, Gabor |  | 1875 | Implicit Schemes in a Multi-Physics and Multi-Application Code: Balancing Efficiency and Flexibility |
Toulopoulos, Ioannis |  | 1422 | Characteristic Boundary Conditions for the Numerical Solution of Euler Equations by the Discontinuous Galerkin Methods |
Toulorge, Thomas |  | 1212 | Time Stepping and Linear Stability of Runge-Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin Methods on Triangular Grids |
Touzani, R. |  | 1767 | A Contribution on the Numerical Simulation of ICP Torchs. |
Trabucho, L. |  | 1099 | A C/DG-FEM Solution of an Improved Boussinesq System for Surface Water Waves. |
Tran, Q. H. |  | 1419 | A Multi-Dimensional Spatial Scheme for Massively Parallel Compressible Turbulent Combustion Simulation |
Trapeznikova, Marina A. |  | 1068 | 2D Micro- and Macroscopic Models for Simulation of Heterogeneous Traffic Flows |
Trapeznikova, Marina A. |  | 1069 | Kinetic Approach to Simulation of Multiphase Porous Media Flows |
Trias, F. X. |  | 1501 | Efficiency of Large-Scale CFD Simulations on Modern Supercomputers using Thousands of CPUs and Hybrid MPI+OpenMP Parallelization |
Trias, F. X. |  | 1670 | Regularization Modeling of Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows |
Tridon, Sylvain |  | 1540 | Numerical Simulation of Swirling Flow in Complex Hydroturbine Draft Tube using Large Eddy Simulation |
Troëng, C. |  | 1347 | Ship and Propulsor Hydrodynamics |
Troldborg, Niels |  | 1644 | Numerical Study of Influence of Wind Shear on Power Production of Wind Turbines |
Truffin, K. |  | 1296 | Is the Dynamic Procedure Appropriate for All SGS Models? |
Trujillo, Francisco |  | 1239 | CFD Modelling of the Heat and Acoustic Streaming Induced by a High Power Ultrasonic Horn Reactor |
Tsagakis, K. |  | 1331 | Three-Phase Numerical Simulation of Blood Flow in the Ascending Aorta with Dissection |
Tsirkunov, Yury |  | 1063 | Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Dusty Gas Flow through the Moving and Stationary Cascades of Airfoils |
Tsubokura, Makoto |  | 1733 | Large-Eddy Simulation on the Aerodynamic Pitching Stability of Road Vehicle |
Tsubota, Ken-ichi |  | 1731 | Computer Simulation of Tank-Treading and Tumbling Motions of Red Blood Cells under the Influence of the Natural State of an Elastic Cellular Membrane |
Tsurumi, Nobuo |  | 1086 | Bubble Model for Cavitating Flow Simulation including High Void Fraction Region |
Tukovic, Zeljko |  | 1178 | Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM applied to Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations |
Tullio, M. D. de |  | 1452 | An Immersed-Boundary Method for Solving Conjugate Heat Transfer Problems in Turbomachinery |
Tuma, Karel |  | 1495 | Thermodynamically Compatible Rate Type Fluid Models for Asphalt |
Tuminaro, Ray S. |  | 1874 | Initial Performance of Fully-Coupled AMG and Approximate Block Factorization Preconditioners for Solution of Implicit FE Resistive MHD |
Tuncer, Ismail H. |  | 1080 | Octree Based Unstructured Grid Coarsening Method for 3D Multigrid Applications |
Tuomela, Jukka |  | 1112 | A New Approach to Solve Microfluidic Systems |
Turek, Stefan |  | 1386 | A Numerical Study for the Effect of Bubble Size Distribution on the Flow Behaviour in Bubble Column Reactors |
Turek, Stefan |  | 1631 | GPU Cluster Computing for Multigrid-FEM Solvers with Applications in CFD |
Turek, Stefan |  | 1777 | Monolithic FEM Techniques for Nonlinear Flow with Temperature/Concentration, Pressure and Shear-Dependent Viscosity |
