Jun 14, 2010 - Jun 15, 2010 - Jun 16, 2010 - Jun 17, 2010
Jun 15, 2010
(Video Transmission From Room 1)
Room D9
P.L. : Bioinspired Flow Optimization. P. Koumoutsakos, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Room A1
(Video Transmission From Room 1)
Room D9
P.L. : Turbulent Combustion Modeling: New Approaches for Highly Refined Simulations. L. Vervisch, CORIA-CNRS & INSA Rouen, France
Room A1
1.3 MS03 Towards Industrial Application of Higher Order Methods: Part I
Room A1
10.3 MS33 Computational Methods Applied to Aneurysms and their Treatment: Part I
Room E10
11.3 MS34 Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of the Motion of Viscous Fluids
Room F11
4.3 MS22 Regularization Models of Incompressible Flows
Room A4
8.3 MS36 Implicit Solution Methods for MHD Systems
Room C8
9.3 MS09 Current Trends in Modelling and Simulation of Turbulent Flows: Part I
Room D9
2.3 Shape Optimization
Room A2
3.3 Flows with Heat Transfer I
Room A3
5.3 Multiphase Flows II
Room B5
6.3 Combustion and Reactive Flows II
Room B6
7.3 Numerical Methods I
Room A7
1.4 MS03 Towards Industrial Application of Higher Order Methods: Part II
Room A1
10.4 MS33 Computational Methods Applied to Aneurysms and their Treatment: Part II
Room E10
4.4 MS32 New Trends on Diffusion Phenomena
Room A4
6.4 MS13 Non-Determnistic Simulation in CFD: Part I
Room B6
9.4 MS09 Current Trends in Modelling and Simulation of Turbulent Flows: Part II
Room D9
11.4 RANS Models for Turbulent Flows I
Room F11
2.4 Optimization and Control I
Room A2
3.4 Flows with Heat Transfer II
Room A3
5.4 Gas Particle Flows I
Room B5
7.4 Numerical Methods II
Room A7
8.4 Shallow Water Flows
Room C8
1.5 MS03 Towards Industrial Application of Higher Order Methods: Part III
Room A1
10.5 MS31 Numerical Methods for Viscoelastic Fluids
Room E10
6.5 MS13 Non-Determnistic Simulation in CFD: Part II
Room B6
9.5 MS09 Current Trends in Modelling and Simulation of Turbulent Flows: Part III
Room D9
11.5 RANS Models for Turbulent Flows II
Room F11
2.5 Optimization and Control II
Room A2
3.5 Flows with Heat Transfer III
Room A3
4.5 Computational Problems in Microfluidics
Room A4
5.5 Gas Particles Flows II
Room B5
7.5 Numerical Methods III
Room A7
8.5 Free Surface Flows
Room C8

P.L. : Bioinspired Flow Optimization. P. Koumoutsakos, ETH Zurich, Switzerland: 2010-06-15 08:30:00 - 2010-06-15 09:10:00

Location: 01 - Room A1

Paper ID Title Author
01898 Bio-Inspired Flow Optimization Petros Koumoutsakos

P.L. : Turbulent Combustion Modeling: New Approaches for Highly Refined Simulations. L. Vervisch, CORIA-CNRS & INSA Rouen, France: 2010-06-15 09:10:00 - 2010-06-15 09:50:00

Location: 01 - Room A1

Paper ID Title Author
01899 Turbulent Combustion Modeling: New Approaches for Highly Refined Simulations L. Vervisch, P.-D. Nguyen, G. Lodier, V. Moureau , P. Domingo

1.3 MS03 Towards Industrial Application of Higher Order Methods: Part I: 2010-06-15 10:10:00 - 2010-06-15 12:20:00

Location: 01 - Room A1

Paper ID Title Author
01244 Achievements of the European Research Project Adigma on Adaptive Higher Order Methods for Aerospace Applications Norbert Kroll
01183 High-Order Accurate P-Multigrid Discontinuous Galerkin Solution of the RANS and k-omega Turbulence Model Equations F. Bassi; A. Colombo; N. Franchina; Antonio Ghidoni; Stefano Rebay
01232 Memory and CPU Efficient Iterative Schemes for Higher Order DGM Koen Hillewaert; Jean-François Remacle; Brian T. Helenbrook
01567 High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Incompressible Flows Adeline de Montlaur; Sonia Fernández-Méndez; Antonio Huerta
01623 Anisotropic Adaptation for Viscous Flows Jerzy Majewski

10.3 MS33 Computational Methods Applied to Aneurysms and their Treatment: Part I: 2010-06-15 10:10:00 - 2010-06-15 12:20:00

Location: 10 - Room E10

Paper ID Title Author
01792 Effects of Aspect Ratio on the Hemodynamics in Elastase Induced Rabbit Aneurysms Zijing Zeng; Mike Durka; David F. Kallmes; Anne M. Robertson
01791 Parametric Modeling of Cerebral Aneurysms Zijing Zeng; Mike Durka; Howard Yonas; Akira Takahashi; Hasballah Zakaria; Anne M. Robertson
01775 Data Assimilation for Incompressible Navier-Stokes: Merging of Images, Measurements and Numerical Results in Blood Flow Simulations Alessandro Veneziani
01771 Coherent Structure and Blood Flow Dynamics in the Normal and Aneurysmatic Aorta Jacopo Biasetti; F. Hussain; T. C. Gasser

11.3 MS34 Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of the Motion of Viscous Fluids: 2010-06-15 10:10:00 - 2010-06-15 12:20:00

Location: 11 - Room F11

Paper ID Title Author
01079 Numerical Simulation of Blood Flow using Generalized Oldroyd-B Model Lubos Pirkl; Tomás Bodnár
01700 Theoretical Aspects of Motion of Fluid around a Rotating Rigid Body R. Farwig; R. B. Guenther; Sarka Necasová; E. A. Thomann
01782 On Drag Computations of Rough Surfaces: Modeling, Simulations and Model Reduction by Applying Homogenization Elfriede Friedmann
01819 A Method of Consistent Averages for the Computational Solution to the Fluid Dynamic Equations Frederick Ferguson; Gafar Elamin; Mookesh Dhanasar
01694 Local Projection Stabilization for the Numerical Simulation of Convection Dominated Flows Petr Knobloch; Lutz Tobiska
01691 Shape Stability of Incompressible Fluids Subject to Navier's Slip Jan Stebel

4.3 MS22 Regularization Models of Incompressible Flows: 2010-06-15 10:10:00 - 2010-06-15 12:20:00

Location: 04 - Room A4

Paper ID Title Author
01798 On the Symmetry-Preserving Regularization Model on Complex Flows using Unstructured Grids Oriol Lehmkuhl; R. Borrell; Ivette Rodríguez; Carles D. Pérez-Segarra; Assensi Oliva
01670 Regularization Modeling of Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows F. X. Trias; Andrey V. Gorobets; Roel W. C. P. Verstappen; Assensi Oliva
01632 On Restraining Convective Subgrid-Scale Production in Burgers' Equation Joop Helder; Roel W. C. P. Verstappen
01637 Regularization Modeling of Commutator-Errors in Large-Eddy Simulation of Wall-Bounded Turbulence Bernard J. Geurts
01630 Regularizations of Turbulent Flow Roel W. C. P. Verstappen

8.3 MS36 Implicit Solution Methods for MHD Systems: 2010-06-15 10:10:00 - 2010-06-15 12:20:00

Location: 08 - Room C8

Paper ID Title Author
01876 Implicit and Semi-Implicit Treatments for MHD Computations Rony Keppens; Allard-Jan van Marle; Chun Xia
01873 Scalable, Nonlinear, Implicit Algorithms for Extended Magnetohydrodynamics Luis Chacón
01878 HiFi – Implicit Semi-Structured Spectral Element Code for Multi-Fluid Applications. Vyacheslav S. Lukin; Alan H. Glasser
01883 An Efficient High-Order Implicit Algorithm for 3D Magnetohydrodynamic Studies of Strongly Magnetized Plasmas using C1 Finite Elements Stephen C. Jardin; N. M. Ferraro; J. Breslau; J. Chen
01875 Implicit Schemes in a Multi-Physics and Multi-Application Code: Balancing Efficiency and Flexibility Gabor Toth; Bart van der Holst
01874 Initial Performance of Fully-Coupled AMG and Approximate Block Factorization Preconditioners for Solution of Implicit FE Resistive MHD John N. Shadid; Eric C. Cyr; Roger P. Pawlowski; Ray S. Tuminaro; Luis Chacón; Paul T. Lin

9.3 MS09 Current Trends in Modelling and Simulation of Turbulent Flows: Part I: 2010-06-15 10:10:00 - 2010-06-15 12:20:00

Location: 09 - Room D9

Paper ID Title Author
01572 The ERCOFTAC Knowledge Base Wiki - an Aid for Establishing Quality and Trust in CFD Wolfgang Rodi
01587 Lessons Learned from the ERCOFTAC SIG15 Computational Workshops: Flow in a 3D Diffuser as an example Suad Jakirlic; Dominic von Terzi; Michael Breuer
01575 Reynolds Stress Modeling for Complex Aerodynamic Flows Bernhard Eisfeld
01831 Zonal Detached Eddy Simulation for Technical Aerodynamic Flows Sébastien Deck
01853 Computational Uncertainty in Turbulent Flow Simulations: Towards a Numerical Error Bar Dimitris Drikakis; Filipe Inok