Turek, Stefan |  | 1845 | Monolithic Newton-Multigrid Solver for Fluid-Structure-Interaction Problems |
Turek, Stefan |  | 1848 | FEM Multigrid Techniques for Viscoelastic Flow |
Turkeri, Hasret |  | 1745 | Non-Newtonian Blood Flow Simulation in a Realistic Artery Domain |
Tyagi, Mayank |  | 1428 | Development of a Cactus CFD Toolkit and its Utilisation on Large-Scale Multi-Block Simulations |
Ueda, Takuya |  | 1259 | Vortex Dynamics in Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms |
Ullmann, Sebastian |  | 1292 | A POD-Galerkin Reduced Model with Updated Coefficients for Smagorinsky LES |
Ulrich, Christian |  | 1087 | Multiphysics SPH for Harbor And Ocean Engineering Hydrodynamics |
Unger, Ralf |  | 1770 | Investigation of the Low-Reynolds Number Flow around a Flapping Flexible Airfoil |
Unger, Ralf |  | 1773 | Application of a Discontinuous Characteristic Based Split Scheme for Fluid-Structure Interaction |
Urban, Karsten |  | 1498 | A Coupled Pressure Based Solution Algorithm Based on the Volume-Of-Fluid Approach for Two or More Immiscible Fluids |
Utzmann, Jens |  | 1754 | Simulation of Automotive Injector Nozzle Noise with Fully Coupled CFD/CAA Solver |
Vacher, D. |  | 1767 | A Contribution on the Numerical Simulation of ICP Torchs. |
Vakouftsi, E. |  | 1482 | Simulation of a Button-Type Solid Oxide Fuel Cell |
Valatkevicius, P. |  | 1744 | Numerical and Experimental Images of Multiphase Plasma Jet During Plasma Processing of Dispersed Materials |
Valdman, Jan |  | 1795 | A Posteriori Error Estimates for Approximate Solutions of Barenblatt-Biot Poroelastic Model |
Valincius, V. |  | 1744 | Numerical and Experimental Images of Multiphase Plasma Jet During Plasma Processing of Dispersed Materials |
Valls, Elisabet M. de les |  | 1506 | Flow Analysis of the HCLL-TBM(ITER) Channels including MHD and Heat Transfer |
Vantieghem, Stijn |  | 1362 | Direct Numerical Simulation of Quasi-Static Magnetohydrodynamic Annular Duct Flow |
Vaz, Daniel C. |  | 1764 | Effects of Geometry Modification on the Aerodynamics of a Generic Bridge Deck Section |
Vaz, G. |  | 1751 | Verification and Validation Exercise for the Flow Over a Backward Facing Step |
Vázquez, Mariano |  | 1141 | A High-Performance Parallel Incompressible Navier-Stokes Two-Phase Flow Solver using the Level Set Method for Hydrodynamics Design. |
Vázquez, Mariano |  | 1468 | Variational Multiscale Method for Compressible Flows |
Vázquez, Mariano |  | 1555 | An Unstructured Implicit Approach for Numerical Weather Prediction |
Vegt, J. J. W. van der |  | 1274 | Space-Time Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Nonlinear Water Waves: Variational vs. Weak Formulation |
Vegt, J. J. W. van der |  | 1413 | Discontinuous Galerkin Implementation with hpGEM |
Veldman, Arthur E. P. |  | 1200 | Absorbing Boundary Conditions for Wave Simulations around Offshore Structures |
Velghe, A. |  | 1419 | A Multi-Dimensional Spatial Scheme for Massively Parallel Compressible Turbulent Combustion Simulation |
Veneziani, Alessandro |  | 1162 | A Data Assimilation Technique for including Noisy Measurements of the Velocity Field into Navier-Stokes Simulations |
Veneziani, Alessandro |  | 1492 | A Primal-Dual Formulation for the Bingham Flow |
Veneziani, Alessandro |  | 1530 | Vessels' Compliance Estimation Based on a Control Approach applied to Medical Images and FSI Problems |
Veneziani, Alessandro |  | 1775 | Data Assimilation for Incompressible Navier-Stokes: Merging of Images, Measurements and Numerical Results in Blood Flow Simulations |