2.3 Shape Optimization: 2010-06-15 10:20:00 - 2010-06-15 12:20:00

Location: 02 - Room A2

Paper ID Title Author
01851 Active Flow Control Bump Design Using Hybrid Nash-Game Coupled to Evolutionary Algorithms D. S. Lee; Jacques Periaux; L. F. Gonzalez; K. Srinivas; Eugenio Oñate
01128 Global and Multidisciplinary Aerodynamical Optimal Shape's Design, including Deformation Adriana Nastase
01005 Hadamard Incomplete Sensitivity and Shape Optimization Bijan Mohammadi; Olivier Pironneau
01305 One-Shot Shape Optimization using the Exact Hessian Dimitrios I. Papadimitriou; Kyriakos C. Giannakoglou
01046 CAD-Based Aerodynamic Optimization of Geometrically Complex Turbine Components Marcus Meyer; M. Herm; Z. Schabowski

3.3 Flows with Heat Transfer I: 2010-06-15 10:20:00 - 2010-06-15 12:20:00

Location: 03 - Room A3

Paper ID Title Author
01059 CFD Analysis of a Density-Dependent Valve within a Hot Water System Sally S. Bell; Helen Smith; David Christie; John N. Macbeth; Neil Finlayson
01372 Simulation of the Fouling Layer Evolution in Heat Transfer Surfaces E. Suárez; Concepción Paz; J. Porteiro; A. Eirís
01828 Thermal Comfort Evaluation using a CFD Study and a Transient Thermal Model of the Human Body Senhorinha Teixeira; Celina Leão; Manuela Neves; Pedro Arezes; Ana Cunha; José Carlos Teixeira
01021 CFD Parametric Study of Ambient Air Velocity Magnitude Influence in Thermal Behaviour of Open Refrigerated Display Cabinets Pedro D. Gaspar; L. C. C. Gonçalves; Ge Xiao
01048 Numerical Simulation of Three-Dimensional Convection Igor Palymskiy

5.3 Multiphase Flows II: 2010-06-15 10:20:00 - 2010-06-15 12:20:00

Location: 05 - Room B5

Paper ID Title Author
01086 Bubble Model for Cavitating Flow Simulation including High Void Fraction Region Nobuo Tsurumi; Yoshiaki Tamura; Yoichiro Matsumoto
01351 Simulation of Unsteady Cavitation on a 3D Foil Richard Marcer; C. Audiffren
01386 A Numerical Study for the Effect of Bubble Size Distribution on the Flow Behaviour in Bubble Column Reactors Evren Bayraktar; Otto Mierka; Stefan Turek
01009 A Coupled Finite Volume Solver for the Simulation of Disperse Multiphase Flows Marwan Darwish; Amer Abdel Aziz; F. Moukalled
01195 An Implicit Low-Diffusive HLL Scheme for Cavitating Flow Simulation Marco Bilanceri; F. Beux; Maria-Vittoria Salvetti
01158 3D Two-Phase Flow Simulations using XFEM Sven Gross

6.3 Combustion and Reactive Flows II: 2010-06-15 10:20:00 - 2010-06-15 12:20:00

Location: 06 - Room B6

Paper ID Title Author
01322 Large-Eddy Simulation of Forced Ignition in Highly Strained Bluff-Body Burner Vallinayagam Subramanian; Pascale Domingo; Luc Vervisch
01104 Investigations of Ignition Probability of a Forced Ignited Turbulent Methane Jet using LES Jeremy Weckering; A. Sadiki; Johannes Janicka; E. Mastorakos
01385 Subgrid Combustion Modelling for Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of Turbulent Combustion using Eddy Dissipation Concept (EDC) Balram Panjwani; Ivar S. Ertesvag; Andrea Gruber; Kjell Erik Rian
01411 Studying Swirling Flames using Highly Resolved Simulations of an Industrial Premixed Burner Vincent Moureau; Pascale Domingo; Luc Vervisch
01205 Numerical Simulation of Rod Stabilized Turbulent Premixed Flames Bhuvaneswaran Manickam; Siva P. R. Muppala; J. Franke; F. Dinkelacker

7.3 Numerical Methods I: 2010-06-15 10:20:00 - 2010-06-15 12:20:00

Location: 07 - Room A7

Paper ID Title Author
01206 Nonconforming in Time Domain Decomposition Method for Porous Media Applications Laurence Halpern; Caroline Japhet; Pascal Omnes
01468 Variational Multiscale Method for Compressible Flows Mariano Vázquez; Margarida Moragues Ginard; G. Houzeaux; Romain Aubry; S. Marras
01125 High Order Scheme for Compressible Turbulent Flows Christelle Wervaecke; H. Beaugendre; B. Nkonga
01701 Selective Limiting by a Moving-Least Squares Technique Xesús Nogueira; Luis Cueto-Felgueroso; Ignasi Colominas; Fermín Navarrina; Manuel Casteleiro
01342 Equivalence Conditions for Finite Volume / Element Discretizations in Cylindrical Coordinates Dante De Santis; Gianluca Geraci; Alberto Guardone
01063 Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Dusty Gas Flow through the Moving and Stationary Cascades of Airfoils Denis Romanyuk; Yury Tsirkunov

1.4 MS03 Towards Industrial Application of Higher Order Methods: Part II: 2010-06-15 13:30:00 - 2010-06-15 15:40:00

Location: 01 - Room A1

Paper ID Title Author
01207 A Reconstructed Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Compressible Flows on Arbitrary Grids Hong Luo
01187 Construction of Very High Order Residual Distribution Schemes for Compressible Flow Problems. Rémi Abgrall; Arnaud Krust; Adam Larat; Pascal Jacq; Guillaume Baurin; Mario Ricchiuto
01758 Recent Developments on High-Order Multidimensional Upwind Residual Distribution for Equations with Viscous Terms Tiago Quintino; N. Villedieu; Herman Deconinck
01266 The Discontinuous Galerkin Method with Divergence-Free Elements for Incompressible Flows Harald van Brummelen; Kris van der Zee
01440 Towards High-Fidelity Industrial CFD Frédéric Chalot; Pierre-Elie Normand
01884 Adjoint-Based Error Estimation and Goal-Oriented Mesh Refinement for Aerodynamic Flows Ralf Hartmann

10.4 MS33 Computational Methods Applied to Aneurysms and their Treatment: Part II: 2010-06-15 13:30:00 - 2010-06-15 15:40:00

Location: 10 - Room E10

Paper ID Title Author
01861 Computational Hemodynamics of Intracranial Aneurysms: Modelling and Geometrical Sensitivity A. M. Gambaruto; J. Janela; Alexandra Moura; Adélia Sequeira
01860 The Importance of Computational Methods applied to Aneurysms and their Treatment Jorge G. Campos; Adélia Sequeira; David Rodrigues
01734 Numerical Modeling of a Multi-Mechanism Damage for Cerebral Arterial Tissue Mariarita de Luca
01114 Calibrating Reduced Dimension Models for 3D Patient Specific Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations Mahmoud M. Ismail; Michael W. Gee; Andrew Comerford; Wolfgang A. Wall

4.4 MS32 New Trends on Diffusion Phenomena: 2010-06-15 13:30:00 - 2010-06-15 15:40:00

Location: 04 - Room A4

Paper ID Title Author
01717 Supraconvergent-Superconvergent Methods for Non Fickian Models Sílvia Barbeiro; José A. Ferreira; Luís Pinto
01718 On a ”Flux Tracking” of Drug Release Processes José A. Ferreira; P. Oliveira; Pascoal Silva
01729 A Numerical Method for a Non-Fickian Diffusion Problem Based on the Inversion of Laplace Transforms Adérito Araújo; Cidália Neves; Ercília Sousa
01723 Convergence Analysis of a Decoupled Scheme for Poro-Elasticity Sílvia Barbeiro
01272 A Non-Oscillatory Numerical Method for the Advection-Diffusion Equation Ercília Sousa

6.4 MS13 Non-Determnistic Simulation in CFD: Part I: 2010-06-15 13:30:00 - 2010-06-15 15:40:00

Location: 06 - Room B6

Paper ID Title Author
01809 Comparison of Intrusive and Non-Intrusive Polynomial Chaos Methods for CFD Applications in Aeronautics Giuseppe Onorato; G. Ghorbaniasl; G. J. A. Loeven; H. Bijl; Chris Lacor
01850 Coupling Intrusive and Non Intrusive Polynomial Chaos for Solving Stochastic Systems of Conservation Laws Gaël Poëtte; Didier Lucor; Bruno Després
01711 Stochastic Quasi Gas Dynamics Equations as a Base for Particle Methods Sergey V. Bogomolov
01412 Numerical Methods for Uncertainty Propagation in High Speed Flows Gianluca Iaccarino; Per Pettersson; Jan Nordström; Jeroen A. S. Witteveen
01188 A Simple, Flexible and Generic Deterministic Approach to Uncertainty Quantifications in Non Linear Problems : Application to Fluid Flow Problems Rémi Abgrall
01108 Effects of Geometric Tolerance in Fluid Dynamics Lucia Parussini; Valentino Pediroda; Carlo Poloni