Veneziani, Alessandro |  | 1881 | An Iterative Data Assimilation Procedure for including Velocity Measurements into Navier-Stokes Simulations |
Ventosa, J. |  | 1617 | Non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq Natural Convection in a Tall Differentially Heated Cavity |
Ventura, Carlos |  | 1596 | Adaption and use of a Compressible Flow Code for Turbomachinery Design |
Veras, Carlos A. G. |  | 1103 | Numerical Simulation of a Dry Low NOx - LPP Combustor Operating with LPG Fuel |
Verbanck, S. |  | 1829 | Numerical Study of Particle Deposition in the Human Upper Airways with Emphasis on Hot Spot Formation and Comparison of LES and RANS Models |
Veremieiev, Sergii |  | 1399 | Three-Dimensional Inertial Thin Film Flow on Planar Substrates Containing Occlusions |
Vergara, Christian |  | 1530 | Vessels' Compliance Estimation Based on a Control Approach applied to Medical Images and FSI Problems |
Verlaan, M. |  | 1444 | Model-Reduced Variational Data Assimilation for Shallow Water Flow Modelling |
Vermeersch, Olivier |  | 1784 | May Transient Growth Theory Explain Isolated Roughness Induced Transition? |
Vernet, A. |  | 1598 | A Direct Numerical Simulation Study on the Mean Velocity and Temperature in Mixed Convection from an Open Cavity |
Veroy, Karen |  | 1515 | Reduced-Basis Approximation and a Posteriori Error Estimation for the Parametrized Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations |
Verschaeve, Joris C. G. |  | 1168 | Segment Patching of the Higher Order Interface Reconstruction for the Volume of Fluid Method |
Verstappen, Roel W. C. P. |  | 1302 | When Does Eddy Viscosity restrict the Dynamics to Large Eddies? |
Verstappen, Roel W. C. P. |  | 1304 | Symmetry-Preserving Regularization Models of the Navier-Stokes Equations |
Verstappen, Roel W. C. P. |  | 1630 | Regularizations of Turbulent Flow |
Verstappen, Roel W. C. P. |  | 1632 | On Restraining Convective Subgrid-Scale Production in Burgers' Equation |
Verstappen, Roel W. C. P. |  | 1670 | Regularization Modeling of Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows |
Verstraete, T. |  | 1889 | Towards concurrent multi-disciplinary design and optimization |
Vervisch, L. |  | 1899 | Turbulent Combustion Modeling: New Approaches for Highly Refined Simulations |
Vervisch, Luc |  | 1322 | Large-Eddy Simulation of Forced Ignition in Highly Strained Bluff-Body Burner |
Vervisch, Luc |  | 1333 | A Flow-Controlled Chemistry Tabulation Method for Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Combustion with Detailed Chemistry |
Vervisch, Luc |  | 1341 | An Immersed Boundary Method for Large-Eddy Simulation of Fully Compressible Flows: Application to a Transonic Cavity Flow |
Vervisch, Luc |  | 1411 | Studying Swirling Flames using Highly Resolved Simulations of an Industrial Premixed Burner |
Vianna, Flavio L. V. |  | 1017 | Optimal Heating Control to Prevent Solid Deposits in Pipelines |
Viberg, Mats |  | 1314 | Determination of Model Order for Inverse Scattering Applications |
Vidal, C. |  | 1714 | Numerical Analysis of Coastal Structures at Prototype Scale using IH-2VOF |
Videman, Juha H. |  | 1698 | Numerical Modeling of Vorticity Dynamics in Oceanic Wakes |
Vidovic, Dragan |  | 1664 | Monotone Nonlinear Scheme for Variable Density Groundwater Flow |
Viegas, João C. |  | 1619 | Impulse Ventilation in Underground Car Parks the Influence of Parked Cars in Smoke Control |
Viegas, João C. |  | 1625 | Smoke Control in an Underground Car Park with Impulse Ventilation Comparison with Test Results |