9.4 MS09 Current Trends in Modelling and Simulation of Turbulent Flows: Part II: 2010-06-15 13:30:00 - 2010-06-15 15:40:00

Location: 09 - Room D9

Paper ID Title Author
01276 Aspects of Simulating Synthetic-Jet Injection into Attached and Separated Boundary Layers Michael A. Leschziner; G. M. Fishpool; S. Lardeau
01565 Analysis of Unsteadiness in Transonic Shock/Boundary Layer Interactions Matteo Bernardini; Sergio Pirozzoli; Francesco Grasso
01707 Lagrangian Methods for Determining the Turbulent Prandtl Number in DNS of Wall Turbulence Dimitrios V. Papavassiliou; Chiranth Srinivasan
01551 Implicit Large Eddy Simulation of Complex Flows Stefan Hickel; Nikolaus A. Adams
01460 Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulation of Buoyancy-Driven Turbulent Mixing Bernard J. Geurts

11.4 RANS Models for Turbulent Flows I: 2010-06-15 13:40:00 - 2010-06-15 15:40:00

Location: 11 - Room F11

Paper ID Title Author
01555 An Unstructured Implicit Approach for Numerical Weather Prediction Romain Aubry; Mariano Vázquez; G. Houzeaux
01769 A Hamiltonian Particle Method for Hydrostatic Flow in Isentropic Coordinates Bob Peeters; Onno Bokhove; J. Frank
01491 Urban Wind-Concentrator Tower for Energy Conversion Markus Rütten; Mikhail Konstantinow
01294 Time Domain Buffeting Analysis of a Large-Span Cable-Stayed Bridge Shuxian Hong; Álvaro Cunha
01764 Effects of Geometry Modification on the Aerodynamics of a Generic Bridge Deck Section Eric Didier; Daniel C. Vaz; António R. J. Borges
01753 Unsteady Viscous Analysis of Low-Re Gust-Airfoil Interaction Vladimir Golubev; Miguel Visbal

2.4 Optimization and Control I: 2010-06-15 13:40:00 - 2010-06-15 15:40:00

Location: 02 - Room A2

Paper ID Title Author
01374 Surrogate Models Based on Function and Derivative Values for Aerodynamic Global Optimization Manuel Bompard; Jacques Peter; Jean-Antoine Désidéri
01378 Geometry Optimization for Quasi-Uniform Flows from Supersonic Nozzles David Pasquale; J. Harinck; Alberto Guardone; Stefano Rebay
01556 Model-Reduced Gradient-Based History Matching Malgorzata P. Kaleta; R. G. Hanea; A. W. Heemink; J. D. Jansen
01444 Model-Reduced Variational Data Assimilation for Shallow Water Flow Modelling Muhammad U. Altaf; A. W. Heemink; M. Verlaan
01557 Dynamic Characterization of an Actuated Bluff Body Wake Gregor Gilka; Dirk M. Luchtenburg; Frank Thiele; Marek Morzynski

3.4 Flows with Heat Transfer II: 2010-06-15 13:40:00 - 2010-06-15 15:40:00

Location: 03 - Room A3

Paper ID Title Author
01425 Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Natural Convection and Gas Radiation in Differentially Heated Cavities using FVM, DOM and LES Roser Capdevila; Carles D. Pérez-Segarra; Oriol Lehmkuhl; G. Colomer
01617 Non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq Natural Convection in a Tall Differentially Heated Cavity Deniz Kizildag; J. Ventosa; Ivette Rodríguez; Assensi Oliva
01288 Adaptive Two-Step Peer Methods for Thermally Coupled Incompressible Flow Bettina Gottermeier; Jens Lang
01679 The Impact of Cylinder Roughness on the Drag Forces and Heat Transfer Frank Dierich; P. A. Nikrityuk
01607 Buoyancy Effects on Forced Convection from a Horizontal Cylinder in Parallel and Contra Flow Regimes Armando A. Soares; M. D. Naia; N. J. Gonçalves; A. Rouboa
01598 A Direct Numerical Simulation Study on the Mean Velocity and Temperature in Mixed Convection from an Open Cavity Gorg Abdelmassih; Youssef Stiriba; A. Vernet; J. A. Ferré ; F. X. Grau

5.4 Gas Particle Flows I: 2010-06-15 13:40:00 - 2010-06-15 15:40:00

Location: 05 - Room B5

Paper ID Title Author
01328 DNS of Particulate Flows with Collisions using a Parallel DEM-DLM/FD Method: Peligriff Guillaume Vinay; A. Wachs; V. Hergault
01638 An Investigation on Powder Stream in Cold Gas Spray (CGS) Nozzles Rocco Lupoi; W. O’Neill
01649 Internal Turbulent Two-Phase Flows Formed by Wall Injection of Fluid and Particles Konstantin N. Volkov
01139 Fast Multipole Boundary Element Method with Lagrangian Particle Tracking for Viscous Flows Jure Ravnik; Matjaž Hriberšek; Leopold Škerget
01022 The Effect of Vortex Finder Diameter on Cyclone Separator Performance and Flow Field Khairy Elsayed; Chris Lacor
01136 Numerical Simulation of the Flow Field and the Separation Behavior of Hydrocyclones Steffen Schütz; Kathrin Kissling; Manfred Piesche

7.4 Numerical Methods II: 2010-06-15 13:40:00 - 2010-06-15 15:40:00

Location: 07 - Room A7

Paper ID Title Author
01426 An Artificial Compressibility Treatment for Unsteady Incompressible Flows using High Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods Vinh-Tan Nguyen
01503 Stabilized Discontinuous Galerkin Approximations for Fourth-Order Stokes-Like Problems Antonio G. B. da Cruz; E. G. D. do Carmo; F. P. Duda
01134 A Consistent Regularization of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations via Computation of the Vorticity Mika Malinen
01429 A Stabilized Formulation for the Incompressible Navier–Stokes Equations using Finite Calculus Prashanth Nadukandi; Eugenio Oñate; Julio Garcia; Sergio R. Idelsohn
01568 Stability and Convergence Analysis of an X-FEM Formulation for Incompressible Flow E. Sala-Lardies; Sonia Fernández-Méndez; Antonio Huerta

8.4 Shallow Water Flows: 2010-06-15 13:40:00 - 2010-06-15 15:40:00

Location: 08 - Room C8

Paper ID Title Author
01621 A Regularization Method for the Numerical Solution of Shallow Water Equations Tatiana G. Elizarova; Jean-Claude Lengrand
01523 A Finite Difference Technique for Solving the Second Order Constitutive Equation for Three-Dimensional Free Surface Flows Murilo F. Tomé; Igor Revoredo
01050 A Parallel Domain Decomposition Approach for the Implicit Solution of Shallow Water Equations on the Cubed-Sphere Xiao-Chuan Cai
01042 A Shallow Water Model with Viscosity and Dependence on Depth José M. Rodríguez; Raquel Taboada-Vázquez
01399 Three-Dimensional Inertial Thin Film Flow on Planar Substrates Containing Occlusions Sergii Veremieiev; Philip H. Gaskell; Yeaw C. Lee; Harvey M. Thompson
01742 Modeling Wetting and Drying of Shallow Water in Estuaries with Tidal Flats Maria de L. C. Barros; P. C. C. Rosman; J. C. F. Telles ; J. P. S. Azevedo

1.5 MS03 Towards Industrial Application of Higher Order Methods: Part III: 2010-06-15 16:00:00 - 2010-06-15 18:10:00

Location: 01 - Room A1

Paper ID Title Author
01148 From h to p Efficiency: Implementation of Low- and High-Order Spectral/hp Element Discretisations in Two and Three Dimensions. Chris D. Cantwell; Peter E. J. Vos; Spencer J. Sherwin; Robert M. Kirby
01049 An Implicit High-Order Spectral Difference Method for LES Matteo Parsani; G. Ghorbaniasl; Chris Lacor
01471 Iterative Solution of Discontinuous Galerkin Formulations of the Euler Equations Brian T. Helenbrook; Brendan S. Mascarenhas; Koen Hillewaert; Jean-Francois Remacle
01008 An Explicit Space-Time Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Scheme Christoph Altmann; G. Gassner; Claus-Dieter Munz
01101 Curvilinear Mesh Generation for CFD Jean-François Remacle; Christophe Geuzaine; Bastien Gorissen; Koen Hillewaert
01275 Unstructured High Order Grids and their Application in Discontinuous Galerkin Methods Florian Hindenlang; G. Gassner; Claus-Dieter Munz

10.5 MS31 Numerical Methods for Viscoelastic Fluids: 2010-06-15 16:00:00 - 2010-06-15 18:10:00

Location: 10 - Room E10

Paper ID Title Author
01849 Adaptive Finite Elements for Viscoelastic Flows Roland Becker; Daniela Capatina
01823 Nonconforming Finite Element Approximation of Polymers Flows for Large Weissenberg Numbers Roland Becker; Daniela Capatina; Julie Joie
01848 FEM Multigrid Techniques for Viscoelastic Flow Stefan Turek
01847 Realistic Constitutive Laws for Polymer Flows Didier Graebling
01814 On the Stability of Numerical Schemes Modeling Non-Newtonian Fluids J. W. Barrett; Sébastien Boyaval; C. Le Bris; T. Lelièvre; C. Mangoubi
01777 Monolithic FEM Techniques for Nonlinear Flow with Temperature/Concentration, Pressure and Shear-Dependent Viscosity Jaroslav Hron; Stefan Turek; H. Damanik; A. Ouazzi; P. Pustejovská