Vierendeels, Jan |  | 1081 | The Influence of the Structural Model on the Stability of Coupling Iterations in Partitioned Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations |
Vierendeels, Jan |  | 1157 | Numerical Simulation of a 3D Bileaflet Mechanical Heart Valve: FSI Coupling Algorithm |
Vierendeels, Jan |  | 1308 | Simulation of Upward Flame Spread by Coupling a Pyrolysis Model with a CFD Calculation |
Villedieu, N. |  | 1758 | Recent Developments on High-Order Multidimensional Upwind Residual Distribution for Equations with Viscous Terms |
Vinay, Guillaume |  | 1328 | DNS of Particulate Flows with Collisions using a Parallel DEM-DLM/FD Method: Peligriff |
Viré, Axelle |  | 1552 | Numerical Simulations of the Lorentz Force Flowmeter |
Visbal, Miguel |  | 1753 | Unsteady Viscous Analysis of Low-Re Gust-Airfoil Interaction |
Visonneau, Michel |  | 1287 | Automatic Grid Refinement for the Accurate Computation of Free-Surface Flow around Ships |
Visscher, Ivan De |  | 1345 | LES of Aircraft Wake Vortices Evolving in a Stably Stratified and Weakly Turbulent Atmosphere |
Voigt, Christian |  | 1737 | Development of a Generic Surface Mapping Algorithm for Fluid-Structure-Interaction Simulations in Turbomachinery |
Volavy, Jaroslav |  | 1375 | Turbulence Forcing Scheme in Physical Space Based on Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process |
Volavy, Jaroslav |  | 1518 | Deposition of Non-Spherical Particles (Fibres) in a Channel with Subsequent Bifurcations |
Volkov, Konstantin N. |  | 1649 | Internal Turbulent Two-Phase Flows Formed by Wall Injection of Fluid and Particles |
Volkov, Oleg |  | 1171 | An Inverse Formulation for Solution of Free-Boundary Problems in Fluid Mechanics |
Vos, Peter E. J. |  | 1148 | From h to p Efficiency: Implementation of Low- and High-Order Spectral/hp Element Discretisations in Two and Three Dimensions. |
Voß, Christian |  | 1895 | Multi-objective automated compressor optimization using a coupled CFD-FEM process chain |
Vuik, C. |  | 1870 | Preconditioned Krylov Methods for the Incompressible Navier Stokes Equations |
Vuik, C. |  | 1871 | Scalable Robust Solvers for Unstructured Fe Geodynamic Modeling Applications: Solving the Stokes Equation for Models with Large Localized Viscosity Contrasts. |
Wachs, A. |  | 1328 | DNS of Particulate Flows with Collisions using a Parallel DEM-DLM/FD Method: Peligriff |
Wackers, Jeroen |  | 1287 | Automatic Grid Refinement for the Accurate Computation of Free-Surface Flow around Ships |
Wada, Shigeo |  | 1731 | Computer Simulation of Tank-Treading and Tumbling Motions of Red Blood Cells under the Influence of the Natural State of an Elastic Cellular Membrane |
Wagner, Claus |  | 1313 | Reconstruction of Turbulence Properties for Stochastical Turbulence Modeling |
Wagner, Claus |  | 1702 | Numerical Modeling of Flow Dynamics Induced by Fruit Flies During Free-Flight |
Walenta, Zbigniew |  | 1310 | Verification and Validation of Molecular Dynamic Simulation |
Walker, Claudio |  | 1601 | A Conservative Level Set Method for Sharp Interface Multiphase Flow Simulation |
Walker, R. |  | 1890 | Reduction of environmental effects of civil aircraft through multi objective flight plan optimization |
Walkley, M. A. |  | 1109 | Bottom Friction and Wave Breaking Implementation in the BOUSS3W Nonlinear Wave Propagation Model |
Wall, Wolfgang A. |  | 1114 | Calibrating Reduced Dimension Models for 3D Patient Specific Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations |
Wall, Wolfgang A. |  | 1126 | Extended Variational Multiscale Methods for Turbulent Variable-Density Flow at Low Mach Number and Premixed Combustion |
Wall, Wolfgang A. |  | 1260 | A 3D Finite Element Approach for Mesoscopic Fluid-Structure Interaction |
Wall, Wolfgang A. |  | 1311 | A 3D Finite Element Method for the Coupled Numerical Simulation of Electrochemical Systems and Fluid Flow: Ion Transport in Electrodeposition |
Wall, Wolfgang A. |  | 1904 | Coupling Fields and Scales in Computational (Bio) Fluid Dynamics - Advanced Methods And Applications |
Wang, Gang |  | 1251 | Comparison and Evaluation of Cell-Centered and Cell-Vertex Discretization in the Unstructured Tau-Code for Turbulent Viscous Flows |
Wang, Lian-Ping |  | 1102 | Numerical Modeling of Multiscale Atmospheric Flows: from Cloud Microscale to Climate. |
Wang, Lian-Ping |  | 1249 | Simulation of Turbulent Collision of Cloud Droplets using Optimized Lagrangian Integration Algorithm |
Wang, Xian |  | 1639 | Large-Scale CFD Applications on Multi-Node GPU Cluster |
Wang, Xiaofei |  | 1710 | Non-Newtonian Behavior of Blood and Arterial Curvature Influence Variations of Wall Shear Stress in Stented Artery |
Wang, Xin |  | 1459 | Flow in Naturally Changing Central Airways |
Wartemann, Viola |  | 1073 | Investigation of Slip Boundary Conditions of Hypersonic Flow over Microporous Surfaces |
Wasan, Shivanand |  | 1308 | Simulation of Upward Flame Spread by Coupling a Pyrolysis Model with a CFD Calculation |
Wasserman, Mark |  | 1077 | Robust Multigrid Solution of RANS Equations with Two-Equation Turbulence Models |
Watanabe, Tadashi |  | 1247 | Simulation of Two-Phase Flows with Free Surface in a Tank using Arbitrary Lagrangean-Eulerian and Level Set Coupled Method |
Watanabe, Takashi |  | 1027 | Sommerfeld Radiation Condition for Incompressible Viscous Flows |
Weckering, Jeremy |  | 1104 | Investigations of Ignition Probability of a Forced Ignited Turbulent Methane Jet using LES |
Wegner, I. |  | 1459 | Flow in Naturally Changing Central Airways |
Weinhart, Thomas |  | 1413 | Discontinuous Galerkin Implementation with hpGEM |
Weinhart, Thomas |  | 1445 | Multiscale Modelling of Granular Chute Flows |
Weinmann, Markus |  | 1191 | Applicability of RANS Models for Accurate Computation of Flow over Airfoils with Serrated Trailing Edges |
Weisman, Catherine |  | 1398 | Numerical Study of Thermoacoustic Wave Amplification |
Wellein, G. |  | 1732 | Performance Modeling and Optimization for 3D Lattice Boltzmann Simulations on Highly Parallel On-Chip Architectures: GPUs Vs. Multi-Core CPUs |
Wellens, Peter R. |  | 1200 | Absorbing Boundary Conditions for Wave Simulations around Offshore Structures |
Wen, Jennifer X. |  | 1402 | Numerical Investigation of Laminar Burning Velocities for Multicomponent Fuel/Air Premixed Gaseous Mixtures using Various Reaction Mechanisms |
Wendt, D. |  | 1331 | Three-Phase Numerical Simulation of Blood Flow in the Ascending Aorta with Dissection |
Wervaecke, Christelle |  | 1125 | High Order Scheme for Compressible Turbulent Flows |
Wick, Thomas |  | 1801 | On Block Preconditioners for Monolithic Fluid-Structure Interactions |
Widhalm, Markus |  | 1563 | Efficient Computation of Dynamic Stability Data with a Linearized Frequency Domain Solver |
Wiechert, Lena |  | 1904 | Coupling Fields and Scales in Computational (Bio) Fluid Dynamics - Advanced Methods And Applications |
Willcox, K. |  | 1164 | Model Reduction for Reacting Flow Applications |