6.5 MS13 Non-Determnistic Simulation in CFD: Part II: 2010-06-15 16:00:00 - 2010-06-15 18:10:00

Location: 06 - Room B6

Paper ID Title Author
01097 Robust Optimization of Dense Gas Flows under Uncertain Operating Conditions Paola Cinnella; Samuel Hercus
01118 Effects of Modeling Uncertainties in Condensing Wet-Steam Flows through Supersonic Nozzles Michele Giordano; Samuel Hercus; Paola Cinnella
01265 Non-Intrusive Stochastic Studies for External and Internal Flows using the elsA Software Marc Lazareff; Jacques Peter; Antoine Fourmaux
01840 Parametric Uncertainty Quantification in Modeling Methane Thermal Partial Oxidation within Inert Porous Media Miguel A. A. Mendes; José M. C. Pereira; José C. F. Pereira
01365 Uncertainty Quanti?cation Based on Forward Sensitivity Analysis in Sisyphe Jan Riehme; Rebekka Kopmann; Uwe Nauman

9.5 MS09 Current Trends in Modelling and Simulation of Turbulent Flows: Part III: 2010-06-15 16:00:00 - 2010-06-15 18:10:00

Location: 09 - Room D9

Paper ID Title Author
01864 Turbulent Transport Modelling for PANS and other Bridging Closure Approaches Sharath S. Girimaji; Branislav Basara; Aditya Murthi; Dasia Reyes
01439 Recent Progress in Hybrid Temporal-LES/RANS Modeling Rémi Manceau; Thomas B. Gatski; Atabak Fadai-Ghotbi; Christophe Friess; Jacques Borée
01313 Reconstruction of Turbulence Properties for Stochastical Turbulence Modeling Bernhard Stoevesandt; Robert Stresing; Andrei Shishkin; Claus Wagner; Joachim Peinke
01304 Symmetry-Preserving Regularization Models of the Navier-Stokes Equations Roel W. C. P. Verstappen

11.5 RANS Models for Turbulent Flows II: 2010-06-15 16:10:00 - 2010-06-15 18:10:00

Location: 11 - Room F11

Paper ID Title Author
01077 Robust Multigrid Solution of RANS Equations with Two-Equation Turbulence Models Mark Wasserman; Yair Mor-Yossef; Irad Yavneh; J. B. Greenberg
01264 3D Numerical Simulations of the Impingement of a Turbulent Swirling Jet against a Solid Wall Joaquin Ortega-Casanova; P. Castillo; R. Fernandez-Feria
01035 RANS Modeling of Flow in Rotating Cavity System Sébastien Poncet; R. Da Soghe; B. Facchini
01387 Robust Implementation of the Spalart-Allmaras Turbulence Model for Unstructured Grid Nikhil Vijay Shende; Yair Mor-Yossef
01359 Mathematical Modelling of Supersonic Flow over Open Cavity with Mass Supply Natalya N. Fedorova; M. A. Goldfeld; I. V. Zhitineva

2.5 Optimization and Control II: 2010-06-15 16:10:00 - 2010-06-15 18:10:00

Location: 02 - Room A2

Paper ID Title Author
01034 Efficiency of Geometric Multigrid Methods for Solving the Sensitivity Equations within Gradient Based Flow Optimization Problems Julian Michaelis; J. Siegmann; G. Becker; Michael Schäfer
01250 Multi-Stage Design Approach for High Fidelity Aerodynamic Optimization of Multi-Body Geometries by Kriging Based Models and Adjoint Variable Method JinWoo Yim; ByungJoon Lee; Chongam Kim
01085 Optimal Control for Incompressible Steady MHD Flows via Constrained Extended Boundary Approach Giorgio Bornia; Antonio Cervone; Sandro Manservisi
01240 Assimilation of Meteorological Observations using Large-Scale Optimization Yasuyoshi Horibata
01061 Application of Response Surface Methodology for Modeling and Optimization of the Cyclone Separator for Minimum Pressure Drop Khairy Elsayed; Chris Lacor

3.5 Flows with Heat Transfer III: 2010-06-15 16:10:00 - 2010-06-15 18:10:00

Location: 03 - Room A3

Paper ID Title Author
01584 Numerical Simulation of Cooling Gas Injection using Adaptive Multiscale Techniques W. Dahmen; Thomas Gotzen; S. Müller
01620 Heat Transfer on a Hot Surface Impinged by a Cold Circular Liquid Jet Jian-Jun Shu
01377 First Industrial Application of the 3D Silicone Molding Simulation Tool Lukasz T. Matysiak; Piotr Saj; Robert M. Sekula
01489 Simulation of the Thermal Heat Exchange Near the Phoenix Mars Lander J. A. Davis; Carlos F. Lange
01531 Conjugate Problem of Forest Fire Initiation and Spread in Three Dimensional Setting A. Perminov

4.5 Computational Problems in Microfluidics: 2010-06-15 16:10:00 - 2010-06-15 18:10:00

Location: 04 - Room A4

Paper ID Title Author
01779 CFD-Based Shape Optimization of Microchannels using Adjoint Variable Method Osamu Tonomura; M. Kano; S. Hasebe
01499 Parametric Study of a Multiscale Fluidic System using a Hybrid CFD/MD Approach Soon-Heum Ko; Nayong Kim; Dimitris E. Nikitopoulos; Dorel Moldovan; Shantenu Jha
01227 Gas-Plasma Coupling in Miniaturized Spaces Ashraf Farahat; Manish Jugroot
01736 Numerical Investigation on the Efficiency of a Passive Micromixer with the Lattice Boltzmann Method Ernesto Monaco; Kai H. Luo; Gunther Brenner
01112 A New Approach to Solve Microfluidic Systems Bijan Mohammadi; Jukka Tuomela
01494 CFD Analysis of Creeping Flow around a Spherical Particle in Rectangular Microchannels José L. C. Santos; Vítor Geraldes

5.5 Gas Particles Flows II: 2010-06-15 16:10:00 - 2010-06-15 18:10:00

Location: 05 - Room B5

Paper ID Title Author
01249 Simulation of Turbulent Collision of Cloud Droplets using Optimized Lagrangian Integration Algorithm Bogdan Rosa; Hossein Parishani; Orlando Ayala; Lian-Ping Wang; Wojciech W. Grabowski
01281 Numerical Simulation of a Two-Phase Flow in an Oil Filter by Coupling a LES Approach with a Lagrangian Particle Tracking João P. Pinto; Yann Fraigneau; Luis A. Oliveira; Christian Tenaud
01007 A Diffusion-Inertia Model (DIM) for Predicting Aerosol Transportation and Deposition in Turbulent Flows Roman V. Mukin; N. I. Drobyshevsky; A. S. Filippov; V. F. Strizhov; L. I. Zaichik; L. S. Mukina
01681 Finite Element Simulations of Colloidal Aggregates under Shear Flow Conditions Eva C. Schlauch; Volker Becker; Marek Behr; Heiko Briesen

7.5 Numerical Methods III: 2010-06-15 16:10:00 - 2010-06-15 18:10:00

Location: 07 - Room A7

Paper ID Title Author
01414 A Mimetic Spectral Element Method for Equations of Fluid Dynamics Jasper J. Kreeft; Artur Palha; M. I. Gerritsma
01594 NURBS-Enhanced Finite Element Method Ruben Sevilla; Sonia Fernández-Méndez; Antonio Huerta
01099 A C/DG-FEM Solution of an Improved Boussinesq System for Surface Water Waves. Nuno D. Lopes; P. J. S. Pereira ; L. Trabucho
01859 Solution of the 2D Navier-Stokes Equations with the LBIE Method and RBF Cells Jevgenija Pavlova; Sellountos J. Euripides; Adélia Sequeira
01510 Numerical Solution of Convection Diffusion Equations with the Discretization of the Lie Derivative Artur Palha; Jasper J. Kreeft; M. I. Gerritsma
01768 Enhanced Divergence-Free Elements for Efficient Incompressible Flow Simulations in the PDE Framework Peano Tobias Neckel; Miriam Mehl; Christoph Zenger

8.5 Free Surface Flows: 2010-06-15 16:10:00 - 2010-06-15 18:10:00

Location: 08 - Room C8

Paper ID Title Author
01019 Stabilised Finite Element for High Reynolds Number, LES and Free Surface Flow Problems Guillaume François; Elie Hachem; Thierry Coupez
01200 Absorbing Boundary Conditions for Wave Simulations around Offshore Structures Roel Luppes; Arthur E. P. Veldman; Peter R. Wellens
01247 Simulation of Two-Phase Flows with Free Surface in a Tank using Arbitrary Lagrangean-Eulerian and Level Set Coupled Method Tadashi Watanabe
01545 A Parallel Free-Surface-Modelling Technology for Application to Aircraft Fuel-Sloshing Arnaud Malan; Oliver Oxtoby
01373 Numerical Simulation of Wave Overtopping in Externally Excited Tanks Ender Demirel; I. Aydm