Willden, R. H. J. |  | 1447 | Development of an Unstructured High Order Incompressible Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method |
Willis, David J. |  | 1772 | A Multi-Fidelity Framework for Designing Compliant Flapping Wings |
Willis, David J. |  | 1774 | A Novel Energetics Model for Examining Flapping Flight |
Wilson, M. C. T. |  | 1366 | CFD Optimization of Small Livestock Trailers |
Winckelmans, G. |  | 1337 | Development of an Immersed Boundary Method using Boundary Elements within a Vortex-In-Cell/Parallel Fast Multipole Method |
Winckelmans, G. |  | 1345 | LES of Aircraft Wake Vortices Evolving in a Stably Stratified and Weakly Turbulent Atmosphere |
Winkelmann, C. |  | 1197 | Simulation of Impaction Filtration of Aerosol Droplets in Porous Media |
Witteveen, Jeroen A. S. |  | 1412 | Numerical Methods for Uncertainty Propagation in High Speed Flows |
Wnek, Anna D. |  | 1465 | Numerical and Experimental Analysis of the Wind Forces Acting on LNG Carrier |
Wobker, Hilmar |  | 1631 | GPU Cluster Computing for Multigrid-FEM Solvers with Applications in CFD |
Wood, Claire |  | 1383 | Computational Modelling for Cardiovascular Medicine: Patient-Specific Modelling of Artificial Heart Valve Hemodynamic Performance. |
Wu, Peng |  | 1560 | CFD Numerical Simulation of Water Hammer in Pipeline Based on the Navier-Stokes Equation |
Wubs, Friederik |  | 1421 | A Robust Parallel ILU Solver with Grid-Independent Convergence for the Coupled Steady Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations |
Wuchner, R. |  | 1448 | A Global Mesh Regularization Approach for Two and Three Dimensional Grids |
Xia, Chun |  | 1876 | Implicit and Semi-Implicit Treatments for MHD Computations |
Xiao, Ge |  | 1021 | CFD Parametric Study of Ambient Air Velocity Magnitude Influence in Thermal Behaviour of Open Refrigerated Display Cabinets |
Xisto, Carlos M. |  | 1688 | Implementation of a 3D Compressible MHD Solver Able to Model Transonic Flows |
Yamaguchi, Takami |  | 1626 | Confocal Micro-Flow Visualization of Blood Cells |
Yamamoto, M. |  | 1257 | Effect of Distance on Aeroacoustic Waves from Double Cavities in Tandem Arrangements |
Yang, Dan |  | 1320 | Numerical Simulation of Flow Past a Rectangular Flat Plate at Incidence |
Yang, Yang |  | 1211 | Large Eddy Simulation of Sydney Swirl Non-Reaction Jets |
Yapalparvi, Ramesh |  | 1171 | An Inverse Formulation for Solution of Free-Boundary Problems in Fluid Mechanics |
Yarimpabuc, Durmus |  | 1182 | Numerical Simulation of Thermal Convection under the Influence of a Magnetic Field by using Solenoidal Bases |
Yavneh, Irad |  | 1077 | Robust Multigrid Solution of RANS Equations with Two-Equation Turbulence Models |
Yeomans, Julia M. |  | 1796 | Modelling Drops on Micropatterned Surfaces |
Yim, JinWoo |  | 1250 | Multi-Stage Design Approach for High Fidelity Aerodynamic Optimization of Multi-Body Geometries by Kriging Based Models and Adjoint Variable Method |
Yin, Chungen |  | 1211 | Large Eddy Simulation of Sydney Swirl Non-Reaction Jets |
Yip, Andy M. |  | 1641 | A Subspace Clustering Model for Image Texture Segmentation |
Yonas, Howard |  | 1791 | Parametric Modeling of Cerebral Aneurysms |
Yoshida, Takashi |  | 1027 | Sommerfeld Radiation Condition for Incompressible Viscous Flows |
Yoshimatsu, K. |  | 1379 | Coherent Vorticity and Current Extraction in Three-Dimensional Homogeneous Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence: Comparison Between Wavelet and Fourier Filtering |
Young, P. G. |  | 1255 | Calculation of the Microscale Flow through a Packed Bed using Finite Volume CFD |
Younis, B. A. |  | 1400 | Development of a k-w Turbulence Model for FENE-P Fluids |
Yu, Guangxu |  | 1581 | CAD-Based Shape Optimisation using Adjoint Sensitivities |
Zafarghandi, Fatemeh M. |  | 1012 | Viscous Flow around Two Bodies in Relative Motion |
Zahle, Frederik |  | 1644 | Numerical Study of Influence of Wind Shear on Power Production of Wind Turbines |
Zaichik, L. I. |  | 1007 | A Diffusion-Inertia Model (DIM) for Predicting Aerosol Transportation and Deposition in Turbulent Flows |
Zakardjian, B. |  | 1338 | The NEMO High Resolution Coastal Model for Wind Induced Vortices Prediction Fluid Dynamics (Eccomas CFD 2010 Lisbon) |
Zakaria, Hasballah |  | 1791 | Parametric Modeling of Cerebral Aneurysms |
Zaki, Tamer |  | 1159 | Simulation of the Breathing Cycle in the Extrathoracic Region using an Immersed Boundary Approach |
Zalewska, Jadwiga |  | 1813 | Three-Dimensional Pore Scale Fluid Flow Simulation Based on Computed Microtomography Carbonate Rocks' Images |
Zaloudek, Milan |  | 1153 | Simulation of Gas Exhaustion from a Combustion Chamber of a Reciprocating Engine |
Zaspel, Peter |  | 1635 | Towards a Multi-GPU Solver for the Three-Dimensional Two-Phase Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations |
Zech, Y. |  | 1695 | Transient Flow Analysis by Imaging Methods - Voronoi Particle Tracking Velocimetry applied to the Dam Break Flow |
Zee, Kris van der |  | 1266 | The Discontinuous Galerkin Method with Divergence-Free Elements for Incompressible Flows |
Zeiml, Matthias |  | 1300 | Design of a Computational-Fluid-Dynamics Tool for the Simulation of Pre-Specified Fire Scenarios in Enclosures |
Zeiser, T. |  | 1732 | Performance Modeling and Optimization for 3D Lattice Boltzmann Simulations on Highly Parallel On-Chip Architectures: GPUs Vs. Multi-Core CPUs |
Zemitis, Aivars |  | 1470 | On a Subgrid Approach for Simulating Industrial Filtration Processes |
Zeng, Zijing |  | 1791 | Parametric Modeling of Cerebral Aneurysms |
Zeng, Zijing |  | 1792 | Effects of Aspect Ratio on the Hemodynamics in Elastase Induced Rabbit Aneurysms |
Zenger, Christoph |  | 1768 | Enhanced Divergence-Free Elements for Efficient Incompressible Flow Simulations in the PDE Framework Peano |
Zeraatgar, Hamid |  | 1226 | Evaluation of an Induced Magnetohydrdynamic Velocity Potential using Dual Recirocity Boundary Element Method |
Zhang, Jun |  | 1710 | Non-Newtonian Behavior of Blood and Arterial Curvature Influence Variations of Wall Shear Stress in Stented Artery |
Zhang, Y. |  | 1897 | Isogeometric and Variational Multiscale Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Zhao, Wanhua |  | 1710 | Non-Newtonian Behavior of Blood and Arterial Curvature Influence Variations of Wall Shear Stress in Stented Artery |
Zhigulev, S. V. |  | 1786 | Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Laminar-Turbulent Transition Mechanisms in the Boundary Layer on 2D and 2.5D Models in the Low-Turbulence Wind Tunnel |
Zhitineva, I. V. |  | 1359 | Mathematical Modelling of Supersonic Flow over Open Cavity with Mass Supply |
Zhou, X-Q. |  | 1465 | Numerical and Experimental Analysis of the Wind Forces Acting on LNG Carrier |
Zimmermann, Ilona |  | 1241 | Simulating Fire & Safety Applications with ANSYS |
Zörner, Stefan |  | 1090 | Fluid-Structure-Acoustic Interaction, Algorithms and Implementations using the Finite Element Method |
Zymaris, Alexandros S. |  | 1306 | Optimal Location of Suction or Blowing Jets using the Continuous Adjoint Approach |